1. Günther V, Strukova M, Pecher J, Webelhorst C, Engelmann S, Kersting A, Hoffmann KT, Egloff B, Okon-Singer H, Lobsien D, Suslow T (2023). Cognitive Avoidance Is Associated with Decreased Brain Responsiveness to Threat Distractors under High Perceptual Load. Brain Sci, 13(4), 1-18.
  2. Günther V, Pecher J, Webelhorst C, Bodenschatz CM, Mucha S, Kersting A, Hoffmann KT, Egloff B, Lobsien D, Suslow T (2023). Non-conscious processing of fear faces: a function of the implicit self-concept of anxiety. BMC Neurosci, 24(1), 12.

  3. 2022

  4. Hoepfel D, Günther V, Bujanow A, Kersting A, Bodenschatz CM, Suslow T (2022). Experiences of maltreatment in childhood and attention to facial emotions in healthy young women. Sci Rep, 12(1), 4317.
  5. Günther V, Jahn S, Webelhorst C, Bodenschatz CM, Bujanow A, Mucha S, Kersting A, Hoffmann KT, Egloff B, Lobsien D, Suslow T (2022). Coping With Anxiety: Brain Structural Correlates of Vigilance and Cognitive Avoidance. Front Psychiatry, 13, 869367.
  6. Suslow T, Hoepfel D, Günther V, Kersting A, Bodenschatz CM (2022). Positive attentional bias mediates the relationship between trait emotional intelligence and trait affect. Sci Rep, 12(1), 20733.

  7. 2021

  8. Günther V, Kropidlowski A, Schmidt FM, Koelkebeck K, Kersting A, Suslow T (2021). Attentional processes during emotional face perception in social anxiety disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis of eye-tracking findings. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry, 111(), 110353.
  9. Suslow T, Günther V, Hensch T, Kersting A, Bodenschatz CM (2021). Alexithymia Is Associated With Deficits in Visual Search for Emotional Faces in Clinical Depression. Front Psychiatry, 12(), 668019.
  10. Weil AS, Günther V, Schmidt FM, Kersting A, Quirin M, Suslow T (2021). Criterion Validity of the Implicit Positive and Negative Affect Test: Prediction of Facial Affect Perception. Front Psychol, 12(), 635368.

  11. 2020

  12. Günther V, Hußlack A, Weil AS, Bujanow A, Henkelmann J, Kersting A, Quirin M, Hoffmann KT, Egloff B, Lobsien D, Suslow T (2020). Individual differences in anxiety and automatic amygdala response to fearful faces: A replication and extension of Etkin et al. (2004). Neuroimage Clin, 28, 102441.

  13. 2019

  14. Suslow T, Bodenschatz CM, Kersting A, Quirin M, Gunther V (2019). Implicit affectivity in clinically depressed patients during acute illness and recovery. BMC Psychiatry, 19(1), 376.
  15. Suslow T, Husslack A, Bujanow A, Henkelmann J, Kersting A, Hoffmann KT, Egloff B, Lobsien D, Gunther V (2019). Implicitly and explicitly assessed anxiety: No relationships with recognition of and brain response to facial emotions. Neuroscience, 408, 1-13.
  16. Suslow T, Wildenauer K, Gunther V (2019). Ruminative response style is associated with a negative bias in the perception of emotional facial expressions in healthy women without a history of clinical depression. J Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry, 62, 125-132.

  17. 2018

  18. Gunther V, Ihme K, Kersting A, Hoffmann KT, Lobsien D, Suslow T (2018). Volumetric Associations Between Amygdala, Nucleus Accumbens, and Socially Anxious Tendencies in Healthy Women. Neuroscience, 374, 25-32.
  19. Gunther V, Ihme K, Kersting A, Hoffmann KT, Lobsien D, Suslow T (2018). Volumetric Associations Between Amygdala, Nucleus Accumbens, and Socially Anxious Tendencies in Healthy Women. Neuroscience, 374, 25-32.

  20. 2017

  21. Gunther V, Zimmer J, Kersting A, Hoffmann KT, Lobsien D, Suslow T (2017). Automatic processing of emotional facial expressions as a function of social anhedonia. Psychiatry Res, 270, 46-53.

  22. 2016

  23. Günther V, Rufer M, Kersting A, Suslow T (2016). Alexithymia and the implicit self-concept of extraversion in woman Personality and Individual Differences, 88, 21-25.
  24. Gunther V, Rufer M, Kersting A, Suslow T (2016). Predicting symptoms in major depression after inpatient treatment: the role of alexithymia. Nord J Psychiatry, 70(5), 392-398.
  25. Gunther V, Lindner C, Dannlowski U, Kugel H, Suslow T (2016). Amygdalar Gray Matter Volume and Social Relating in Schizophrenia. Neuropsychobiology, 74(3), 139-143.

  26. 2015

  27. Gunther V, Dannlowski U, Kersting A, Suslow T (2015). Associations between childhood maltreatment and emotion processing biases in major depression: results from a dot-probe task. BMC Psychiatry, 15, 123.