1. Freytag A, Baumann E, Angermeyer M, Schomerus G (2023). Self- and surrogate-seeking of information about mental health and illness in Germany. BMC Public Health, 23, 65.
  2. Rechenberg T, Schomerus G (2023). The stronger and the weaker sex - gender differences in the perception of individuals who experienced physical and sexual violence in childhood. A scoping review. Child Abuse Negl, 140, 106131.
  3. Morris J, Schomerus G (2023). Why stigma matters in addressing alcohol harm. Drug Alcohol Rev, 42, 1264-1268.
  4. Matuschek I, Angermeyer M, Schomerus G (2023). [The Economization of the Social Sphere and the Compulsion to Self-Optimize - Implications for Attitudes Towards People with Schizophrenia]. Psychiatr Prax, 50, 274-278.
  5. Manthey J, Kokole D, Riedel-Heller S, Rowlands G, Schäfer I, Schomerus G, Soellner R, Kilian C (2023). Improving alcohol health literacy and reducing alcohol consumption: recommendations for Germany. Addict Sci Clin Pract, 18, 28.
  6. Lüders J, Sander C, Leonhard A, Schäfer I, Speerforck S, Schomerus G (2023). [How Outpatient Psychotherapists Deal with Patients' Traumatic Experiences in Consideration of an Additional Qualification in Trauma Therapy]. Psychiatr Prax, 50, 80-88.
  7. Helmert C, Fleischer T, Speerforck S, Ulke C, Altweck L, Hahm S, Muehlan H, Schmidt S, Grabe HJ, Völzke H, Schomerus G (2023). An explorative cross-sectional analysis of mental health shame and help-seeking intentions in different lifestyles. Sci Rep, 13, 10825.
  8. Becker T, Schomerus G, Speerforck S (2023). [Understanding Change Helps Conceptualise Current Action: History of Mental Health Reform in Great Britain and Italy]. Psychiatr Prax, 50, 326-332.
  9. Riedel-Heller SG, Reininghaus U, Schomerus G (2023). [Public mental health: Core component or side issue of public health?]. Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz, 66, 356-362.
  10. Schäfer M, Luck-Sikorski C, Hochrein R, Schomerus G, Gollek S (2023). [Development of a self-report questionnaire for the measurement of stigmatizing attitudes of the psychiatric staff towards patients with borderline personality disorder]. Psychiatr Prax, 0, 0-0.
  11. Schomerus G, Schindler S, Baumann E, Angermeyer MC (2023). Changes in continuum beliefs for depression and schizophrenia in the general population 2011-2020: a widening gap. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 58, 17-23.
  12. Schomerus G, Spahlholz J, Speerforck S (2023). [The German population's attitude towards mental disorders]. Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz, 66, 416-422.
  13. Schomerus G, Sander C, Schindler S, Baumann E, Angermeyer MC (2023). Public attitudes towards protecting the human rights of people with mental illness: a scoping review and data from a population trend study in Germany. Int Rev Psychiatry, 35, 167-179.
  14. Schomerus G, Speerforck S (2023). [Treating Substance Use Disorder Without Blame - is that Even Possible?]. Psychiatr Prax, 50, 175-177.
  15. von Peter S, Stuetzle S, Brieger A, Ponew A, Lust C, Bermpohl F, Bechdolf A, Hardt O, Schomerus G, Speerforck S (2023). Leaving the stigma to the patients? Frequency of crisis experiences among mental health professionals in Berlin and Brandenburg and how they cope with it. J Ment Health, 0, 0-0.
  16. Döbold H, Steinberg H (2023). [The "Hilfsverein für Geisteskranke" in the Kingdom of Saxony, a Philantropic Organisation for the Mentally Ill]. Psychiatr Prax, 50, 103-107.
  17. Steinberg H (2023). [The 'Tabes Syphilis Controversy' : A Dispute About the Cause of Tabes Dorsalis and Progressive Paralysis at the End of the 19th Century]. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr, 0, 0-0.
  18. Wagner Z, Steinberg H (2023). [Using electricity to combat headache : Electrotherapy and tDCS in the 1870s/1880s and today]. Schmerz, 0, 0-0.
  19. Widmer M, Schmidt-Recla A, Steinberg H (2023). [Forensic Psychiatry in the GDR: An overview]. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr, 91, 199-208.
  20. Baldofski S, Kohls E, Efe Z, Eckert M, Saee S, Thomas J, Wundrack R, Rummel-Kluge C (2023). The Impact of a Messenger-Based Psychosocial Chat Counseling Service on Further Help-Seeking Among Children and Young Adults: Longitudinal Study. JMIR Ment Health, 10, 43780.
  21. Efe Z, Baldofski S, Eckert M, Guenthner L, Saee S, Thomas J, Wundrack R, Kohls E, Rummel-Kluge C (2023). Who are frequent chatters? Characterization of frequent users in a 24/7 messenger-based psychological chat counseling service for children and adolescents. Internet Interv, 33, 100638.
  22. Kohls E, Guenthner L, Baldofski S, Brock T, Schuhr J, Rummel-Kluge C (2023). Two years COVID-19 pandemic: Development of university students' mental health 2020-2022. Front Psychiatry, 14, 1122256.
  23. Mamukashvili-Delau M, Koburger N, Dietrich S, Rummel-Kluge C (2023). Long-Term Efficacy of Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Self-Help Programs for Adults With Depression: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. JMIR Ment Health, 10, 46925.
  24. Prado ADS, Kohls E, Baldofski S, Bianchi AS, Trindade LIP, Freitas JL, Rummel-Kluge C (2023). How are Brazilian university students coping with the COVID-19 pandemic? Results of an online survey on psychosocial well-being, perceived burdens, and attitudes toward social distancing and vaccination. PLoS One, 18, 0284190.
  25. Mauche N, Ulke C, Huang J, Franke A, Bogatsch H, Ethofer T, Grimm O, Frodl T, Hoffmann K, Juckel G, Kittel-Schneider S, Mehren A, Philipsen A, Plewnia C, Reif A, Ziegler GC, Strauß M (2023). Treatment of adult attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) with transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS): study protocol for a parallel, randomized, double-blinded, sham-controlled, multicenter trial (Stim-ADHD). Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci, 0, 0-0.
  26. Wittekind DA, Kratzsch J, Mergl R, Wirkner K, Baber R, Sander C, Witte AV, Villringer A, Kluge M (2023). Childhood sexual abuse is associated with higher total ghrelin serum levels in adulthood: results from a large, population-based study. Transl Psychiatry, 13, 219.
  27. Wittekind DA, Kratzsch J, Mergl R, Baber R, Wirkner K, Schroeter ML, Witte AV, Villringer A, Kluge M (2023). Leptin, but not ghrelin, is associated with food addiction scores in a population-based subject sample. Front Psychiatry, 14, 1200021.
  28. Freytag A, Rosset M, Baumann E, Schomerus G (2023). Media Coverage of Alcohol-Use Disorders in German Newspapers and Magazines: A Topic-Specific Frame Analysis. Health Commun, 0, 0-0.
  29. Prado ADS, Kohls E, Baldofski S, Rummel-Kluge C, Freitas JL (2023). Acceptability and Feasibility of Online Support Groups for Mental Health Promotion in Brazilian Graduate Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Longitudinal Observational Study. JMIR Form Res, 7, 44887.
  30. Manthey J, Pons-Cabrera MT, Rosenkranz M, Lopez-Pelayo H (2023). Measuring cannabis quantities in online surveys: A rapid review and proposals for ways forward. Int J Methods Psychiatr Res, 32, 1971.
  31. Manthey J, Armstrong MJ, Hayer T, Myran DT, Pacula RL, Queirolo R, Rehm J, Wirth M, Zobel F (2023). How to interpret studies on the impact of legalizing cannabis. Addiction, 118, 2242-2243.
  32. Otten D, Heller A, Schmidt P, Beutel ME, Brähler E (2023). Gender differences in the prevalence of mental distress in East and West Germany over time: a hierarchical age-period-cohort analysis, 2006-2021. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 0, 0-0.
  33. Guenthner L, Baldofski S, Kohls E, Schuhr J, Brock T, Rummel-Kluge C (2023). Differences in Help-Seeking Behavior among University Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic Depending on Mental Health Status: Results from a Cross-Sectional Survey. Behav Sci (Basel), 13, 885.
  34. Humbert A, Kohls E, Baldofski S, Epple C, Rummel-Kluge C (2023). Acceptability, feasibility, and user satisfaction of a virtual reality relaxation intervention in a psychiatric outpatient setting during the COVID-19 pandemic. Front Psychiatry, 14, 1271702.
  35. Moenikes NC, Steinberg H (2023). [The Therapy of Anxiety Disorders Around 1900. Hermann Oppenheim (1858-1919) and his Early Innovations]. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr, 0, 0-0.
  36. Angermeyer MC, Schindler S, Matschinger H, Baumann E, Schomerus G (2023). The rise in acceptance of mental health professionals: help-seeking recommendations of the German public 1990-2020. Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci, 32, 11.
  37. Spahlholz J, Baumann E, Müller-Hilmer R, Hilmer R, Sander C, Schindler S, Speerforck S, Angermeyer MC, Schomerus G (2023). Do values and political attitudes affect help-seeking? Exploring reported help-seeking for mental health problems in a general population sample using a milieu framework. Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci, 32, 49.
  38. Storch M, Kanthack M, Amelung T, Beier KM, Krueger THC, Sinke C, Walter H, Walter M, Schiffer B, Schindler S, Schoenknecht P (2023). Hypothalamic volume in pedophilia with or without child sexual offense. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci, 273, 1295-1306.
  39. Sander C, Dogan-Sander E, Fischer JE, Schomerus G (2023). Mental health shame and presenteeism: Results from a German online survey Psychiatry Research Communications, 3, 100102.
  40. McLaren T, Peter LJ, Tomczyk S, Muehlan H, Schomerus G, Schmidt S (2023). The Seeking Mental Health Care model: prediction of help-seeking for depressive symptoms by stigma and mental illness representations. BMC Public Health, 23, 69.
  41. Peter LJ, McLaren T, Tomczyk S, Mühlan H, Schmidt S, Schomerus G (2023). Determinanten der Inanspruchnahme psychischer Gesundheitsversorgung ? ein integratives Modell Public Health Forum, 31, 223-226.
  42. Bornemann G, Steinberg H (2023). Der Frontarzt Ernst Jolowicz (1882-1958) über die Kriegsneurosen im Ersten Weltkrieg. Die Psychotherapie, 68, 52-57.
  43. Steinberg H (2023). H. Paul Julius Möbius (1853?1907) über Epilepsie Clin Epileptol, 36, 315-319.
  44. Helmert C, Speerforck S, Fleischer T, Otten D, Kasinger C, Brähler E, Muehlan H, Altweck L, Hahm S, Schmidt S, Reusche M, Glaesmer H, Hinz A, Reyes N, Wirkner K, Engel C, Schomerus G, Ulke C (2023). Explorative analyses on spatial differences in the desire for social distance toward people with mental illness in a diverging city. Front Public Health, 11, 1260118.
  45. McLaren T, Peter LJ, Tomczyk S, Muehlan H, Schomerus G, Schmidt S (2023). The Seeking Mental Health Care model: prediction of help-seeking for depressive symptoms by stigma and mental illness representations. BMC Public Health, 23, 69.
  46. Greffin K, Muehlan H, van den Berg N, Hoffmann W, Ritter O, Oeff M, Speerfork S, Schomerus G, Schmidt S (2023). Measuring context that matters: validation of the modular Tele-QoL patient-reported outcome and experience measure. Qual Life Res, 0, 0-0.
  47. Riedel-Heller SG, Reininghaus U, Schomerus G (2023). [Public mental health: Core component or side issue of public health?]. Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz, 66, 356-362.
  48. Tomczyk S, Heineck S, McLaren T, Peter LJ, Schomerus G, Schmidt S, Muehlan H (2023). Yes, I can! Development and validation of the self-efficacy for self-help scale. J Affect Disord, 331, 279-286.
  49. Weitzel EC, Schwenke M, Schomerus G, Schönknecht P, Bleckwenn M, Mehnert-Theuerkauf A, Riedel-Heller SG, Löbner M (2023). E-mental health in Germany - what is the current use and what are experiences of different types of health care providers for patients with mental illnesses? Arch Public Health, 81, 133.
  50. Koenig J, Kohls E, Moessner M, Lustig S, Bauer S, Becker K, Thomasius R, Eschenbeck H, Diestelkamp S, Gillé V, Hiery A, Rummel-Kluge C, Kaess M (2023). The impact of COVID-19 related lockdown measures on self-reported psychopathology and health-related quality of life in German adolescents. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 32, 113-122.
  51. Ponew A, Brieger A, Lust C, Speerforck S, von Peter S, Stuetzle S (2023). Lived experiences matter: The role of mental health professionals' psychological crises and vulnerability in shaping their health beliefs and concepts. Front Psychiatry, 14, 1114274.
  52. Scholze K, Reich H, Passow P, Sander C, Czaplicki A, Hegerl U (2023). Lifestyle causal beliefs are associated with higher personal and perceived stigma regarding depressive disorders: results from a representative population survey. BMC Psychiatry, 23, 414.
  53. Kasinger C, Schulz AC, Ulke C, Maercker A, Beutel M, Brähler E (2023). Historical and regional particularities in the prevalence of traumatic events and posttraumatic stress disorder in East and West Germany. BMC Public Health, 23, 1601.
  54. Hahm S, Altweck L, Franz H, Schmidt S, Fleischer T, Helmert C, Ulke C, Speerforck S, Schomerus G, Klinger-König J, Grabe HJ, Beutel ME, Brähler E, Muehlan H (2023). [Life events related to the German reunification and their associations with psychosocial health in a sample of northeast Germany]. Z Psychosom Med Psychother, 69, 218-234.
  55. Khachatryan K, Otten D, Beutel ME, Speerforck S, Riedel-Heller SG, Ulke C, Brähler E (2023). Mental resources, mental health and sociodemography: a cluster analysis based on a representative population survey in a large German city. BMC Public Health, 23, 1827.
  56. Olderbak S, Möckl J, Manthey J, Lee S, Rehm J, Hoch E, Kraus L (2023). Trends and projection in the proportion of (heavy) cannabis use in Germany from 1995 to 2021. Addiction, 0, 0-0.
  57. ?telem?kas M, Go?tautait? Midttun N, Lange S, Liutkut?-Gumarov V, Manthey J, Mi??ikien? L, Petkevi?ien? J, Radi?auskas R, Rehm J, Tri?ausk? J, Telksnys T, Thompson MJ (2023). Unrecorded alcohol consumption in Lithuania: a modelling study for 2000-2021. Alcohol Alcohol, 0, 0-0.
  58. Klimt F, Jacobi C, Brähler E, Stöbel-Richter Y, Zenger M, Berth H (2023). Insomnia symptoms in adulthood. Prevalence and incidence over 25 years. Sleep Med, 109, 240-244.
  59. Reinwarth AC, Ernst M, Krakau L, Brähler E, Beutel ME (2023). Screening for loneliness in representative population samples: Validation of a single-item measure. PLoS One, 18, 0279701.
  60. Reinwarth AC, Wicke FS, Hettich N, Ernst M, Otten D, Brähler E, Wild PS, Münzel T, König J, Lackner KJ, Pfeiffer N, Beutel ME (2023). Self-rated physical health predicts mortality in aging persons beyond objective health risks. Sci Rep, 13, 19531.
  61. Krakau L, Leuzinger-Bohleber M, Brähler E, Schmidt P, Rost F, Huber D, Klug G, Löffler-Stastka H, Rössler-Schülein H, Leichsenring F, Salzer S, Brockmann J, Jakobsen T, Ernst M, Beutel ME (2023). Efficacy of high-intensity versus low-intensity psychoanalytically oriented long-term treatments and determinants of outcome: individual participant data Meta-analysis of Long-term Analytic treatment Studies (MeLAS). BMJ Open, 13, 069332.
  62. Khachatryan K, Witt A, Clemens V, Beutel ME, Brähler E, Fegert JM (2023). East-West differences in experienced corporal punishment: Results of a representative German study Children and Youth Services Review, 153, 107111.
  63. Heller A, Braunheim L, Decker O, Brähler E, Schmidt P (2023). Is the migrant share really the problem? Size of migrant population and individual authoritarianism as major determinants of xenophobic attitudes Ethnic and Racial Studies, 0, 0-0.
  64. Johar H, Atasoy S, Beutel M, Brähler E, Schomerus G, Binder H, Peters A, Zöller D, Fleischer T, Otten D, Kampling H, Kruse J, Ladewig KH (2023). Gender?Diferential Association Between Loneliness and Alcohol Consumption: a Pooled Analysis of 17,808 Individuals in the Multi?Cohort GESA Consortium International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 0, 0-0.
  65. Ascone L, Rohenkohl AC, Hurlemann R, Meisenzahl E, Riedel-Heller SG, Becker T, Bajbouj M, von Lilienfeld-Toal M, Gallinat J, Lambert M (2023). [Assessment of Direct (COVID-19-Related) and Collateral, Psychosocial Pandemic Consequences for Vulnerable Groups by the Example of Serious Mental Illness]. Psychiatr Prax, 50, 381-388.
  66. Eichele L, Kösters M, Allgöwer A, Kilian R, Gühne U, Riedel-Heller S, Täumer E, Falkai P, Ajayi K, Baumgärtner J, Brieger P, Frasch K, Heres S, Jäger M, Küthmann A, Putzhammer A, Schneeweiß B, Schwarz M, Becker T, Breilmann J (2023). Inanspruchnahme von und Einstellungen zur Ergotherapie bei Menschen mit schweren psychischen Erkrankungen Prävention und Rehabilitation, 35, 67-73.
  67. Fritz S, Kösters M, Allgöwer A, Becker T, Kilian R, Gühne U, Riedel-Heller SG, Hasan A, Falkai P, Ajayi K, Baumgärtner J, Brieger P, Frasch K, Heres S, Jäger M, Küthmann A, Putzhammer A, Schneeweiß B, Schwarz M, Breilmann J (2023). [Influence of guideline recommendations, care structures and individual factors on the use of psychosocial therapies in severely mentally ill people]. Psychiatr Prax, 0, 0-0.
  68. Richter D, Riedel-Heller S, Breilmann J, Hasan A, Falkai P, Kilian R, Allgoewer A, Ajayi K, Baumgaertner J, Brieger P, Frasch K, Heres S, Jäger M, Küthmann A, Putzhammer A, Schneeweiß B, Schwarz M, Becker T, Kösters M, Gühne U (2023). [Patient Preferences for Exercise Therapy in People with Severe Mental Illness in Germany]. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr, 91, 191-198.
  69. Waldmann T, Schaible J, Stiawa M, Becker T, Wegscheider K, Adema B, Wiegand-Grefe S, Kilian R (2023). The cost-utility of an intervention for children and adolescents with a parent having a mental illness in the framework of the German health and social care system: a health economic evaluation of a randomized controlled trial. Child Adolesc Psychiatry Ment Health, 17, 141.
  70. Gemp S, Ziebolz D, Haak R, Mauche N, Prase M, Dogan-Sander E, Görges F, Strauß M, Schmalz G (2023). Oral Health-Related Quality of Life in Adult Patients with Depression or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). J Clin Med, 12, 7192.
  71. Castro A, Gili M, Visser M, Penninx BWJH, Brouwer IA, Montaño JJ, Pérez-Ara MÁ, García-Toro M, Watkins E, Owens M, Hegerl U, Kohls E, Bot M, Roca M (2023). Soft Drinks and Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety in Overweight Subjects: A Longitudinal Analysis of an European Cohort. Nutrients, 15, 3865.
  72. Studenova A, Forster C, Engemann DA, Hensch T, Sanders C, Mauche N, Hegerl U, Loffler M, Villringer A, Nikulin V (2023). Event-related modulation of alpha rhythm explains the auditory P300-evoked response in EEG. Elife, 12, 88367.
  73. Nowak M, Schindler S, Storch M, Geyer S, Schönknecht P (2023). Mammillary body and hypothalamic volumes in mood disorders. J Psychiatr Res, 158, 216-225.
  74. Lammer L, Beyer F, Luppa M, Sanders C, Baber R, Engel C, Wirkner K, Loffler M, Riedel-Heller SG, Villringer A, Witte AV (2023). Impact of social isolation on grey matter structure and cognitive functions: A population-based longitudinal neuroimaging study. Elife, 12, 0-0.
  75. Friedrich I, Kuenheim D, Wozniak D, Meyer P, Mauche N, Huang J, Classen J, Strauß M, Rumpf JJ (2023). No Evidence of Structural Abnormality of the Substantia Nigra in Adult Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Cross-Sectional Cohort Study Research Square, 0, 0.
  76. Selemekas M, Gostautaite Midttun N, Lange S, Liutkute-Gumarov V, Manthey J, Miscikiene L, Petkeviciene J, Radisauskas R, Rehm J, Trisauske J, Telksnys T, Thompson MJ (2023). Unrecorded alcohol consumption in Lithuania: a modelling study for 2000-2021. Alcohol Alcohol, 58, 612-618.
  77. McLaren T, Peter LJ, Tomczyk S, Muehlan H, Schomerus G, Schmidt S (2023). The effects of causal and self-efficacy beliefs on help-seeking for people with depressive complaints: a quasi-experimental online study. Front Psychiatry, 14, 1232848.

  78. 2022

  79. Fasshauer JM, Bollmann A, Hohenstein S, Mouratis K, Hindricks G, Kuhlen R, Meier-Hellmann A, Broocks A, Schomerus G, Stengler K (2022). [Psychiatric Emergency Admissions and Inpatient Length of Stay Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Germany]. Psychiatr Prax, 0, 0-0.
  80. Schomerus G, Schindler S, Baumann E, Angermeyer MC (2022). Changes in continuum beliefs for depression and schizophrenia in the general population 2011-2020: a widening gap. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 0, 0-0.
  81. Sander C, Rieckhof S, Peter LJ, Horsfield P, Speerforck S, Angermeyer MC, Schomerus G (2022). [Psychometric Evaluation of a Long and Short German Version of the Prejudice Towards People with Mental Illness Scale (PPMI-D)]. Psychiatr Prax, 49, 144-151.
  82. Lüders J, Sander C, Leonhard A, Schäfer I, Speerforck S, Schomerus G (2022). Trauma assessment in outpatient psychotherapy and associations with psychotherapist's gender, own traumatic events, length of work experience, and theoretical orientation. Eur J Psychotraumatol, 13, 2029043.
  83. Lüders J, Sander C, Leonhard A, Schäfer I, Speerforck S, Schomerus G (2022). [How Outpatient Psychotherapists Deal with Patients' Traumatic Experiences in Consideration of an Additional Qualification in Trauma Therapy]. Psychiatr Prax, 0, 0-0.
  84. Wittekind DA, Kratzsch J, Mergl R, Riedel-Heller S, Witte AV, Villringer A, Kluge M (2022). Serum ghrelin is positively associated with physiological anxiety but negatively associated with pathological anxiety in humans: Data from a large community-based study. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 140, 105728.
  85. Widmer M, Schmidt-Recla A, Steinberg H (2022). [Forensic Psychiatry in the GDR: An overview]. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr, 0, 0-0.
  86. Rendel T, Steinberg H (2022). [Concepts of nymphomania in the German academic psychiatry: Changes over the last two centuries]. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr, 90, 49-59.
  87. Kommol P, Steinberg H (2022). [The medical history of Elsa Asenijeff in the context of the Saxon psychiatric institution and care system from the 1920s to 1941]. Nervenarzt, 93, 86-92.
  88. Jahn M, Steinberg H (2022). [Erratum to: Pain asymbolia-discovered around 1930 by Paul F. Schilder, almost forgotten today?] Schmerz, 36, 73.
  89. Eckert M, Efe Z, Guenthner L, Baldofski S, Kuehne K, Wundrack R, Thomas J, Saee S, Kohls E, Rummel-Kluge C (2022). Acceptability and feasibility of a messenger-based psychological chat counselling service for children and young adults ("krisenchat"): A cross-sectional study. Internet Interv, 27, 100508.
  90. Kilian C, O'Donnell A, Potapova N, López-Pelayo H, Schulte B, Miquel L, Paniello Castillo B, Schmidt CS, Gual A, Rehm J, Manthey J (2022). Changes in alcohol use during the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe: A meta-analysis of observational studies. Drug Alcohol Rev, 0, 0-0.
  91. Manthey J, Carr S, Anderson P, Bautista N, Braddick F, O'Donnell A, Jané-Llopis E, López-Pelayo H, Medina P, Mejía-Trujillo J, Pérez-Gómez A, Piazza M, Rehm J, Solovei A, Rey GN, de Vries H, Schulte B (2022). Reduced alcohol consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic: Analyses of 17?000 patients seeking primary health care in Colombia and Mexico. J Glob Health, 12, 05002.
  92. Rendel T, Steinberg H (2022). ["Impulsive insanity" according to Emil Kraepelin : A clinical framework for female criminals at the beginning of the twentieth century]. Nervenarzt, 0, 0.
  93. Schomerus G, Leonhard A, Manthey J, Morris J, Neufeld M, Kilian C, Speerforck S, Winkler P, Corrigan PW (2022). The stigma of alcohol-related liver disease and its impact on healthcare. J Hepatol, 77, 516-524.
  94. Kummetat JL, Leonhard A, Manthey J, Speerforck S, Schomerus G (2022). Understanding the Association between Alcohol Stigma and Alcohol Consumption within Europe: A Cross-Sectional Exploratory Study. Eur Addict Res, 0, 0-0.
  95. Leonhard A, Leonhard C, Sander C, Schomerus G (2022). The effect of alcohol use disorder symptom and recovery narratives on problem-recognition: A randomized online trial. Addict Behav, 134, 107426.
  96. Evans-Lacko S, Hahn JS, Peter LJ, Schomerus G (2022). The impact of digital interventions on help-seeking behaviour for mental health problems: a systematic literature review. Curr Opin Psychiatry, 35, 207-218.
  97. Grothe L, Grothe M, Wingert J, Schomerus G, Speerforck S (2022). Stigma in Multiple Sclerosis: The Important Role of Sense of Coherence and Its Relation to Quality of Life. Int J Behav Med, 29, 517-523.
  98. Weise J, Schomerus G, Speerforck S (2022). Add-on Cariprazine in Patients with Long-term Clozapine Treatment and Treatment Resistant Schizophrenia: Two Cases of Psychotic Deterioration and Pisa Syndrome. Clin Psychopharmacol Neurosci, 20, 398-401.
  99. Steinberg H, Strauß M (2022). [Adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in the clinical descriptions and classificatory reflections of Gustav Specht (1905) and Hermann Paul Nitsche (1910)]. Nervenarzt, 93, 735-741.
  100. Bergner L, Himmerich H, Steinberg H (2022). [Therapy of Food Refusal and Anorexia Nervosa in German-Language Psychiatry Textbooks of the Past 200 Years]. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr, 0, 0.
  101. Oeser C, Steinberg H (2022). [Erratum to: The introduction of antipsychotics in the neurological psychiatric hospital of the University of Leipzig and their effects on other forms of therapy, the length of stay and transferrals]. Nervenarzt, 93, 973-974.
  102. Huang J, Mauche N, Rullmann M, Ulke C, Becker GA, Patt M, Zientek F, Hesse S, Sabri O, Strauß M (2022). Association between Individual Norepinephrine Transporter (NET) Availability and Response to Pharmacological Therapy in Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Brain Sci, 12(8), 965.
  103. Huang J, Ahlers E, Bogatsch H, Böhme P, Ethofer T, Fallgatter AJ, Gallinat J, Hegerl U, Heuser I, Hoffmann K, Kittel-Schneider S, Reif A, Schöttle D, Unterecker S, Gärtner M, Strauß M (2022). The role of comorbid depressive symptoms on long-range temporal correlations in resting EEG in adults with ADHD. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci, 272(8), 1421-1435.
  104. Schwarz J, Mauche N, Oehler C, Rummel-Kluge C, Hegerl U, Strauß M (2022). ["iFightDepression" in inpatient treatment : Evaluation of a web-based, therapist-guided self-management program on a specialized ward for affective disorders]. Nervenarzt, 93(5), 459-467.
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  109. Kohls E, Guenthner L, Baldofski S, Eckert M, Efe Z, Kuehne K, Saee S, Thomas J, Wundrack R, Rummel-Kluge C (2022). Suicidal Ideation Among Children and Young Adults in a 24/7 Messenger-Based Psychological Chat Counseling Service. Front Psychiatry, 13(), 862298.
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  114. Fleischer T, Ulke C, Kummetat J, Speerforck S, Brähler E, Schomerus G (2022). Wahrnehmung von Wende und Lebensqualität Gesundheitswesen, 84, 790.
  115. Wittekind DA, Kratzsch J, Biemann R, Mergl R, Riedel-Heller S, Witte V, Villringer A, Kluge M (2022). Association Between Self-rating Depression Scores and Total Ghrelin and Adipokine Serum Levels in a Large Population-Based Sample. Front Psychiatry, 13(), 891325.
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  117. Schomerus G, Schindler S, Sander C, Baumann E, Angermeyer MC (2022). Changes in mental illness stigma over 30 years - Improvement, persistence, or deterioration? Eur Psychiatry, 65(1), e78.
  118. Lüders J, Fügemann L, Rechenberg T, Helmert C, Sander C, Speerforck S, Schomerus G (2022). Potenziell traumatische Lebensereignisse in der ambulanten Psychotherapie Trauma & Gewalt, 4, 340-352.
  119. Schomerus G, Sander C, Schindler S, Baumann E, Angermeyer MC (2022). Public attitudes towards protecting the human rights of people with mental illness: a scoping review and data from a population trend study in Germany Int Rev of Psychiatry, 0, 0-0.
  120. Buckwitz V, Bommes JN, Hinshaw SP, Schomerus G (2022). Continuum beliefs and the perception of similarities and differences to a person with depression. Compr Psychiatry, 116(), 152314.
  121. Fleischer T, Ulke C, Ladwig KH, Linkohr B, Johar H, Atasoy S, Speerforck S, Kruse J, Zöller D, Binder H, Otten D, Brähler E, Beutel ME, Tibubos AN, Grabe HJ, Schomerus G (2022). [Sex- and Regionalspecific Differences in Child Abuse and Violence Before the German Reunification. Results from GESA, a Multi-Cohort Study]. Psychother Psychosom Med Psychol, 72(12), 550-557.
  122. Matuschek I, Angermeyer M, Schomerus G (2022). [The Economization of the Social Sphere and the Compulsion to Self-Optimize - Implications for Attitudes Towards People with Schizophrenia]. Psychiatr Prax, 0, 0-0.
  123. Manthey J, Carr S, Anderson P, Bautista N, Braddick F, O'Donnell A, Jané-Llopis E, López-Pelayo H, Medina P, Mejía-Trujillo J, Pérez-Gómez A, Piazza M, Rehm J, Solovei A, Rey GN, de Vries H, Schulte B (2022). Reduced alcohol consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic: Analyses of 17?000 patients seeking primary health care in Colombia and Mexico. J Glob Health, 12(), 05002.
  124. Kilian C, O'Donnell A, Potapova N, López-Pelayo H, Schulte B, Miquel L, Paniello Castillo B, Schmidt CS, Gual A, Rehm J, Manthey J (2022). Changes in alcohol use during the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe: A meta-analysis of observational studies. Drug Alcohol Rev, 41(4), 918-931.
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  131. Grothe J, Luppa M, Dietzel J, Schomerus G, Sommerlad A, Riedel-Heller SG, Röhr S (2022). Psychometric Evaluation of the German Version of the Social Functioning in Dementia Scale (SF-DEM). J Alzheimers Dis, 86, 1231-1241.
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  139. Solovei A, Manthey J, Anderson P, Mercken L, Jané Llopis E, Natera Rey G, Pérez Gómez A, Mejía Trujillo J, Bustamante I, Piazza M, Pérez de León A, Arroyo M, de Vries H, Rehm J, Evers S (2022). Costs of an Alcohol Measurement Intervention in Three Latin American Countries. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 19, 0-0.
  140. Tran A, Jiang H, Lange S, Manthey J, Stelemekas M, Badaras R, Petkeviciene J, Radisauskas R, Room R, Rehm J (2022). Can alcohol control policies reduce cirrhosis mortality? An interrupted time-series analysis in Lithuania. Liver Int, 42, 765-774.
  141. Kilian C, Neufeld M, Manthey J, Alavidze S, Bobrova A, Baron-Epel O, Berisha M, Bilici R, Davletov K, Isajeva L, Kanta? Y?lmaz F, Karatkevich T, Mereke A, Musi? Milanovi? S, Galstyan K, Musli? L, Okoliyski M, Shabani Z, ?telem?kas M, Sturua L, Sznitman SR, Ünübol B, Ferreira-Borges C, Rehm J (2022). Self-reported changes in alcohol and tobacco use during COVID-19: findings from the eastern part of WHO European Region. Eur J Public Health, 0, 0-0.
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  145. Atasoy S, Johar H, Fleischer T, Beutel M, Binder H, Braehler E, Schomerus G, Zöller D, Kruse J, Ladwig KH (2022). Depression Mediates the Association Between Childhood Emotional Abuse and the Onset of Type 2 Diabetes: Findings From German Multi-Cohort Prospective Studies. Front Psychiatry, 13, 825678.
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  161. Fasshauer JM, Bollmann A, Hohenstein S, Mouratis K, Hindricks G, Kuhlen R, Meier-Hellmann A, Broocks A, Schomerus G, Stengler K (2022). [Psychiatric Emergency Admissions and Inpatient Length of Stay Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Germany]. Psychiatr Prax, 49(5), 271-275.
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  186. 2021

  187. Ulke C, Gfesser T, Fleischer T, Altweck L, Hahm S, Mühlan H, Heller A, Beutel ME, Schmidt S, Grabe HJ, Schomerus G, Brähler E, Speerforck (2021). Later-life depressive symptoms and anxiety attacks in displaced and nondisplaced populations Journal of Affective Disorders Reports, 3, 0-0.
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  190. Wittekind DA, Scholz M, Kratzsch J, Löffler M, Horn K, Kirsten H, Witte V, Villringer A, Kluge M (2021). Genome-wide association and transcriptome analysis suggests total serum ghrelin to be linked with GFRAL. Eur J Endocrinol, 0, 0-0.
  191. Strauß M, Petroff D, Huang J, Ulke C, Paucke M, Bogatsch H, Böhme P, Hoffmann K, Reif A, Kittel-Schneider S, Heuser I, Ahlers E, Gallinat J, Schöttle D, Fallgatter A, Ethofer T, Unterecker S, Hegerl U (2021). The "VIP-ADHD trial": Does brain arousal have prognostic value for predicting response to psychostimulants in adult ADHD patients? Eur Neuropsychopharmacol, 43, 116-128.
  192. Paucke M, Stibbe T, Huang J, Strauss M (2021). Differentiation of ADHD and Depression Based on Cognitive Performance. J Atten Disord, 25, 920-932.
  193. Peter LJ, Schindler S, Sander C, Schmidt S, Muehlan H, McLaren T, Tomczyk S, Speerforck S, Schomerus G (2021). Continuum beliefs and mental illness stigma: a systematic review and meta-analysis of correlation and intervention studies. Psychol Med, 51, 716-726.
  194. Fasshauer JM, Schomerus G, Stengler K (2021). [COVID-19 Pandemic and Psychiatry - How much have the Interests of People with Psychiatric Disorders been Considered in German Laws?] Psychiatr Prax, 0, 0-0.
  195. Gfesser T, Rechenberg T, Glaesmer H, Schomerus G (2021). [Stigma as a Barrier to Treatment for Former Residents of GDR Children's Homes - A Qualitative Study with Members of the "Betroffeneninitiative Missbrauch in DDR-Kinderheimen"]. Psychiatr Prax, 0, 0-0.
  196. Kohls E, Baldofski S, Moeller R, Klemm SL, Rummel-Kluge C (2021). Mental Health, Social and Emotional Well-Being, and Perceived Burdens of University Students During COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown in Germany. Front Psychiatry, 12, 643957.
  197. Heinz I, Baldofski S, Beesdo-Baum K, Knappe S, Kohls E, Rummel-Kluge C (2021). "Doctor, my back hurts and I cannot sleep." Depression in primary care patients: Reasons for consultation and perceived depression stigma. PLoS One, 16, 0248069.
  198. Kilian C, Rehm J, Allebeck P, Barták M, Braddick F, Gual A, Matrai S, Petru?elka B, Rogalewicz V, Rossow I, Schulte B, ?telem?kas M, Manthey J (2021). Conducting a multi-country online alcohol survey in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic: Opportunities and challenges. Int J Methods Psychiatr Res, 0, 0-0.
  199. Manthey J, Kilian C, Carr S, Bartak M, Bloomfield K, Braddick F, Gual A, Neufeld M, O'Donnell A, Petruzelka B, Rogalewicz V, Rossow I, Schulte B, Rehm J (2021). Use of alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, and other substances during the first wave of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in Europe: a survey on 36,000 European substance users. Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy, 16(1), 36.
  200. Manthey J, Kilian C, Carr S, Bartak M, Bloomfield K, Braddick F, Gual A, Neufeld M, O'Donnell A, Petruzelka B, Rogalewicz V, Rossow I, Schulte B, Rehm J (2021). Use of alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, and other substances during the first wave of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in Europe: a survey on 36,000 European substance users. Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy, 16, 36.
  201. Manthey J, Hassan SA, Carr S, Kilian C, Kuitunen-Paul S, Rehm J (2021). Estimating the economic consequences of substance use and substance use disorders. Expert Rev Pharmacoecon Outcomes Res, 0, 1-8.
  202. Rehm J, ?telem?kas M, Ferreira-Borges C, Jiang H, Lange S, Neufeld M, Room R, Casswell S, Tran A, Manthey J (2021). Classifying Alcohol Control Policies with Respect to Expected Changes in Consumption and Alcohol-Attributable Harm: The Example of Lithuania, 2000-2019. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 18, 2419.
  203. Barrio P, Baldaquí N, Andreu M, Kilian C, Rehm J, Gual A, Manthey J (2021). Abstinence Among Alcohol Use Disorder Patients During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Insights From Spain. Alcohol Clin Exp Res, 45, 802-807.
  204. Rehm J, Kilian C, Manthey J (2021). Future of surveys in the alcohol field. Drug Alcohol Rev, 40, 176-178.
  205. Schomerus G (2021). Laudatio zu Ehren von Prof. Dr. med. habil. Matthias C. Angermeyer ? Träger der Salomon-Neumann-Medaille 2021. Gesundheitswesen, 83, 578-580.
  206. Dogan-Sander E, Mergl R, Willenberg A, Baber R, Wirkner K, Riedel-Heller SG, Röhr S, Schmidt FM, Schomerus G, Sander C (2021). Inflammation and the Association of Vitamin D and Depressive Symptomatology. Nutrients, 13, 1972.
  207. Schomerus G, Baumann E, Sander C, Speerforck S, Angermeyer MC (2021). Some good news for psychiatry: resource allocation preferences of the public during the COVID-19 pandemic. World Psychiatry, 20, 301-302.
  208. Kilian C, Manthey J, Carr S, Hanschmidt F, Rehm J, Speerforck S, Schomerus G (2021). Stigmatization of people with alcohol use disorders: An updated systematic review of population studies. Alcohol Clin Exp Res, 45, 899-911.
  209. Fleischer T, Ulke C, Beutel M, Binder H, Brähler E, Johar H, Atasoy S, Kruse J, Otten D, Tibubos AN, Zöller D, Speerforck S, Grabe HJ, Ladwig KH, Schomerus G (2021). The relation between childhood adversity and adult obesity in a population-based study in women and men. Sci Rep, 11, 14068.
  210. von Eitzen L, Valerius K, van den Berg N, Völzke H, Grabe HJ, Schomerus G, Speerforck S (2021). [Sociodemographic and Disorder-Specific Determinants for Professional Help-Seeking due to Depression in a Structurally Weak Region - The Important Role of Age]. Psychiatr Prax, 48, 404-411.
  211. Sander C, Rieckhof S, Peter LJ, Horsfield P, Speerforck S, Angermeyer MC, Schomerus G (2021). [Psychometric Evaluation of a Long and Short German Version of the Prejudice Towards People with Mental Illness Scale (PPMI-D)]. Psychiatr Prax, 0, 0-0.
  212. Grothe L, Grothe M, Wingert J, Schomerus G, Speerforck S (2021). Stigma in Multiple Sclerosis: The Important Role of Sense of Coherence and Its Relation to Quality of Life. Int J Behav Med, 0, 0-0.
  213. Schomerus G, Schindler S, Rechenberg T, Gfesser T, Grabe HJ, Liebergesell M, Sander C, Ulke C, Speerforck S (2021). Stigma as a barrier to addressing childhood trauma in conversation with trauma survivors: A study in the general population. PLoS One, 16, 0258782.
  214. Fasshauer JM, Bollmann A, Hohenstein S, Mouratis K, Hindricks G, Meier-Hellmann A, Kuhlen R, Broocks A, Schomerus G, Stengler K (2021). Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on involuntary and urgent inpatient admissions for psychiatric disorders in a German-wide hospital network. J Psychiatr Res, 142, 140-143.
  215. Fasshauer JM, Bollmann A, Hohenstein S, Hindricks G, Meier-Hellmann A, Kuhlen R, Broocks A, Schomerus G, Stengler K (2021). Emergency hospital admissions for psychiatric disorders in a German-wide hospital network during the COVID-19 outbreak. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 56, 1469-1475.
  216. Rehm J, Kilian C, Manthey J (2021). Future of surveys in the alcohol field. Drug Alcohol Rev, 40, 176-178.
  217. Manthey J, Hassan SA, Carr S, Kilian C, Kuitunen-Paul S, Rehm J (2021). Estimating the economic consequences of substance use and substance use disorders. Expert Rev Pharmacoecon Outcomes Res, 21, 869-876.
  218. Barrio P, Baldaquí N, Andreu M, Kilian C, Rehm J, Gual A, Manthey J (2021). Abstinence Among Alcohol Use Disorder Patients During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Insights From Spain. Alcohol Clin Exp Res, 45, 802-807.
  219. Kilian C, Rehm J, Allebeck P, Braddick F, Gual A, Barták M, Bloomfield K, Gil A, Neufeld M, O'Donnell A, Petru?elka B, Rogalewicz V, Schulte B, Manthey J (2021). Alcohol consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe: a large-scale cross-sectional study in 21 countries. Addiction, 0, 0-0.
  220. Manthey J, Hassan SA, Carr S, Kilian C, Kuitunen-Paul S, Rehm J (2021). What are the Economic Costs to Society Attributable to Alcohol Use? A Systematic Review and Modelling Study. Pharmacoeconomics, 39, 809-822.
  221. Manthey J, Solovei A, Anderson P, Carr S, Rehm J (2021). Can alcohol consumption in Germany be reduced by alcohol screening, brief intervention and referral to treatment in primary health care? Results of a simulation study. PLoS One, 16, 0255843.
  222. Rossow I, Bartak M, Bloomfield K, Braddick F, Bye EK, Kilian C, López-Pelayo H, Mäkelä P, Moan IS, Moskalewicz J, Petruzelka B, Rogalewicz V, Manthey J (2021). Changes in Alcohol Consumption during the COVID-19 Pandemic Are Dependent on Initial Consumption Level: Findings from Eight European Countries. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 18, 10547.
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  229. Schwarz J, Mauche N, Oehler C, Rummel-Kluge C, Hegerl U, Strauß M (2021). ["iFightDepression" in inpatient treatment : Evaluation of a web-based, therapist-guided self-management program on a specialized ward for affective disorders]. Nervenarzt, 0, 0-0.
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  232. Koenig J, Kohls E, Moessner M, Lustig S, Bauer S, Becker K, Thomasius R, Eschenbeck H, Diestelkamp S, Gillé V, Hiery A, Rummel-Kluge C, Kaess M (2021). The impact of COVID-19 related lockdown measures on self-reported psychopathology and health-related quality of life in German adolescents. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 0, 0-0.
  233. Scholl J, Kohls E, Görges F, Steinbrecher M, Baldofski S, Moessner M, Rummel-Kluge C (2021). Acceptability and Feasibility of the Transfer of Face-to-Face Group Therapy to Online Group Chats in a Psychiatric Outpatient Setting During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Longitudinal Observational Study. JMIR Form Res, 5, 27865.
  234. Manthey J, Freeman TP, Kilian C, López-Pelayo H, Rehm J (2021). Public health monitoring of cannabis use in Europe: prevalence of use, cannabis potency, and treatment rates. Lancet Reg Health Eur, 10, 100227.
  235. Manthey J, Jasilionis D, Jiang H, Me??eriakova-Veliulien? O, Petkevi?ien? J, Radi?auskas R, Rehm J, ?telem?kas M (2021). Interrupted time series analyses to assess the impact of alcohol control policy on socioeconomic inequalities in mortality in Lithuania: a study protocol. BMJ Open, 11, 053497.
  236. Rieckhof S, Sander C, Speerforck S, Prestin E, Angermeyer MC, Schomerus G (2021). Development and validity of the Value-based Stigma Inventory (VASI): a value-sensitive questionnaire for the assessment of mental health stigma. BMC Psychiatry, 21(1), 570.
  237. Jawinski P, Markett S, Sander C, Huang J, Ulke C, Hegerl U, Hensch T (2021). The Big Five Personality Traits and Brain Arousal in the Resting State. Brain Sci, 11(10), 0-0.
  238. Oehler C, Scholze K, Reich H, Sander C, Hegerl U (2021). Intervention Use and Symptom Change With Unguided Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Log Data Analysis of a Convenience Sample. JMIR Ment Health, 8(7), 0-0.
  239. Mergl R, Dogan-Sander E, Willenberg A, Wirkner K, Kratzsch J, Riedel-Heller S, Allgaier AK, Hegerl U, Sander C (2021). The effect of depressive symptomatology on the association of vitamin D and sleep. BMC Psychiatry, 21(1), 178.
  240. Oehler C, Scholze K, Driessen P, Rummel-Kluge C, Görges F, Hegerl U (2021). How are guide profession and routine care setting related to adherence and symptom change in iCBT for depression? - an explorative log-data analysis. Internet Interv, 26(), 0-0.
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  242. Ziegler S, Bednasch K, Baldofski S, Rummel-Kluge C (2021). Long durations from symptom onset to diagnosis and from diagnosis to treatment in obsessive-compulsive disorder: A retrospective self-report study. PLoS One, 16(12), 0-0.
  243. Wittekind DA, Kratzsch J, Mergl R, Baber R, Witte V, Villringer A, Kluge M (2021). Free triiodothyronine (T3) is negatively associated with fasting ghrelin serum levels in a population sample of euthyroid subjects. J Endocrinol Invest, 44, 2655-2664.
  244. Steinberg H, Strauß M (2021). [Adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in the clinical descriptions and classificatory reflections of Gustav Specht (1905) and Hermann Paul Nitsche (1910)]. Nervenarzt, 0, 1-1.
  245. Dogan-Sander E, Baldofski S, Mauche N, Bot M, Brouwer IA, Cabout M, Gili M, van Grootheest G, Hegerl U, Owens M, Penninx B, Roca M, Visser M, Watkins E, Kohls E, (2021). Overweight and obese individuals with depressive symptoms from the MooDFOOD prevention trial: Role of sociodemographic, somatic health, and weight related factors Journal of Affective Disorders Reports, 4, 100126.
  246. Oehler C, Görges F, Hegerl U, Rummel-Kluge C (2021). A closer look at negative effects in a guided web-based intervention for mild to moderate depression Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 28, 131-141.
  247. Dittrich D, Dernbach K, Speerforck S, Schindler S, Häusser JA, Schomerus G (2021). Testing the mixed-blessings model: What is the role of essentialism for stigmatizing attitudes towards schizophrenia? Current Psychology, 0, 0-0.
  248. Ulke C, Fleischer T, Muehlan H, Altweck L, Hahm S, Glaesmer H, Fegert JM, Zenger M, Grabe HJ, Schmidt S, Beutel ME, Schomerus G, Brähler E, Speerforck S (2021). Socio-political context as determinant of childhood maltreatment: a population-based study among women and men in East and West Germany. Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences, 30, 1-8.
  249. Schomerus G, Angermeyer MC (2021). Blind spots in stigma research? Broadening our perspective on mental illness stigma by exploring 'what matters most' in modern Western societies. Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci, 30, e26.
  250. Koelkebeck K, Baessler F, Bittner R, Frodl T, Gradl-Dietsch G, Janowitz D, Jordan KD, Kluge I, Matthes O, Pinilla S, Robitzsch A, Strauß M, Speerforck S, Watzke S, Spitzer P (2021). [Medical education in psychosocial disciplines in times of the COVID-19 pandemic - first experiences]. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr, 0, 0-0.
  251. Aghakhanyan G, Saur D, Rullmann M, Weise CM, Schroeter ML, Marek K, Jamra RA, Tiepolt S, Strauß M, Scherlach C, Hoffmann KT, Sabri O, Classen J, Barthel H (2021). PET/MRI Delivers Multimodal Brain Signature in Alzheimer's Disease with De Novo PSEN1 Mutation. Curr Alzheimer Res, 0, 0-0.
  252. Grachev ID, Meyer PM, Becker GA, Bronzel M, Marsteller D, Pastino G, Voges O, Rabinovich L, Knebel H, Zientek F, Rullmann M, Sattler B, Patt M, Gerhards T, Strauß M, Kluge A, Brust P, Savola JM, Gordon MF, Geva M, Hesse S, Barthel H, Hayden MR, Sabri O (2021). Sigma-1 and dopamine D2/D3 receptor occupancy of pridopidine in healthy volunteers and patients with Huntington disease: a [18F] fluspidine and [18F] fallypride PET study. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, 48, 1103-1115.
  253. Kallweit C, Paucke M, Strauß M, Exner C (2021). Adult ADHD: Influence of Physical Activation, Stimulation, and Reward on Cognitive Performance and Symptoms. J Atten Disord, 25, 809-819.
  254. Tibubos AN, Otten D, Zöller D, Binder H, Wild PS, Fleischer T, Johar H, Atasoy S, Schulze L, Ladwig KH, Schomerus G, Linkohr B, Grabe HJ, Kruse J, Schmidt CO, Münzel T, König J, Brähler E, Beutel ME (2021). Bidimensional structure and measurement equivalence of the Patient Health Questionnaire-9: sex-sensitive assessment of depressive symptoms in three representative German cohort studies. BMC Psychiatry, 21, 238.
  255. Van der Auwera S, Terock J, Teumer A, Schomerus G, Homuth G, Grabe HJ (2021). Sex effects for the interaction of dopamine related genetic variants for COMT and BDNF on declarative memory performance. Genes Brain Behav, 0, 12737.
  256. Fasshauer JM, Bollmann A, Hohenstein S, Hindricks G, Meier-Hellmann A, Kuhlen R, Broocks A, Schomerus G, Stengler K (2021). Emergency hospital admissions for psychiatric disorders in a German-wide hospital network during the COVID-19 outbreak. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 0, 0-0.
  257. Otten D, Tibubos AN, Schomerus G, Brähler E, Binder H, Kruse J, Ladwig KH, Wild PS, Grabe HJ, Beutel ME (2021). Similarities and Differences of Mental Health in Women and Men: A Systematic Review of Findings in Three Large German Cohorts. Front Public Health, 9, 553071.
  258. Grothe J, Schomerus G, Dietzel J, Riedel-Heller S, Röhr S (2021). Instruments to Assess Social Functioning in Individuals with Dementia: A Systematic Review. J Alzheimers Dis, 80, 619-637.
  259. Altweck L, Hahm S, Muehlan H, Gfesser T, Ulke C, Speerforck S, Schomerus G, Beutel ME, Brähler E, Schmidt S (2021). The interplay of gender, social context, and long-term unemployment effects on subjective health trajectories. BMC Public Health, 21, 290.
  260. Laacke S, Mueller R, Schomerus G, Salloch S (2021). Artificial Intelligence, Social Media and Depression. A New Concept of Health-Related Digital Autonomy. Am J Bioeth, 0, 1-33.
  261. Rehm J, Patra J, Brennan A, Buckley C, Greenfield TK, Kerr WC, Manthey J, Purshouse RC, Rovira P, Shuper PA, Shield KD (2021). The role of alcohol use in the aetiology and progression of liver disease: A narrative review and a quantification. Drug Alcohol Rev, 0, 0-0.
  262. ?telem?kas M, Manthey J, Badaras R, Casswell S, Ferreira-Borges C, Kal?dien? R, Lange S, Neufeld M, Petkevi?ien? J, Radi?auskas R, Room R, Telksnys T, Zurlyt? I, Rehm J (2021). Alcohol control policy measures and all-cause mortality in Lithuania: an interrupted time-series analysis. Addiction, 0, 0-0.
  263. Bruguera P, Barrio P, Manthey J, Oliveras C, López-Pelayo H, Nuño L, Miquel L, López-Lazcano A, Blithikioti C, Caballeria E, Matrai S, Rehm J, Vieta E, Gual A (2021). Mid and long-term effects of a SBIRT program for at-risk drinkers attending to an emergency department. Follow-up results from a randomized controlled trial. Eur J Emerg Med, 0, 0-0.
  264. Kilian C, Manthey J, Kraus L, Mäkelä P, Moskalewicz J, Sieroslawski J, Rehm J (2021). A new perspective on European drinking cultures: a model-based approach to determine variations in drinking practices among 19 European countries. Addiction, 0, 0-0.
  265. Chrystoja BR, Rehm J, Manthey J, Probst C, Wettlaufer A, Shield KD (2021). A systematic comparison of the global comparative risk assessments for alcohol. Addiction, 0, 0-0.
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  270. Roessner V, Rothe J, Kohls G, Schomerus G, Ehrlich S, Beste C (2021). Taming the chaos?! Using eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) to tackle the complexity in mental health research. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 30, 1143-1146.
  271. Makowski AC, Schomerus G, von dem Knesebeck O (2021). Public Continuum Beliefs for Different Levels of Depression Severity. Front Psychiatry, 12, 666489.
  272. Lucht M, Quellmalz A, Mende M, Broda A, Schmiedeknecht A, Brosteanu O, Höppner-Buchmann J, Langosch J, Stuppe M, Schomerus G, Klauer T, Grabe HJ, Freyberger HJ, John U, Meyer C (2021). Effect of a 1-year short message service in detoxified alcohol-dependent patients: a multi-center, open-label randomized controlled trial. Addiction, 116, 1431-1442.
  273. Schreiter S, Speerforck S, Schomerus G, Gutwinski S (2021). Homelessness: care for the most vulnerable - a narrative review of risk factors, health needs, stigma, and intervention strategies. Curr Opin Psychiatry, 34, 400-404.
  274. Jena S, Zieger A, Böge K, Salunkhe G, Schomerus G, Patel K, Padhi BK, Ta TMT, Mungee A, Hahn E (2021). Public Attitudes Toward Psychiatric Hospitals: A Rural-Urban Comparative Public Survey in Odisha State, India. Front Psychiatry, 12, 745604.
  275. Fasshauer JM, Schomerus G, Stengler K (2021). [COVID-19 Pandemic and Psychiatry - How much have the Interests of People with Psychiatric Disorders been Considered in German Laws?] Psychiatr Prax, 48, 309-315.
  276. Greffin K, Muehlan H, van den Berg N, Hoffmann W, Ritter O, Oeff M, Schomerus G, Schmidt S (2021). Setting-Sensitive Conceptualization and Assessment of Quality of Life in Telemedical Care-Study Protocol of the Tele-QoL Project. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 18, 10454.
  277. Greffin K, Schmidt S, van den Berg N, Hoffmann W, Ritter O, Oeff M, Schomerus G, Muehlan H (2021). Same same-but different: using qualitative studies to inform concept elicitation for quality of life assessment in telemedical care: a request for an extended working model. Health Qual Life Outcomes, 19, 175.
  278. Chrystoja BR, Rehm J, Manthey J, Probst C, Wettlaufer A, Shield KD (2021). A systematic comparison of the global comparative risk assessments for alcohol. Addiction, 116, 2026-2038.
  279. Kilian C, Manthey J, Kraus L, Mäkelä P, Moskalewicz J, Sieroslawski J, Rehm J (2021). A new perspective on European drinking cultures: a model-based approach to determine variations in drinking practices among 19 European countries. Addiction, 116, 2016-2025.
  280. Rehm J, Patra J, Brennan A, Buckley C, Greenfield TK, Kerr WC, Manthey J, Purshouse RC, Rovira P, Shuper PA, Shield KD (2021). The role of alcohol use in the aetiology and progression of liver disease: A narrative review and a quantification. Drug Alcohol Rev, 0, 0-0.
  281. ?telem?kas M, Manthey J, Badaras R, Casswell S, Ferreira-Borges C, Kal?dien? R, Lange S, Neufeld M, Petkevi?ien? J, Radi?auskas R, Room R, Telksnys T, Zurlyt? I, Rehm J (2021). Alcohol control policy measures and all-cause mortality in Lithuania: an interrupted time-series analysis. Addiction, 116, 2673-2684.
  282. Loy JK, Seitz NN, Bye EK, Dietze P, Kilian C, Manthey J, Raitasalo K, Soellner R, Trolldal B, Törrönen J, Kraus L (2021). Changes in Alcoholic Beverage Choice and Risky Drinking among Adolescents in Europe 1999-2019. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 18, 10933.
  283. López-Pelayo H, Campeny E, Oliveras C, Rehm J, Manthey J, Gual A, Balcells-Olivero MLM (2021). Early, Chronic, and Acute Cannabis Exposure and Their Relationship With Cognitive and Behavioral Harms. Front Psychiatry, 12, 643556.
  284. Llamosas-Falcón L, Shield KD, Gelovany M, Hasan OSM, Manthey J, Monteiro M, Walsh N, Rehm J (2021). Impact of alcohol on the progression of HCV-related liver disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Hepatol, 75, 536-546.
  285. Tran A, Manthey J, Lange S, Jiang H, ?telem?kas M, Liutkut?-Gumarov V, Me??eriakova-Veliulien? O, Petkevi?ien? J, Radi?auskas R, Telksnys T, Rehm J (2021). Alcohol control policies add to secular trends in all-cause mortality rates in young adults. Sci Rep, 11, 15127.
  286. López-Pelayo H, Matrai S, Balcells-Olivero M, Campeny E, Braddick F, Bossong MG, Cruz OS, Deluca P, Dom G, Feingold D, Freeman TP, Guzman P, Hindocha C, Kelly BC, Liebregts N, Lorenzetti V, Manthey J, Matias J, Oliveras C, Pons MT, Rehm J, Rosenkranz M, Swithenbank Z, van Deurse L, Vicente J, Vuolo M, Wojnar M, Gual A (2021). Standard units for cannabis dose: Why is it important to standardize cannabis dose for drug policy and how can we enhance its place on the public health agenda? Int J Drug Policy, 97, 103350.
  287. Caballeria E, López-Pelayo H, Segura L, Wallace P, Oliveras C, Díaz E, Manthey J, Baena B, Colom J, Gual A (2021). A randomized controlled non-inferiority trial of primary care-based facilitated access to an alcohol reduction website (EFAR Spain). Internet Interv, 26, 100446.
  288. Anderson P, O'Donnell A, Kaner E, Llopis EJ, Manthey J, Rehm J (2021). Impact of minimum unit pricing on alcohol purchases in Scotland and Wales: controlled interrupted time series analyses. Lancet Public Health, 6, 557-565.
  289. O'Donnell A, Schulte B, Manthey J, Schmidt CS, Piazza M, Chavez IB, Natera G, Aguilar NB, Hernández GYS, Mejía-Trujillo J, Pérez-Gómez A, Gual A, de Vries H, Solovei A, Kokole D, Kaner E, Kilian C, Rehm J, Anderson P, Jané-Llopis E (2021). Primary care-based screening and management of depression amongst heavy drinking patients: Interim secondary outcomes of a three-country quasi-experimental study in Latin America. PLoS One, 16, 0255594.
  290. Stelemekas M, Manthey J, Badaras R, Casswell S, Ferreira-Borges C, Kalediene R, Lange S, Neufeld M, Petkeviciene J, Radisauskas R, Room R, Telksnys T, Zurlyte I, Rehm J (2021). Alcohol control policy measures and all-cause mortality in Lithuania: an interrupted time-series analysis. Addiction, 116, 2673-2684.
  291. Makowski AC, Härter M, Schomerus G, von dem Knesebeck O (2021). What Does the Public Know About Varying Depression Severity?-Results of a Population Survey. Int J Public Health, 66, 607794.
  292. Barrio P, Baldaquí N, Andreu M, Kilian C, Rehm J, Gual A, Manthey J (2021). Abstinence Among Alcohol Use Disorder Patients During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Insights From Spain. Alcohol Clin Exp Res, 45, 802-807.
  293. Kilian C, Rehm J, Allebeck P, Braddick F, Gual A, Barták M, Bloomfield K, Gil A, Neufeld M, O'Donnell A, Petru?elka B, Rogalewicz V, Schulte B, Manthey J (2021). Alcohol consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe: a large-scale cross-sectional study in 21 countries. Addiction, 116, 3369-3380.
  294. Anderson P, Manthey J, Llopis EJ, Rey GN, Bustamante IV, Piazza M, Aguilar PSM, Mejía-Trujillo J, Pérez-Gómez A, Rowlands G, Lopez-Pelayo H, Mercken L, Kokole D, O'Donnell A, Solovei A, Kaner E, Schulte B, de Vries H, Schmidt C, Gual A, Rehm J (2021). Impact of Training and Municipal Support on Primary Health Care-Based Measurement of Alcohol Consumption in Three Latin American Countries: 5-Month Outcome Results of the Quasi-experimental Randomized SCALA Trial. J Gen Intern Med, 36, 2663-2671.
  295. Kilian C, Manthey J, Carr S, Hanschmidt F, Rehm J, Speerforck S, Schomerus G (2021). Stigmatization of people with alcohol use disorders: An updated systematic review of population studies. Alcohol Clin Exp Res, 45, 899-911.
  296. Lange S, Jiang H, ?telem?kas M, Tran A, Cherpitel C, Giesbrecht N, Gostautaite Midttun N, Jasilionis D, Kaplan MS, Manthey J, Xuan Z, Rehm J (2021). Evaluating the Impact of Alcohol Policy on Suicide Mortality: A Sex-Specific Time-Series Analysis for Lithuania. Arch Suicide Res, 0, 0-0.
  297. Rehm J, Casswell S, Manthey J, Room R, Shield K (2021). Reducing the Harmful Use of Alcohol: Have International Targets Been Met? European Journal of Risk Regulation, 12, 530-541.
  298. Probst C, Manthey J, Ferreira-Borges C, Neufeld M, Rakovac I, Andreasyan D, Sturua L, Novik I, Hagverdiyev G, Obreja G, Altymysheva N, Ergeshov M, Shukrov S, Saifuddinov S, Rehm J (2021). Cross-sectional study on the characteristics of unrecorded alcohol consumption in nine newly independent states between 2013 and 2017. BMJ Open, 11, 051874.
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  302. Smit DJA, Andreassen OA, Boomsma DI, Burwell SJ, Chorlian DB, de Geus EJC, Elvsåshagen T, Gordon RL, Harper J, Hegerl U, Hensch T, Iacono WG, Jawinski P, Jönsson EG, Luykx JJ, Magne CL, Malone SM, Medland SE, Meyers JL, Moberget T, Porjesz B, Sander C, Sisodiya SM, Thompson PM, van Beijsterveldt CEM, van Dellen E, Via M, Wright MJ (2021). Large-scale collaboration in ENIGMA-EEG: A perspective on the meta-analytic approach to link neurological and psychiatric liability genes to electrophysiological brain activity. Brain Behav, 11(8), 0-0.
  303. McLaren T, Peter LJ, Tomczyk S, Muehlan H, Stolzenburg S, Schomerus G, Schmidt S (2021). How can the utilisation of help for mental disorders be improved? A quasi-experimental online study on the changeability of stigmatising attitudes and intermediate variables in the process of utilisation. BMC Public Health, 21(1), 2124.
  304. Suslow T, Günther V, Hensch T, Kersting A, Bodenschatz CM (2021). Alexithymia Is Associated With Deficits in Visual Search for Emotional Faces in Clinical Depression. Front Psychiatry, 12, 668019.
  305. Kumral D, Cesnaite E, Beyer F, Hofmann SM, Hensch T, Sander C, Hegerl U, Haufe S, Villringer A, Witte AV, Nikulin VV (2021). Relationship between regional white matter hyperintensities and alpha oscillations in older adults. Neurobiol Aging, 112, 1-11.
  306. Owens M, Watkins E, Bot M, Brouwer IA, Roca M, Kohls E, Penninx BWJH, van Grootheest G, Hegerl U, Gili M, Visser M (2021). Habitual Behavior as a Mediator Between Food-Related Behavioral Activation and Change in Symptoms of Depression in the MooDFOOD Trial. Clin Psychol Sci, 9, 649-665.
  307. McLaren T, Peter LJ, Tomczyk S, Muehlan H, Stolzenburg S, Schomerus G, Schmidt S (2021). How can the utilisation of help for mental disorders be improved? A quasi-experimental online study on the changeability of stigmatising attitudes and intermediate variables in the process of utilisation. BMC Public Health, 21, 2124.
  308. Hensch T, Strobel A (2021). Differentiellpsychologische Perspektive in der Klinischen Psychologie. In: Hoyer J, Knappe S, Klinische Psychologie & Psychotherapie (S. 189-212), Berlin: Springer Verlag.

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  310. Hahm S, Speerforck S, Fleischer T, Grabe HJ, Beutel M, Schomerus G (2020). [The Effects of Gender, Education, and Income on Anticipated Shame Regarding Mental Illness - Results of a German Population Study]. Psychiatr Prax, 47, 142-147.
  311. Ulke C, Surova G, Sander C, Engel C, Wirkner K, Jawinski P, Hensch T, Hegerl U (2020). Fatigue in Cancer and Neuroinflammatory and Autoimmune Disease: CNS Arousal Matters. Brain Sci, 10, 569.
  312. Schomerus G, Riedel-Heller S (2020). [Focus on the stigma of mental disease]. Nervenarzt, 91, 777-778.
  313. Speerforck S, Schomerus G (2020). [Social milieu: A relevant concept for a better understanding of stigma and help-seeking?] Nervenarzt, 91, 785-791.
  314. Weise J, Schomerus G, Speerforck S (2020). [The SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic and an Attempted Suicide of a Patient with Delusional Disorder]. Psychiatr Prax, 47, 218-220.
  315. Rechenberg T, Nowikow J, Schomerus G (2020). ["Nowadays, we wouldn't Admit Being Depressed - Instead, we Tend to Call it Burnout" - Reporting on Burnout in German Print Media]. Psychiatr Prax, 47, 426-432.
  316. Schulze LN, Klinger-König J, Stolzenburg S, Wiese J, Speerforck S, Van der Auwera-Palitschka S, Völzke H, Grabe HJ, Schomerus G (2020). Shame, self-identification with having a mental illness, and willingness to seek help in northeast Germany. Psychiatry Res, 285, 112819.
  317. Tomczyk S, Schmidt S, Muehlan H, Stolzenburg S, Schomerus G (2020). A Prospective Study on Structural and Attitudinal Barriers to Professional Help-Seeking for Currently Untreated Mental Health Problems in the Community. J Behav Health Serv Res, 47, 54-69.
  318. Görges F, Gravert C, Rummel-Kluge C, Hegerl U (2020). [Info-Telefon Depression-An exploratory analysis of data from callers to a German information hotline for depression]. Nervenarzt, 91, 1050-1053.
  319. Webelhorst C, Jepsen L, Rummel-Kluge C (2020). Utilization of e-mental-health and online self-management interventions of patients with mental disorders-A cross-sectional analysis. PLoS One, 15, 0231373.
  320. Strube S, Steinberg H (2020). Ernst Jolowicz: an early promoter of outsider art and art therapy. Lancet Psychiatry, 7, 577-579.
  321. Oeser C, Steinberg H (2020). [The introduction of antipsychotics in the neurological psychiatric hospital of the University of Leipzig and their effects on other forms of therapy, the length of stay and transferrals]. Nervenarzt, 0, 0.
  322. Kommol P, Steinberg H (2020). [Paranoia Querulans in the First Half of the 20th Century: The Case of Elsa Asenijeff (1867-1941) and the German Psychiatric Literature of that Time]. Psychiatr Prax, 47, 326-331.
  323. Krasselt A, Stengler K, Steinberg H (2020). [Work Participation for People with Severe Mental Illnesses: A Challenge Yesterday and Today]. Psychiatr Prax, 47, 273-280.
  324. Jahn M, Steinberg H (2020). [Pain asymbolia-discovered around 1930 by Paul F. Schilder, almost forgotten today?] Schmerz, 34, 172-180.
  325. Engmann B, Steinberg H (2020). [Vladimir Bekhterev - A Protagonist of Research on Hypnosis?] Psychother Psychosom Med Psychol, 70, 32-37.
  326. Steinberg H (2020). [The slack observation of a public enemy: East and West German psychiatrist and psychotherapist Dietfried Müller-Hegemann in files of the East German state security (Stasi)]. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr, 88, 514-527.
  327. Steinberg H, Schönknecht P (2020). Goethe: A bipolar personality? Periodicity of affective states in Johann Wolfgang von Goethe as reflected by Paul Julius Möbius. J Med Biogr, 28, 174-180.
  328. Stibbe T, Huang J, Paucke M, Ulke C, Strauß M (2020). Gender differences in adult ADHD: Cognitive function assessed by the test of attentional performance. PLoS One, 15, 0240810.
  329. Dichter MN, Albers B, Trutschel D, Ströbel AM, Seismann-Petersen S, Wermke K, Halek M, Berwig M (2020). TALKING TIME: A pilot randomized controlled trial investigating social support for informal caregivers via the telephone. BMC Health Serv Res, 20, 788.
  330. Strauß M, Reif A, Ulke C, Paucke M, Sander C, Hegerl U, Weber H, Heupel J, Kopf J, Kittel-Schneider S (2020). Is brain arousal regulation a predictor of response to psychostimulant therapy in adult ADHD patients? Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci, 270, 1073-1076.
  331. Horsfield P, Klinger-König J, Fleischer T, Beutel ME, Grabe HJ, Schomerus G (2020). Die Anwendung der Beschwerdeliste-38 zur Erhebung subjektiver Gesundheitsbeschwerden in einer epidemiologischen Kohortenstudie (Study of Health in Pomerania, SHIP) Z Psychosom Med Psychother, 66, 337-354.
  332. Rehm J, Kilian C, Rovira P, Shield KD, Manthey J (2020). The elusiveness of representativeness in general population surveys for alcohol. Drug Alcohol Rev, 0, 0-0.
  333. Manthey J, Kilian C, Schomerus G, Kraus L, Rehm J, Schulte B (2020). Alkoholkonsum in Deutschland und Europa während der SARS-CoV-2 Pandemie. Sucht, 66, 247-258.
  334. Strauß M, Petroff D, Huang J, Ulke C, Paucke M, Bogatsch H, Böhme P, Hoffmann K, Reif A, Kittel-Schneider S, Heuser I, Ahlers E, Gallinat J, Schöttle D, Fallgatter A, Ethofer T, Unterecker S, Hegerl U (2020). The "VIP-ADHD trial": Does brain arousal have prognostic value for predicting response to psychostimulants in adult ADHD patients? Eur Neuropsychopharmacol, x, 0-0.
  335. Polyakova M, Beyer F, Mueller K, Sander C, Witte V, Lampe L, Rodrigues F, Riedel-Heller S, Kratzsch J, Hoffmann KT, Villringer A, Schoenknecht P, Schroeter ML (2020). Serum BDNF levels correlate with regional cortical thickness in minor depression: a pilot study. Sci Rep, 10, 14524.
  336. Schmidt FM, Mergl R, Minkwitz J, Holdt LM, Teupser D, Hegerl U, Himmerich H, Sander C (2020). Is There an Association or Not?-Investigating the Association of Depressiveness, Physical Activity, Body Composition and Sleep With Mediators of Inflammation. Front Psychiatry, 11, 563.
  337. Lorenz N, Sander C, Ivanova G, Hegerl U (2020). Temporal Associations of Daily Changes in Sleep and Depression Core Symptoms in Patients Suffering From Major Depressive Disorder: Idiographic Time-Series Analysis. JMIR Ment Health, 7, 17071.
  338. Wittekind DA, Kratzsch J, Mergl R, Enzenbach C, Witte V, Villringer A, Kluge M (2020). Higher fasting ghrelin serum levels in active smokers than in former and never-smokers. World J Biol Psychiatry, 21, 748-756.
  339. Bergner L, Himmerich H, Kirkby KC, Steinberg H (2020). Descriptions of Disordered Eating in German Psychiatric Textbooks, 1803-2017. Front Psychiatry, 11, 504157.
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  343. Burghardt J, Tibubos AN, Otten D, Brahler E, Binder H, Grabe H, Kruse J, Ladwig KH, Schomerus G, Wild PS, Beutel ME (2020). A multi-cohort consortium for GEnder-Sensitive Analyses of mental health trajectories and implications for prevention (GESA) in the general population in Germany. BMJ Open, 108, 034220.
  344. Breneise R, Schafer M, Schomerus G, Riedel-Heller SG, Thiel C, Luck-Sikorski C (2020). [Are Especially Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder Stigmatised by Psychiatric Nurses?] Psychiatr Prax, 47, 35-38.
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  347. Angermeyer MC, Carta MG, Ghachem R, Matschinger H, Millier A, Refai T, Schomerus G, Toumi M (2020). Cultural Variations in Public Beliefs about Mental Disorders: A Comparison between Tunisia and Germany. Clin Pract Epidemiol Ment Health, 16, 70-81.
  348. Tomczyk S, Schomerus G, Stolzenburg S, Muehlan H, Schmidt S (2020). Ready, Willing and Able? An Investigation of the Theory of Planned Behaviour in Help-Seeking for a Community Sample with Current Untreated Depressive Symptoms. Prev Sci, 21, 749-760.
  349. Martensen LK, Hahn E, Duc CT, Schomerus G, Böge K, Dettling M, Angermeyer MC, Nguyene VT, Ta TMT (2020). Impact and differences of illness course perception on the desire for social distance towards people with symptoms of depression or schizophrenia in Hanoi, Vietnam. Asian J Psychiatr, 50, 101973.
  350. Wechsler D, Schomerus G, Mahlke C, Bock T (2020). Effects of contact-based, short-term anti-stigma training for medical students : Results from a randomized controlled trial. Neuropsychiatr, 34, 66-73.
  351. Oehler C, Görges F, Rogalla M, Rummel-Kluge C, Hegerl U (2020). Efficacy of a Guided Web-Based Self-Management Intervention for Depression or Dysthymia: Randomized Controlled Trial With a 12-Month Follow-Up Using an Active Control Condition. J Med Internet Res, 22, 15361.
  352. Künzel H, Kluge M, Zeising M, Schopohl J, Yassouridis A, Stalla GK, Steiger A (2020). Sleep in pituitary insufficient patients compared to patients with depression and healthy controls at baseline and after challenge with CRH. J Psychiatr Res, 129, 124-128.
  353. Künzel H, Schüssler P, Yassouridis A, Uhr M, Kluge M, Steiger A (2020). The renin secretion profile under the influence of sleep deprivation and the neuropeptides CRH and GHRH. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 120, 104799.
  354. Schmidt-Kraepelin C, Feyerabend S, Engelke C, Riesbeck M, Meisenzahl-Lechner E, Gaebel W, Verde PE, Kolbe H, Correll CU, Leucht S, Heres S, Kluge M, Makiol C, Neff A, Lange C, Englisch S, Zink M, Langguth B, Poeppl T, Reske D, Gouzoulis-Mayfrank E, Gründer G, Hasan A, Brockhaus-Dumke A, Jäger M, Baumgärtner J, Wobrock T, Cordes J (2020). A randomized double-blind controlled trial to assess the benefits of amisulpride and olanzapine combination treatment versus each monotherapy in acutely ill schizophrenia patients (COMBINE): methods and design. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci, 270, 83-94.
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  356. Kallweit C, Paucke M, Strauß M, Exner C (2020). Cognitive deficits and psychosocial functioning in adult ADHD: Bridging the gap between objective test measures and subjective reports. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol, 42, 569-583.
  357. Hallensleben N, Glaesmer H, Forkmann T, Rath D, Strauß M, Kersting A, Spangenberg L (2020). How Is the Presence of Company Related to Thwarted Belongingness in Real Time? Taking a Closer Look at the Conceptualization of the Construct of the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 17, 4873.
  358. Otte C, Chae WR, Nowacki J, Kaczmarczyk M, Piber D, Roepke S, Märschenz S, Lischewski S, Schmidt S, Ettrich B, Grabe HJ, Hegerl U, Hinkelmann K, Hofmann T, Janowitz D, Junghanns K, Kahl KG, Klein JP, Krueger THC, Leicht G, Prvulovic D, Reif A, Schoettle D, Strauß M, Westermair A, Friede T, Gold SM (2020). Simvastatin add-on to escitalopram in patients with comorbid obesity and major depression (SIMCODE): study protocol of a multicentre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. BMJ Open, 10, 040119.
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  360. Pérez-Ara MÁ, Gili M, Visser M, Penninx BWJH, Brouwer IA, Watkins E, Owens M, García-Toro M, Hegerl U, Kohls E, Bot M, Roca M (2020). Associations of Non-Alcoholic Beverages with Major Depressive Disorder History and Depressive Symptoms Clusters in a Sample of Overweight Adults. Nutrients, 12, 3202.
  361. Thesing CS, Milaneschi Y, Bot M, Brouwer IA, Owens M, Hegerl U, Gili M, Roca M, Kohls E, Watkins E, Visser M, Penninx BWJH (2020). Supplementation-induced increase in circulating omega-3 serum levels is not associated with a reduction in depressive symptoms: Results from the MooDFOOD depression prevention trial. Depress Anxiety, 37, 1079-1088.
  362. Owens M, Watkins E, Bot M, Brouwer IA, Roca M, Kohls E, Penninx B, van Grootheest G, Cabout M, Hegerl U, Gili M, Visser M (2020). Acceptability and feasibility of two interventions in the MooDFOOD Trial: a food-related depression prevention randomised controlled trial in overweight adults with subsyndromal symptoms of depression. BMJ Open, 10, 034025.
  363. Paans NPG, Bot M, Brouwer IA, Visser M, Gili M, Roca M, Hegerl U, Kohls E, Owens M, Watkins E, Penninx BWJH (2020). Effects of food-related behavioral activation therapy on eating styles, diet quality and body weight change: Results from the MooDFOOD Randomized Clinical Trial. J Psychosom Res, 137, 110206.
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  366. Kilian C, Manthey J, Rehm J (2020). Gender Differences and the Role of Social Inequality in Alcohol's Harm to Others in Europe. J Stud Alcohol Drugs, 81, 762-769.
  367. Kilian C, Manthey J, Moskalewicz J, Scafato E, Segura García L, Sieroslawski J, Rehm J (2020). Comparing subjective intoxication with risky single-occasion drinking in a European sample. PLoS One, 15, 0241433.
  368. Rehm J, Casswell S, Manthey J, Room R, Shield K (2020). Reducing the harmful use of alcohol: Have international targets been met? Eur J Rist Reg, 0, 0-0.
  369. Losert A, Sander C, Schredl M, Heilmann-Etzbach I, Deuschle M, Hegerl U, Schilling C (2020). Enhanced Vigilance Stability during Daytime in Insomnia Disorder. Brain Sci, 10, 830.
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  371. Minkwitz J, Sander C, Himmerich H, Thormann J, Chittka T, Hegerl U, Schmidt F, Murray M, Albayrak N, Campbell IC, Scheipl F (2020). Reported and Recorded Sleepiness in Obesity and Depression. Front Psychiatry, 11, 200.
  372. Kaess M, Moessner M, Koenig J, Lustig S, Bonnet S, Becker K, Eschenbeck H, Rummel-Kluge C, Thomasius R, Bauer S (2020). A plea for the sustained implementation of digital interventions for young people with mental health problems in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic. J Child Psychol Psychiatry, (), 0-0.
  373. Corrigan PW, Qin S, Davidson L, Schomerus G, Shuman V, Smelson D (2020). Recovery from mental illness versus substance use disorder. Advances in Dual Diagnosis, 13, 101-110.
  374. Hoffmann H, Koschinowski J, Bischof G, Schomerus G, Rumpf HJ (2020). Medical Students? Readiness for Cutbacks in Health Care Expenditures of Alcohol-Dependent Individuals An Indicator for Stigmatization? Sucht, 66, 105-112.
  375. Surova G, Ulke C, Schmidt FM, Hensch T, Sander C, Hegerl U (2020). Fatigue and brain arousal in patients with major depressive disorder. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci, 0, 0-0.
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  377. Bartholomes S, Schomerus G (2020). Ambulante Gruppentherapie für Männer mit Depression: Rahmenkonzept, Module, Materialien. Psychosoziale Arbeitshilfen 37 In: Bartholomes S, Schomerus G, Ambulante Gruppentherapie für Männer mit Depression: Rahmenkonzept, Module, Materialien. Psychosoziale Arbeitshilfen 37 (S. 1-136), Köln: Psychiatrie Verlag.
  378. Steinberg H (2020). Die Karriere des Psychiaters Dietfried Müller-Hegemann als Beispiel eines politisch gewollten Auf- und Abstiegs in der DDR. In: Kumbier E, Psychiatrie in der DDR II. Weitere Beiträge zur Geschichte. (S. 119-136), Berlin: be.bra wissenschaft verlag.

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  380. Schindler S, Schmidt L, Stroske M, Storch M, Anwander A, Trampel R, Strauss M, Hegerl U, Geyer S, Schonknecht P (2019). Hypothalamus enlargement in mood disorders. Acta Psychiatr Scand, 139(1), 56-67.
  381. Dogan-Sander E, Willenberg A, Batmaz I, Enzenbach C, Wirkner K, Kohls E, Mergl R, Thiery J, Kratzsch J, Hegerl U, Sander C (2019). Association of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations with sleep phenotypes in a German community sample. PLoS One, 14, 0219318.
  382. Oehler C, Görges F, Böttger D, Hug J, Koburger N, Kohls E, Rummel-Kluge C (2019). Efficacy of an internet-based self-management intervention for depression or dysthymia - a study protocol of an RCT using an active control condition. BMC Psychiatry, 19, 90.
  383. Baldofski S, Kohls E, Bauer S, Becker K, Bilic S, Eschenbeck H, Kaess M, Moessner M, Salize HJ, Diestelkamp S, Voss E, Rummel-Kluge C (2019). Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of two online interventions for children and adolescents at risk for depression (E.motion trial): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial within the ProHEAD consortium. Trials, 20, 53.
  384. Ulke C, Wittekind DA, Spada J, Franik K, Jawinski P, Hensch T, Hegerl U (2019). Brain arousal regulation in SSRI-medicated patients with major depression. J Psychiatr Res, 108, 34-39.
  385. Hartmann R, Sander C, Lorenz N, Böttger D, Hegerl U (2019). Utilization of Patient-Generated Data Collected Through Mobile Devices: Insights From a Survey on Attitudes Toward Mobile Self-Monitoring and Self-Management Apps for Depression. JMIR Ment Health, 6, 11671.
  386. Hartmann R, Schmidt FM, Sander C, Hegerl U (2019). Heart Rate Variability as Indicator of Clinical State in Depression. Front Psychiatry, 9, 735.
  387. Minkwitz J, Scheipl F, Cartwright L, Campbell IC, Chittka T, Thormann J, Hegerl U, Sander C, Himmerich H (2019). Why some obese people become depressed whilst others do not: exploring links between cognitive reactivity, depression and obesity. Psychol Health Med, 24, 362-373.
  388. Lorenz N, Spada J, Sander C, Riedel-Heller SG, Hegerl U (2019). Circadian skin temperature rhythms, circadian activity rhythms and sleep in individuals with self-reported depressive symptoms. J Psychiatr Res, 117, 38-44.
  389. Wagner X, Kluge M (2019). Psychosis after electroconvulsive therapy in a depressed patient. Aust N Z J Psychiatry, 53, 704-705.
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  395. Ulke C, Rullmann M, Huang J, Luthardt J, Becker GA, Patt M, Meyer PM, Tiepolt S, Hesse S, Sabri O, Strauss M (2019). Adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is associated with reduced norepinephrine transporter availability in right attention networks: a (S,S)-O-[11C]methylreboxetine positron emission tomography study. Transl Psychiatry, 9(1), 301-.
  396. Speerforck S, Stolzenburg S, Hertel J, Grabe HJ, Strauss M, Carta MG, Angermeyer MC, Schomerus G (2019). ADHD, stigma and continuum beliefs: A population survey on public attitudes towards children and adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Psychiatry Res, 282, 112570-.
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  399. Hensch T, Wozniak D, Spada J, Sander C, Ulke C, Wittekind DA, Thiery J, Loffler M, Jawinski P, Hegerl U (2019). Vulnerability to bipolar disorder is linked to sleep and sleepiness. Transl Psychiatry, 9(1), 294-.
  400. Görges F, Oehler C, von Hirschhausen E, Hegerl U, Rummel-Kluge C (2019). GET.HAPPY2 - User perspectives on an internet-based self-management positive psychology intervention among persons with and without depression: Results from a retrospective survey. J Clin Psychol, 0, 0.
  401. Heinz I, Mergl R, Hegerl U, Rummel-Kluge C, Kohls E (2019). Depression stigma and management of suicidal callers: a cross-sectional survey of crisis hotline counselors. BMC Psychiatry, 19(1), 342-.
  402. Oehler C, Gorges F, Bottger D, Hug J, Koburger N, Kohls E, Rummel-Kluge C (2019). Efficacy of an internet-based self-management intervention for depression or dysthymia - a study protocol of an RCT using an active control condition. BMC Psychiatry, 19(1), 90-.
  403. Steinberg H (2019). Treatment of fear by trans-cranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in history. J Clin Neurosci, 67, 295-296.
  404. Baldofski S, Mauche N, Dogan-Sander E, Bot M, Brouwer IA, Paans NPG, Cabout M, Gili M, van Grootheest G, Hegerl U, Owens M, Roca M, Visser M, Watkins E, Penninx BWJH, Kohls E (2019). Depressive Symptom Clusters in Relation to Body Weight Status: Results From Two Large European Multicenter Studies. Front Psychiatry, 10, 858-.
  405. Wittekind DA, Kratzsch J, Mergl R, Enzenbach C, Witte V, Villringer A, Kluge M (2019). Higher fasting ghrelin serum levels in active smokers than in former and never-smokers. World J Biol Psychiatry, 0, 1-9.
  406. Horsfield P, Stolzenburg S, Hahm S, Tomczyk S, Muehlan H, Schmidt S, Schomerus G (2019). Self-labeling as having a mental or physical illness: the effects of stigma and implications for help-seeking. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 0, 0.
  407. Speerforck S, Hertel J, Stolzenburg S, Grabe HJ, Carta MG, Angermeyer MC, Schomerus G (2019). Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Children and Adults: A Population Survey on Public Beliefs. J Atten Disord, 0, 1087054719855691-.
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  409. Schmidt FM, Koch J, Nowak C, Holdt LM, Teupser D, Hegerl U, Himmerich H (2019). Ligands and receptors of the TNF superfamily are decreased in major depression and during early antidepressant therapy. J Psychiatr Res, 119, 116-121.
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  411. Weiß D, Kluge M (2019). Waiting 40 years for the correct diagnosis: A complex case of comorbid narcolepsy and ADHD. Aust N Z J Psychiatry, 0, 00.
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  413. Bot M, Brouwer IA, Roca M, Kohls E, Penninx BWJH, Watkins E, van Grootheest G, Cabout M, Hegerl U, Gili M, Owens M, Visser M (2019). Effect of Multinutrient Supplementation and Food-Related Behavioral Activation Therapy on Prevention of Major Depressive Disorder Among Overweight or Obese Adults With Subsyndromal Depressive Symptoms: The MooDFOOD Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA, 321, 858-868.
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  417. Marizzoni M, Ferrari C, Jovicich J, Albani D, Babiloni C, Cavaliere L, Didic M, Forloni G, Galluzzi S, Hoffmann KT, Molinuevo JL, Nobili F, Parnetti L, Payoux P, Ribaldi F, Rossini PM, Schönknecht P, Salvatore M, Soricelli A, Hensch T, Tsolaki M, Visser PJ, Wiltfang J, Richardson JC, Bordet R, Blin O, Frisoni GB (2019). Predicting and Tracking Short Term Disease Progression in Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment Patients with Prodromal Alzheimer's Disease: Structural Brain Biomarkers. J Alzheimers Dis, 69, 3-14.
  418. Boschloo L, Bekhuis E, Weitz ES, Reijnders M, DeRubeis RJ, Dimidjian S, Dunner DL, Dunlop BW, Hegerl U, Hollon SD, Jarrett RB, Kennedy SH, Miranda J, Mohr DC, Simons AD, Parker G, Petrak F, Herpertz S, Quilty LC, John Rush A, Segal ZV, Vittengl JR, Schoevers RA, Cuijpers P (2019). The symptom-specific efficacy of antidepressant medication vs. cognitive behavioral therapy in the treatment of depression: results from an individual patient data meta-analysis. World Psychiatry, 18, 183-191.
  419. Furukawa TA, Reijnders M, Kishimoto S, Sakata M, DeRubeis RJ, Dimidjian S, Dozois DJA, Hegerl U, Hollon SD, Jarrett RB, Lesperance F, Segal ZV, Mohr DC, Simons AD, Quilty LC, Reynolds CF, Gentili C, Leucht S, Engel RR, Cuijpers P (2019). Translating the BDI and BDI-II into the HAMD and vice versa with equipercentile linking. Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci, 0, 1-13.
  420. Kramer L, Sander C, Bertsch K, Gescher DM, Cackowski S, Hegerl U, Herpertz SC (2019). EEG-vigilance regulation in Borderline Personality Disorder. Int J Psychophysiol, 139, 10-17.
  421. Kaess M, Ritter S, Lustig S, Bauer S, Becker K, Eschenbeck H, Moessner M, Rummel-Kluge C, Salize HJ, Thomasius R, Resch F, Koenig J (2019). Promoting Help-seeking using E-technology for ADolescents with mental health problems: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial within the ProHEAD Consortium. Trials, 20, 94.
  422. Bauer S, Bilic S, Reetz C, Ozer F, Becker K, Eschenbeck H, Kaess M, Rummel-Kluge C, Salize HJ, Diestelkamp S, Moessner M (2019). Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of Internet-based selective eating disorder prevention: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial within the ProHEAD Consortium. Trials, 20, 91.
  423. Diestelkamp S, Wartberg L, Kaess M, Bauer S, Rummel-Kluge C, Becker K, Eschenbeck H, Salize HJ, Moessner M, Baldus C, Arnaud N, Thomasius R (2019). Effectiveness of a web-based screening and brief intervention with weekly text-message-initiated individualised prompts for reducing risky alcohol use among teenagers: study protocol of a randomised controlled trial within the ProHEAD consortium. Trials, 20, 73.
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  426. Hallensleben N, Glaesmer H, Forkmann T, Rath D, Strauss M, Kersting A, Spangenberg L (2019). Predicting suicidal ideation by interpersonal variables, hopelessness and depression in real-time. An ecological momentary assessment study in psychiatric inpatients with depression. Eur Psychiatry, 56, 43-50.
  427. Schmidt-Kraepelin C, Feyerabend S, Engelke C, Riesbeck M, Meisenzahl-Lechner E, Gaebel W, Verde PE, Kolbe H, Correll CU, Leucht S, Heres S, Kluge M, Makiol C, Neff A, Lange C, Englisch S, Zink M, Langguth B, Poeppl T, Reske D, Gouzoulis-Mayfrank E, Grunder G, Hasan A, Brockhaus-Dumke A, Jager M, Baumgartner J, Wobrock T, Cordes J (2019). A randomized double-blind controlled trial to assess the benefits of amisulpride and olanzapine combination treatment versus each monotherapy in acutely ill schizophrenia patients (COMBINE): methods and design. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci, 0, 0.
  428. Grasso AC, Olthof MR, van Dooren C, Roca M, Gili M, Visser M, Cabout M, Bot M, Penninx BWJH, van Grootheest G, Kohls E, Hegerl U, Owens M, Watkins E, Brouwer IA (2019). Effect of food-related behavioral activation therapy on food intake and the environmental impact of the diet: results from the MooDFOOD prevention trial. Eur J Nutr, 0, 0.
  429. Thomas K, Beyer F, Lewe G, Zhang R, Schindler S, Schonknecht P, Stumvoll M, Villringer A, Witte AV (2019). Higher body mass index is linked to altered hypothalamic microstructure. Sci Rep, 9(1), 17373-.
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  433. Minkwitz J, Scheipl F, Cartwright L, Campbell IC, Chittka T, Thormann J, Hegerl U, Sander C, Himmerich H (2019). Why some obese people become depressed whilst others do not: exploring links between cognitive reactivity, depression and obesity. Psychol Health Med, 24(3), 362-373.
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  436. Bart K, Steinberg H (2018). [The Contributions of the East-German Sports Medicine Specialist and Neurologist Bernhard Schwarz (1918-1991) in the Field of Boxing]. Sportverletz Sportschaden, 32(1), 66-74.
  437. Kohls E, Hug J, Stahl M, Driessen P, Roemer C, Wollschlaeger E, Moldenhauer K, Rummel-Kluge C (2018). Peer counseling in depression care: A pilot study in a psychiatric inpatient setting. Psychiatry Res, 270, 698-704.
  438. Schmidt FM, Sander C, Minkwitz J, Mergl R, Dalton B, Holdt LM, Teupser D, Hegerl U, Himmerich H (2018). Serum Markers of Inflammation Mediate the Positive Association Between Neuroticism and Depression. Front Psychiatry, 9, 609.
  439. Hegerl U, Mergl R, Sander C, Dietzel J, Bitter I, Demyttenaere K, Gusmao R, Arrillaga AG, Zorrilla I, Alocen AG, Sola VP, Vieta E, Juckel G, Zimmermann US, Bauer M, Sienaert P, Quintao S, Edel MA, Bolyos C, Ayuso-Mateos JL, Lopez-Garcia P, Kluge M (2018). A multi-centre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial of methylphenidate in the initial treatment of acute mania (MEMAP study). Eur Neuropsychopharmacol, 28(1), 185-194.
  440. Hegerl U, Heinz I (2018). Reflections on causes of suicidal behaviour. Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci, 0, 1-4.
  441. Steinberg H (2018). [On the 200th Anniversary of the Creation of the Term "Psychosomatic" in the Medical World Literature by Johann Christian August Heinroth]. Psychother Psychosom Med Psychol, 68(1), 7-9.
  442. Steinberg H (2018). [The career of the psychiatrist Dietfried Müller-Hegemann (1910-1989) : Example of a politically motivated rise and fall in the German Democratic Republic]. Nervenarzt, 89(1), 78-87.
  443. Hegerl U, Mergl R, Sander C, Dietzel J, Bitter I, Demyttenaere K, Gusmao R, Arrillaga AG, Zorrilla I, Alocen AG, Sola VP, Vieta E, Juckel G, Zimmermann US, Bauer M, Sienaert P, Quintao S, Edel MA, Bolyos C, Ayuso-Mateos JL, Lopez-Garcia P, Kluge M (2018). A multi-centre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial of methylphenidate in the initial treatment of acute mania (MEMAP study). Eur Neuropsychopharmacol, 28(1), 185-194.
  444. Schindler S, Schmidt L, Stroske M, Storch M, Anwander A, Trampel R, Strauß M, Hegerl U, Geyer S, Schönknecht P (2018). Hypothalamus enlargement in mood disorders. Acta Psychiatr Scand, 0, 0.
  445. Ulke C, Tenke CE, Kayser J, Sander C, Böttger D, Wong LYX, Alvarenga JE, Fava M, McGrath PJ, Deldin PJ, Mcinnis MG, Trivedi MH, Weissman MM, Pizzagalli DA, Hegerl U, Bruder GE (2018). Resting EEG Measures of Brain Arousal in a Multisite Study of Major Depression. Clin EEG Neurosci, 0, 0.
  446. Görges F, Oehler C, von Hirschhausen E, Hegerl U, Rummel-Kluge C (2018). GET.HAPPY - Acceptance of an internet-based self-management positive psychology intervention for adult primary care patients with mild and moderate depression or dysthymia: A pilot study. Internet Interv, 12, 26-35.
  447. Paucke M, Stark T, Exner C, Kallweit C, Hegerl U, Strauß M (2018). [Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and comorbid mental disorders : ADHD-specific self-rating scales in differential diagnostics]. Nervenarzt, 0, 0.
  448. Wolff J, Schindler S, Lucas C, Binninger AS, Weinrich L, Schreiber J, Hegerl U, Möller HE, Leitzke M, Geyer S, Schönknecht P (2018). A semi-automated algorithm for hypothalamus volumetry in 3 Tesla magnetic resonance images. Psychiatry Res Neuroimaging, 277, 45-51.
  449. Jawinski P, Kirsten H, Sander C, Spada J, Ulke C, Huang J, Burkhardt R, Scholz M, Hensch T, Hegerl U (2018). Human brain arousal in the resting state: a genome-wide association study. Mol Psychiatry, 0, 0.
  450. Huang J, Ulke C, Sander C, Jawinski P, Spada J, Hegerl U, Hensch T (2018). Impact of brain arousal and time-on-task on autonomic nervous system activity in the wake-sleep transition. BMC Neurosci, 19, 18.
  451. Mergl R, Allgaier AK, Hautzinger M, Coyne JC, Hegerl U, Henkel V (2018). One-year follow-up of a randomized controlled trial of sertraline and cognitive behavior group therapy in depressed primary care patients (MIND study). J Affect Disord, 230, 15-21.
  452. Ulke C, Mauche N, Makiol C, Bednasch K, Wittekind DA, Hegerl U, Strauß M (2018). Successful treatment in a case of ultra-rapid cycling bipolar disorder is reflected in brain arousal regulation. Bipolar Disord, 20, 77-80.
  453. Strauß M, Ulke C, Paucke M, Huang J, Mauche N, Sander C, Stark T, Hegerl U (2018). Brain arousal regulation in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Psychiatry Res, 261, 102-108.
  454. Coppens E, Van Audenhove C, Gusmao R, Purebl G, Szekely A, Maxwell M, Koburger N, Arensman E, Hegerl U (2018). Effectiveness of General Practitioner training to improve suicide awareness and knowledge and skills towards depression. J Affect Disord, 227, 17-23.
  455. Wittekind DA, Kratzsch J, Mergl R, Enzenbach C, Witte AV, Villringer A, Kluge M (2018). Alcohol consumption is positively associated with fasting serum ghrelin in non-dependent adults: Results from the population-based LIFE-Adult-Study. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 97, 143-148.
  456. Gnoth M, Glaesmer H, Steinberg H (2018). The views of Wilhelm Griesinger (1817-68) on suicidality or 'self-murder'. Hist Psychiatry, 0, 0.
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  461. Gnoth M, Glaesmer H, Steinberg H (2018). [Suicidality in German-speaking school psychiatry : Thematization in textbooks from 1803 until the present]. Nervenarzt, 89, 828-836.
  462. Sander C, Schmidt JM, Mergl R, Schmidt FM, Hegerl U (2018). Changes in brain arousal (EEG-vigilance) after therapeutic sleep deprivation in depressive patients and healthy controls. Sci Rep, 8, 15087.
  463. Strauß M, Mergl R, Gürke N, Kleinert K, Sander C, Hegerl U (2018). Association between acute critical life events and the speed of onset of depressive episodes in male and female depressed patients. BMC Psychiatry, 18, 332.
  464. Schmidt FM (2018). Cognitive behaviour therapy and inflammation: A systematic review of its relationship and the potential implications for the treatment of depression. Aust N Z J Psychiatry, 52, 385-386.
  465. Rath D, Hallensleben N, Glaesmer H, Spangenberg L, Strauß M, Kersting A, Teismann T, Forkmann T (2018). 4. Implicit Associations with Death: First Validation of the German Version of the Suicide Implicit Association Test (Suicide IAT)]. Psychother Psychosom Med Psychol, 68, 109-117.
  466. Paans NPG, Bot M, Brouwer IA, Visser M, Roca M, Kohls E, Watkins E, Penninx BWJH (2018). The association between depression and eating styles in four European countries: The MooDFOOD prevention study. J Psychosom Res, 108, 85-92.
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  468. Sabri O, Meyer PM, Gräf S, Hesse S, Wilke S, Becker GA, Rullmann M, Patt M, Luthardt J, Wagenknecht G, Hoepping A, Smits R, Franke A, Sattler B, Tiepolt S, Fischer S, Deuther-Conrad W, Hegerl U, Barth (2018). Cognitive correlates of ?4?2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in mild Alzheimer's dementia. Brain, 141, 1840-1854.
  469. Beesdo-Baum K, Knappe S, Einsle F, Knothe L, Wieder G, Venz J, Rummel-Kluge C, Heinz I, Koburger N, Schouler-Ocak M, Wilbertz T, Unger HP, Walter U, Hein J, Hegerl U, Lieb R, Pfennig A, Schmitt J, Hoy (2018). [How frequently are depressive disorders recognized in primary care patients? : A cross-sectional epidemiological study in Germany]. Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz, 61, 52-64.
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  471. Wolff J, Schindler S, Lucas C, Binninger AS, Weinrich L, Schreiber J, Hegerl U, Moller HE, Leitzke M, Geyer S, Schonknecht P (2018). A semi-automated algorithm for hypothalamus volumetry in 3 Tesla magnetic resonance images. Psychiatry Res Neuroimaging, 277, 45-51.
  472. Florek L, Tiepolt S, Schroeter ML, Berrouschot J, Saur D, Hesse S, Jochimsen T, Luthardt J, Sattler B, Patt M, Hoffmann KT, Villringer A, Classen J, Gertz HJ, Sabri O, Barthel H (2018). Dual Time-Point [18F]Florbetaben PET Delivers Dual Biomarker Information in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer's Disease. J Alzheimers Dis, 66(3), 1105-1116.
  473. Tiepolt S, Schafer A, Rullmann M, Roggenhofer E, Gertz HJ, Schroeter ML, Patt M, Bazin PL, Jochimsen TH, Turner R, Sabri O, Barthel H (2018). Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping of Amyloid-? Aggregates in Alzheimer's Disease with 7T MR. J Alzheimers Dis, 64(2), 393-404.
  474. Schüssler P, Kluge M, Adamczyk M, Beitinger ME, Beitinger P, Bleifuss A, Cordeiro S, Mattern C, Uhr M, Wetter TC, Yassouridis A, Rupprecht R, Friess E, Steiger A (2018). Sleep after intranasal progesterone vs. zolpidem and placebo in postmenopausal women - A randomized, double-blind cross over study. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 92, 81-86.
  475. Kumbier E, Steinberg H (2018). Psychiatrie in der DDR. Beiträge zur Geschichte. In: Kumbier E, Steinberg H, Psychiatrie in der DDR. Beiträge zur Geschichte. (S. 1-400), Berlin: be.bra wissenschaft verlag.
  476. Thormann J, Himmerich H, Steinberg H (2018). Depressionsforschung in der DDR - Historische Entwicklungslinien und Therapieansätze. In: Kumbier E, Steinberg H, Psychiatrie in der DDR. Beiträge zur Geschichte. (S. 275-288), Berlin: be.bra wissenschaft verlag.
  477. Kumbier E, Steinberg H (2018). Einleitung In: Kumbier E, Steinberg H, Psychiatrie in der DDR. Beiträge zur Geschichte. (S. 11-22), Berlin: be.bra wissenschaft verlag.
  478. Steinmetz M, Himmerich H, Steinberg H (2018). Christa Kohlers "Kommunikative Psychotherapie" - Ein integratives Psychotherapiekonzept im biografischen, wissenschaftlichen und historischen Kontext. In: Kumbier E, Steinberg H, Psychiatrie in der DDR. Beiträge zur Geschichte. (S. 331-348), Berlin: be.bra wissenschaft verlag.

  479. 2017

  480. Schmidt FM, Schindler S, Adamidis M, Strauss M, Trankner A, Trampel R, Walter M, Hegerl U, Turner R, Geyer S, Schonknecht P (2017). Habenula volume increases with disease severity in unmedicated major depressive disorder as revealed by 7T MRI. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci, 267(2), 107-115.
  481. Ulke C, Sander C, Jawinski P, Mauche N, Huang J, Spada J, Wittekind D, Mergl R, Luck T, Riedel-Heller S, Hensch T, Hegerl U (2017). Sleep disturbances and upregulation of brain arousal during daytime in depressed versus non-depressed elderly subjects. World J Biol Psychiatry, 18(80), 633-640.
  482. Arensman E, Coffey C, Griffin E, Van Audenhove C, Scheerder G, Gusmao R, Costa S, Larkin C, Koburger N, Maxwell M, Harris F, Postuvan V, Hegerl U (2017). Effectiveness of Depression-Suicidal Behaviour Gatekeeper Training among police officers in three European regions: Outcomes of the Optimising Suicide Prevention Programmes and Their Implementation in Europe (OSPI-Europe) study. Int J Soc Psychiatry, 00, 00.
  483. Steinberg H (2017). [Electrotherapy in German psychiatry]. Nervenarzt, 88(1), 85-86.
  484. Dietrich S, Mergl R, Rummel-Kluge C (2017). [From the First Symptoms of Depression to Treatment. When and Where are People Seeking Help? Does Stigma Play a Role?] Psychiatr Prax, 44(8), 461-468.
  485. Dogan E, Sander C, Wagner X, Hegerl U, Kohls E (2017). Smartphone-Based Monitoring of Objective and Subjective Data in Affective Disorders: Where Are We and Where Are We Going? Systematic Review. J Med Internet Res, 19, e262.
  486. Pfeil S, Holtz K, Kopf KA, Hegerl U, Rummel-Kluge C (2017). Minor depression in older, long-term unemployed people seeking vocational support. BMC Psychiatry, 17(1), 243.
  487. Freeman A, Mergl R, Kohls E, Szekely A, Gusmao R, Arensman E, Koburger N, Hegerl U, Rummel-Kluge C (2017). A cross-national study on gender differences in suicide intent. BMC Psychiatry, 17(1), 234.
  488. Jawinski P, Kittel J, Sander C, Huang J, Spada J, Ulke C, Wirkner K, Hensch T, Hegerl U (2017). Recorded and Reported Sleepiness: The Association Between Brain Arousal in Resting State and Subjective Daytime Sleepiness. Sleep, 40(7), zsx099.
  489. Kohls E, Coppens E, Hug J, Wittevrongel E, Van Audenhove C, Koburger N, Arensman E, Szekely A, Gusmao R, Hegerl U (2017). Public attitudes toward depression and help-seeking: Impact of the OSPI-Europe depression awareness campaign in four European regions. J Affect Disord, 217, 252-259.
  490. Schmidt FM, Sander C, Dietz ME, Nowak C, Schroder T, Mergl R, Schonknecht P, Himmerich H, Hegerl U (2017). Brain arousal regulation as response predictor for antidepressant therapy in major depression. Sci Rep, 7, 45187.
  491. Hinz A, Glaesmer H, Brahler E, Loffler M, Engel C, Enzenbach C, Hegerl U, Sander C (2017). Sleep quality in the general population: psychometric properties of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, derived from a German community sample of 9284 people. Sleep Med, 30, 57-63.
  492. Sander C, Ueck P, Mergl R, Gordon G, Hegerl U, Himmerich H (2017). Physical activity in depressed and non-depressed patients with obesity. Eat Weight Disord, 0, 0.
  493. Huang J, Hensch T, Ulke C, Sander C, Spada J, Jawinski P, Hegerl U (2017). Evoked potentials and behavioral performance during different states of brain arousal. BMC Neurosci, 7(1), 11804.
  494. Hegerl U, Hensch T (2017). Why do stimulants not work in typical depression? Aust N Z J Psychiatry, 51(1), 20-22.
  495. Coppens E, Van Audenhove C, Gusmao R, Purebl G, Szekely A, Maxwell M, Koburger N, Arensman E, Hegerl U (2017). Effectiveness of General Practitioner training to improve suicide awareness and knowledge and skills towards depression. J Affect Disord, 227, 17-23.
  496. Koburger N, Hegerl U (2017). Onlineselbstmanagement: Ergänzung zur Depressionsbehandlung. Deutsches Ärzteblatt, 114(25), A1252.
  497. Strauß M, Ulke C, Paucke M, Huang J, Mauche N, Sander C, Stark T, Hegerl U (2017). Brain arousal regulation in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Psychiatry Res, 261, 102-108.
  498. Paul E, Mergl R, Hegerl U (2017). Has information on suicide methods provided via the Internet negatively impacted suicide rates? PLoS One, 12(12), e0190136.
  499. Ulke C, Huang J, Schwabedal JTC, Surova G, Mergl R, Hensch T (2017). Coupling and dynamics of cortical and autonomic signals are linked to central inhibition during the wake-sleep transition. Sci Rep, 7(1), 11804.
  500. Paucke M, Strauß M (2017). ADHS im Erwachsenenalter und psychiatrische Komorbiditäten. Die Psychiatrie, 14(4), 250-256.
  501. Bart K, Steinberg H (2017). [From boxing to geriatric psychiatry : Facets from the work of East German social psychiatrist Bernhard Schwarz (1918-1991)]. Nervenarzt, 0, 00.
  502. Engmann B, Steinberg H (2017). [Victor Khrisanfovich Kandinsky (1849-1889) : Contributions of a Russian psychiatrist to the concepts of pseudohallucination and schizophrenias]. Nervenarzt, 0, 00.
  503. Engmann B, Steinberg H (2017). [19th century Russian research about collective behavior]. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr, 85(5), 280-287.
  504. Steinberg H, Carius D, Fontenelle LF (2017). Kraepelins views on obsessive neurosis: a comparison with DSM-5 criteria for obsessive-compulsive disorder. Rev Bras Psiquiatr, 39(4), 355-364.
  505. Steinberg H (2017). Die Begriffe der Depression und Melancholie im Werk von Johann Christian August Heinroth. Die Psychiatrie, 14(3), 133-135.
  506. Engmann B, Steinberg H (2017). Die Dorpater Zeit von Emil Kraepelin - Hinterließ dieser Aufenthalt Spuren in der russischen und sowjetischen Psychiatrie? Fortschritte der Neurologie - Psychiatrie, 85(11), 675-682.
  507. Jahn I, Becker T, Stengler K (2017). Likely impact of the UN Convention on disability on mental health services. Curr Opin Psychiatry, 30(4), 318-322.
  508. Berwig M, Heinrich S, Spahlholz J, Hallensleben N, Brahler E, Gertz HJ (2017). Individualized support for informal caregivers of people with dementia - effectiveness of the German adaptation of REACH II. BMC Geriatr, 17(1), 286.
  509. Gertz HJ (2017). The New Modesty. Editorial. Dtsch Arztebl Int, 114(48), 813-814.
  510. Schindler S, Schreiber J, Bazin PL, Trampel R, Anwander A, Geyer S, Schönknecht P (2017). Intensity standardisation of 7T MR images for intensity-based segmentation of the human hypothalamus. PLoS One, 12(3), e0173344.
  511. Berwig M, Dichter MN, Albers B, Wermke K, Trutschel D, Seismann-Petersen S, Halek M (2017). Feasibility and effectiveness of a telephone-based social support intervention for informal caregivers of people with dementia: Study protocol of the TALKING TIME project. BMC Health Serv Res, 17, 280.
  512. Arendt T, Morawski M, Gartner U, Fröhlich N, Schulze F, Wohmann N, Jager C, Eisenloffel C, Gertz HJ, Mueller W, Brauer K (2017). Inhomogeneous distribution of Alzheimer pathology along the isocortical relief. Are cortical convolutions an Achilles heel of evolution? Brain Pathol, 27(5), 603-611.
  513. Konte B, Leicht G, Giegling I, Pogarell O, Karch S, Hartmann AM, Friedl M, Hegerl U, Rujescu D, Mulert C (2017). A genome-wide association study of early gamma-band response in a schizophrenia case-control sample. World J Biol Psychiatry, 0, 0.
  514. Hallensleben N, Spangenberg L, Forkmann T, Rath D, Hegerl U, Kersting A, Kallert TW, Glaesmer H (2017). Investigating the Dynamics of Suicidal Ideation. Crisis, 0, 0-0.
  515. Justicia A, Elices M, Cebria AI, Palao DJ, Gorosabel J, Puigdemont D, de Diego-Adelino J, Gabilondo A, Iruin A, Hegerl U, Perez V (2017). Rationale and methods of the iFightDepression study: A double-blind, randomized controlled trial evaluating the efficacy of an internet-based self-management tool for moderate to mild depression. BMC Psychiatry, 17(1), 143.
  516. Gold SM, Enck P, Hasselmann H, Friede T, Hegerl U, Mohr DC, Otte C (2017). Control conditions for randomised trials of behavioural interventions in psychiatry: a decision framework. Lancet Psychiatry, 4(9), 725-732.
  517. Zalsman G, Hawton K, Wasserman D, van Heeringen K, Arensman E, Sarchiapone M, Carli V, Hoschl C, Winkler P, Balazs J, Purebl G, Kahn JP, Saiz PA, Bobes J, Cozman D, Hegerl U, Rancans E, Hadlaczky G, V (2017). Evidence-based national suicide prevention taskforce in Europe: A consensus position paper. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol, 27(4), 418-421.
  518. Liu NH, Daumit GL, Dua T, Aquila R, Charlson F, Cuijpers P, Druss B, Dudek K, Freeman M, Fujii C, Gaebel W, Hegerl U, Levav I, Munk Laursen T, Ma H, Maj M, Elena Medina-Mora M, Nordentoft M, Prabhakar (2017). Excess mortality in persons with severe mental disorders: a multilevel intervention framework and priorities for clinical practice, policy and research agendas. World Psychiatry, 16(1), 30-40.
  519. Furukawa TA, Weitz ES, Tanaka S, Hollon SD, Hofmann SG, Andersson G, Twisk J, DeRubeis RJ, Dimidjian S, Hegerl U, Mergl R, Jarrett RB, Vittengl JR, Watanabe N, Cuijpers P (2017). Initial severity of depression and efficacy of cognitive-behavioural therapy: individual-participant data meta-analysis of pill-placebo-controlled trials. Br J Psychiatry, 210(3), 190-196.
  520. Trautmann S, Beesdo-Baum K, Knappe S, Einsle F, Knothe L, Wieder G, Venz J, Rummel-Kluge C, Heinz I, Koburger N, Schouler-Ocak M, Wilbertz T, Unger H-P, Walter U, Hein J, Hegerl U, Lieb R, Pfennig A, (2017). The treatment of depression in primary care - a cross-sectional epidemiological study. Deutsches Ärzteblatt International, 114(43), 721-728.
  521. Kamenov K, Cabello M, Nieto M, Bernard R, Kohls E, Rummel-Kluge C, Ayuso-Mateos JL (2017). Research Recommendations for Improving Measurement of Treatment Effectiveness in Depression. Front Psychol, 8, 356.
  522. Hesse S, Müller U, Rullmann M, Luthardt J, Bresch A, Becker GA, Zientek F, Patt M, Meyer PM, Blüher M, Strauß M, Fenske W, Hankir M, Ding YS, Hilbert A, Sabri O (2017). The association between in vivo central noradrenaline transporter availability and trait impulsivity. Psychiatry Res, 267, 9-14.
  523. Moldovan RP, Els-Heindl S, Worm DJ, Kniess T, Kluge M, Beck-Sickinger AG, Deuther-Conrad W, Krugel U, Brust P (2017). Development of Fluorinated Non-Peptidic Ghrelin Receptor Ligands for Potential Use in Molecular Imaging. Int J Mol Sci, 18(4), E768.
  524. Dohrmann AL, Stengler K, Jahn I, Olbrich S (2017). EEG-arousal regulation as predictor of treatment response in patients suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder. Clin Neurophysiol, 128(10), 1906-1914.
  525. Fink J, Hendrikx F, Stierle C, Stengler K, Jahn I, Exner C (2017). The impact of attentional and emotional demands on memory performance in obsessive-compulsive disorder. J Anxiety Disord, 50, 60-68.
  526. Dorow M, Lobner M, Stein J, Konnopka A, Meisel HJ, Gunther L, Meixensberger J, Stengler K, Konig HH, Riedel-Heller SG (2017). Risk Factors for Postoperative Pain Intensity in Patients Undergoing Lumbar Disc Surgery: A Systematic Review. PLoS One, 12(1), e0170303.
  527. Frolich L, Peters O, Lewczuk P, Gruber O, Teipel SJ, Gertz HJ, Jahn H, Jessen F, Kurz A, Luckhaus C, Hull M, Pantel J, Reischies FM, Schroder J, Wagner M, Rienhoff O, Wolf S, Bauer C, Schuchhardt J, H (2017). Incremental value of biomarker combinations to predict progression of mild cognitive impairment to Alzheimers dementia. Alzheimers Res Ther, 9(1), 84.
  528. Bucerius J, Barthel H, Tiepolt S, Werner P, Sluimer JC, Wildberger JE, Patt M, Hesse S, Gertz HJ, Biessen EAL, Mottaghy FM, Sabri O (2017). Feasibility of in vivo 18F-florbetaben PET/MR imaging of human carotid amyloid-ß. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, 44(7), 1119-1128.
  529. Sabbagh MN, Schauble B, Anand K, Richards D, Murayama S, Akatsu H, Takao M, Rowe CC, Masters CL, Barthel H, Gertz HJ, Peters O, Rasgon N, Jovalekic A, Sabri O, Schulz-Schaeffer WJ, Seibyl J (2017). Histopathology and Florbetaben PET in Patients Incorrectly Diagnosed with Alzheimers Disease. J Alzheimers Dis, 56(2), 441-446.
  530. Nathan PJ, Lim YY, Abbott R, Galluzzi S, Marizzoni M, Babiloni C, Albani D, Bartres-Faz D, Didic M, Farotti L, Parnetti L, Salvadori N, Muller BW, Forloni G, Girtler N, Hensch T, Jovicich J, Leeuwis A (2017). Association between CSF biomarkers, hippocampal volume and cognitive function in patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Neurobiol Aging, 53, 1-10.
  531. Wolfersdorf M, Hegerl U (2017). Suizid und Suizidalität. In: Voderholzer U, Hohagen F, Therapie psychischer Erkrankungen. State of the Art. (S. 471-476), München: Urban & Fischer.
  532. Rummel-Kluge C, Hegerl U (2017). Depressions- und Suizidprävention. In: Klosterkötter J, Maier W, Handbuch Präventive Psychiatrie. (S. 197-210), Stuttgart: Schattauer.
  533. Aleithe M, Hegerl U, Ivanova G (2017). An architectural model for high performance pattern matching in linked historical data In: Abramowicz W, Alt R, Franczyk B, Business Information Systems Workshops (S. 323-331), Cham: Springer.
  534. Steinmetz M, Schönknecht P (2017). Praxis der Lichttherapie. In: Konrad C, Therapie der Depression. (S. 345-356), Berlin: Springer.

  535. 2016

  536. Becker K, Steinberg H, Kluge M (2016). Emil Kraepelins concepts of the phenomenology and physiology of sleep: The first systematic description of chronotypes. Sleep Med Rev, 27, 9-19.
  537. Hegerl U, Kohls E (2016). Synergistic effects of multi-level suicide preventive interventions: Important, but difficult to disentangle. Aust N Z J Psychiatry, 50(2), 178-179.
  538. Schmidt FM, Pschiebl A, Sander C, Kirkby KC, Thormann J, Minkwitz J, Chittka T, Weschenfelder J, Holdt LM, Teupser D, Hegerl U, Himmerich H (2016). Impact of Serum Cytokine Levels on EEG-Measured Arousal Regulation in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder and Healthy Controls. Neuropsychobiology, 73(1), 1-9.
  539. Hegerl U, Rummel-Kluge C, Heinz I (2016). [From the Competence Network on Depression and Suicidality to the German Depression Foundation. National and international prevention of suicidal behaviour and optimizing health care through using of E-Mental-Health]. Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz, 59(4), 406-411.
  540. Harris FM, Maxwell M, O Connor R, Coyne JC, Arensman E, Coffey C, Koburger N, Gusmao R, Costa S, Szekely A, Cserhati Z, McDaid D, van Audenhove C, Hegerl U (2016). Exploring synergistic interactions and catalysts in complex interventions: longitudinal, mixed methods case studies of an optimised multi-level suicide prevention intervention in four european countries (Ospi-Europe). BMC Public Health, 16, 268.
  541. Jawinski P, Mauche N, Ulke C, Huang J, Spada J, Enzenbach C, Sander C, Hegerl U, Hensch T (2016). Tobacco use is associated with reduced amplitude and intensity dependence of the cortical auditory evoked N1-P2 component. Psychopharmacology (Berl), 233(11), 2173-2183.
  542. Spada J, Scholz M, Kirsten H, Hensch T, Horn K, Jawinski P, Ulke C, Burkhardt R, Wirkner K, Loeffler M, Hegerl U, Sander C (2016). Genome-wide association analysis of actigraphic sleep phenotypes in the LIFE Adult Study. J Sleep Res, 25(6), 690-701.
  543. Schmidt FM, Schröder T, Kirkby KC, Sander C, Suslow T, Holdt LM, Teupser D, Hegerl U, Himmerich H (2016). Pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines, but not CRP, are inversely correlated with severity and symptoms of major depression. Psychiatry Res, 239, 85-91.
  544. Jawinski P, Tegelkamp S, Sander C, Hantzsch M, Huang J, Mauche N, Scholz M, Spada J, Ulke C, Burkhardt R, Reif A, Hegerl U, Hensch T (2016). Time to wake up: No impact of COMT Val158Met gene variation on circadian preferences, arousal regulation and sleep. Chronobiol Int, 33(7), 893-905.
  545. Hegerl U (2016). The power of words in psychiatry. Aust N Z J Psychiatry, 50(7), 695.
  546. Sander C, Hegerl U, Wirkner K, Walter N, Kocalevent RD, Petrowski K, Glaesmer H, Hinz A (2016). Normative values of the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS), derived from a large German sample. Sleep Breath, 20(4), 1337-1345.
  547. Hegerl U (2016). Prevention of suicidal behavior. Dialogues Clin Neurosci, 18(2), 183-190.
  548. Wittekind DA, Spada J, Gross A, Hensch T, Jawinski P, Ulke C, Sander C, Hegerl U (2016). Early report on brain arousal regulation in manic vs depressive episodes in bipolar disorder. Bipolar Disord, 18(6), 502-510.
  549. Steinberg H (2016). [25 Years After Re-Unification of Germany: An Overview on Eastern German Psychiatry. Part 1: Post-War Era, Pavlovization, Psychopharmacological Era and Social Psychiatric Reform Movement]. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr, 84(4), 196-210.
  550. Steinberg H (2016). [25 years after re-unification of Germany: An overview on Eastern German psychiatry. Part 2: Pluralistic approaches and the collapse in the 1980s]. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr, 84(5), 289-297.
  551. Schmidt R, Steinberg H (2016). [Müller-Hegemanns classification of depressions of 1964 as a proposal for a conceptualization of affective disorders: A critical review]. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr, 84(6), 344-353.
  552. Kluge M (2016). Ghrelin directly affects GnRH neurons: Comment on the review article "Peptides: Basic determinants of reproductive functions". Peptides, 75, 121.
  553. Stengler K, Becker T (2016). [Supported Employment - A Wrong Policy for Germany? - Contra]. Psychiatr Prax, 43(3), 243-244.
  554. Stengler K, Rauschenbach J, Riedel-Heller SG, Becker T, Steinhart I, Gerlinger G, Hauth I (2016). [DGPPN compass of participation for vocational integration of persons with mental illnesses]. Nervenarzt, 87(11), 1144-1151.
  555. Schmidt FM, Kirkby KC, Lichtblau N (2016). Inflammation and Immune Regulation as Potential Drug Targets in Antidepressant Treatment. Review. Curr Neuropharmacol, 14(7), 674-687.
  556. Olbrich S, Tränkner A, Surova G, Gevirtz R, Gordon E, Hegerl U, Arns M (2016). CNS- and ANS-arousal predict response to antidepressant medication: Findings from the randomized iSPOT-D study. J Psychiatr Res, 73, 108-115.
  557. Minkwitz J, Chittka T, Schuster S, Kirkby KC, Sander C, Hegerl U, Himmerich H (2016). Sensation seeking and physical activity. Health Behav Policy Rev, 3, 528-534.
  558. Hegerl U, Ulke C (2016). Fatigue with up- vs downregulated brain arousal should not be confused. Prog Brain Res, 229, 239-254.
  559. Freeman A, Tyrovolas S, Koyanagi A, Chatterji S, Leonardi M, Ayuso-Mateos JL, Tobiasz-Adamczyk B, Koskinen S, Rummel-Kluge C, Haro JM (2016). The role of socio-economic status in depression: results from the COURAGE (aging survey in Europe). BMC Public Health, 16(1), 1098.
  560. Freeman AT, Santini ZI, Tyrovolas S, Rummel-Kluge C, Haro JM, Koyanagi A (2016). Negative perceptions of ageing predict the onset and persistence of depression and anxiety: Findings from a prospective analysis of the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA). J Affect Disord, 199, 132-138.
  561. Rauschenbach J, Hauth I, Gerlinger G, Stengler K (2016). No Job? No Balance! Der Teilhabekompass für Menschen mit psychischen Erkrankungen. ASU Arbeitsmed Sozialmed Umweltmed, 51, 855-857.
  562. Kohls E, Dogan E, Hegerl U (2016). Ernährung und Depression: Die MooDFOOD Präventions-Studie. Public Health Forum, 24/3, 220-224.
  563. Jovicich J, Minati L, Marizzoni M, Marchitelli R, Sala-Llonch R, Bartres-Faz D, Arnold J, Benninghoff J, Fiedler U, Roccatagliata L, Picco A, Nobili F, Blin O, Bombois S, Lopes R, Bordet R, Sein J, Ra (2016). Longitudinal reproducibility of default-mode network connectivity in healthy elderly participants: A multicentric resting-state fMRI study. Neuroimage, 124(PtA), 442-454.
  564. Kordy H, Wolf M, Aulich K, Bürgy M, Hegerl U, Husing J, Puschner B, Rummel-Kluge C, Vedder H, Backenstrass M (2016). Internet-Delivered Disease Management for Recurrent Depression: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial. Psychother Psychosom, 85(2), 91-98.
  565. Arns M, Bruder G, Hegerl U, Spooner C, Palmer DM, Etkin A, Fallahpour K, Gatt JM, Hirshberg L, Gordon E (2016). EEG alpha asymmetry as a gender-specific predictor of outcome to acute treatment with different antidepressant medications in the randomized iSPOT-D study. Clin Neurophysiol, 127(1), 509-519.
  566. Buron P, Jimenez-Trevino L, Saiz PA, Garcia-Portilla MP, Corcoran P, Carli V, Fekete S, Hadlaczky G, Hegerl U, Michel K, Sarchiapone M, Temnik S, Varnick A, Verbanck P, Wasserman D, Schmidtke A, Bobes (2016). Reasons for Attempted Suicide in Europe: Prevalence, Associated Factors, and Risk of Repetition. Arch Suicide Res, 20(1), 45-58.
  567. Krause D, Folkerts M, Karch S, Keeser D, Chrobok AI, Zaudig M, Hegerl U, Juckel G, Pogarell O (2016). Prediction of Treatment Outcome in Patients with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder with Low-Resolution Brain Electromagnetic Tomography: A Prospective EEG Study. Front Psychol, 6, 1993.
  568. Vittengl JR, Jarrett RB, Weitz E, Hollon SD, Twisk J, Cristea I, David D, DeRubeis RJ, Dimidjian S, Dunlop BW, Faramarzi M, Hegerl U, Kennedy SH, Kheirkhah F, Mergl R, Miranda J, Mohr DC, Rush AJ, Seg (2016). Divergent Outcomes in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Pharmacotherapy for Adult Depression. Am J Psychiatry, 173(5), 481-490.
  569. Roca M, Kohls E, Gili M, Watkins E, Owens M, Hegerl U, van Grootheest G, Bot M, Cabout M, Brouwer IA, Visser M, Penninx BW (2016). Prevention of depression through nutritional strategies in high-risk persons: rationale and design of the MooDFOOD prevention trial. BMC Psychiatry, 16, 192.
  570. Zalsman G, Hawton K, Wasserman D, van Heeringen K, Arensman E, Sarchiapone M, Carli V, Hoschl C, Barzilay R, Balazs J, Purebl G, Kahn JP, Saiz PA, Lipsicas CB, Bobes J, Cozman D, Hegerl U, Zohar J (2016). Suicide prevention strategies revisited: 10-year systematic review. Lancet Psychiatry, 3(7), 646-659.
  571. Klein JP, Gerlinger G, Knaevelsrud C, Bohus M, Meisenzahl E, Kersting A, Rohr S, Riedel-Heller SG, Sprick U, Dirmaier J, Harter M, Hegerl U, Hohagen F, Hauth I (2016). [Internet-based interventions in the treatment of mental disorders : Overview, quality criteria, perspectives]. Nervenarzt, 87(11), 1185-1193.
  572. Schüssler P, Kluge M, Gamringer W, Wetter TC, Yassouridis A, Uhr M, Rupprecht R, Steiger A (2016). Corticotropin-releasing hormone induces depression-like changes of sleep electroencephalogram in healthy women. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 74, 302-307.
  573. Schutz L, Lobsien D, Fritzsch D, Tiepolt S, Werner P, Schroeter ML, Berrouschot J, Saur D, Hesse S, Jochimsen T, Rullmann M, Sattler B, Patt M, Gertz HJ, Villringer A, Classen J, Hoffmann KT, Sabri O, (2016). Feasibility and acceptance of simultaneous amyloid PET/MRI. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, 43(12), 2236-2243.
  574. Tiepolt S, Hesse S, Patt M, Luthardt J, Schroeter ML, Hoffmann KT, Weise D, Gertz HJ, Sabri O, Barthel H (2016). Early [(18)F]florbetaben and [(11)C]PiB PET images are a surrogate biomarker of neuronal injury in Alzheimers disease. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, 43(9), 1700-1709.
  575. Tuszynski T, Rullmann M, Luthardt J, Butzke D, Tiepolt S, Gertz HJ, Hesse S, Seese A, Lobsien D, Sabri O, Barthel H (2016). Evaluation of software tools for automated identification of neuroanatomical structures in quantitative ß-amyloid PET imaging to diagnose Alzheimers disease. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, 43(6), 1077-1087.
  576. Rullmann M, Dukart J, Hoffmann KT, Luthardt J, Tiepolt S, Patt M, Gertz HJ, Schroeter ML, Seibyl J, Schulz-Schaeffer WJ, Sabri O, Barthel H (2016). Partial-Volume Effect Correction Improves Quantitative Analysis of 18F-Florbetaben ß-Amyloid PET Scans. J Nucl Med, 57(2), 198-203.
  577. Dorow M, Lobner M, Stein J, Pabst A, Konnopka A, Meisel HJ, Gunther L, Meixensberger J, Stengler K, Konig HH, Riedel-Heller SG (2016). The Course of Pain Intensity in Patients Undergoing Herniated Disc Surgery: A 5-Year Longitudinal Observational Study. PLoS One, 11(5), e0156647.
  578. Koppara A, Wolfsgruber S, Kleineidam L, Schmidtke K, Frolich L, Kurz A, Schulz S, Hampel H, Heuser I, Peters O, Reischies FM, Jahn H, Luckhaus C, Hull M, Gertz HJ, Schroder J, Pantel J, Rienhoff O, Ru (2016). The Latent Dementia Phenotype ? is Associated with Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers of Alzheimers Disease and Predicts Conversion to Dementia in Subjects with Mild Cognitive Impairment. J Alzheimers Dis, 49(2), 547-560.
  579. Marchitelli R, Minati L, Marizzoni M, Bosch B, Bartres-Faz D, Muller BW, Wiltfang J, Fiedler U, Roccatagliata L, Picco A, Nobili F, Blin O, Bombois S, Lopes R, Bordet R, Sein J, Ranjeva JP, Didic M, G (2016). Test-retest reliability of the default mode network in a multi-centric fMRI study of healthy elderly: Effects of data-driven physiological noise correction techniques. Hum Brain Mapp, 37(6), 2114-2132.
  580. Galluzzi S, Marizzoni M, Babiloni C, Albani D, Antelmi L, Bagnoli C, Bartres-Faz D, Cordone S, Didic M, Farotti L, Fiedler U, Forloni G, Girtler N, Hensch T, Jovicich J, Leeuwis A, Marra C, Molinuevo (2016). Clinical and biomarker profiling of prodromal Alzheimers disease in workpackage 5 of the Innovative Medicines Initiative PharmaCog project: a "European ADNI study". J Intern Med, 279(6), 576-591.
  581. Hegerl U, Sander C, Hensch T (2016). Arousal regulation in affective disorders. In: Frodl T, Systems Neuroscience in Depression. (S. 341-370), London: Elsevier.
  582. Hegerl U (2016). Vom Nürnberger Bündnis gegen Depression zur European Alliance Against Depression. In: Glasow N, Hery D, Das nationale Suizidpräventionsprogramm für Deutschland. (S. 147-151), Regensburg: Roderer.

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  584. Bertsche T, Lindner S, Damm M, Frontini R, Exner C, Himmerich H (2015). [An Interdisciplinary Concept to Optimize Patient Safety - A Pilot Study.] Psychiatr Prax, 42(4), 216-220.
  585. Petersein C, Sack U, Mergl R, Schönherr J, Schmidt FM, Lichtblau N, Kirkby KC, Bauer K, Himmerich H (2015). Impact of lithium alone and in combination with antidepressants on cytokine production in vitro. J Neural Transm, 122(1), 109-122.
  586. Stengler K, Kauffeldt S, Theissing A, Brauning-Edelmann M, Becker T (2015). [Medical and vocational rehabilitation in rehabilitation facilities for people with mental illnesses in Germany : Analysis of admission and discharge data.] Nervenarzt, 86(5), 603-608.
  587. Stengler K, Jahn I (2015). [Gender Aspects on Mental Health Service Utilization.] Editorial. Psychiatr Prax, 42(2), 63-64.
  588. Wittekind DA, Kluge M (2015). Ghrelin in psychiatric disorders - A review. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 52(2), 176-194.
  589. Schmidt FM, Nowak C, Kratzsch J, Sander C, Hegerl U, Schönknecht P (2015). Dynamics of melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) serum levels in major depressive disorder during antidepressant treatment. J Affect Disord, 180, 207-213.
  590. Schmidt FM, Weschenfelder J, Sander C, Minkwitz J, Thormann J, Chittka T, Mergl R, Kirkby KC, Fasshauer M, Stumvoll M, Holdt LM, Teupser D, Hegerl U, Himmerich H (2015). Inflammatory cytokines in general and central obesity and modulating effects of physical activity. PLoS One, 10(3), e0121971.
  591. Strauß M, Mergl R, Sander C, Schönknecht P, Bock K, Hegerl U (2015). "Onset of Depression Inventory"-comparison between the data of depressed patients and their relatives. Int J Psychiatry Clin Pract, 19(3), 188-191.
  592. Olbrich S, Fischer MM, Sander C, Hegerl U, Wirtz H, Bosse-Henck A (2015). Objective markers for sleep propensity: comparison between the Multiple Sleep Latency Test and the Vigilance Algorithm Leipzig. J Sleep Res, 24(4), 450-457.
  593. Hensch T, Blume A, Böttger D, Sander C, Niedermeier N, Hegerl U (2015). Yawning in depression: worth looking into. Pharmacopsychiatry, 48(3), 118-120.
  594. Strauß M, Mergl R, Sander C, Schönknecht P, Hegerl U (2015). Association of speed of onset and speed of recovery of depressive episodes in patients with major depression. Psychopathology, 48(1), 65-68.
  595. Schmidt FM, Steinberg H, Himmerich H (2015). [Differential diagnosis of bipolar disorder: historical and clinical implications and perspectives]. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr, 83(2), 74-82.
  596. Arendt T, Bruckner MK, Morawski M, Jager C, Gertz HJ (2015). Early neurone loss in Alzheimers disease: cortical or subcortical? Acta Neuropathol Commun, 3, 10.
  597. Schmidt FM, Mergl R, Stach B, Jahn I, Schonknecht P (2015). Elevated levels of cerebrospinal fluid neuron-specific enolase (NSE), but not S100B in major depressive disorder. World J Biol Psychiatry, 16(2), 106-113.
  598. Steinberg H, Kumbier E (2015). [25 years after the wall came down: psychiatry in East Germany revisited]. Psychiatr Prax, 42(3), 119-121.
  599. Oberbeck A, Steinberg H (2015). [Are the current concepts of obsessive disorders a novelty? : From Westphal (1877) and Thomsen (1895) to ICD-10 and DSM-5]. Nervenarzt, 86(9), 1162-1167.
  600. Becker K, Kluge M, Steinberg H (2015). [The contributions by Emil Kraepelin to the knowledge on sleep disorders and their treatment]. Nervenarzt, 86(11), 1403-1411.
  601. Trefflich F, Kalckreuth S, Mergl R, Rummel-Kluge C (2015). Psychiatric patients internet use corresponds to the internet use of the general public. Psychiatry Res, 226(1), 136-141.
  602. von Maffei C, Görges F, Kissling W, Schreiber W, Rummel-Kluge C (2015). Using films as a psychoeducation tool for patients with schizophrenia: a pilot study using a quasi-experimental pre-post design. BMC Psychiatry, 15, 93.
  603. Arensman E, Koburger N, Larkin C, Karwig G, Coffey C, Maxwell M, Harris F, Rummel-Kluge C, van Audenhove C, Sisask M, Alexandrova-Karamanova A, Perez V, Purebl G, Cebria A, Palao D, Costa S, Mark L, Toth MD, Gecheva M, Ibelshauser A, Gusmao R, Hegerl U (2015). Depression Awareness and Self-Management Through the Internet: Protocol for an Internationally Standardized Approach. JMIR Res Protoc, 4(3), e99.
  604. Jawinski P, Sander C, Mauche N, Spada J, Huang J, Schmidt A, Hantzsch M, Burkhardt R, Scholz M, Hegerl U, Hensch T (2015). Brain Arousal Regulation in Carriers of Bipolar Disorder Risk Alleles. Neuropsychobiology, 72(2), 65-73.
  605. Cuijpers P, Karyotaki E, Andersson G, Li J, Mergl R, Hegerl U (2015). The effects of blinding on the outcomes of psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy for adult depression: A meta-analysis. Eur Psychiatry, 30(6), 685-693.
  606. Strauß M, Mergl R, Schindler S, Sander C, Schönknecht P, Hegerl U (2015). What Does the Speed of Onset of a Depressive Episode Tell Us? J Psychiatr Pract, 21(4), 275-280.
  607. Mergl R, Koburger N, Heinrichs K, Szekely A, Toth MD, Coyne J, Quintao S, Arensman E, Coffey C, Maxwell M, Varnik A, van Audenhove C, McDaid D, Sarchiapone M, Schmidtke A, Genz A, Gusmao R, Hegerl U (2015). What Are Reasons for the Large Gender Differences in the Lethality of Suicidal Acts? An Epidemiological Analysis in Four European Countries. PLoS One, 10(7), e0129062.
  608. Koburger N, Mergl R, Rummel-Kluge C, Ibelshauser A, Meise U, Postuvan V, Roskar S, Szekely A, Ditta Toth M, van der Feltz-Cornelis C, Hegerl U (2015). Celebrity suicide on the railway network: Can one case trigger international effects? J Affect Disord, 185, 38-46.
  609. Hegerl U, Koburger N, Hug J (2015). Depression und Suizidalität Nervenheilkunde, 34(11), 900-905.
  610. Steinberg H, Kirkby KC, Himmerich H (2015). The Historical Development of Immunoendocrine Concepts of Psychiatric Disorders and Their Therapy. Int J Mol Sci, 16(12), 28841-28869.
  611. Kösters G, Steinberg H, Kirkby KC, Himmerich H (2015). Ernst Rüdins Unpublished 1922-1925 Study "Inheritance of Manic-Depressive Insanity": Genetic Research Findings Subordinated to Eugenic Ideology. PLoS Genet, 11(11), e1005524.
  612. Himmerich H, Minkwitz J, Kirkby KC (2015). Weight Gain and Metabolic Changes During Treatment with Antipsychotics and Antidepressants. Endocr Metab Immune Disord Drug Targets, 15(4), 252-260.
  613. Rummel-Kluge C, Kluge M, Kissling W (2015). [Psychoeducation in Depression: Results of two Surveys five Years Apart in Germany, Austria and Switzerland]. Psychiatr Prax, 42(6), 309-312.
  614. Paucke M, Strauß M (2015). ADHS im Erwachsenenalter- Diagnostik und Therapie. Die Psychiatrie, 12(4), 272-279.
  615. Steinberg H (2015). The creator of the term anancasm was Hungarian: Guyla Donáth (1849-1944). Hist Psychiatry, 26(4), 470-476.
  616. Steinberg H (2015). Emil Kraepelins ideas on transcultural psychiatry. Australas Psychiatry, 23(5), 531-535.
  617. Polyakova M, Sander C, Arelin K, Lampe L, Luck T, Luppa M, Kratzsch J, Hoffmann KT, Riedel-Heller S, Villringer A, Schönknecht P, Schröter ML (2015). First evidence for glial pathology in late life minor depression: S100B is increased in males with minor depression. Front Cell Neurosci, 9, 406.
  618. Weise D, Tiepolt S, Awissus C, Hoffmann KT, Lobsien D, Kaiser T, Barthel H, Sabri O, Gertz HJ (2015). Critical Comparison of Different Biomarkers for Alzheimers Disease in a Clinical Setting. J Alzheimers Dis, 48(2), 425-432.
  619. Stengler K, Riedel-Heller SG, Gühne U, Becker T (2015). Gemeindepsychiatrische Versorgung. PSYCH up2date, 9(2), 113-128.
  620. Polyakova M, Schröter ML, Elzinga BM, Holiga S, Schönknecht P, de Kloet ER, Molendijk ML (2015). Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor and Antidepressive Effect of Electroconvulsive Therapy: Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses of the Preclinical and Clinical Literature. PLoS One, 10(11), e0141564.
  621. Polyakova M, Stuke K, Schuemberg K, Müller K, Schönknecht P, Schröter ML (2015). BDNF as a biomarker for successful treatment of mood disorders: a systematic & quantitative meta-analysis. J Affect Disord, 174, 432-440.
  622. Sander C, Hensch T, Wittekind DA, Böttger D, Hegerl U (2015). Assessment of Wakefulness and Brain Arousal Regulation in Psychiatric Research. Neuropsychobiology, 72(3-4), 195-205.
  623. Forsman AK, Wahlbeck K, Aaro LE, Alonso J, Barry MM, Brunn M, Cardoso G, Cattan M, de Girolamo G, Eberhard-Gran M, Evans-Lacko S, Fiorillo A, Hansson L, Haro JM, Hazo JB, Hegerl U, Katschnig H, Knappe (2015). Research priorities for public mental health in Europe: recommendations of the ROAMER project. Eur J Public Health, 25(2), 249-254.
  624. Arns M, Etkin A, Hegerl U, Williams LM, DeBattista C, Palmer DM, Fitzgerald PB, Harris A, deBeuss R, Gordon E (2015). Frontal and rostral anterior cingulate (rACC) theta EEG in depression: Implications for treatment outcome? Eur Neuropsychopharmacol, 25(8), 1190-1200.
  625. Morgen K, Schneider M, Frolich L, Tost H, Plichta MM, Kolsch H, Rakebrandt F, Rienhoff O, Jessen F, Peters O, Jahn H, Luckhaus C, Hull M, Gertz HJ, Schroder J, Hampel H, Teipel SJ, Pantel J, Heuser I, (2015). Apolipoprotein E-dependent load of white matter hyperintensities in Alzheimers disease: a voxel-based lesion mapping study. Alzheimers Res Ther, 7(1), 27.
  626. Wolfsgruber S, Jessen F, Koppara A, Kleineidam L, Schmidtke K, Frolich L, Kurz A, Schulz S, Hampel H, Heuser I, Peters O, Reischies FM, Jahn H, Luckhaus C, Hull M, Gertz HJ, Schroder J, Pantel J, Rien (2015). Subjective cognitive decline is related to CSF biomarkers of AD in patients with MCI. Neurology, 84(12), 1261-1268.
  627. Bocchetta M, Galluzzi S, Kehoe PG, Aguera E, Bernabei R, Bullock R, Ceccaldi M, Dartigues JF, de Mendonca A, Didic M, Eriksdotter M, Felician O, Frolich L, Gertz HJ, Hallikainen M, Hasselbalch SG, Hau (2015). The use of biomarkers for the etiologic diagnosis of MCI in Europe: an EADC survey. Alzheimers Dement, 11(2), 195-206.
  628. Cebria AI, Perez-Bonaventura I, Cuijpers P, Kerkhof A, Parra I, Escayola A, Garcia-Pares G, Oliva JC, Punti J, Lopez D, Valles V, Pamias M, Hegerl U, Perez-Sola V, Palao DJ (2015). Telephone Management Program for Patients Discharged From an Emergency Department After a Suicide Attempt. Crisis, 36(5), 345-352.
  629. Weitz ES, Hollon SD, Twisk J, van Straten A, Huibers MJ, David D, DeRubeis RJ, Dimidjian S, Dunlop BW, Cristea IA, Faramarzi M, Hegerl U, Jarrett RB, Kheirkhah F, Kennedy SH, Mergl R, Miranda J, Mohr (2015). Baseline Depression Severity as Moderator of Depression Outcomes Between Cognitive Behavioral Therapy vs Pharmacotherapy: An Individual Patient Data Meta-analysis. JAMA Psychiatry, 72(11), 1102-1109.
  630. Löffler M, Engel C, Ahnert P, Alfermann D, Arelin K, Baber R, Beutner F, Binder H, Brahler E, Burkhardt R, Ceglarek U, Enzenbach C, Fuchs M, Gläsmer H, Girlich F, Hagendorff A, Hantzsch M, Hegerl U, H (2015). The LIFE-Adult-Study: objectives and design of a population-based cohort study with 10,000 deeply phenotyped adults in Germany. BMC Public Health, 15, 691.
  631. Marizzoni M, Antelmi L, Bosch B, Bartres-Faz D, Muller BW, Wiltfang J, Fiedler U, Roccatagliata L, Picco A, Nobili F, Blin O, Bombois S, Lopes R, Sein J, Ranjeva JP, Didic M, Gros-Dagnac H, Payoux P, (2015). Longitudinal reproducibility of automatically segmented hippocampal subfields: A multisite European 3T study on healthy elderly. Hum Brain Mapp, 36(9), 3516-3527.
  632. Koppara A, Wolfsgruber S, Kleineidam L, Schmidtke K, Frolich L, Kurz A, Schulz S, Hampel H, Heuser I, Peters O, Reischies FM, Jahn H, Luckhaus C, Hull M, Gertz HJ, Schroder J, Pantel J, Rienhoff O, Ru (2015). The Latent Dementia Phenotype ? is Associated with Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers of Alzheimers Disease and Predicts Conversion to Dementia in Subjects with Mild Cognitive Impairment. J Alzheimers Dis, 49(2), 547-560.
  633. Degen C, Zschocke J, Toro P, Sattler C, Wahl HW, Schönknecht P, Schröder J (2015). The COMTp.Val158Met Polymorphism and Cognitive Performance in Adult Development, Healthy Aging and Mild Cognitive Impairment. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord, 41(1-2), 27-34.
  634. Sabri O, Becker GA, Meyer PM, Hesse S, Wilke S, Graef S, Patt M, Luthardt J, Wagenknecht G, Hoepping A, Smits R, Franke A, Sattler B, Habermann B, Neuhaus P, Fischer S, Tiepolt S, Deuther-Conrad W, Ba (2015). First-in-human PET quantification study of cerebral ?4ß2* nicotinic acetylcholine receptors using the novel specific radioligand (-)-[(18)F]Flubatine. Neuroimage, 118, 199-208.
  635. Loeffler M, Engel C, Ahnert P, Alfermann D, Arelin K, Baber R, Beutner F, Binder H, Brahler E, Burkhardt R, Ceglarek U, Enzenbach C, Fuchs M, Glaesmer H, Girlich F, Hagendorff A, Hantzsch M, Hegerl U, (2015). The LIFE-Adult-Study: objectives and design of a population-based cohort study with 10,000 deeply phenotyped adults in Germany. BMC Public Health, 15, 691.
  636. Angermeyer MC, Daubmann A, Wegscheider K, Mnich E, Schomerus G, Knesebeck OV (2015). The relationship between biogenetic attributions and desire for social distance from persons with schizophrenia and major depression revisited. Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci, 24, 335-341.
  637. Wagner A, Steinberg H (2015). Neurologie an der Universität Leipzig. Beiträge zur Entwicklung des klinischen Fachgebietes von 1880 bis 1985 In: Wagner A, Steinberg H, Neurologie an der Universität Leipzig. Beiträge zur Entwicklung des klinischen Fachgebietes von 1880 bis 1985 (S. 1-566), Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag.
  638. Steinberg H (2015). Emil Kraepelin: Experimental Psychology as an Auxiliary Science in Psychiatry and Clinical Empirical Psychiatry as the Foundation of Modern Psychiatry. In: Rich GJ, Gielen UP, Pathfinders in International Psychology. (S. 65-78), Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
  639. Steinberg H (2015). Die Grundlagenfächer der naturwissenschaftlichen Neurologie in Leipzig im letzten Drittel des 19. Jahrhunderts. In: Wagner A, Steinberg H, Neurologie an der Universität Leipzig. Beiträge zur Entwicklung des klinischen Fachgebietes von 1880 bis 1985. (S. 31-59), Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag.
  640. Wagner A, Steinberg H (2015). Wilhelm Erb (1880-1883) In: Wagner A, Steinberg H, Neurologie an der Universität Leipzig. Beiträge zur Entwicklung des klinischen Fachgebietes von 1880 bis 1985. (S. 70-106), Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag.
  641. Steinberg H (2015). Adolf Strümpells erste Leipziger Zeit (1883-1886). In: Wagner A, Steinberg H, Neurologie an der Universität Leipzig. Beiträge zur Entwicklung des klinischen Fachgebietes von 1880 bis 1985. (S. 107-110), Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag.
  642. Steinberg H (2015). Paul Julius Möbius. In: Wagner A, Steinberg H, Neurologie an der Universität Leipzig. Beiträge zur Entwicklung des klinischen Fachgebietes von 1880 bis 1985. (S. 111-136), Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag.
  643. Steinberg H (2015). Das Direktorat von Albin Hoffmann (1888-1920). In: Wagner A, Steinberg H, Neurologie an der Universität Leipzig. Beiträge zur Entwicklung des klinischen Fachgebietes von 1880 bis 1985. (S. 137-148), Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag.
  644. Steinberg H, Carius D (2015). Die Medizinische Klinik im Rahmen des Städtischen St. Jakob-Krankenhauses. In: Wagner A, Steinberg H, Neurologie an der Universität Leipzig. Beiträge zur Entwicklung des klinischen Fachgebietes von 1880 bis 1985. (S. 151-169), Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag.
  645. Steinberg H, Wagner A (2015). Hans Steinert (1901-1911). In: Wagner A, Steinberg H, Neurologie an der Universität Leipzig. Beiträge zur Entwicklung des klinischen Fachgebietes von 1880 bis 1985. (S. 170-182), Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag.
  646. Engmann B, Steinberg H, Wagner A (2015). Adolf Strümpells zweite Leipziger Zeit (1910-1925). In: Wagner A, Steinberg H, Neurologie an der Universität Leipzig. Beiträge zur Entwicklung des klinischen Fachgebietes von 1880 bis 1985. (S. 183-223), Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag.
  647. Steinberg H, Wagner A (2015). Die Neurologen nach Strümpell. In: Wagner A, Steinberg H, Neurologie an der Universität Leipzig. Beiträge zur Entwicklung des klinischen Fachgebietes von 1880 bis 1985. (S. 224-242), Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag.
  648. Steinberg H (2015). Emil Paul Flechsig (1882-1920). In: Wagner A, Steinberg H, Neurologie an der Universität Leipzig. Beiträge zur Entwicklung des klinischen Fachgebietes von 1880 bis 1985. (S. 245-293), Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag.
  649. Steinberg H (2015). Oswald Bumke (1921-1925). In: Wagner A, Steinberg H, Neurologie an der Universität Leipzig. Beiträge zur Entwicklung des klinischen Fachgebietes von 1880 bis 1985. (S. 294-305), Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag.
  650. Steinberg H (2015). Paul Schröder (1925-1939). In: Wagner A, Steinberg H, Neurologie an der Universität Leipzig. Beiträge zur Entwicklung des klinischen Fachgebietes von 1880 bis 1985. (S. 306-323), Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag.
  651. Boide P, Wagner A, Steinberg H (2015). August Bostroem (1939-1942). In: Wagner A, Steinberg H, Neurologie an der Universität Leipzig. Beiträge zur Entwicklung des klinischen Fachgebietes von 1880 bis 1985. (S. 324-355), Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag.
  652. Steinberg H (2015). Werner Wagner (1942-1945). In: Wagner A, Steinberg H, Neurologie an der Universität Leipzig. Beiträge zur Entwicklung des klinischen Fachgebietes von 1880 bis 1985. (S. 356-360), Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag.
  653. Wagner A, Steinberg H (2015). Die Neurologie an der Medizinischen Poliklinik, der Medizinischen Klinik sowie an der Psychiatrischen und Nervenklinik der Universität Leipzig von 1880 bis 1945: Kennzeichen und Unterschiede im Überblick. In: Wagner A, Steinberg H, Neurologie an der Universität Leipzig. Beiträge zur Entwicklung des klinischen Fachgebietes von 1880 bis 1985. (S. 361-365), Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag.
  654. Gollek S (2015). Personzentrierte Psychotherapie. In: Seikowski K, Taube KM, Einführung Psychodermatologie. (S. 110-129), München, Basel: Ernst Reinhardt.
  655. Kunz F, Gertz HJ (2015). Straffälligkeit älterer Menschen. Interdisziplinäre Beiträge aus Forschung und Praxis. In: Kunz F, Gertz HJ, Straffälligkeit älterer Menschen. Interdisziplinäre Beiträge aus Forschung und Praxis. (S. 1-199), Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.
  656. Becker T, Stengler K (2015). Bedeutung von Arbeit für psychisch erkrankte Menschen In: Storck J, Plößl I, Handbuch Arbeit: Wie psychisch erkrankte Menschen in Arbeit kommen und bleiben. (S. 46-54), Köln: Psychiatrie-Verlag.
  657. Stengler K, Riedel-Heller SG (2015). Prävention psychischer Störungen im Erwachsenenalter. In: Rössler W, Ajdacic-Gross V, Prävention psychischer Störungen. Konzepte und Umsetzungen. (S. 99-107), Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
  658. Himmerich H (2015). Medikamente zur Behandlung von Essstörungen. In: Benkert O, Hippius H, Kompendium der psychiatrischen Pharmakotherapie. (S. 741-757), Heidelberg: Springer.

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  660. Hegerl U, Hensch T (2014). The vigilance regulation model of affective disorders and ADHD. Neurosci Biobehav Rev, 44C, 45-57.
  661. Strauss M, Mergl R, Sander C, Doehring C, Schönknecht P, Angst J, Hegerl U (2014). Test-Retest Stability of the Onset of Depression Inventory. Psychopathology, 47(1), 45-50.
  662. Geissler J, Romanos M, Hegerl U, Hensch T (2014). Hyperactivity and sensation seeking as autoregulatory attempts to stabilize brain arousal in ADHD and mania? Atten Defic Hyperact Disord, 6(3), 159-73.
  663. Strauss M, Mergl R, Kratzsch J, Brugel M, Strauss E, Hegerl U, Schoenknecht P (2014). Differentiation between free and bound leptin in depressed patients. Psychiatry Res, 219(2), 397-399.
  664. Steinberg H, Hegerl U (2014). Johann Christian August Heinroth on sleep deprivation as a therapeutic option for depressive disorders. Sleep Med, 15(9), 1159-64.
  665. Engmann B, Steinberg H (2014). [The impartiality of ignorance? - A controversy between Paul Julius Möbius and Julius Wagner-Jauregg on the symptoms of reanimated persons after a suicide attempt through self-hanging]. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr, 82(5), 261-266.
  666. Schobess C, Steinberg H (2014). [Paul Julius Möbius-a pacemaker in the history of neuroophthalmology]. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd, 231(5), 543-547.
  667. Thormann J, Himmerich H, Steinberg H (2014). [Research on Depression in the GDR - Historical Lines of Development and Therapeutic Approaches]. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr, 82(2), 68-77.
  668. Steinberg H (2014). [Karl Leonhard is "not interested!" - newly found original sources provide new insights into the organisational background of the Rodewisch propositions]. Psychiatr Prax, 41(2), 71-75.
  669. Thormann J, Steinberg H (2014). Friedrich Theodor von Frerichs (1819-1885). J Neurol, 261(1), 248-249.
  670. Spada J, Sander C, Burkhardt R, Hantzsch M, Mergl R, Scholz M, Hegerl U, Hensch T (2014). Genetic association of objective sleep phenotypes with a functional polymorphism in the neuropeptide s receptor gene. PLoS One, 9(6), e98789.
  671. Coppens E, Van Audenhove C, Iddi S, Arensman E, Gottlebe K, Koburger N, Coffey C, Gusmao R, Quintao S, Costa S, Szekely A, Hegerl U (2014). Effectiveness of community facilitator training in improving knowledge, attitudes, and confidence in relation to depression and suicidal behavior: results of the OSPI-Europe intervention in four European countries. J Affect Disord, 165, 142-150.
  672. Hegerl U, Mergl R (2014). Depression and suicidality in COPD: understandable reaction or independent disorders? Eur Respir J, 44(3), 734-743.
  673. Schmidt FM, Lichtblau N, Minkwitz J, Chittka T, Thormann J, Kirkby KC, Sander C, Mergl R, Fasshauer M, Stumvoll M, Holdt LM, Teupser D, Hegerl U, Himmerich H (2014). Cytokine levels in depressed and non-depressed subjects, and masking effects of obesity. J Psychiatr Res, 55, 29-34.
  674. Adli M, Hegerl U (2014). Do we underestimate the benefits of antidepressants? Lancet, 383(9926), 1361-1362.
  675. Olbrich S, Trankner A, Chittka T, Hegerl U, Schonknecht P (2014). Functional connectivity in major depression: increased phase synchronization between frontal cortical EEG-source estimates. Psychiatry Res, 222(1-2), 91-99.
  676. Himmerich H, Bartsch S, Hamer H, Mergl R, Schonherr J, Petersein C, Munzer A, Kirkby KC, Bauer K, Sack U (2014). Modulation of cytokine production by drugs with antiepileptic or mood stabilizer properties in anti-CD3- and anti-Cd40-stimulated blood in vitro. Oxid Med Cell Longev, 2014, 806162.
  677. Krugel U, Fischer J, Bauer K, Sack U, Himmerich H (2014). The impact of social isolation on immunological parameters in rats. Arch Toxicol, 88(3), 853-855.
  678. Kluge M, Schacht A, Himmerich H, Rummel-Kluge C, Wehmeier PM, Dalal M, Hinze-Selch D, Kraus T, Dittmann RW, Pollmacher T, Schuld A (2014). Olanzapine and clozapine differently affect sleep in patients with schizophrenia: results from a double-blind, polysomnographic study and review of the literature. Schizophr Res, 152(1), 255-260.
  679. Polyakova M, Sonnabend N, Sander C, Mergl R, Schroeter ML, Schroeder J, Schonknecht P (2014). Prevalence of minor depression in elderly persons with and without mild cognitive impairment: a systematic review. J Affect Disord, 152-154, 28-38.
  680. Schmidt FM, Mergl R, Stach B, Jahn I, Gertz HJ, Schonknecht P (2014). Elevated levels of cerebrospinal fluid neuron-specific enolase (NSE) in Alzheimers disease. Neurosci Lett, 570, 81-85.
  681. Heinrich S, Berwig M, Simon A, Janichen J, Hallensleben N, Nickel W, Hinz A, Brahler E, Gertz HJ (2014). German adaptation of the Resources for Enhancing Alzheimers Caregiver Health II: study protocol of a single-centred, randomised controlled trial. BMC Geriatr, 14, 21.
  682. Strauss M, Jahn I, Olbrich S, Beyrich-Kolbus U, Stengler K (2014). [Assertive community treatment in patients with severe obsessive-compulsive disorders]. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr, 82(5), 275-279.
  683. Stengler K, Becker T, Riedel-Heller SG (2014). [Work rehabilitation for people with severe mental illness]. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr, 82(1), 43-51.
  684. Stengler K, Riedel-Heller SG, Becker T (2014). [Work rehabilitation in people with severe mental illnesses]. Nervenarzt, 85(1), 97-105.
  685. Himmerich H, Kohls E, Hegerl U, Rummel-Kluge C (2014). [Predictive factors of depression and its therapy]. Nervenarzt, 85(10), 1249-1254.
  686. Schmidt FM, Kirkby KC, Himmerich H (2014). The TNF-alpha inhibitor etanercept as monotherapy in treatment-resistant depression - report of two cases. Psychiatr Danub, 26(3), 288-290.
  687. Tittmann M, Günther T, Sacher J, Himmerich H, Villringer A, Hegerl U, Schönknecht P (2014). Structural brain changes in early-onset and late-onset depression: An update of volumetric MRI findings. International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, 24(2), 149-160.
  688. Steinberg H (2014). [The identity of medical psychology: a historical quest]. Psychother Psychosom Med Psychol, 64(11), 411-420.
  689. Steinberg H (2014). [Introduction and transformation of the psychiatric term "anancasm". From Gyula (Julius) Donáth via Kurt Schneider to ICD-10]. Nervenarzt, 85(9), 1171-1174.
  690. Steinberg H (2014). ["Even electricity cannot work wonders!". Neglected achievements by German psychiatrists around 1880 in the treatment of depressions and psychoses]. Nervenarzt, 85(7), 872-886.
  691. Hegerl U (2014). Largely unnoticed flaws in the fundamentals of depression diagnosis: The semantics of core symptoms. Aust N Z J Psychiatry, 48(12), 1166.
  692. Himmerich H, Erbguth F (2014). [Nutrition and dietary supplements in psychiatric diseases]. Nervenarzt, 85(12), 1512-1520.
  693. Erbguth F, Himmerich H (2014). [Nutrition and dietary supplements in neurological diseases]. Nervenarzt, 85(12), 1501-1511.
  694. Kalckreuth S, Trefflich F, Rummel-Kluge C (2014). Mental health related Internet use among psychiatric patients: a cross-sectional analysis. BMC Psychiatry, 14(1), 13.
  695. Dietrich S, Mergl R, Rummel-Kluge C (2014). Personal and perceived stigmatization of depression: A comparison of data from the general population, participants of a depression congress and job placement officers in Germany. Psychiatry Res, 220(1-2), 598-603.
  696. Toro P, Degen Ch, Pierer M, Gustafson D, Schroder J, Schönknecht P (2014). Cholesterol in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimers disease in a birth cohort over 14 years. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci, 264(4), 485-492.
  697. Polyakova M, Stuke K, Schuemberg K, Mueller K, Schönknecht P, Schröter ML (2014). BDNF as a biomarker for successful treatment of mood disorders: A systematic & quantitative meta-analysis. J Affect Disord, 174C, 432-440.
  698. Maloney J, Pfuhlmann B, Arensman E, Coffey C, Gusmao R, Postuvan V, Scheerder G, Sisask M, van der Feltz-Cornelis CM, Hegerl U, Schmidtke A (2014). How to adjust media recommendations on reporting suicidal behavior to new media developments. Arch Suicide Res, 18(2), 156-169.
  699. Bekhtereva V, Sander C, Forschack N, Olbrich S, Hegerl U, Muller MM (2014). Effects of EEG-vigilance regulation patterns on early perceptual processes in human visual cortex. Clin Neurophysiol, 125(1), 98-107.
  700. Carli V, Mandelli L, Zaninotto L, Iosue M, Hadlaczky G, Wasserman D, Hegerl U, Varnik A, Reisch T, Pfuhlmann B, Maloney J, Schmidtke A, Serretti A, Sarchiapone M (2014). Serious suicidal behaviors: socio-demographic and clinical features in a multinational, multicenter sample. Nord J Psychiatry, 68(1), 44-52.
  701. Patt M, Becker GA, Grossmann U, Habermann B, Schildan A, Wilke S, Deuther-Conrad W, Graef S, Fischer S, Smits R, Hoepping A, Wagenknecht G, Steinbach J, Gertz HJ, Hesse S, Schonknecht P, Brust P, Sabr (2014). Evaluation of metabolism, plasma protein binding and other biological parameters after administration of (-)-[(18)F]Flubatine in humans. Nucl Med Biol, 41(6), 489-494.
  702. Schroeter ML, Steiner J, Schonknecht P, Mueller K (2014). Further evidence for a role of S100B in mood disorders: a human gene expression mega-analysis. J Psychiatr Res, 53, 84-86.
  703. Teipel SJ, Walter M, Likitjaroen Y, Schonknecht P, Gruber O (2014). Diffusion tensor imaging in Alzheimers disease and affective disorders. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci, 264(6), 467-483.
  704. Wolf J, Jager C, Morawski M, Lachmann I, Schonknecht P, Mothes T, Arendt T (2014). Tissue transglutaminase in Alzheimers disease - facts and fiction: a reply to "Tissue transglutaminase is a biochemical marker for Alzheimers disease". Neurobiol Aging, 35(4), 5-9.
  705. Morgen K, Ramirez A, Frolich L, Tost H, Plichta MM, Kolsch H, Rakebrandt F, Rienhoff O, Jessen F, Peters O, Jahn H, Luckhaus C, Hull M, Gertz HJ, Schroder J, Hampel H, Teipel SJ, Pantel J, Heuser I, W (2014). Genetic interaction of PICALM and APOE is associated with brain atrophy and cognitive impairment in Alzheimers disease. Alzheimers Dement, 10(5S), S269-S276.
  706. Bramesfeld A, Schafer I, Stengler K, Schomerus G (2014). [Stimulating mental health services research: what are the implications of the new DGPPN S3-guideline for psycho-social therapies?]. Psychiatr Prax, 41(2), 65-67.
  707. Weber F, Hauke W, Jahn I, Stengler K, Himmerich H, Zaudig M, Exner C (2014). Does "thinking about thinking" interfere with memory? An experimental memory study in obsessive-compulsive disorder. J Anxiety Disord, 28(7), 679-686.
  708. Cuijpers P, Weitz E, Twisk J, Kuehner C, Cristea I, David D, DeRubeis RJ, Dimidjian S, Dunlop BW, Faramarzi M, Hegerl U, Jarrett RB, Kennedy SH, Kheirkhah F, Mergl R, Miranda J, Mohr DC, Segal ZV, Sid (2014). Gender as predictor and moderator of outcome in cognitive behavior therapy and pharmacotherapy for adult depression: an "individual patient data" meta-analysis. Depress Anxiety, 31(11), 941-951.
  709. Löbner M, Luppa M, Konnopka A, Meisel HJ, Günther L, Meixensberger J, Stengler K, Angermeyer MC, König HH, Riedel-Heller SG (2014). Inpatient or outpatient rehabilitation after herniated disc surgery? - Setting-specific preferences, participation and outcome of rehabilitation. PLoS One, 9(3), e89200.
  710. Frank F, Rummel-Kluge C, Berger M, Bitzer EM, Hölzel LP (2014). Provision of group psychoeducation for relatives of persons in inpatient depression treatment--a cross-sectional survey of acute care hospitals in Germany. BMC Psychiatry, 14, 143.
  711. Khanna P, Suo T, Komossa K, Ma H, Rummel-Kluge C, El-Sayeh HG, Leucht S, Xia J (2014). Aripiprazole versus other atypical antipsychotics for schizophrenia. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 1, 006569.
  712. Pfennig A, Alda M, Young T, MacQueen G, Rybakowski J, Suwalska A, Simhandl C, Konig B, Hajek T, O Donovan C, Wittekind D, von Quillfeldt S, Ploch J, Sauer C, Bauer M (2014). Prophylactic lithium treatment and cognitive performance in patients with a long history of bipolar illness: no simple answers in complex disease-treatment interplay. Int J Bipolar Disord, 2, 1.
  713. Liwowsky I, Mergl R, Padberg F (2014). SBT-Depressionstherapie in und mit der Gruppe ? Konzeption und Evaluation im stationär-psychiatrischen Setting Psychotherapie in Psychiatrie, Psychotherapeutischer Medizin und klinischer Psychologie, 19, 106-121.
  714. Sattler B, Kranz M, Starke A, Wilke S, Donat CK, Deuther-Conrad W, Patt M, Schildan A, Patt J, Smits R, Hoepping A, Schönknecht P, Steinbach J, Brust P, Sabri O (2014). Internal dose assessment of (-)-18F-flubatine, comparing animal model datasets of mice and piglets with first-in-human results. J Nucl Med, 55(11), 1885-1892.
  715. Stein J, Luppa M, Mahnke J, Weyerer S, Schomerus G, Riedel-Heller SG (2014). [Screening for depression by telephone using the German version of the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D)]. Psychiatr Prax, 41, 135-141.
  716. Hegerl U, Mergl R (2014). Unipolare Depression. In: Juckel G, Edel MA, Neurologie und Psychotherapie. (S. 90-103), Stuttgart: Schattauer.
  717. Benkert O, Himmerich H (2014). Medikamente zur Behandlung von Essstörungen. In: Benkert O, Hippius H, Kompendium der psychiatrischen Pharmakotherapie. (S. 741-755), Heidelberg: Springer.
  718. Himmerich H (2014). Winterblues. In: Himmerich H, Winterblues. (S. 1-160), Freiburg: Kreuzverlag.
  719. Wehner-Zott S, Himmerich H (2014). Wei xiao zhe zou chu yi yu. In: Wehner-Zott S, Himmerich H, Wei xiao zhe zou chu yi yu. (S. 1-247), Peking: Post & Telecom Press.
  720. Pogarell O, Hegerl U (2014). Ereigniskorrelierte Potenziale in der Psychiatrie. In: Buchner H, Praxisbuch Evozierte Potenziale: Grundlagen, Befundung, Beurteilung und differenzialdiagnostische Abgrenzung. (S. 147-152), Stuttgart: Thieme.

  721. 2013

  722. Steinberg H, Himmerich H (2013). Emil Kraepelin's habilitation and his thesis: A pioneer work for modern systematic reviews, psychoimmunological research and categories of psychiatric diseases. World J Biol Psychiatry, 14(4), 248-57.
  723. Schonknecht P, Mundt C (2013). Indeterminacy of Translation and Impaired Intersubjectivity in Schizophrenia. Psychopathology, 46(2), 88-93.
  724. Hegerl U, Mergl R, Quail D, Schneider E, Strauss M, Hundemer HP, Linden M (2013). Fast versus slow onset of depressive episodes: A clinical criterion for subtyping patients with major depression. Eur Psychiatry, 28(5), 288-92.
  725. Hegerl U, Koburger N, Rummel-Kluge C, Gravert C, Walden M, Mergl R (2013). One followed by many?-Long-term effects of a celebrity suicide on the number of suicidal acts on the German railway net. J Affect Disord, 146(1), 39-44.
  726. Schmidt FM, Lichtblau N, Uribe MM, Kirchherr H, Himmerich H (2013). Agomelatine in breast milk. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol, 16(2), 497-499.
  727. Schmidt FM, Schonherr J, Sander C, Kirkby KC, Hegerl U, Himmerich H (2013). Applying EEG-based vigilance measurement in a case of adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol, 16(5), 1169-71.
  728. Gertz HJ, Stoppe G, Muller-Oerlinghausen B, Schmidt LG, Baethge C, Hiemke C, Lieb K, Bschor T (2013). [Antipsychotics for treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders in dementia.] Nervenarzt, 84(3), 370-3.
  729. Olbrich S, Olbrich H, Jahn I, Sander C, Adamaszek M, Hegerl U, Reque F, Stengler K (2013). EEG-vigilance regulation during the resting state in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Clin Neurophysiol, 124(3), 497-502.
  730. Dietrich S, Stengler K (2013). [Sickness Absence and Disability due to Psychiatric Disorders from a Gender Perspective - A Systematic Literature Review.] Gesundheitswesen, 75(6), e74-94.
  731. Stengler K, Olbrich S, Heider D, Dietrich S, Riedel-Heller S, Jahn I (2013). Mental health treatment seeking among patients with OCD: impact of age of onset. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 48(5), 813-9.
  732. Hegerl U, Lam RW, Malhi GS, McIntyre RS, Demyttenaere K, Mergl R, Gorwood P (2013). Conceptualising the neurobiology of fatigue. Aust N Z J Psychiatry, 47(4), 312-316.
  733. Kluge M, Hegerl U, Sander C, Dietzel J, Mergl R, Bitter I, Demyttenaere K, Gusmao R, Gonzalez-Pinto A, Perez-Sola V, Vieta E, Juckel G, Zimmermann US, Bauer M, Sienaert P, Quintao S, Edel MA, Bolyos C, Ayuso-Mateos JL, Lopez-Garcia P (2013). Methylphenidate in mania project (MEMAP): study protocol of an international randomised double-blind placebo-controlled study on the initial treatment of acute mania with methylphenidate. BMC Psychiatry, 13, 71.
  734. Lopez-Garcia P, Hegerl U (2013). Treatment of acute mania with methylphenidate: therapeutic approach based on a new pathophysiological model. Rev Psiquiatr Salud Ment, 6(2), 93-94.
  735. Schmidt FM, Kratzsch J, Gertz HJ, Tittmann M, Jahn I, Pietsch UC, Kaisers UX, Thiery J, Hegerl U, Schönknecht P (2013). Correction: Cerebrospinal Fluid Melanin-Concentrating Hormone (MCH) and Hypocretin-1 (HCRT-1, Orexin-A) in Alzheimer's Disease. PLoS One, 8(6), e63136.
  736. Schindler S, Schönknecht P, Schmidt L, Anwander A, Strauss M, Trampel R, Bazin PL, Moller HE, Hegerl U, Turner R, Geyer S (2013). Development and evaluation of an algorithm for the computer-assisted segmentation of the human hypothalamus on 7-tesla magnetic resonance images. PLoS One, 8(7), e66394.
  737. Hegerl U (2013). [Should treatment of mild depression be exclusively psychotherapeutic? Against]. Nervenarzt, 84(3), 388-389.
  738. Schönknecht P, Anwander A, Petzold F, Schindler S, Knosche TR, Moller HE, Hegerl U, Turner R, Geyer S (2013). Diffusion imaging-based subdivision of the human hypothalamus: a magnetic resonance study with clinical implications. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci, 263(6), 497-508.
  739. Bühler B, Kocalevent R, Berger R, Mahler A, Preiss B, Liwowsky I, Carl P, Hegerl U (2013). [Treatment situation of long-term unemployed with psychological disorders]. Nervenarzt, 84(5), 603-607.
  740. Szekely A, Konkoly Thege B, Mergl R, Birkas E, Rozsa S, Purebl G, Hegerl U (2013). How to Decrease Suicide Rates in Both Genders? An Effectiveness Study of a Community-Based Intervention (EAAD). PLoS One, 8(9), e75081.
  741. Harris FM, Maxwell M, O'Connor RC, Coyne J, Arensman E, Szekely A, Gusmao R, Coffey C, Costa S, Cserhati Z, Koburger N, van Audenhove C, McDaid D, Maloney J, Varnik P, Hegerl U (2013). Developing social capital in implementing a complex intervention: a process evaluation of the early implementation of a suicide prevention intervention in four European countries. BMC Public Health, 13, 158.
  742. Hegerl U, Mergl R, Doganay G, Reschke K, Rummel-Kluge C (2013). Why has the continuous decline in german suicide rates stopped in 2007? PLoS One, 8(8), e71589.
  743. Ungewitter C, Böttger D, El-Jurdi J, Kilian R, Losert C, Ludwig K, Steinkohl V, Bramesfeld A (2013). [Service structure and cooperation in mental health care]. Nervenarzt, 84(3), 307-314.
  744. Jödicke J, Olbrich S, Sander C, Minkwitz J, Chittka T, Himmerich H, Hegerl U (2013). Separation of low-voltage EEG-activity during mental activation from that during transition to drowsiness. Brain Topogr, 26(4), 538-546.
  745. Allgaier AK, Kramer D, Saravo B, Mergl R, Fejtkova S, Hegerl U (2013). Beside the Geriatric Depression Scale: the WHO-Five Well-being Index as a valid screening tool for depression in nursing homes. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry, 28(11), 1197-1204.
  746. Lam RW, Malhi GS, McIntyre RS, Demyttenaere K, Gorwood P, Michalak EE, Hegerl U (2013). Fatigue and occupational functioning in major depressive disorder. Aust N Z J Psychiatry, 47(11), 989-991.
  747. Hegerl U, Rummel-Kluge C, Varnik A, Arensman E, Koburger N (2013). Alliances against depression - A community based approach to target depression and to prevent suicidal behaviour. Neurosci Biobehav Rev, 37(10 Pt 1), 2404-9.
  748. Olbrich S, Olbrich H, Adamaszek M, Jahn I, Hegerl U, Stengler K (2013). Altered EEG lagged coherence during rest in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Clin Neurophysiol, 124(12), 2421-2430.
  749. Coppens E, Van Audenhove C, Scheerder G, Arensman E, Coffey C, Costa S, Koburger N, Gottlebe K, Gusmao R, O\'Connor R, Postuvan V, Sarchiapone M, Sisask M, Szekely A, van der Feltz-Cornelis C, Hegerl U (2013). Public attitudes toward depression and help-seeking in four European countries baseline survey prior to the OSPI-Europe intervention. J Affect Disord, 150(2), 320-329.
  750. Strauss M, Mergl R, Sander C, Doehring C, Schönknecht P, Angst J, Hegerl U (2013). Test-retest stability of the onset of depression inventory. Psychopathology, 47(1), 45-50.
  751. Tränkner A, Sander C, Schönknecht P (2013). A critical review of the recent literature and selected therapy guidelines since 2006 on the use of lamotrigine in bipolar disorder. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat, 9, 101-111.
  752. Kuntzelmann A, Guenther T, Haberkorn U, Essig M, Giesel F, Henze R, Schroeter ML, Schröder J, Schönknecht P (2013). Impaired cerebral glucose metabolism in prodromal Alzheimer\'s disease differs by regional intensity normalization. Neurosci Lett, 534, 12-17.
  753. Riedel-Heller SG, Luppa M, Seidler A, Becker T, Stengler K (2013). [Mental health and work: concepts, evidence and implications for research and practice]. Nervenarzt, 84(7), 832-837.
  754. Rummel-Kluge C, Kluge M, Kissling W (2013). Frequency and relevance of psychoeducation in psychiatric diagnoses: results of two surveys five years apart in German-speaking European countries. BMC Psychiatry, 13, 170.
  755. Kluge M, Schmidt D, Uhr M, Steiger A (2013). Ghrelin suppresses nocturnal secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) in patients with major depression. J Psychiatr Res, 47(9), 1236-1239.
  756. Kluge M, Dietzel J (2013). Substantial weight gain associated with severe carbohydrate craving in a patient receiving quetiapine. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci, 67(3), 189-190.
  757. Thormann J, Chittka T, Minkwitz J, Kluge M, Himmerich H (2013). [Obesity and depression: an overview on the complex interactions of two diseases]. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr, 81(3), 145-153.
  758. Olbrich S, Arns M (2013). EEG biomarkers in major depressive disorder: discriminative power and prediction of treatment response. Int Rev Psychiatry, 25(5), 604-618.
  759. Oberbeck A, Stengler K, Steinberg H (2013). [On the History of Obsessive Compulsive Disorders: Their Place in the Nosological Classifications up to the Beginning of the 20th Century]. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr, 81(12), 706-714.
  760. Steinberg H, Wagner A (2013). Wilhelm Erb's Years in Leipzig (1880-1883) and Their Impact on the History of Neurology. Eur Neurol, 70(5-6), 267-275.
  761. Kumbier E, Haack K, Steinberg H (2013). [50 years Rodewisch theses--for the beginnings of social-psychiatric reforms in East Germany (GDR)]. Psychiatr Prax, 40(6), 313-320.
  762. Schobess C, Steinberg H (2013). [Knowledge of German neurologists on migraine around 1890. Paul Julius Möbius and his 1894 monograph Die Migräne]. Nervenarzt, 84(8), 995-1001.
  763. Heise S, Steinberg H, Himmerich H (2013). [The discussion about the application and impact of music on depressive diseases throughout history and at present]. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr, 81(8), 426-436.
  764. Steinberg H, Herrmann-Lingen C, Himmerich H (2013). Johann Christian August Heinroth: psychosomatic medicine eighty years before Freud. Psychiatr Danub, 25(1), 11-16.
  765. Steinberg H (2013). Oswald Bumke (1877-1950). J Neurol, 260(9), 2444-2445.
  766. Steinmetz M, Himmerich H, Steinberg H (2013). [An Early Social-Psychiatric Work in the GDR]. Psychiatr Prax, 40(2), 65-71.
  767. Steinberg H (2013). A pioneer work on electric brain stimulation in psychotic patients. Rudolph Gottfried Arndt and his 1870s studies. Brain Stimul, 6(4), 477-481.
  768. Steinberg H (2013). Letter to the editor: transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) has a history reaching back to the 19th century. Psychol Med, 43(3), 669-671.
  769. Schröter A, Riha O, Steinberg H (2013). "[P]lumpe [...] Versuche der weiblichen Wissenschaft"? Sexualität, soziale Rolle und Intelligenz der Frau bei deutschsprachigen Autorinnen des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts. Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung, 26(3), 245-265.
  770. Steinberg H, Carius D, Himmerich H (2013). Richard Arwed Pfeifer - a pioneer of 'medical pedagogy' and an opponent of Paul Schröder. History of Psychiatry, 24(4), 459-476.
  771. Pfeil S, Holtz K, Tiefensee J, Bresner T, Kästner A, Kopf A, Hegerl U (2013). Hilfe für psychisch kranke Langzeitarbeitslose. Nervenheilkunde, 32(8), 592-594.
  772. Hegerl U, Friede M (2013). Psychische Erkrankungen in Deutschland. Optimierungsspielpläne und Handlungsbedarf. Nervenheilkunde, 32(10), 762-765.
  773. Lichtblau N, Schmidt FM, Schumann R, Kirkby KC, Himmerich H (2013). Cytokines as biomarkers in depressive disorder: current standing and prospects. Int Rev Psychiatry, 25(5), 592-603.
  774. Munzer A, Sack U, Mergl R, Schönherr J, Petersein C, Bartsch S, Kirkby KC, Bauer K, Himmerich H (2013). Impact of antidepressants on cytokine production of depressed patients in vitro. Toxins (Basel), 5(11), 2227-2240.
  775. Mueller D, Kennedy JL, Himmerich H (2013). Future roles of pharmacogenomic testing and biomarkers in psychiatry. Int Rev Psychiatry, 25, 493.
  776. Himmerich H, Bartsch S, Hamer H, Mergl R, Schönherr J, Petersein C, Munzer A, Kirkby KC, Bauer K, Sack U (2013). Impact of mood stabilizers and antiepileptic drugs on cytokine production in-vitro. J Psychiatr Res, 47(11), 1751-1759.
  777. Himmerich H, Fischer J, Bauer K, Kirkby KC, Sack U, Krügel U (2013). Stress-induced cytokine changes in rats. Eur Cytokine Netw, 24(2), 97-103.
  778. Schmidt L, Ceglarek U, Kortz L, Hoop M, Kirkby KC, Thiery J, Himmerich H (2013). Mechanisms of Involvement of Eicosanoids and their Precursors in the Pathophysiology and Treatment of Schizophrenia. Med Chem, 9(6), 763-773.
  779. Krügel U, Fischer J, Radicke S, Sack U, Himmerich H (2013). Antidepressant effects of TNF-α blockade in an animal model of depression. J Psychiatr Res, 47(5), 611-616.
  780. Tiepolt S, Barthel H, Butzke D, Hesse S, Patt M, Gertz HJ, Reininger C, Sabri O (2013). Influence of scan duration on the accuracy of ß-amyloid PET with florbetaben in patients with Alzheimer's disease and healthy volunteers. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, 40(2), 238-44.
  781. Kuntzelmann A, Guenther T, Haberkorn U, Essig M, Giesel F, Henze R, Schroeter ML, Schroder J, Schonknecht P (2013). Impaired cerebral glucose metabolism in prodromal Alzheimer's disease differs by regional intensity normalization. Neurosci Lett, 534, 12-17.
  782. Rhein C, Naumann J, Muhle C, Zill P, Adli M, Hegerl U, Hiemke C, Mergl R, Moller HJ, Reichel M, Kornhuber J (2013). The Acid Sphingomyelinase Sequence Variant p.A487V Is Not Associated With Decreased Levels of Enzymatic Activity. JIMD Rep, 8, 1-6.
  783. Cebria AI, Parra I, Pamias M, Escayola A, Garcia-Pares G, Punti J, Laredo A, Valles V, Cavero M, Oliva JC, Hegerl U, Perez-Sola V, Palao DJ (2013). Effectiveness of a telephone management programme for patients discharged from an emergency department after a suicide attempt: controlled study in a Spanish population. J Affect Disord, 147(1-3), 269-276.
  784. Morgen K, Frolich L, Tost H, Plichta MM, Kolsch H, Rakebrandt F, Rienhoff O, Jessen F, Peters O, Jahn H, Luckhaus C, Hull M, Gertz HJ, Schroder J, Hampel H, Teipel SJ, Pantel J, Heuser I, Wiltfang J, (2013). APOE-Dependent Phenotypes in Subjects with Mild Cognitive Impairment Converting to Alzheimer's Disease. J Alzheimers Dis, 37(2), 389-401.
  785. Becker GA, Ichise M, Barthel H, Luthardt J, Patt M, Seese A, Schultze-Mosgau M, Rohde B, Gertz HJ, Reininger C, Sabri O (2013). PET quantification of 18F-florbetaben binding to ß-amyloid deposits in human brains. J Nucl Med, 54(5), 723-731.
  786. del Ser T, Steinwachs KC, Gertz HJ, Andres MV, Gomez-Carrillo B, Medina M, Vericat JA, Redondo P, Fleet D, Leon T (2013). Treatment of Alzheimer's disease with the GSK-3 inhibitor tideglusib: a pilot study. J Alzheimers Dis, 33(1), 205-215.
  787. Andreou C, Leicht G, Popescu V, Pogarell O, Mavrogiorgou P, Rujescu D, Giegling I, Zaudig M, Juckel G, Hegerl U, Mulert C (2013). P300 in obsessive-compulsive disorder: Source localization and the effects of treatment. J Psychiatr Res, 47(12), 1975-1983.
  788. Anderson-Schmidt H, Adler L, Aly C, Anghelescu IG, Bauer M, Baumgartner J, Becker J, Bianco R, Becker T, Bitter C, Bonsch D, Buckow K, Budde M, Buhrig M, Deckert J, Demiroglu SY, Dietrich D, Dumpelman (2013). The "DGPPN-Cohort": a national collaboration initiative by the German Association for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy (DGPPN) for establishing a large-scale cohort of psychiatric patients. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci, 263(8), 695-701.
  789. Wolf J, Jäger C, Lachmann I, Schönknecht P, Morawski M, Arendt T, Mothes T (2013). Tissue transglutaminase is not a biochemical marker for Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiol Aging, 34(11), 2495-2498.
  790. Jovicich J, Marizzoni M, Sala-Llonch R, Bosch B, Bartres-Faz D, Arnold J, Benninghoff J, Wiltfang J, Roccatagliata L, Nobili F, Hensch T, Tränkner A, Schönknecht P, Leroy M, Lopes R, Bordet R, Chanoin (2013). Brain morphometry reproducibility in multi-center 3T MRI studies: A comparison of cross-sectional and longitudinal segmentations. Neuroimage, 83, 472-484.
  791. Hauser T, Schönknecht P, Thomann PA, Gerigk L, Schröder J, Henze R, Radbruch A, Essig M (2013). Regional cerebral perfusion alterations in patients with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer disease using dynamic susceptibility contrast MRI. Acad Radiol, 20(6), 705-711.
  792. Steiger A, Dresler M, Kluge M, Schüssler P (2013). Pathology of sleep, hormones and depression. Pharmacopsychiatry, 46(Suppl.1), 30-35.
  793. Adamaszek M, Olbrich S, Kirkby KC, Woldag H, Willert C, Heinrich A (2013). Event-related potentials indicating impaired emotional attention in cerebellar stroke--a case study. Neurosci Lett, 548, 206-211.
  794. Luppa M, Konig HH, Heider D, Leicht H, Motzek T, Schomerus G, Riedel-Heller SG (2013). Direct costs associated with depressive symptoms in late life: a 4.5-year prospective study. Int Psychogeriatr, 25, 292-302.
  795. Angermeyer MC, Schomerus G, Carta MG, Moro MF, Toumi M, Millier A, Holzinger A (2013). [Burnout: a German phenomenon?]. Psychiatr Prax, 40, 425-429.
  796. Himmerich H, Steinberg H (2013). Das immunologische Krankheitskonzept der Depression. In: Freitag CM, Baocka A, Fehr C, Grube M, Hampel H, Depressive Störungen über die Lebensspanne. (S. 29-40), Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
  797. Himmerich H (2013). Medikamente zur Behandlung von Essstörungen und Adipositas. In: Benkert O, Kompendium der Psychiatrischen Pharmakotherapie. (S. 551-563), Berlin: Springer.

  798. 2012

  799. Engmann B, Steinberg H (2012). [The concept of reflex psychosis: Roots, importance and assessment in psychiatric and philosophical context.] Nervenarzt, 83(5), 653-7.
  800. Steinberg H, Somburg O, Boocock GR (2012). [The German-Jewish psychiatrist James Lewin: A twice forgotten victim.] Nervenarzt, 83(1), 71-75.
  801. Steffenhagen N, Rummel-Kluge C, Himmerich H (2012). [Metabolic disorders under antipsychotic treatment.] Nervenarzt, 83(3), 337-344.
  802. Himmerich H, Sorge S, Kirkby KC, Steinberg H (2012). [Schizophrenic disorders : The development of immunological concepts and therapy in psychiatry.] Nervenarzt, 83(1), 7-15.
  803. Cibis A, Mergl R, Bramesfeld A, Althaus D, Niklewski G, Schmidtke A, Hegerl U (2012). Preference of lethal methods is not the only cause for higher suicide rates in males. J Affect Disord, 136(1-2), 9-16.
  804. Boenisch S, Kocalevent RD, Matschinger H, Mergl R, Wimmer-Brunauer C, Tauscher M, Kramer D, Hegerl U, Bramesfeld A (2012). Who receives depression-specific treatment? A secondary data-based analysis of outpatient care received by over 780,000 statutory health-insured individuals diagnosed with depression. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 47(3), 475-86.
  805. Hegerl U, Wilk K, Olbrich S, Schönknecht P, Sander C (2012). Hyperstable regulation of vigilance in patients with major depressive disorder. World J Biol Psychiatry, 13(6), 436-46.
  806. Hegerl U, Allgaier AK, Henkel V, Mergl R (2012). Can effects of antidepressants in patients with mild depression be considered as clinically significant? J Affect Disord, 138(3), 183-91.
  807. Dietrich S, Deckert S, Ceynowa M, Hegerl U, Stengler K (2012). Depression in the workplace: a systematic review of evidence-based prevention strategies. Int Arch Occup Environ Health, 85(1), 1-11.
  808. Hegerl U, Mergl R, Quail D, Schneider E, Hundemer HP, Linden M (2012). Does Pain Improve Earlier than Mood in Depressed Patients with Painful Physical Symptoms Treated with Duloxetine? Pharmacopsychiatry, 45(3), 114-8.
  809. Värnik P, Sisask M, Värnik A, Arensman E, Van Audenhove C, van der Feltz-Cornelis CM, Hegerl U (2012). Validity of suicide statistics in Europe in relation to undetermined deaths: developing the 2-20 benchmark. Inj Prev, 18(5), 321-5.
  810. Schindler S, Geyer S, Strauss M, Anwander A, Hegerl U, Turner R, Schönknecht P (2012). Structural studies of the hypothalamus and its nuclei in mood disorders. Psychiatry Res, 201(1), 1-9.
  811. Olbrich S, Sander C, Jahn I, Eplinius F, Claus S, Mergl R, Schönknecht P, Hegerl U (2012). Unstable EEG-vigilance in patients with cancer-related fatigue (CRF) in comparison to healthy controls. World J Biol Psychiatry, 13(2), 146-152.
  812. Hegerl U, Schönknecht P, Mergl R (2012). Are antidepressants useful in the treatment of minor depression: a critical update of the current literature. Curr Opin Psychiatry, 25(1), 1-6.
  813. Hegerl U (2012). Review: risperidone, olanzapine and haloperidol are the most effective drugs for acute mania in adults with bipolar I disorder. Commentary. Evid Based Ment Health, 15(2), 45.
  814. Olbrich S, Sander C, Minkwitz J, Chittka T, Mergl R, Hegerl U, Himmerich H (2012). EEG Vigilance Regulation Patterns and Their Discriminative Power to Separate Patients with Major Depression from Healthy Controls. Neuropsychobiology, 65(4), 188-194.
  815. Hegerl U, Holtzheimer P, Mergl R, McDonald W (2012). The neurobiology and treatment of late-life depression. Handb Clin Neurol, 106, 265-278.
  816. Visser PJ, Wolf H, Frisoni G, Gertz HJ (2012). Disclosure of Alzheimer's disease biomarker status in subjects with mild cognitive impairment. Biomark Med, 6(4), 365-368.
  817. Strauss M, Pierer M, Schonknecht P (2012). [Adjustment disorders in internal medicine diseases]. Internist (Berl), 53(11), 1271-1275.
  818. Schonknecht P, Hegerl U (2012). [Dysthymia]. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr, 80(10), 602-608.
  819. Strauss M, Sander C, Mergl R, Merz C, Schonknecht P, Hegerl U (2012). Onset of Depression Inventory (ODI)-Assessment of the speed of onset of depressive episodes. J Affect Disord, 142(1-3), 156-160.
  820. Steinmetz M, Himmerich H, Steinberg H (2012). [Christa Kohler's "communicative psychotherapy" as an integrated psychotherapeutic concept and its biographical, scientific and historical context]. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr, 80(5), 250-259.
  821. Steinberg H, Himmerich H (2012). Johann Christian August Heinroth (1773-1843): the first professor of psychiatry as a psychotherapist. J Relig Health, 51(2), 256-258.
  822. Kluge M, Himmerich H, Wehmeier PM, Rummel-Kluge C, Dalal M, Hinze-Selch D, Kraus T, Dittmann RW, Pollmacher T, Schuld A (2012). Sleep propensity at daytime as assessed by Multiple Sleep Latency Tests (MSLT) in patients with schizophrenia increases with clozapine and olanzapine. Schizophr Res, 135(1-3), 123-127.
  823. Himmerich H, Wranik DW (2012). Choice of treatment with antidepressants: Influencing factors. Curr Pharm Des, 18(36), 5958-75.
  824. Engmann B, Wagner A, Steinberg H (2012). Adolf von Strümpell: a key yet neglected protagonist of neurology. J Neurol, 259(10), 2211-2220.
  825. Steinberg H, Fahrenbach S (2012). Else Steinert née Loewenheim (1879-1948): one of Germany's first female specialist ophthalmologists. J Med Biogr, 20(1), 35-41.
  826. Steinberg H (2012). Friedrich Hugo Kufs (1871-1955). J Neurol, 259(1), 196-197.
  827. Dietrich S, Mergl R, Rummel-Kluge C, Stengler K (2012). [Mental health in the working world from the perspective of occupational physicians]. Psychiatr Prax, 39(1), 40-42.
  828. Weschenfelder J, Sander C, Kluge M, Kirkby KC, Himmerich H (2012). The influence of cytokines on wakefulness regulation: clinical relevance, mechanisms and methodological problems. Psychiatr Danub, 24(2), 112-126.
  829. Schmidt FM, Tennert C, Teupser D, Himmerich H (2012). [Optimizing antidepressant pharmacotherapy in a case of inflammatory bowel disease and major depression]. Psychiatr Prax, 39(5), 239-242.
  830. Himmerich H, Schmidt L, Becker S, Kortz L, Schonherr J, Mergl R, Bauer K, Sack U, Sheldrick AJ, Thiery J, Ceglarek U (2012). Impact of clozapine, N-desmethylclozapine and chlorpromazine on thromboxane production in vitro. Med Chem, 8(6), 1032-1038.
  831. Minkwitz J, Trenner MU, Sander C, Olbrich S, Sheldrick AJ, Hegerl U, Himmerich H (2012). Time perception at different EEG-vigilance levels. Behav Brain Funct, 8, 50.
  832. Lichtblau N, Schmidt FM, Himmerich H (2012). Immunsystem und Depression. Die Rolle von Zytokinen bei der Depression. InFo Neurologie & Psychiatrie, 9, 60-68.
  833. Frauenlob C, Schober R, Steinberg H (2012). [Erwin Gustav Niessl von Mayendorf and his impact on the conceptional history of aphasia]. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr, 80(2), 79-87.
  834. Schroter A, Riha O, Steinberg H (2012). [Biased objectivity--images of women in 19th century German neuroscience]. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr, 80(9), 512-519.
  835. Koburger N, Rummel-Kluge C, Mergl R, Cibis A, Hegerl U (2012). Mehr Suizidversuche bei Frauen, höhere Letalität bei Männern. Neurotransmitter, 23, 40-42.
  836. Hegerl U, Mergl R (2012). Randomisierte klinische Studien zur Wirkung von Antidepressiva - Die Wirksamkeit bei weniger schweren depressiven Störungen wird unterschätzt. InFo Neurologie & Psychiatrie, 14, 8-9.
  837. Kluge M (2012). Ghrelin suppresses secretion of gonadotropins in women. Reprod Sci, 19(12), NP3.
  838. Kluge M, Schussler P, Schmidt D, Uhr M, Steiger A (2012). Ghrelin suppresses secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) in women. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 97(3), E448-451.
  839. Hegerl U, Heussner P, Hiddemann W (2012). Psychische Störungen in der inneren Medizin. Internist, 53(11), 1269-1270.
  840. Schonknecht P (2012). Between phenomenological and community psychiatry: the Comprehending Anthropology of Jürg Zutt. Hist Psychiatry, 23(90Pt2), 182-193.
  841. Dietrich S, Blüher M, Stengler K (2012). Geschlechtsspezifische Analyse der Inanspruchnahme bariatrischer Chirurgie. Adipositas, 6(3), 164-167.
  842. Stengler K, Heider D, Roick C, Günther OH, Riedel-Heller S, König HH (2012). Weiterbildungsziel und Niederlassungsentscheidung bei zukünftigen Fachärztinnen und Fachärzten in Deutschland. Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz, 55(1), 121-128.
  843. Steinberg H, Himmerich H (2012). Roland Kuhn – 100th birthday of an innovator of clinical psychopharmacology Psychopharmacology Bulletin, 45(1), 48-50.
  844. Helmreich I, Wagner S, Mergl R, Allgaier AK, Hautzinger M, Henkel V, Hegerl U, Tadic A (2012). Sensitivity to changes during antidepressant treatment: a comparison of unidimensional subscales of the Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology (IDS-C) and the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAMD) in patients with mild major, minor or subsyndromal depression. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci, 262(4), 291-304.
  845. Kurz A, Thöne-Otto A, Cramer B, Egert S, Frölich L, Gertz HJ, Kehl V, Wagenpfeil S, Werheid K (2012). CORDIAL: Cognitive Rehabilitation and Cognitive-behavioral Treatment for Early Dementia in Alzheimer Disease: A Multicenter, Randomized, Controlled Trial. Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord, 26(3), 246-253.
  846. Juckel G, Karch S, Kawohl W, Kirsch V, Jäger L, Leicht G, Lutz J, Stammel A, Pogarell O, Ertl M, Reiser M, Hegerl U, Möller HJ, Mulert C (2012). Age effects on the P300 potential and the corresponding fMRI BOLD-signal. Neuroimage, 60(4), 2027-2034.
  847. Heredia Montesinos A, Rapp MA, Temur-Erman S, Heinz A, Hegerl U, Schouler-Ocak M (2012). The influence of stigma on depression, overall psychological distress, and somatization among female Turkish migrants. Eur Psychiatry, 27, S22-26.
  848. Wilhelm S, Boess FG, Hegerl U, Mergl R, Linden M, Schacht A, Schneider E (2012). Tolerability aspects in duloxetine-treated patients with depression: should one use a lower starting dose in clinical practice? Expert Opin Drug Saf, 11(5), 699-711.
  849. Schaaff N, Karch S, Segmiller F, Koch W, Reicherzer M, Mulert C, Hegerl U, Juckel G, Pogarell O (2012). Loudness dependence of auditory evoked potentials in patients with borderline personality disorder-Impact of psychopathology. Psychiatry Res, 199(3), 181-7.
  850. Peters O, Lorenz D, Fesche A, Schmidtke K, Hull M, Perneczky R, Ruther E, Moller HJ, Jessen F, Maier W, Kornhuber J, Jahn H, Luckhaus C, Gertz HJ, Schroder J, Pantel J, Teipel S, Wellek S, Frolich L, (2012). A combination of galantamine and memantine modifies cognitive function in subjects with amnestic MCI. J Nutr Health Aging, 16(6), 544-548.
  851. Wagner M, Wolf S, Reischies FM, Daerr M, Wolfsgruber S, Jessen F, Popp J, Maier W, Hull M, Frolich L, Hampel H, Perneczky R, Peters O, Jahn H, Luckhaus C, Gertz HJ, Schroder J, Pantel J, Lewczuk P, Ko (2012). Biomarker validation of a cued recall memory deficit in prodromal Alzheimer disease. Neurology, 78(6), 379-386.
  852. Berna F, Schonknecht P, Seidl U, Toro P, Schroder J (2012). Episodic autobiographical memory in normal aging and mild cognitive impairment: A population-based study. Psychiatry Res, 200(2-3), 807-12.
  853. Sattler C, Toro P, Schonknecht P, Schroder J (2012). Cognitive activity, education and socioeconomic status as preventive factors for mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease. Psychiatry Res, 196(1), 90-95.
  854. Kern N, Sheldrick AJ, Schmidt FM, Minkwitz J (2012). Neurobiology of depression and novel antidepressant drug targets. Curr Pharm Des, 18(36), 5791-5801.
  855. Riedl S, Kluge M, Schweitzer K, Waldhor T, Frisch H (2012). Adaptation of ghrelin and the GH/IGF axis to high altitude. Eur J Endocrinol, 166(6), 969-976.
  856. Schussler P, Kluge M, Yassouridis A, Dresler M, Uhr M, Steiger A (2012). Ghrelin levels increase after pictures showing food. Obesity (Silver Spring), 20(6), 1212-1217.
  857. Genzel L, Kiefer T, Renner L, Wehrle R, Kluge M, Grozinger M, Steiger A, Dresler M (2012). Sex and modulatory menstrual cycle effects on sleep related memory consolidation. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 37(7), 987-998.
  858. Kocalevent RD, Holtz K, Schützwohl M, Müller AG, Bramesfeld A, Hegerl U, Bönisch-Alert S (2012). Bedarfsanalyse für Kinder psychisch kranker Eltern in Nervenarztpraxen. Nervenheilkunde, 31(4), 272-277.
  859. Riedel-Heller S, Stengler K, Seidler A (2012). [Mental health and work]. Psychiatr Prax, 39(3), 103-105.
  860. Sikorski C, Luppa M, Schomerus G, Werner P, Konig HH, Riedel-Heller SG (2012). Public attitudes towards prevention of obesity. PLoS One, 7, 39325.
  861. Grabe HJ, Schwahn C, Mahler J, Schulz A, Spitzer C, Fenske K, Appel K, Barnow S, Nauck M, Schomerus G, Biffar R, Rosskopf D, John U, Volzke H, Freyberger HJ (2012). Moderation of adult depression by the serotonin transporter promoter variant (5-HTTLPR), childhood abuse and adult traumatic events in a general population sample. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet, 159, 298-309.
  862. Holzinger A, Floris F, Schomerus G, Carta MG, Angermeyer MC (2012). Gender differences in public beliefs and attitudes about mental disorder in western countries: a systematic review of population studies. Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci, 21, 73-85.
  863. Luck T, Luppa M, Sieber J, Schomerus G, Werner P, Konig HH, Riedel-Heller SG (2012). Attitudes of the German general population toward early diagnosis of dementia--results of a representative telephone survey. PLoS One, 7, 50792.
  864. Pantenburg B, Sikorski C, Luppa M, Schomerus G, Konig HH, Werner P, Riedel-Heller SG (2012). Medical students' attitudes towards overweight and obesity. PLoS One, 7, 48113.
  865. Himmerich H, Müller M, Krieg JC (2012). Affektive Erkrankungen. In: Gründer G, Benkert O, Handbuch der Psychopharmakotherapie. (S. 316-324), Heidelberg: Springer.
  866. Himmerich H (2012). Neuroimmunologie. In: Gründer G. Benkert O, Handbuch der Psychopharmakotherapie. (S. 436-440), Heidelberg: Springer.
  867. Himmerich H (2012). Psychoimmunologie. In: Schneider F, Facharztwissen Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie. (S. 478-481), Berlin: Springer.
  868. Himmerich H (2012). Psychoendokrinologie. In: Schneider F, Facharztwissen Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie. (S. 496-501), Berlin: Springer.
  869. Himmerich H (2012). Immunmodulation in der Therapie psychischer Krankheiten. In: Rink L, Kruse A, Haase H, Immunologie für Einsteiger. (S. 231-481), Berlin: Spektrum Verlag.
  870. Hegerl U, Holtzheimer P, Mergl R, McDonald W (2012). The neurobiology and tretatment of late-life depression. In: Schläpfer TE, Nemeroff CB, Neurobiology of Psychiatric Disorders (Handbook of Clinical Neurology). (S. 265-278), Edingburgh: Elsevier.
  871. Pogarell O, Hensch T, Hegerl U (2012). Elektroenzephalographie in der Psychopharmakotherapie. In: Gründer G, Benkert O, Handbuch der psychiatrischen Pharmakotherapie. (S. 399-416), Heidelberg: Spinger.

  872. 2011

  873. Hensch T, Himmerich H, Hegerl U (2011). ADHD and Bipolar Disorder: Common Causes Common Cure? J Atten Disord, 15(2), 99-100.
  874. Boide P, Wagner A, Steinberg H (2011). [Wilson's disease and Westphal-Strümpell pseudosclerosis: Conceptual history in German-speaking countries.] Nervenarzt, 82(10), 1335-1342.
  875. Scheerder G, Van Audenhove C, Arensman E, Bernik B, Giupponi G, Horel AC, Maxwell M, Sisask M, Szekely A, Varnik A, Hegerl U (2011). Community and health professionals' attitude toward depression: A pilot study in nine EADD countries. Int J Soc Psychiatry, 57(4), 387-401.
  876. Olbrich S, Jodicke J, Sander C, Himmerich H, Hegerl U (2011). ICA-based muscle artefact correction of EEG data: what is muscle and what is brain? Comment on McMenamin et al. Neuroimage, 54(1), 1-3.
  877. Mergl R, Henkel V, Allgaier AK, Kramer D, Hautzinger M, Kohnen R, Coyne J, Hegerl U (2011). Are Treatment Preferences Relevant in Response to Serotonergic Antidepressants and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Depressed Primary Care Patients? Results from a Randomized Controlled Trial Including a Patients' Choice Arm. Psychother Psychosom, 80(1), 39-47.
  878. Kocalevent RD, Hinz A, Brahler E, Klapp BF (2011). [Regional and individual factors of stress experience in Germany: results of a representative survey with the perceived stress questionnaire (PSQ)]. Gesundheitswesen, 73(12), 829-34.
  879. Steffenhagen N, Kurstein B, Kirkby KC, Himmerich H (2011). Combination of Lithium and Duloxetine in 2 Depressed Patients Refractory to Duloxetine Monotherapy. Pharmacopsychiatry, 44(2), 72-74.
  880. Graef S, Schonknecht P, Sabri O, Hegerl U (2011). Cholinergic receptor subtypes and their role in cognition, emotion, and vigilance control: An overview of preclinical and clinical findings. Psychopharmacology, 215(2), 205-229.
  881. Värnik A, Sisask M, Varnik P, Wu J, Kolves K, Arensman E, Maxwell M, Reisch T, Gusmao R, van Audenhove C, Scheerder G, van der Feltz-Cornelis CM, Coffey C, Kopp M, Szekely A, Roskar S, Hegerl U (2011). Drug suicide: a sex-equal cause of death in 16 European countries. BMC Public Health, 11(1), e61.
  882. Guenther T, Schönknecht P, Becker G, Olbrich S, Sander C, Hesse S, Meyer PM, Luthardt J, Hegerl U, Sabri O (2011). Impact of EEG-vigilance on brain glucose uptake measured with [(18)F]FDG and PET in patients with depressive episode or mild cognitive impairment. Neuroimage, 56(1), 93-101.
  883. Liwowsky I, Mergl R, Allgaier AK, Hegerl U (2011). [Prevalence of mental disorders in the elderly long-term unemployed. Comparison of results of the project KompAQT and the German National Health Interview and Examination Survey]. Neuropsychiatr, 25(1), 36-43.
  884. Hegerl U (2011). [Pro and con: Antidepressants also for mild depression?] MMW Fortschr Med, 153(29-31), 30.
  885. Kocalevent RD, Hinz A, Brähler E, Klapp BF (2011). Determinants of fatigue and stress. BMC Res Notes, 4, e238.
  886. Schönknecht P, Sattler C, Toro P, Essig M (2011). [Symptoms and imaging diagnostics of neurodegenerative dementia]. Radiologe, 51(4), 278-284.
  887. Himmerich H, Steinberg H (2011). [Hormone-Based Classification and Therapy Concepts in Psychiatry.] Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr, 79(7), 384-394.
  888. Thormann J, Himmerich H, Steinberg H (2011). [The concept of "vegetative depression" (1949) by Rudolf Lemke - an obsolete concept?]. Psychiatr Prax, 38(2), 91-96.
  889. Richter E, Steinberg H (2011). [Forensic-psychiatric opinion at the beginning of the 19th century. Theory and practice in Johann Christian August Heinroth (1773-1843)]. Psychiatr Prax, 38(3), 142-146.
  890. Steinberg H (2011). Electrotherapeutic disputes: the 'Frankfurt Council' of 1891. Brain, 134(Pt4), 1229-1243.
  891. Schneider E, Linden M, Weigmann H, Wagner T, Quail D, Hundemer HP, Hegerl U (2011). Early reduction in painful physical symptoms is associated with improvements in long-term depression outcomes in patients treated with duloxetine. BMC Psychiatry, 11, e150.
  892. Minkwitz J, Trenner MU, Sander C, Olbrich S, Sheldrick AJ, Schönknecht P, Hegerl U, Himmerich H (2011). Prestimulus vigilance predicts response speed in an easy visual discrimination task. Behav Brain Funct, 7, e31.
  893. Allgaier AK, Kramer D, Mergl R, Fejtkova S, Hegerl U (2011). [Validity of the geriatric depression scale in nursing home residents: comparison of GDS-15, GDS-8 and GDS-4] Psychiatr Prax, 38(6), 280-286.
  894. Hegerl U, Mergl R (2011). Kommentar zu Antidepressivatherapie bei Erwachsenen. Gibt es Unterschiede beim Suizidrisiko. INFO Neurologie & Psychiatrie, 13(3), 22.
  895. Adamaszek M, Olbrich S, Hegerl U, Schönknecht P (2011). [The risk for myocarditis of clozapine and other atypical antipsychotics: case report and study of the literature]. Psychiatr Prax, 38(4), 201-203.
  896. Adamaszek M, Olbrich S, Gallinat J (2011). The diagnostic value of clinical EEG in detecting abnormal synchronicity in panic disorder. Clin EEG Neurosci, 42(3), 166-174.
  897. Gertz HJ, Kurz A (2011). [Diagnosis without therapy: early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease in the stage of mild cognitive impairment] Nervenarzt, 82(9), 1151-1159.
  898. Steinberg H, Weber MM (2011). [Intermixture of politics and science in the GDR. The investigation of deaths at the Department of Neurology and Psychiatry at Leipzig University under Müller-Hegemann in 1963]. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr, 79(10), 561-569.
  899. Steiger A, Dresler M, Schüssler P, Kluge M (2011). Ghrelin in mental health, sleep, memory. Mol Cell Endocrinol, 340(1), 88-96.
  900. Kluge M, Schussler P, Dresler M, Schmidt D, Yassouridis A, Uhr M, Steiger A (2011). Effects of ghrelin on psychopathology, sleep and secretion of cortisol and growth hormone in patients with major depression. J Psychiatr Res, 45(3), 421-426.
  901. Himmerich H (2011). [Appropriateness of antidepressant treatment for mild depression]. MMW Fortschr Med, 153(29-31), 31-33.
  902. Himmerich H, Schonherr J, Fulda S, Sheldrick AJ, Bauer K, Sack U (2011). Impact of antipsychotics on cytokine production in-vitro. J Psychiatr Res, 45(10), 1358-1365.
  903. Steinberg H (2011). Beginn der akademischen Psychiatrie des Abendlandes. Die Errichtung der ersten Professur für Heinroth in Leipzig vor 200 Jahren. Nervenheilkunde, 30(12), 997-1001.
  904. Stengler K, Glaesmer H, Dietrich S (2011). Gender- und geschlechtsspezifische Aspekte in der psychiatrischen und psychotherapeutischen Forschung: eine bibliometrische Analyse. Z Psychiatr Psych PS, 59(4), 305-310.
  905. Mergl R, Havers I, Althaus D, Rihmer Z, Schmidtke A, Lehfeld H, Niklewski G, Hegerl U (2011). Geschlechtsunterschiede in der Saisonalität von Suizidversuchen. Suizidprophylaxe, 38(1), 143-151.
  906. Allgaier AK, Liwowsky I, Kramer D, Mergl R, Fejtkova S, Hegerl U (2011). [Screening for depression in nursing homes: Validity of the WHO (Five) Well-Being Index]. Neuropsychiatr, 25(4), 208-215.
  907. Schmidt FM, Arendt E, Steinmetzer A, Bruegel M, Kratzsch J, Strauss M, Baum P, Hegerl U, Schonknecht P (2011). CSF-hypocretin-1 levels in patients with major depressive disorder compared to healthy controls. Psychiatry Res, 190(2-3), 240-243.
  908. van der Feltz-Cornelis CM, Sarchiapone M, Postuvan V, Volker D, Roskar S, Grum AT, Carli V, McDaid D, O\'Connor R, Maxwell M, Ibelshauser A, Van Audenhove C, Scheerder G, Sisask M, Gusmao R, Hegerl U (2011). Best practice elements of multilevel suicide prevention strategies. Crisis, 32(6), 319-333.
  909. Richter E, Steinberg H (2011). Forensische Psychiatrie zu Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts: Johann Christian August Heinroths (1773-1843) Konzept der Zurechnungsfähigkeit. Recht & Psychiatrie, 29, 199-204.
  910. Steinberg H (2011). A 200th anniversary of academic psychiatry. Am J Psychiatry, 168(10), 1033-1034.
  911. Scholtz D, Steinberg H (2011). [Theory and practice of Pavlov Sleep Therapy in the GDR]. Psychiatr Prax, 38(7), 323-328.
  912. Lerner A, Steinberg H (2011). [On the history of one form of social psychiatric care: family care exemplified on the leipzig-dösen asylum]. Psychiatr Prax, 38(6), 274-279.
  913. Schönherr J, Himmerich H, Fulda S, Bauer K, Sack U (2011). Zytokinproduktion in vitro unter Einfluss von Antidepressiva. Nervenheilkunde, 30(11), 884-891.
  914. Lichtblau N, Himmerich H (2011). Wie Zytokine das Gehirn beeinträchtigen. MedReport, 35, 7.
  915. Schmidt FM, Kratzsch J, Hegerl U, Schönknecht P (2011). Die Rolle der Hypocretine bei affektiven Störungen. Nervenheilkunde, 30(11), 893-897.
  916. Schönknecht P, Schindler S, Strauß M, Hegerl U, Geyer S (2011). Morphologie und Dysfunktion hypothalamischer Substrukturen bei affektiven Störungen. Nervenheilkunde, 30(11), 879-883.
  917. Strauß M, Sander C, Mergl, Schönknecht P, Hegerl U (2011). Onset-of-Depression-Inventory. Nervenheilkunde, 30(11), 899-901.
  918. Mergl R, Schönknecht P, Allgaier AK, Henkel V, Hegerl U (2011). Psychopharmako- und Psycho-therapie bei Patienten mit minorer Depression. Sind die Effekte klinisch bedeutsam? Nervenheilkunde, 30(11), 902-907.
  919. Schönknecht OD, Hunt A, Toro P, Günther T, Henze M, Haberkorn U, Schröder J (2011). Bihemispheric cerebral FDG PET correlates of cognitive dysfunction as assessed by the CERAD in Alzheimer's disease. Clin EEG Neurosci, 42(2), 71-76.
  920. Sander C, Schönknecht P (2011). Störungen der Vigilanzregulation bei depressiven Erkrankungen Nervenheilkunde, 30(11), 870-877.
  921. Engmann B (2011). Besonderheiten schizophrener Erkrankungen bei prälingual Ertaubten. MMW Fortschr Med, 153(Suppl), 10-13.
  922. Olbrich S, Sander C, Matschinger H, Mergl R, Trenner M, Schönknecht P, Hegerl U (2011). Associations between EEG-vigilance and the autonomous nervous system activity during rest. J Psychophysiol, 25(4), 190-200.
  923. Kocalevent RD, Hinz A, Brähler E, Klapp BF (2011). [Regional and Individual Factors of Stress Experience in Germany: Results of a Representative Survey with the Perceived Stress Questionnaire (PSQ)]. Gesundheitswesen, 73(12), 829-834.
  924. Juckel G, Mergl R, Brune M, Villeneuve I, Frodl T, Schmitt G, Zetzsche T, Born C, Hahn K, Reiser M, Moller HJ, Bar KJ, Hegerl U, Meisenzahl EM (2011). Is evaluation of humorous stimuli associated with frontal cortex morphology? A pilot study using facial micro-movement analysis and MRI. Cortex, 47(5), 569-574.
  925. Kendziorra K, Wolf H, Meyer PM, Barthel H, Hesse S, Becker GA, Luthardt J, Schildan A, Patt M, Sorger D, Seese A, Gertz HJ, Sabri O (2011). Decreased cerebral alpha4beta2* nicotinic acetylcholine receptor availability in patients with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer\'s disease assessed with positron emission tomography. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, 38(3), 515-525.
  926. Reimold M, Knobel A, Rapp MA, Batra A, Wiedemann K, Strohle A, Zimmer A, Schonknecht P, Smolka MN, Weinberger DR, Goldman D, Machulla HJ, Bares R, Heinz A (2011). Central serotonin transporter levels are associated with stress hormone response and anxiety. Psychopharmacology (Berl), 213(2-3), e563-572.
  927. Mittermeier V, Leicht G, Karch S, Hegerl U, Moller HJ, Pogarell O, Mulert C (2011). Attention to emotion: auditory-evoked potentials in an emotional choice reaction task and personality traits as assessed by the NEO FFI. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci, 261(2), 111-120.
  928. Leicht G, Karch S, Karamatskos E, Giegling I, Moller HJ, Hegerl U, Pogarell O, Rujescu D, Mulert C (2011). Alterations of the early auditory evoked gamma-band response in first-degree relatives of patients with schizophrenia: Hints to a new intermediate phenotype. J Psychiatr Res, 45(5), 699-705.
  929. Helmreich I, Wagner S, Mergl R, Allgaier AK, Hautzinger M, Henkel V, Hegerl U, Tadic A (2011). The Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology (IDS-C(28)) is more sensitive to changes in depressive symptomatology than the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAMD(17)) in patients with mild major, minor or subsyndromal depression. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci, 261(5), 357-67.
  930. Pinto-Meza A, Fernandez A, Bruffaerts R, Alonso J, Kovess V, De Graaf R, de Girolamo G, Matschinger H, Haro JM (2011). Dropping out of mental health treatment among patients with depression and anxiety by type of provider: results of the European Study of the Epidemiology of Mental Disorders. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 46(4), 273-280.
  931. Zieger M, Luppa M, Meisel HJ, Gunther L, Winkler D, Toussaint R, Stengler K, Angermeyer MC, Konig HH, Riedel-Heller SG (2011). The Impact of Psychiatric Comorbidity on the Return to Work in Patients Undergoing Herniated Disc Surgery. J Occup Rehabil, 21(1), 54-65.
  932. Hesse S, Stengler K, Regenthal R, Patt M, Becker GA, Franke A, Knupfer H, Meyer PM, Luthardt J, Jahn I, Lobsien D, Heinke W, Brust P, Hegerl U, Sabri O (2011). The serotonin transporter availability in untreated early-onset and late-onset patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol, 14(5), 606-617.
  933. Fullana MA, Vilagut G, Ortega N, Bruffaerts R, de Girolamo G, de Graaf R, Haro JM, Kovess V, Matschinger H, Bulbena A, Alonso J (2011). Prevalence and correlates of respiratory and non-respiratory panic attacks in the general population. J Affect Disord, 131(1-3), 330-338.
  934. Schomerus G, Lucht M, Holzinger A, Matschinger H, Carta MG, Angermeyer MC (2011). The Stigma of Alcohol Dependence Compared with Other Mental Disorders: A Review of Population Studies. Alcohol Alcohol, 46(4), 105-112.
  935. Gureje O, Oladeji B, Hwang I, Chiu WT, Kessler RC, Sampson NA, Alonso J, Andrade LH, Beautrais A, Borges G, Bromet E, Bruffaerts R, de Girolamo G, de Graaf R, Gal G, He Y, Hu C, Iwata N, Karam EG, Kov (2011). Parental psychopathology and the risk of suicidal behavior in their offspring: results from the World Mental Health surveys. Mol Psychiatry, 16(12), 1221-33.
  936. Kessler RC, Ormel J, Petukhova M, McLaughlin KA, Green JG, Russo LJ, Stein DJ, Zaslavsky AM, Aguilar-Gaxiola S, Alonso J, Andrade L, Benjet C, de Girolamo G, de Graaf R, Demyttenaere K, Fayyad J, Haro (2011). Development of lifetime comorbidity in the world health organization world mental health surveys. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 68(1), 90-100.
  937. Holzinger A, Matschinger H, Schomerus G, Carta MG, Angermeyer MC (2011). The loss of sadness: the public's view. Acta Psychiatr Scand, 123(4), 307-13.
  938. Teipel SJ, Peters O, Heuser I, Jessen F, Maier W, Froelich L, Arlt S, Hull M, Gertz HJ, Kornhuber J, Wiltfang J, Thome J, Rienhoff O, Meindl T, Hampel H, Grothe M (2011). Atrophy outcomes in multicentre clinical trials on Alzheimer's disease: effect of different processing and analysis approaches on sample sizes. World J Biol Psychiatry, 12(Suppl), 109-113.
  939. van de Pol L, Gertz HJ, Scheltens P, Wolf H (2011). Hippocampal atrophy in subcortical vascular dementia. Neurodegener Dis, 8(6), 465-469.
  940. Barthel H, Luthardt J, Becker G, Patt M, Hammerstein E, Hartwig K, Eggers B, Sattler B, Schildan A, Hesse S, Meyer PM, Wolf H, Zimmermann T, Reischl J, Rohde B, Gertz HJ, Reininger C, Sabri O (2011). Individualized quantification of brain ß-amyloid burden: results of a proof of mechanism phase 0 florbetaben PET trial in patients with Alzheimer's disease and healthy controls. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, 38(9), 1702-1714.
  941. Barthel H, Gertz HJ, Dresel S, Peters O, Bartenstein P, Buerger K, Hiemeyer F, Wittemer-Rump SM, Seibyl J, Reininger C, Sabri O (2011). Cerebral amyloid-ß PET with florbetaben (18F) in patients with Alzheimer's disease and healthy controls: a multicentre phase 2 diagnostic study. Lancet Neurol, 10(5), 424-435.
  942. Jourdan C, Kloiber S, Nieters A, Seiler H, Himmerich H, Kohli MA, Lucae S, Wolfram G, Gieger C, Wichmann HE, Linseisen J (2011). Gene-PUFA interactions and obesity risk. Br J Nutr, 106(8), 1263-1272.
  943. Dresler M, Kluge M, Pawlowski M, Schüssler P, Steiger A, Genzel L (2011). A double dissociation of memory impairments in major depression. J Psychiatr Res, 45(12), 1593-1599.
  944. Pogarell O, Padberg F, Karch S, Segmiller F, Juckel G, Mulert C, Hegerl U, Tatsch K, Koch W (2011). Dopaminergic mechanisms of target detection - P300 event related potential and striatal dopamine. Psychiatry Res, 194(3), 212-218.
  945. Drago V, Babiloni C, Bartres-Faz D, Caroli A, Bosch B, Hensch T, Didic M, Klafki HW, Pievani M, Jovicich J, Venturi L, Spitzer P, Vecchio F, Schoenknecht P, Wiltfang J, Redolfi A, Forloni G, Blin O, I (2011). Disease tracking markers for Alzheimer's disease at the prodromal (MCI) stage. J Alzheimers Dis, 26(Suppl.3), 159-199.
  946. Schonknecht OD, Hunt A, Toro P, Günther T, Henze M, Haberkorn U, Schroder J (2011). Bihemispheric cerebral FDG PET correlates of cognitive dysfunction as assessed by the CERAD in Alzheimer's disease. Clin EEG Neurosci, 42(2), 71-76.
  947. Kuzma E, Sattler C, Toro P, Schönknecht P, Schröder J (2011). Premorbid personality traits and their course in mild cognitive impairment: results from a prospective population-based study in Germany. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord, 32(3), 171-177.
  948. Frings L, Klöppel S, Teipel S, Peters O, Frölich L, Pantel J, Schröder J, Gertz HJ, Arlt S, Heuser I, Kornhuber J, Wiltfang J, Maier W, Jessen F, Hampel H, Hüll M (2011). Left anterior temporal lobe sustains naming in Alzheimer's dementia and mild cognitive impairment. Curr Alzheimer Res, 8(8), 893-901.
  949. Mavrogiorgou P, Gertz HJ, Ferszt R, Wolf R, Bär KJ, Juckel G (2011). Are routine methods good enough to stain senile plaques and neurofibrillary tangles in different brain regions of demented patients? Psychiatr Danub, 23(4), 334-339.
  950. Sikorski C, Luppa M, Kaiser M, Glaesmer H, Schomerus G, Konig HH, Riedel-Heller SG (2011). The stigma of obesity in the general public and its implications for public health - a systematic review. BMC Public Health, 11, 661.
  951. Weise K, Gollek S (2011). Gesprächspsychotherapie in der Psychiatrie. In: Geyer M, Psychotherapie in Ostdeutschland. Geschichte und Geschichten 1945-1995 (S. 409-421), Göttingen: Vandenhoeck&Ruprecht.
  952. Hegerl U, Hensch T, Mulert C (2011). Neurophysiologische Grundlagen psychischer Erkrankungen. In: Möller HJ, Laux G, Kapfhammer HP, Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Band 1: Allgemeine Psychiatrie. (S. 277-292), Heidelberg: Springer.
  953. Pogarell O, Hegerl U (2011). Neurophysiologische Untersuchungsmethoden. In: Möller HJ, Laux G, Kapfhammer HP, Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Band 1: Allgemeine Psychiatrie. (S. 621-648), Heidelberg: Springer.
  954. Hensch T, Strobel A (2011). Differentiellpsychologische Aspekte und ihr Nutzen für die Klinische Psychologie. In: Wittchen HU, Hoyer J, Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie. (S. 169-191), Heidelberg: Springer.

  955. 2010

  956. Tadic A, Helmreich I, Mergl R, Hautzinger M, Kohnen R, Henkel V, Hegerl U (2010). Early improvement is a predictor of treatment outcome in patients with mild major, minor or subsyndromal depression. J Affect Disord, 120(1-3), 86-93.
  957. Ehreke L, Luppa M, Konig HH, Riedel-Heller SG (2010). Is the Clock Drawing Test a screening tool for the diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment? A systematic review. Int Psychogeriatr, 22(1), 56-63.
  958. Hegerl U, Hautzinger M, Mergl R, Kohnen R, Schutze M, Scheunemann W, Allgaier AK, Coyne J, Henkel V (2010). Effects of pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy in depressed primary-care patients: a randomized, controlled trial including a patients' choice arm. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol, 13(1), 31-44.
  959. Dietrich S, Mergl R, Freudenberg P, Althaus D, Hegerl U (2010). Impact of a campaign on the public's attitudes towards depression. Health Educ Res, 25(1), 135-150 .
  960. Hegerl U, Mergl R, Havers I, Schmidtke A, Lehfeld H, Niklewski G, Althaus D (2010). Sustainable effects on suicidality were found for the Nuremberg alliance against depression. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci, 260(5), 401-406.
  961. Hegerl U, Himmerich H, Engmann B, Hensch T (2010). Mania and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: common symptomatology, common pathophysiology and common treatment? Curr Opin Psychiatry, 23(1), 1-7.
  962. Hegerl U, Mergl R (2010). The clinical significance of antidepressant treatment effects cannot be derived from placebo-verum response differences. J Psychopharmacol, 24(4), 445-448.
  963. Mergl R, Havers I, Althaus D, Rihmer Z, Schmidtke A, Lehfeld H, Niklewski G, Hegerl U (2010). Seasonality of suicide attempts: association with gender. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci, 260(5), 393-400.
  964. Heinrich S, Rapp K, Rissmann U, Becker C, König HH (2010). Cost of falls in old age: a systematic review. Osteoporos Int, 21(6), 891-902.
  965. Gunther OH, Kurstein B, Riedel-Heller SG, König HH (2010). The Role of Monetary and Nonmonetary Incentives on the Choice of Practice Establishment: A Stated Preference Study of Young Physicians in Germany. Health Serv Res, 45(1), 212 - 229.
  966. Quentin W, Riedel-Heller SG, Luppa M, Rudolph A, König HH (2010). Cost-of-illness studies of dementia: a systematic review focusing on stage dependency of costs. Acta Psychiatr Scand, 121(4), 243-259.
  967. Stark RG, Reitmeir P, Leidl R, König HH (2010). Validity, reliability, and responsiveness of the EQ-5D in inflammatory bowel disease in Germany. Inflamm Bowel Dis, 16(1), 42-51.
  968. Angermeyer MC, Holzinger A, Matschinger H (2010). Emotional reactions to people with mental illness. Epidemiol Psichiatr Soc, 19(1), 26-32.
  969. Konig HH, Born A, Gunther O, Matschinger H, Heinrich S, Riedel-Heller SG, Angermeyer MC, Roick C (2010). Validity and responsiveness of the EQ-5D in assessing and valuing health status in patients with anxiety disorders. Health Qual Life Outcomes, 8, 47ff.
  970. Strauss M, Heinritz W, Hegerl U, Kopf A (2010). [Risperidone intoxication in a patient with a genetic predisposition as "poor [non]metabolizer"] Psychiatr Prax, 37(4), 199-201.
  971. Varnik P, Sisask M, Varnik A, Laido Z, Meise U, Ibelshauser A, Van Audenhove C, Reynders A, Kocalevent RD, Kopp M, Dosa A, Arensman E, Coffey C, van der Feltz-Cornelis CM, Gusmao R, Hegerl U (2010). Suicide registration in eight European countries: A qualitative analysis of procedures and practices. Forensic Sci Int, 202(1-3), 86-92.
  972. Hensch T, Himmerich H, Hegerl U, (2010). Stimulants in bipolar disorder: beyond common beliefs. (to the editor) CNS Spectr, 15(7), 469-470.
  973. Sander C, Arns M, Olbrich S, Hegerl U (2010). EEG-vigilance and response to stimulants in paediatric patients with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Clin Neurophysiol, 121(9), 1511-1518.
  974. Schoenknecht P, Olbrich S, Sander C, Spindler P, Hegerl U (2010). Treatment of acute mania with modafinil monotherapy. Biol Psychiatry, 67(11), 55-57.
  975. Luppa M, Luck T, Matschinger H, Konig HH, Riedel-Heller SG (2010). Predictors of nursing home admission of individuals without a dementia diagnosis before admission - results from the Leipzig Longitudinal Study of the Aged (LEILA 75+). BMC Health Serv Res, 10, e186.
  976. Himmerich H, Kirkby KC, Steinberg H (2010). From Julius Wagner-Jauregg to biomarkers and immunological therapies. World J Biol Psychiatry, 11(2), 154-155.
  977. Boenisch S, Bramesfeld A, Mergl R, Havers I, Althaus D, Lehfeld H, Niklewski G, Hegerl U (2010). The role of alcohol use disorder and alcohol consumption in suicide attempts--a secondary analysis of 1921 suicide attempts. Eur Psychiatry, 25(7), 414-420.
  978. Boide P, Steinberg H (2010). Der Neurologe und Psychiater August Bostroem und sein Beitrag zur Ideengeschichte von Westphal-Strümpellscher Pseudosklerose und Wilsonscher Krankheit. Schriftenreihe der DGGN, 16, 155-161.
  979. Frauenlob C, Schober R, Steinberg H (2010). Der Beitrag von Erwin Gustav Niessl von Mayendorf zur Aphasielehre. Schriftenreihe der DGGN, 16, 163-171.
  980. Steinberg H, Fahrenbach S (2010). Else Steinert (1879 - 1948): One of Germany's first female Ophthalmologists. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd, 227(12), 993-996.
  981. Henkel V, Mergl R, Allgaier AK, Hautzinger M, Kohnen R, Coyne JC, Moller HJ, Hegerl U (2010). Treatment of atypical depression: Post-hoc analysis of a randomized controlled study testing the efficacy of sertraline and cognitive behavioural therapy in mildly depressed outpatients. Eur Psychiatry, 25(8), 491-498.
  982. Wilk K, Hegerl U (2010). Time of mood switches in ultra-rapid cycling disorder: a brief review. Psychiatry Res, 180(1), 1-4.
  983. Hegerl U, Arensman E, Aromaa E, Coyne J, Gusmao R, Kopp M, Maxwell M, Meise U, Pycha R, Pull C, Reisch T, Scheerder G, Sisask M, Perez Sola V, Tuulari J, van Audenhove C (2010). Improving the care of depressed patients and preventing suicides – the European Alliance Against Depression. German Medical Journal, 11, e74-78.
  984. Kocalevent R, Hegerl U (2010). Depression und Suizidalität. Public Health Forum, 18(1), 13e1-13e3.
  985. Hegerl U, Kocalevent RD (2010). Nationale und europäische Programme zur Prävention von Suizidalität. Die Psychiatrie, 7(2), 69-73.
  986. Hegerl U (2010). S3-Leitlinien "Unipolare Depression": Ist eine aktiv-abwartende Begleitung bei leichten Depressionen vertretbar? Arzneimitteltherapie, 5, 166-169.
  987. Hegerl U, Hensch T, Himmerich H (2010). Vigilanzregulationsstörungen als pathogenetischer Faktor bei ADHS und Manie. Neuro aktuell, 4, 33-35.
  988. Hegerl U, Heinz I (2010). Depressionsnetzwerke und ihre versorgungspolitische Bedeutung. Ärzteblatt Sachsen, 21(9), 502-505.
  989. Hegerl U (2010). S3-Leitlinie "Unipolare Depression": Ist eine aktiv-abwartende Begleitung bei leichten Depressionen vertretbar? Psychopharmakotherapie, 3, 146-148.
  990. Hegerl U (2010). Vigilanzregulationsstörungen bei Manie und ADHS. MedReport, 42, 5.
  991. Schmidt FM, Brugel M, Kratzsch J, Strauss M, Sander C, Baum P, Thiery J, Hegerl U, Schonknecht P (2010). Cerebrospinal fluid hypocretin-1 (orexin A) levels in mania compared to unipolar depression and healthy controls. Neurosci Lett, 483(1), 20-22.
  992. Leicht H, Berwig M, Gertz HJ (2010). Anosognosia in Alzheimer's disease: the role of impairment levels in assessment of insight across domains. J Int Neuropsychol Soc, 16(3), 463-473.
  993. Himmerich H, Schonknecht P, Heitmann S, Sheldrick AJ (2010). Laboratory parameters and appetite regulators in patients with anorexia nervosa. J Psychiatr Pract, 16(2), 82-92.
  994. Stengler K (2010). [Obsessive compulsive disorder in psychiatric care]. Psychiatr Prax, 37(8), 363-365.
  995. Veselinovic T, Himmerich H (2010). [Antihistaminergic antipsychotics cause weight gain]. Nervenarzt, 81(3), 329-334.
  996. Himmerich H, Sheldrick AJ (2010). TNF-alpha and ghrelin: opposite effects on immune system, metabolism and mental health. Protein Pept Lett, 17(2), 186-196.
  997. Franke S, Halfter SM, Himmerich H (2010). [Diagnosis and therapy of bulimia nervosa]. MMW Fortschr Med, 152(9), 80-82.
  998. Himmerich H, Milenovic S, Fulda S, Plumakers B, Sheldrick AJ, Michel TM, Kircher T, Rink L (2010). Regulatory T cells increased while IL-1ß decreased during antidepressant therapy. J Psychiatr Res, 44(15), 1052-1057.
  999. Baumann A, Heitmann S, Bubendorff V, Himmerich H (2010). [Laboratory changes in anorexia nervosa]. Praxis (Bern 1994), 99(11), 661-667.
  1000. Fulda S, Linseisen J, Wolfram G, Himmerich S, Gedrich K, Pollmacher T, Himmerich H (2010). Leptin plasma levels in the general population: influence of age, gender, body weight and medical history. Protein Pept Lett, 17(11), 1436-1440.
  1001. Engmann B, Schönknecht P (2010). Schwere Depression mit psychotischen Symptomen. Bringt die Kombination von Atypikum und Antidepressivum Vorteile? Info Neurologie & Psychiatrie, 4, 26-27.
  1002. Engmann B, Schönknecht P (2010). Rezidivprophylaxe bei Bipolar-I-Patienten. Lithium allein oder in Kombination bleibt die Nummer eins. Info Neurologie & Psychiatrie, 6, 8-9.
  1003. Engmann B, Schönknecht P (2010). Wechsel des Antidepressivums ist keine Erfolgsgarantie. Info Neurologie & Psychiatrie, 9, 13.
  1004. Stengler K, Brieger P, Weig W (2010). Psychiatrische Rehabilitation: "deutscher Sonderweg" - wo geht es hin? Psychiatr Prax, 37(4), 206-207.
  1005. Luck T, Luppa M, Briel S, Matschinger H, Konig HH, Bleich S, Villringer A, Angermeyer MC, Riedel-Heller SG (2010). Mild cognitive impairment: incidence and risk factors: results of the leipzig longitudinal study of the aged. J Am Geriatr Soc, 58(10), 1903-1910.
  1006. Corrieri S, Heider D, Matschinger H, Lehnert T, Raum E, Konig HH (2010). Income-, education- and gender-related inequalities in out-of-pocket health-care payments for 65+ patients - a systematic review. Int J Equity Health, 9, e20.
  1007. Stein J, Luppa M, Brahler E, Konig HH, Riedel-Heller SG (2010). The assessment of changes in cognitive functioning: reliable change indices for neuropsychological instruments in the elderly - a systematic review. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord, 29(3), 275-286.
  1008. Riedel-Heller SG, Luppa M, Konig HH (2010). [Institutionalization of mentally ill in old age]. Psychiatr Prax, 37(2), 53-55.
  1009. Zieger M, Schwarz R, Konig HH, Harter M, Riedel-Heller SG (2010). Depression and anxiety in patients undergoing herniated disc surgery: relevant but underresearched - a systematic review. Cen Eur Neurosurg, 71(1), 26-34.
  1010. Konig HH, Heinrich S, Heider D, Deister A, Zeichner D, Birker T, Hierholzer C, Angermeyer MC, Roick C (2010). [The regional psychiatry budget (RPB): a model for a new payment system of hospital based mental health care services]. Psychiatr Prax, 37(1), 34-42.
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  1012. Ertl M, Kirsch V, Leicht G, Karch S, Olbrich S, Reiser M, Hegerl U, Pogarell O, Mulert C (2010). Avoiding the ballistocardiogram (BCG) artifact of EEG data acquired simultaneously with fMRI by pulse-triggered presentation of stimuli. J Neurosci Methods, 186(2), 231-241.
  1013. Leicht G, Kirsch V, Giegling I, Karch S, Hantschk I, Moller HJ, Pogarell O, Hegerl U, Rujescu D, Mulert C (2010). Reduced Early Auditory Evoked Gamma-Band Response in Patients with Schizophrenia. Biol Psychiatry, 67(3), 224-231.
  1014. Juckel G, Schumacher C, Giegling I, Assion HJ, Mavrogiorgou P, Pogarell O, Mulert C, Hegerl U, Norra C, Rujescu D (2010). Serotonergic functioning as measured by the loudness dependence of auditory evoked potentials is related to a haplotype in the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene. J Psychiatr Res, 44(8), 541-546.
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  1021. Stegmann ME, Ormel J, de Graaf R, Haro JM, de Girolamo G, Demyttenaere K, Kovess V, Matschinger H, Vilagut G, Alonso J, Burger H (2010). Functional disability as an explanation of the associations between chronic physical conditions and 12-month major depressive episode. J Affect Disord, 124(1-2), 38-44.
  1022. Mavorgiorgou P, Gohle D, Winter C, Rujescu D, Pogarell O, Mulert C, Bar KJ, Zaudig M, Hegerl U, Juckel G (2010). Low serotonergic function and its normalization by treatment with sertraline in obsessive-compulsive disorder - an auditory evoked potential study. J Clin Psychopharmacol, 30(3), 341-343.
  1023. Baumann F, Regenthal R, Burgos-Guerrero IL, Hegerl U, Preiss R (2010). Determination of nicotine and cotinine in human serum by means of LC/MS. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci, 878(1), 107-111.
  1024. Lewczuk P, Kornhuber J, Vanmechelen E, Peters O, Heuser I, Maier W, Jessen F, Burger K, Hampel H, Frolich L, Henn F, Falkai P, Ruther E, Jahn H, Luckhaus Ch, Perneczky R, Schmidtke K, Schroder J, Kess (2010). Amyloid beta peptides in plasma in early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease: A multicenter study with multiplexing. Exp Neurol, 223(2), 366-370.
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  1026. Teipel SJ, Ewers M, Wolf S, Jessen F, Kolsch H, Arlt S, Luckhaus C, Schonknecht P, Schmidtke K, Heuser I, Frolich L, Ende G, Pantel J, Wiltfang J, Rakebrandt F, Peters O, Born C, Kornhuber J, Hampel H (2010). Multicentre variability of MRI-based medial temporal lobe volumetry in Alzheimer's disease. Psychiatry Res, 182(3), 244-250.
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  1029. Preuss UW, Zetzsche T, Pogarell O, Mulert C, Frodl T, Müller D, Schmidt G, Born C, Reiser M, Möller HJ, Hegerl U, Meisenzahl EM (2010). Anterior cingulum volumetry, auditory P300 in schizophrenia with negative symptoms. Psychiatry Res, 183(2), 133-139.
  1030. Hübner-Liebermann B, Neuner T, Hegerl U, Klein HE, Hajak G, Spiessl H (2010). Reducing suicides through an Alliance Against Depression. Gen Hosp Psychiatry, 32(5), 514-518.
  1031. Bermejo I, Kriston L, Schneider F, Gaebel W, Hegerl U, Berger M, Harter M (2010). Sick leave and depression - Determining factors and clinical effect in outpatient care. Psychiatry Res, 180(2-3), 68-73.
  1032. Hennings JM, Ising M, Grautoff S, Himmerich H, Pollmacher T, Schaaf L (2010). Glucose tolerance in depressed inpatients, under treatment with mirtazapine and in healthy controls. Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes, 118(2), 98-100.
  1033. Samann PG, Himmerich H, Merl T, Eros C, Muller MB, Tonn JC, Buchwald B (2010). Cervicothoracic intradural arachnoid cyst misdiagnosed as motor neuron disease. Case Report Med, 2010, e261657.
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  1035. Fullana MA, Vilagut G, Rojas-Farreras S, Mataix-Cols D, de Graaf R, Demyttenaere K, Haro JM, de Girolamo G, Lepine JP, Matschinger H, Alonso J (2010). Obsessive-compulsive symptom dimensions in the general population: results from an epidemiological study in six European countries. J Affect Disord, 124(3), 291-299.
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  1042. Hegerl U, Niedermeier N (2010). Chancen und Risiken des Internets für psychisch kranke Menschen. In: Burda H, Döpfner M, Hombach B, Rüttgers J, 2020 - Gedanken zur Zukunft des Internets. (S. 61-66), Essen: Klartext Verlag.
  1043. Arns M, Gunkelman J, Olbrich S, Sander C, Hegerl U (2010). EEG vigilance and phenotypes in neuropsychiatry: implications for intervention. In: Coben R, Evans J, Neurofeedback of neuromudulation technique and applications. (S. 79-115), London: Elsevier.
  1044. Hegerl U, Kocalevent RD, Schönknecht P (2010). Depression: Verbesserung der Erkennung und Behandlung im höheren Lebensalter. In: Stoppe G, Die Versorgung psychisch kranker alter Menschen. Bestandsaufnahme und Herausforderung für die Versorgungsforschung. (S. 19-24), Köln: Deutscher Ärzte-Verlag.
  1045. Kleiber D, Kocalevent R (2010). Prävention von Übergewicht und Adipositas bei Kindern und Jugendlichen: State of the Art. In: Kleiber D, Willich S, Jahrbuch HealthCapital Berlin-Brandenburg 2009/2010: Ernährung im Fokus der Prävention . (S. 43-69), Oldenbourg: Akademie Verlag.
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  1048. Himmerich H (2010). Medikamente zur Behandlung von Essstörungen. In: Benkert O, Hippius H, Kompendium der Psychiatrischen Pharmakotherapie. (S. 527-538), Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.
  1049. Wehner-Zott S, Himmerich H (2010). Die Seele heilen. Ein Mutmachbuch für Depressive und ihre Angehörigen. In: Wehner-Zott S, Himmerich H, Die Seele heilen. Ein Mutmachbuch für Depressive und ihre Angehörigen. (S. 1-240), München: Gräfe & Unzer.
  1050. Weig W, Bräuning-Edelmann M, Brieger P, Stengler K (2010). Psychiatrische Rehabilitation. In: Möller HJ, Laux G, Kapfhammer HP, Psychiatrie, Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie. (S. 1129-1142), Berlin: Springer Verlag.
  1051. Luppa M, Heinrich S, Matschinger H, König HH, Riedel-Heller SG (2010). Direkte Kosten von Leipziger Allgemeinarztpatienten mit depressiven Störungen im Alter - eine Krankheitskostenstudie. In: Fuchs C, Kurth BM, Scriba PC, Report Versorgungsforschung (Band 3). Die Versorgung psychisch kranker alter Menschen. Bestandsaufnahme und Herausforderung für die Versorgungsforschung. (S. 25-38), Köln: Deutscher Ärzteverlag.
  1052. Günther OH, Kürstein B, Riedel-Heller SG, König HH (2010). Analyse von Anreizen für die Niederlassung von Ärzten. In: Fuchs C, Kurth BM, Scriba PC, Report Versorgungsforschung (Band 2). Arbeitsbedingungen und Befinden von Ärztinnen und Ärzten. (S. 419-436), Köln: Deutscher Ärzteverlag.

  1053. 2009

  1054. Blume A, Mergl R, Niedermeier N, Kunz J, Pfeiffer-Gerschel T, Karch S, Havers I, Hegerl U (2009). [Evaluation of an online discussion forum for depressive patients and their relatives - an examination focussing motives and effects of participation.] Neuropsychiatr, 23(1), 42-51.
  1055. Olbrich S, Mulert C, Karch S, Trenner M, Leicht G, Pogarell O, Hegerl U (2009). EEG-vigilance and BOLD effect during simultaneous EEG/fMRI measurement. Neuroimage, 45(2), 319-332.
  1056. Värnik A, Kolves K, Allik J, Arensman E, Aromaa E, , ... , Realo A, Reisch T, Schmidtke A, Pérez Sola V, Wittenburg L, Hegerl U (2009). Gender issues in suicide rates, trends and methods among youths aged 15-24 in 15 European countries. J Affect Disord, 113(1-3), 216-226.
  1057. Kuske B, Luck T, Hanns S, Matschinger H, Angermeyer MC, Behrens J, Riedel-Heller SG (2009). Training in dementia care: a cluster-randomized controlled trial of a training program for nursing home staff in Germany. Int Psychogeriatr, 21(2), 295-308.
  1058. Hensel A, Luck T, Luppa M, Glaesmer H, Angermeyer MC, Riedel-Heller SG (2009). Does a reliable decline in Mini Mental State Examination total score predict dementia? Diagnostic accuracy of two reliable change indices. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord, 27(1), 50-58.
  1059. Hegerl U, Wittenburg L, Gottlebe K, Arensmann E, van Audenhove C, Bouleau JH, van der Feltz-Cornelis CM, Giupponi G, Gusmao R, Kopp M, Marusic A, Maxwell M, Meise U, Oskarsson H, Pull C, Schmidtke A, (2009). Focus on mental health care reforms in Europe: the European alliance against depression: a multilevel approach to the prevention of suicidal behavior. Psychiatr Serv, 60(5), 596-599.
  1060. Hegerl U, Schönknecht P (2009). [Subdiagnostic depression. Are there treatments with clinically relevant effects?] Nervenarzt, 80(5), 532-539.
  1061. Heider D, Bernert S, König HH, Matschinger H, Hogh T, Brugha TS, Bebbington PE, Azorin M, Angermeyer MC, Toumi M (2009). Direct medical mental health care costs of schizophrenia in France, Germany and the United Kingdom - Findings from the European Schizophrenia Cohort (EuroSC). Eur Psychiatry, 24(4), 216-224.
  1062. König HH, Bernert S, Angermeyer MC, Matschinger H, Martinez M, Vilagut G, Haro JM, de Girolamo G, de Graaf R, Kovess V, Alonso J (2009). Comparison of population health status in six european countries: results of a representative survey using the EQ-5D questionnaire. Med Care, 47(2), 255-261.
  1063. Konnopka A, Leichsenring F, Leibing E, König HH (2009). Cost-of-illness studies and cost-effectiveness analyses in anxiety disorders: a systematic review. J Affect Disord, 114(1-3), 14-31.
  1064. Allgaier AK, Kramer D, Mergl R, Hegerl U (2009). [Improvement of knowledge and attitudes towards depression and suicidality in geriatric caregivers: evaluation of an advanced training program] Z Gerontol Geriatr, 42(3), 228-235.
  1065. König HH, Günther OH, Angermeyer MC, Roick C (2009). Utility assessment in patients with mental disorders: validity and discriminative ability of the time trade-off method. Pharmacoeconomics, 27(5), 405-419.
  1066. Konnopka A, Klingberg S, Wittorf A, König HH (2009). [The cost of schizophrenia in Germany: a systematic review of the literature] Psychiatr Prax, 36(5), 211-218.
  1067. Konnopka A, Jerusel N, König HH (2009). The health and economic consequences of osteopenia- and osteoporosis-attributable hip fractures in Germany: estimation for 2002 and projection until 2050. Osteoporos Int, 20(7), 1117-1129.
  1068. Schomerus G, Matschinger H, Angermeyer MC (2009). The stigma of psychiatric treatment and help-seeking intentions for depression. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci, 259(5), 298-306.
  1069. Angermeyer MC, Holzinger A, Matschinger H (2009). Mental health literacy and attitude towards people with mental illness: a trend analysis based on population surveys in the eastern part of Germany. Eur Psychiatry, 24(4), 225-232.
  1070. Berthold-Losleben M, Heitmann S, Himmerich H (2009). Anti-inflammatory drugs in psychiatry. Inflamm Allergy Drug Targets, 8(4), 266-276.
  1071. Halfter SM, Nisch C, Karges W, Himmerich H (2009). [Diagnosis and therapy of anorexia nervosa--an interdisciplinary challenge] MMW Fortschr Med, 151(13), 23-27.
  1072. Berwig M, Leicht H, Gertz HJ (2009). Critical evaluation of self-rated quality of life in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer\'s disease--further evidence for the impact of anosognosia and global cognitive impairment. J Nutr Health Aging, 13(3), 226-230.
  1073. Luck T, Riedel-Heller SG, Wiese B, Stein J, Weyerer S, Werle J, Kaduszkiewicz H, Wagner M, Mosch E, Zimmermann T, Maier W, Bickel H, van den Bussche H, Jessen F, Fuchs A, Pentzek M (2009). CERAD-NP battery: Age-, gender- and education-specific reference values for selected subtests. Results of the German Study on Ageing, Cognition and Dementia in Primary Care Patients (AgeCoDe). Z Gerontol Geriatr, 42(5), 372-384.
  1074. Luppa M, Luck T, Weyerer S, König HH, Riedel-Heller SG (2009). Gender differences in predictors of nursing home placement in the elderly: a systematic review. Int Psychogeriatr, 21(6), 1015-1025.
  1075. Roick C, Riedel-Heller SG (2009). Social-psychiatric papers from the journal "psychiatrische praxis": taken from national and international sources. Psychiatr Prax, 36(1), 1-2.
  1076. Hegerl U, Sander C, Olbrich S, Schönknecht P (2009). Are psychostimulants a treatment option in mania? Pharmacopsychiatry, 42(5), 169-174.
  1077. Hegerl U, Mergl R, Bottner AC, Holtschmidt-Täschner B, Born C, Seemüller F, Scheunemann W, Henkel V, Angst J (2009). Geschwindigkeit des Depressionsbeginns: Ein Merkmal zur Differenzierung uni- und bipolarer affektiver Störungen. Nervenheilkunde, 28(4), 202-204.
  1078. König HH, Born A, Heider D, Matschinger H, Heinrich S, Riedel-Heller SG, Surall D, Angermeyer MC, Roick C (2009). Cost-effectiveness of a primary care model for anxiety disorders. Br J Psychiatry, 195(4), 308-317.
  1079. Liwowsky I, Kramer D, Mergl R, Bramesfeld A, Allgaier AK, Poppel E, Hegerl U (2009). Screening for depression in the older long-term unemployed. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 44(8), 622-627.
  1080. Hegerl U (2009). Minore Depression - ein minores Leiden? ÄP NeurologiePsychiatrie, 10, 26-31.
  1081. Schulze B, Stuart H, Riedel-Heller SG (2009). The German version of the Inventory of Stigmatizing Experiences (ISE)- a new tool for assessing the prevalence and impact of "felt stigma". Psychiatr Prax, 36(8), 379-386.
  1082. Luppa M, König HH, Riedel-Heller SG (2009). Kosten depressiver Störungen und Versorgungsimplikationen. Neuro aktuell, 23(8), 29-32.
  1083. Riedel-Heller SG (2009). Sozialpsychiatrie als Forschungsfeld - Antworten auf die Fragen von morgen. Neuropsychiatr, 23(4), 249-252.
  1084. Conrad I, Matschinger H, Kilian R, Riedel-Heller SG (2009). WHOQOL-100, WHOQOL-BREF und WHOQOL-OLD. Interkulturell vergleichbare WHO-Instrumente zur Erfassung der subjektiven Lebensqualität. Klinische Diagnostik und Evaluation, 2(2), 133-144.
  1085. Winkelmann C, Briest S, Riedel-Heller SG (2009). Leitlinie für die Rehabilitation nach Mammakarzinom. Die Prozessleitlinie der Deutschen Rentenversicherung als evidenzbasierte Grundlage. Z Physiother, 61(3), 261-265.
  1086. Conrad I, Dietrich S, Heider D, Blume A, Angermeyer MC, Riedel-Heller SG (2009). "Crazy? So what!" A school programme to promote mental health and reduce stigma - results of a pilot study. Health Education , 109(4), 314-328.
  1087. Ehreke L, Luppa M, Luck T, Wiese B, Weyerer S, Eifflaender-Gorfer S, Weeg D, Olbrich J, van den Bussche H, Bachmann C, Eisele M, Maier W, Jessen F, Wagner M, Fuchs A, Pentzek M, Angermeyer MC, Konig H (2009). Is the clock drawing test appropriate for screening for mild cognitive impairment? Results of the German study on Ageing, Cognition and Dementia in Primary Care Patients (AgeCoDe). Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord, 28(4), 365-372.
  1088. Wolfert R, Steinberg H (2009). Der Homosexuelle als "störende Persönlichkeit". Nikolaus Jensch und seine psychiatrisch-genetischen Studien. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr, 77(8), 444-450.
  1089. Steinberg H (2009). Erwin Gustav Niessl von Mayendorf (1873-1943). J Neurol, 256(5), 843-844.
  1090. Strauss M, Gertz HJ (2009). Treatment of musical hallucinosis with acetylcholinesterase inhibitors. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 80(11), 1298-1299.
  1091. Halfter SM, Nisch, C, Karges W, Himmerich H (2009). Ist es eine Anorexia nervosa? gynäkologie + geburtshilfe, 9, 34-39.
  1092. Hegerl U, Mergl R (2009). Depressionen - Verhüten psychologische Interventionen den Rückfall? InFo Neurologie & Psychiatrie, 11(4), 26.
  1093. Engmann B (2009). Versuch einer rationalen Interpretation. MMW Fortschr Med, 151(24), 7.
  1094. Éngmann B, Schönknecht P (2009). Effizienz algorithmusgeführter Behandlung: günstigere Ergebnisse und weniger Therapieumstellungen. InFo Neurologie & Psychiatrie, 11(12), 18-19.
  1095. Engmann B, Reuter M (2009). Melodiewahrnehmung ohne äußeren Reiz. Halluzinationen oder Epilepsie? Nervenheilkunde, 28(4), 217-221.
  1096. Engmann B (2009). Ernst Haeckel zum neunzigsten Todestag. Seine Überlegungen zu Theophysis, Kristallseele und Bewusstsein und deren heutige Bedeutung. Ärzteblatt Thüringen, 20(11), 681-684.
  1097. Hegerl U, Wittenburg L, Arensman E, Van Audenhove C, Coyne JC, McDaid D, van der Feltz-Cornelis CM, Gusmao R, Kopp M, Maxwell M, Meise U, Roskar S, Sarchiapone M, Schmidtke A, Varnik A, Bramesfeld A (2009). Optimizing suicide prevention programs and their implementation in Europe (OSPI Europe): an evidence-based multi-level approach. BMC Public Health, 9, 428.
  1098. Himmerich H (2009). State of the art und was die Zukunft bringen wird. Neuro-Psychiatrische Zeitung, 11, 9.
  1099. Himmerich H (2009). Buchbesprechung: Eckhard Roediger. Praxis der Schematherapie: Grundlagen-Anwendung-Perspektiven. Nervenarzt, 80(7), 832.
  1100. Luck T, Luppa M, Riedel-Heller SG (2009). Institutionalisierung bei Demenz - Häufigkeit, Zeit und Einflussfaktoren. Monitor Versorgungsforschung, 2(3), 47-51.
  1101. Beckert-Zieglschmid C, Born A (2009). [Demographic change in psychiatry and psychotherapy--relevance of the age-relation] Psychother Psychosom Med Psychol, 59(11), 423-427.
  1102. Weyerer S, Schaufele M, Eifflaender-Gorfer S, Kohler L, Maier W, Haller F, Cvetanovska-Pllashiniku G, Pentzek M, Fuchs A, van den Bussche H, Zimmermann T..., Riedel-Heller SG (2009). At-risk alcohol drinking in primary care patients aged 75 years and older. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry, 24(12), 1376-1385.
  1103. Himmerich H, Berthold-Losleben M, Pollmacher T (2009). [The relevance of the TNF-alpha system in psychiatric disorders] Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr, 77(6), 334-345.
  1104. Leicht H, Gertz HJ (2009). [Methods for assessing impaired insight in Alzheimer's disease--a critical review] Psychiatr Prax, 36(2), 58-66.
  1105. Matschinger H (2009). Zur Evaluation von cluster-randomisierten Studien durch Wachstumskurven-Modelle. Klinische Diagnostik und Evaluation, 2(4), 310-326.
  1106. Kramer D, Allgaier AK, Fejtkova S, Mergl R, Hegerl U (2009). Depression in nursing homes: Prevalence, recognition, and treatment. Int J Psychiat Med, 39(4), 345-358.
  1107. Schonknecht OD, Hunt A, Toro P, Henze M, Haberkorn U, Schroder J (2009). Neural correlates of delayed episodic memory in patients with mild cognitive impairment - a FDG PET study. Neurosci Lett, 467(2), 100-104.
  1108. Förstl H, Werheid K, Ulm K, Schönknecht P, Schmidt R, Pantel J, Horr R, Gutzmann H, Gertz HJ, Frölich L, Bickel H (2009). [MCI-plus: mild cognitive impairment with rapid progression] Dtsch Med Wochenschr, 134(3), 88-91.
  1109. Förstl H, Bickel H, Frölich L, Gertz HJ, Gutzmann H, Hörr R, Pantel J, Schmidt R, Schönknecht P, Ulm K, Werheid K (2009). [MCI-plus: mild cognitive impairment with rapid progression. Part I: prevention and therapy] Dtsch Med Wochenschr, 134(1-2), 39-44.
  1110. Kölsch H, Wagner M, Bilkei-Gorzo A, Toliat MR, Pentzek M, Fuchs A, Kaduszkiewicz H, van den Bussche H, Riedel-Heller SG, Angermeyer MC, Weyerer S, Werle J, Bickel H, Mosch E, Wiese B, Daerr M, Jessen (2009). Gene polymorphisms in prodynorphin (PDYN) are associated with episodic memory in the elderly. J Neural Transm, 116(7), 897-903.
  1111. Bermejo I, Schneider F, Kriston L, Gaebel W, Hegerl U, Berger M, Härter M (2009). Improving outpatient care of depression by implementing practice guidelines: a controlled clinical trial. Int J Qual Health Care, 21(1), 29-36.
  1112. Leichsenring F, Salzer S, Beutel ME, von Consbruch K, Herpertz S, Hiller W, Hoyer J, Husing J, Irle E, Joraschky P, Konnopka A, König HH, de Liz T, Nolting B, Pohlmann K, Ruhleder M, Schauenburg H, St (2009). [SOPHO-NET - a research network on psychotherapy for social phobia] Psychother Psychosom Med Psychol, 59(3-4), 117-123.
  1113. Schweikert B, Hunger M, Meisinger C, König HH, Gapp O, Holle R (2009). Quality of life several years after myocardial infarction: comparing the MONICA/KORA registry to the general population. Eur Heart J, 30(4), 436-443.
  1114. Leichsenring F, Hoyer J, Beutel M, Herpertz S, Hiller W, Irle E, Joraschky P, König HH, de Liz TM, Nolting B, Pohlmann K, Salzer S, Schauenburg H, Stangier U, Strauss B, Subic-Wrana C, Vormfelde S, We (2009). The social phobia psychotherapy research network. The first multicenter randomized controlled trial of psychotherapy for social phobia: rationale, methods and patient characteristics. Psychother Psychosom, 78(1), 35-41.
  1115. Stelling K, Kuhn K, Riedel-Heller SG, Jungbauer J (2009). [Developmental problems in young adults suffering from mental illness: results from an in-depth interview study.] Psychiatr Prax, 36(3), 119-124.
  1116. Klingberg S, Wittorf A, Bechdolf A, Herrlich J, Kircher T, König HH, Müller B, Sartory G, Wagner M, Wiedemann G, Wölwer W, Buchkremer G (2009). [Research into the feasibility of cognitive behavioural therapy in the treatment of psychotic disorders] Psychother Psychosom Med Psychol, 59(3-4), 141-148.
  1117. Kluge M, Schuld A, Schacht A, Himmerich H, Dalal MA, Wehmeier PM, Hinze-Selch D, Kraus T, Dittmann RW, Pollmächer T (2009). Effects of clozapine and olanzapine on cytokine systems are closely linked to weight gain and drug-induced fever. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 34(1), 118-128.
  1118. Meyer PM, Strecker K, Kendziorra K, Becker G, Hesse S, Woelpl D, Hensel A, Patt M, Sorger D, Wegner F, Lobsien D, Barthel H, Brust P, Gertz HJ, Sabri O, Schwarz J (2009). Reduced alpha4beta2*-nicotinic acetylcholine receptor binding and its relationship to mild cognitive and depressive symptoms in Parkinson disease. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 66(8), 866-877.
  1119. Kornhuber J, Schmidtke K, Frolich L, Perneczky R, Wolf S, Hampel H, Jessen F, Heuser I, Peters O, Weih M, Jahn H, Luckhaus C, Hull M, Gertz HJ, Schroder J, Pantel J, Rienhoff O, Seuchter SA, Ruther E, (2009). Early and differential diagnosis of dementia and mild cognitive impairment: design and cohort baseline characteristics of the German Dementia Competence Network. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord, 27(5), 404-417.
  1120. Blennow K, De Meyer G, Hansson O, Minthon L, Wallin A, Zetterberg H, Lewczuk P, Vanderstichele H, Vanmechelen E, Kornhuber J, Wiltfang J, Heuser I, Maier W, Luckhaus C, Ruther E, Hull M, Jahn H, Gertz (2009). Evolution of Abeta42 and Abeta40 levels and Abeta42/Abeta40 ratio in plasma during progression of Alzheimer\'s disease: a multicenter assessment. J Nutr Health Aging, 13(3), 205-208.
  1121. Bermejo I, Klars G, Bohm K, Hundertmark-Mayser J, Lampert T, Maschewsky-Schneider U, Riedel-Heller S, Harter M (2009). Evaluation of Germany's sixth national health target entitled "Depressive illnesses - prevention, early diagnosis, sustainable treatment". BGB Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz, 52(10), 897-904.
  1122. Schäfer I, Verthein U, Oechsler H, Deneke C, Riedel-Heller S, Martens M (2009). What are the needs of alcohol dependent patients with a history of sexual violence? A case-register study in a metropolitan region. Drug Alcohol Depend, 105(1-2), 118-125.
  1123. Karch S, Leicht G, Giegling I, Lutz J, Kunz J, Buselmeier M, Hey P, Sporl A, Jager L, Meindl T, Pogarell O, Moller HJ, Hegerl U, Rujescu D, Mulert C (2009). Inefficient neural activity in patients with schizophrenia and nonpsychotic relatives of schizophrenic patients: evidence from a working memory task. J Psychiatr Res, 43(15), 1185-1194.
  1124. Spiessl H, Hübner-Liebermann B, Neunert T, Hegerl U, Klein HE, Hajak G (2009). Senkung der Suizide durch das "Bündnis gegen Depression". Nervenheilkunde, 28(4), 205-210.
  1125. Schäfer I, Hansen H, Schon G, Maier W, Hofels S, Altiner A, Fuchs A, Gerlach FM, Petersen JJ, Gensichen J, Schulz S, Riedel-Heller S, Luppa M, Weyerer S, Werle J, Bickel H, Barth K, König HH, Rudolph (2009). The German MultiCare-study: Patterns of multimorbidity in primary health care - protocol of a prospective cohort study. BMC Health Serv Res, 9, 145.
  1126. Pentzek M, Fuchs A, Wiese B, Cvetanovska-Pllashniku G, Haller F, Maier W, Riedel-Heller SG, Angermeyer MC, Bickel H, Mosch E, Weyerer S, Werle J, van den Bussche H, Eisele M, Kaduszkiewicz H (2009). General Practitioners' Judgment of their Elderly Patients' Cognitive Status. J Gen Intern Med, 24(12), 1314-1317.
  1127. Roling G, Fleischer S, Hanns S, Luck T, Heinrich S, Rothgang H, König HH, Riedel-Heller SG, Behrens J (2009). Altern zu Hause - Unterstützung durch präventive Hausbesuche. Hallesche Beiträge zu den Gesundheits- und Pflegewissenschaften, 8(35), 469-485.
  1128. Amann B, Mergl R, Torrent C, Perugi G, Padberg F, El-Gjamal N, Laakmann G (2009). Abnormal temperament in patients with morbid obesity seeking surgical treatment. J Affect Disord, 118(1-3), 155-160.
  1129. Amann B, Padberg F, Mergl R, Naber D, Baghai T, Reimers K, El-Giamal N, Erfurth A, Laakmann G (2009). An investigation of temperamental traits in patients with somatoform disorder: do they belong in the affective spectrum? Psychosomatics, 50(6), 605-612.
  1130. Alonso J, Buron A, Rojas-Farreras S, de Graaf R, Haro JM, de Girolamo G, Bruffaerts R, Kovess V, Matschinger H, Vilagut G (2009). Perceived stigma among individuals with common mental disorders. J Affect Disord, 118(1-3), 180-186.
  1131. Huang Y, Kotov R, de Girolamo G, Preti A, Angermeyer M, Benjet C, Demyttenaere K, de Graaf R, Gureje O, Karam AN, Lee S, Lepine JP, Matschinger H, Posada-Villa J, Suliman S, Vilagut G, Kessler RC (2009). DSM-IV personality disorders in the WHO World Mental Health Surveys. Br J Psychiatry, 195(1), 46-53.
  1132. Schomerus G, Matschinger H, Angermeyer MC (2009). Attitudes that determine willingness to seek psychiatric help for depression: a representative population survey applying the Theory of Planned Behaviour. Psychol Med, 39(11), 1855-1865.
  1133. Rapp K, Lamb SE, Klenk J, Kleiner A, Heinrich S, Konig HH, Nikolaus T, Becker C (2009). Fractures after nursing home admission: incidence and potential consequences. Osteoporos Int, 20(10), 1775-1783.
  1134. Bernert S, Fernandez A, Haro JM, Konig HH, Alonso J, Vilagut G, Sevilla-Dedieu C, de Graaf R, Matschinger H, Heider D, Angermeyer MC (2009). Comparison of Different Valuation Methods for Population Health Status Measured by the EQ-5D in Three European Countries. Value Health, 12(5), 750-758.
  1135. Kirsten H, Petit-Teixeira E, Scholz M, Hasenclever D, Hantmann H, Heider D, Wagner U, Sack U, Hugo Teixeira V, Prum B, Burkhardt J, Pierlot C, Emmrich F, Cornelis F, Ahnert P (2009). Association of MICA with rheumatoid arthritis independent of known HLA-DRB1 risk alleles in a family-based and a case control study. Arthritis Res Ther, 11(3), R60.
  1136. Toro P, Schönknecht P, Schröder J (2009). Type II diabetes in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer\'s disease: results from a prospective population-based study in Germany. J Alzheimers Dis, 16(4), 687-691.
  1137. Hampel H, Ewers M, Burger K, Annas P, Mortberg A, Bogstedt A, Frolich L, Schroder J, Schonknecht P, Riepe MW, Kraft I, Gasser T, Leyhe T, Moller HJ, Kurz A, Basun H (2009). Lithium trial in Alzheimer\'s disease: a randomized, single-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter 10-week study. J Clin Psychiatry, 70(6), 922-931.
  1138. Thomann PA, Kaiser E, Schonknecht P, Pantel J, Essig M, Schroder J (2009). Association of total tau and phosphorylated tau 181 protein levels in cerebrospinal fluid with cerebral atrophy in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer disease. J Psychiatry Neurosci, 34(2), 136-142.
  1139. Thomann PA, Dos Santos V, Toro P, Schonknecht P, Essig M, Schroder J (2009). Reduced olfactory bulb and tract volume in early Alzheimer's disease--a MRI study. Neurobiol Aging, 30(5), 838-841.
  1140. Mukaetova-Ladinska EB, Xuereb JH, Garcia-Sierra F, Hurt J, Gertz HJ, Hills R, Brayne C, Huppert FA, Paykel ES, McGee MA, Jakes R, Honer WG, Harrington CR, Wischik CM (2009). Lewy body variant of Alzheimer inverted exclamation Mark's disease: selective neocortical loss of t-SNARE proteins and loss of MAP2 and alpha-synuclein in medial temporal lobe. ScientificWorldJournal, 9, 1463-1475.
  1141. Bernert S, Matschinger H, Alonso J, Haro JM, Brugha TS, Angermeyer MC (2009). Is it always the same? Variability of depressive symptoms across six European countries. Psychiatry Res, 168(2), 137-144.
  1142. Forstl H, Bickel H, Frolich L, Gertz HJ, Gutzmann H, Horr R, Pantel J, Schmidt R, Schonknecht P, Ulm K, Werheid K (2009). [MCI-plus: mild cognitive impairment with rapid progression. Part I: prevention and therapy] Dtsch Med Wochenschr, 134(1-2), 39-44.
  1143. Heinke W, Dunkel P, Brähler E, Nübling M, Riedel-Heller SG, Kaisers UX (2009). Arbeitszufriedenheit von Anästhesisten in Deutschland. Anästh Intensivmed, 50(1), 7-19.
  1144. Schönknecht P, Hegerl U (2009). Elektroenzephalogramm (EEG). In: Mahlberg R, Gutzmann H, Demenzerkrankungen erkennen, behandeln und versorgen. (S. 160-167), Köln: Deutscher Ärzte-Verlag.
  1145. Hegerl U, Dietrich S, Pfeiffer-Gerschel T, Wittenburg L, Altenhaus D (2009). Education and awareness programmes for adults - selected and multilevel approaches in suicide prevention. In: Wasserman D, Wasserman C, Oxford Handbook of Suicidology. (S. 495-500), Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  1146. Mulert C, Hegerl U (2009). Integration of EEG and fMRI. In: Kraft E, Gulyás B, Pöppel E, Neural Correlates of Thinking. (S. 95-106), Berlin: Springer.
  1147. Dietrich S, Wittenburg L, Arensman E, Värnik A, Hegerl U (2009). Suicide and self-harm. In: Gask L, Lester H, Kendrick T, Peveler R, Handbook of Primary Care Mental Health. (S. 125-144), London: RCPsych Publications.
  1148. Hegerl U (2009). Die Legende vom "Freitod". In: Redaktion Psychologie Heute, Im Labyrinth der Seele. 100 Streifzüge durch die Psychologie. (S. 72-73), Weinheim: Belz Verlag.
  1149. Steinberg H (2009). Paul Julius Möbius (1853-1907). In: Sigusch V, Grau G, Personenlexikon der Sexualforschung. (S. 505-510), Frankfurt/M.: Campus.
  1150. Schmideler S, Steinberg H (2009). Johann Christian August Heinroth (1773-1843). In: Wiemers G, Sächsische Lebensbilder. Bd. 6, Teilbd. 1 (S. 313-337), Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
  1151. Conrad I (2009). Einfluss von Erwerbslosigkeit auf Lebensqualität im Alter. In: Conrad I, Einfluss von Erwerbslosigkeit auf Lebensqualität im Alter. (S. 1-220), Aachen: Shaker.
  1152. Seikowski K, Gollek S, Richter R (2009). Methoden zur Untersuchung belastender Lebensereignisse bei hautkranken Personen. In: Niemeier V, Stangier U, Gieler U, Hauterkrankungen. Psychologische Grundlagen und Behandlung. (S. 41-61), Göttingen: Hogrefe.
  1153. König HH (2009). Gesundheitsökonomie. In: Kiess W, Hauner H, Wabitsch M, Reinehr T, Das metabolische Syndrom im Kindes- und Jugendalter. (S. 61-70), München: Urban & Fischer Verlag.
  1154. König HH (2009). Routinedaten: gesundheitsökonomische Perspektive. In: Gaebel W, Spießl H, Becker T, Routinedaten in der Psychiatrie. (S. 87-94), Heidelberg : Steinkopff Verlag.

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  1156. Kruggel F, Paul JS, Gertz HJ (2008). Texture-based segmentation of diffuse lesions of the brain\'s white matter. Neuroimage, 39(3), 987-996.
  1157. Luppa M, Heinrich S, Matschinger H, Sandholzer H, Angermeyer MC, König HH, Riedel-Heller SG (2008). Direct costs associated with depression in old age in Germany. J Affect Disord, 105(1-3), 195-204.
  1158. Kratzer S, Hegerl U (2008). [Is "Internet Addiction" a Disorder of its Own?] Psychiatr Prax, 35(2), 80-83.
  1159. Gohle D, Juckel G, Mavrogiorgou P, Pogarell O, Mulert C, Rujescu D, Giegling I, Zaudig M, Hegerl U (2008). Electrophysiological evidence for cortical abnormalities in obsessive-compulsive disorder - a replication study using auditory event-related P300 subcomponents. J Psychiatr Res, 42(4), 297-303.
  1160. Mulert C, Pogarell O, Hegerl U (2008). Simultaneous EEG-fMRI: perspectives in psychiatry. Clin EEG Neurosci, 39(2), 61-64.
  1161. Cibis A, Bramesfeld A, Blume A, Havers I, Hegerl U (2008). [Optimised services for depressed patients. The German Alliance Against Depression.] Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz, 51(4), 430-435.
  1162. Hegerl U, Cibis A, Arensman E, Aromaa E, van Audenhove C, Bouleau J-H, van der Feltz-Cornelis CM, Giupponi G, Gusmäo R, Kopp M, Marusic A, Maxwell M, Meise U, Oskarsson H, Pull C, Ricka R, Schmidke A, (2008). [The „European Alliance Against Depression“ – a four-level intervention programme against depression and suicidality] Suicidologi, 13(1), 12-14.
  1163. Forstl H, Bickel H, Frölich L, Gertz HJ, Kurz A, Marksteiner J, Monsch AU, Pantel J, Schmidt R, Schönknecht P (2008). [Mild cognitive impairment with predictors of rapid decline] Dtsch Med Wochenschr, 133(9), 431-436.
  1164. Hegerl U, Bottner AC, Mergl R, Holtschmidt-Taschner B, Seemüller F, Scheunemann W, Schütze M, Grunze H, Henkel V, Angst J, Born C (2008). [Speed of onset of depressive episodes: a clinical criterion helpful for separating uni- from bipolar affective disorders.] Neuropsychiatr, 22(2), 92-99.
  1165. Värnik A, Kolves K, van der Feltz-Cornelis CM, Marusic A, Oskarsson H, Palmer A, Reisch T, Scheerder G, Arensman E, Aromaa E, Giupponi G, Gusmao R, Maxwell M, Pull C, Szekely A, Sola VP, Hegerl U (2008). Suicide methods in Europe: a gender-specific analysis of countries participating in the "European Alliance Against Depression". J Epidemiol Commun H, 62(6), 545-551.
  1166. Juckel G, Clotz F, Frodl T, Kawohl W, Hampel H, Pogarell O, Hegerl U (2008). Diagnostic usefulness of cognitive auditory event-related p300 subcomponents in patients with Alzheimers disease? J Clin Neurophysiol, 25(3), 147-152.
  1167. Hegerl U, Wittmann M, Arensman E, Van Audenhove C, Bouleau JH, Van Der Feltz-Cornelis C, Gusmao R, Kopp M, Löhr C, Maxwell M, Meise U, Mirjanic M, Oskarsson H, Sola VP, Pull C, Pycha R, Ricka R, Tuula (2008). The 'European Alliance Against Depression (EAAD)': a multifaceted, community-based action programme against depression and suicidality. World J Biol Psychiatry, 9(1), 51-58.
  1168. Luck T, Luppa M, Weber S, Matschinger H, Glaesmer H, König HH, Angermeyer MC, Riedel-Heller SG (2008). Time until Institutionalization in Incident Dementia Cases - Results of the Leipzig Longitudinal Study of the Aged (LEILA 75+). Neuroepidemiology, 31(2), 100-108.
  1169. Luppa M, Luck T, Brähler E, König HH, Riedel-Heller SG (2008). Prediction of Institutionalisation in Dementia. A Systematic Review. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord, 26(1), 65-78.
  1170. Hensel A, Riedel-Heller SG (2008). [Measuring cognitive change in patients with suspected dementia] Psychiatr Prax, 35(5), 251-254.
  1171. Schomerus G, Angermeyer MC, Matschinger H, Riedel-Heller SG (2008). Public attitudes towards prevention of depression. J Affect Disord, 106(3), 257-263.
  1172. Riedel-Heller SG, Bramesfeld A, Roick C, Becker T, König HH (2008). [Call for more health services research] Psychiatr Prax, 35(4), 157-159.
  1173. Kreck S, Klaus J, Leidl R, von Tirpitz C, Konnopka A, Matschinger H, König HH (2008). Cost effectiveness of ibandronate for the prevention of fractures in inflammatory bowel disease-related osteoporosis: cost-utility analysis using a Markov model. Pharmacoeconomics, 26(4), 311-328.
  1174. König HH, Riedel-Heller SG (2008). [Economic aspects of prevention] Internist (Berl), 49(2), 146-153.
  1175. Günther OH, Roick C, Angermeyer MC, König HH (2008). Responsiveness of EQ-5D utility indices in alcohol-dependent patients. Drug Alcohol Depend, 92(1-3), 291-295.
  1176. Günther OH, Roick C, Angermeyer MC, König HH (2008). The responsiveness of EQ-5D utility scores in patients with depression: A comparison with instruments measuring quality of life, psychopathology and social functioning. J Affect Disord, 105(1-3), 81-91.
  1177. Hegerl U, Stein M, Mulert C, Mergl R, Olbrich S, Dichgans E, Rujescu D, Pogarell O (2008). EEG-vigilance differences between patients with borderline personality disorder, patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder and healthy controls. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci, 258(3), 137-143.
  1178. Hegerl U, Bottner AC, Holtschmidt-Täschner B, Born C, Seemüller F, Scheunemann W, Schütze M, Grunze H, Henkel V, Mergl R, Angst J (2008). Onset of depressive episodes is faster in patients with bipolar versus unipolar depressive disorder: evidence from a retrospective comparative study. J Clin Psychiatry, 69(7), 1075-1080.
  1179. Schomerus G, Heitmann S, Matschinger H, Angermeyer MC (2008). [Social representation of a psychoanalytical concept: what is the popular meaning of an "unconscious conflict"?] Psychiatr Prax, 35(4), 182-186.
  1180. Schomerus G, Angermeyer MC (2008). Stigma and its impact on help-seeking for mental disorders: what do we know? Epidemiol Psichiatr Soc, 17(1), 31-37.
  1181. Schomerus G, Matschinger H, Angermeyer MC (2008). Traces of freud - the unconscious conflict as a cause of mental disorders in the eyes of the general public. Psychopathology, 41(3), 173-178.
  1182. Schomerus G, Heider D, Angermeyer MC, Bebbington PE, Azorin JM, Brugha T, Toumi M (2008). Urban residence, victimhood and the appraisal of personal safety in people with schizophrenia: results from the European Schizophrenia Cohort (EuroSC). Psychol Med, 38(4), 591-597.
  1183. Winkler I, Zink A, Schomerus G, Richter-Werling M, Angermeyer MC, Riedel-Heller SG (2008). [The film festival "Ausnahme Zustand" ("State of Emergency")- a strategy against stigmatization of the mentally ill?] Psychiatr Prax, 35(1), 33-39.
  1184. Roick C, Schindler J, Angermeyer MC, Fritz-Wieacker A, Riedel-Heller S, Frühwald S (2008). [Health habits of patients with schizophrenia: a general pattern?] Neuropsychiatr, 22(2), 100-111.
  1185. Kitze K, Winkler D, Gunther L, Angermeyer MC (2008). Preoperative predictors for the return to work of herniated disc patients. Zentralbl Neurochir, 69(1), 7-13.
  1186. Heider D, Matschinger H, Bernert S, Alonso J, Brugha TS, Bruffaerts R, de Girolamo G, Dietrich S, Angermeyer MC (2008). Adverse parenting as a risk factor in the occurrence of anxiety disorders: a study in six European countries. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 43(4), 266-272.
  1187. Trenner MU, Heekeren HR, Bauer M, Rössner K, Wenzel R, Villringer A, Fahle M (2008). What happens in between? Human oscillatory brain activity related to crossmodal spatial cueing. PLoS ONE, 3(1), 1467ff.
  1188. Trenner MU, Fahle M, Fasold O, Heekeren HR, Villringer A, Wenzel R (2008). Human cortical areas involved in sustaining perceptual stability during smooth pursuit eye movements. Hum Brain Mapp, 29(3), 300-311.
  1189. Roick C, Heinrich S, Deister A, Zeichner D, Birker T, Heider D, Schomerus G, Angermeyer MC, König HH (2008). [The regional psychiatry budget: costs and effects of a new multisector financing model for psychiatric care] Psychiatr Prax, 35(6), 279-285.
  1190. Luppa M, Heinrich S, Angermeyer MC, König HH, Riedel-Heller SG (2008). Healthcare costs associated with recognized and unrecognized depression in old age. Int Psychogeriatr, 20(6), 1219-1229.
  1191. Quentin W, König HH, Schmidt JO, Kalk A (2008). Recurrent costs of HIV/AIDS-related health services in Rwanda: implications for financing. Trop Med Int Health, 13(10), 1245-1256.
  1192. Konnopka A, Conrad K, Baerwald C, König HH (2008). Cost effectiveness of the determination of autoantibodies against cyclic citrullinated peptide in the early diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis, 67(10), 1399-1405.
  1193. Gertz HJ, Berwig M (2008). [Critical observations on measuring quality of life of persons suffering from dementia] Nervenarzt, 79(9), 1023-1035.
  1194. Somburg O, Steinberg H (2008). [Richard Arwed Pfeifer : Aesthetics of\"schizophrenic art\" and brain research.] Nervenarzt, 79(11), 1313-1318.
  1195. Wagner A, Steinberg H (2008). Hans steinert (1875-1911). J Neurol, 255(10), 1607-1608.
  1196. Somburg O, Steinberg H (2008). [Cenesthetic schizophrenia by Huber: 50 years of a concept] Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr, 76(7), 413-420.
  1197. Steinberg H, Wagner A (2008). [Hans Steinert: 100 years of myotonic dystrophy] Nervenarzt, 79(8), 961-970.
  1198. Schmidt-Recla A, Steinberg H (2008). ["As we're not willing to hang and behead and not able to deport...". On Emil Kraepelin's influence on Franz von Liszt] Nervenarzt, 79(3), 295-304.
  1199. Steinberg H (2008). [Oswald Bumke in Leipzig. Beyond Kraepelin, Freud and Rudin\'s Entartungslehre] Nervenarzt, 79(3), 348-356.
  1200. Schönknecht P, Hegerl U (2008). Der "erschöpfte" Mensch - Depressionen erkennen und behandeln epd Dokumentation, 41, 6-8.
  1201. Burgos Guerrero IL, Sander C (2008). Mitten auf der Straße eingenickt... MMW Fortschr Med, 150(51-52), 35-37.
  1202. Hegerl U (2008). Dösig bei der Kletterpartie, hellwach in der Nacht. MMW Fortschr Med, 150(51-52), 30 f.
  1203. Hegerl U, Olbrich S, Schönknecht P, Sander C (2008). [Manic behavior as an autoregulatory attempt to stabilize vigilance.] Nervenarzt, 79(11), 1283-1290.
  1204. Hegerl U (2008). [Brief psychotherapeutic interventions in the general practitioners office] MMW Fortschr Med, 150(22), 26.
  1205. Cibis A, Hegerl U (2008). Das Deutsche Bündnis gegen Depression. Prävention von Suizidalität durch optimierte Versorgung depressiv Erkrankter. Präv Gesundheitsf, 3(3), 187-192.
  1206. Hegerl U (2008). Pro und Kontra der Behandlung mit Antidepressiva Arzneimitteltherapie, 26(9), 313-314.
  1207. Winkler K (2008). Glücklich und zufrieden im Alter? BAGSO Nachrichten, 1, 31-32.
  1208. Winkler K (2008). "Was kann ich tun?" Altenpflege, 33, 38-40.
  1209. Luppa M, Heinrich S, Matschinger H, Hensel A, Luck T, Riedel-Heller SG, König HH (2008). Direct costs associated with mild cognitive impairment in primary care. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry, 23(9), 963-971.
  1210. Luppa M, Luck T, Heinrich S, Glaesmer H (2008). Forschung zur Versorgung von Patienten mit psychischen Störungen. Z Psych Psychol Psychother, 56(3), 203-210.
  1211. Juckel G, Mergl R, Prässl A, Mavrogiorgou P, Witthaus H, Möller HJ, Hegerl U (2008). Kinematic analysis of facial behaviour in patients with schizophrenia under emotional stimulation by films with \"Mr. Bean\". Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci, 258(3), 186-191.
  1212. Strauß M, Koehler K, Krumbholz M, Huebner A, Zierz S, Deschauer M (2008). Triple A syndrome mimicking ALS. Amyotroph Lateral Scler, 9(5), 315-317.
  1213. Heinrich S, Luppa M, Matschinger H, Angermeyer MC, Riedel-Heller SG, König HH (2008). Service Utilization and Health-Care Costs in the Advanced Elderly Value in Health, 11(4), 611-620.
  1214. Luck T, Busse A, Hensel A, Angermeyer MC, Riedel-Heller SG (2008). [Mild cognitive impairment and development of dementia] Psychiatr Prax, 35(7), 331-336.
  1215. Riedel-Heller SG, Richter D (2008). Psychosocial interventions & social inclusion--getting closer to those in need. Psychiatr Prax, 35(5), 213-215.
  1216. Bramesfeld A, Riedel-Heller S (2008). Priorities in mental health services research. Psychiatr Prax, 35(7), 315-317.
  1217. Engmann, B (2008). Nahtoderfahrungen: Was passiert an der Schwelle zum Tod? MMW Fortschr Med, 150(51), 42-43.
  1218. Riedel-Heller SG, Roick C (2008). Auf ein Neues. Psychiat Prax, 35(1), 1.
  1219. Luppa M, König HH, Riedel-Heller S (2008). Kostenfaktor Depression. Die Kosten dperessiver Störungen und Implikationen für die Versorgung. Monitor Versorgungsforschung, 1(1), 31-34.
  1220. König HH, Konnopka A (2008). Gesundheitsökonomische Aspekte von Übergewicht und Adipositas Adipositas, 2(4), 198-203.
  1221. Alexandrowicz R, Matschinger H (2008). Estimation of Item Location Effects by Means of the Generalized Logistic Regression Model: A Simulation Study and an Application. Psychology Science Quaterly, 50(1), 64-74.
  1222. Müller-Fahrnow W, König HH (2008). Editorial. Praxis Klinische Verhaltensmedizin und Rehabilitation, 21(2), 84.
  1223. König HH (2008). Fallgruppen aus gesundheitsökonomischer Perspektive Praxis Klinische Verhaltensmedizin und Rehabilitation, 21(2), 85-91.
  1224. Kawohl W, Hegerl U, Muller-Oerlinghausen B, Juckel G (2008). [Insights in the central serotonergic function in patients with affective disorders.] Neuropsychiatr, 22(1), 23-27.
  1225. Juckel G, Gudlowski Y, Müller D, Ozgürdal S, Brüne M, Gallinat J, Frodl T, Witthaus H, Uhl I, Wutzler A, Pogarell O, Mulert C, Hegerl U, Meisenzahl EM (2008). Loudness dependence of the auditory evoked N1/P2 component as an indicator of serotonergic dysfunction in patients with schizophrenia--a replication study. Psychiatry Res, 158(1), 79-82.
  1226. Juckel G, Kawohl W, Giegling I, Mavrogiorgou P, Winter C, Pogarell O, Mulert C, Hegerl U, Rujescu D (2008). Association of catechol-O-methyltransferase variants with loudness dependence of auditory evoked potentials. Hum Psychopharmacol, 23(2), 115-120.
  1227. Pogarell O, Koch W, Schaaff N, Popperl G, Mulert C, Juckel G, Moller HJ, Hegerl U, Tatsch K (2008). [123I] ADAM brainstem binding correlates with the loudness dependence of auditory evoked potentials. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci, 258(1), 40-47.
  1228. Mulert C, Seifert C, Leicht G, Kirsch V, Ertl M, Karch S, Moosmann M, Lutz J, Möller HJ, Hegerl U, Pogarell O, Jäger L (2008). Single-trial coupling of EEG and fMRI reveals the involvement of early anterior cingulate cortex activation in effortful decision making. Neuroimage, 42(1), 158-168.
  1229. Kawohl W, Giegling I, Mavrogiorgou P, Pogarell O, Mulert C, Möller HJ, Hegerl U, Rujescu D, Juckel G (2008). Association of functional polymorphisms in NOS1 and NOS3 with loudness dependence of auditory evoked potentials. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol, 11(4), 477-483.
  1230. Juckel G, Hegerl U, Giegling I, Mavrogiorgou P, Wutzler A, Schuhmacher C, Uhl I, Brüne M, Mulert C, Pogarell O, Rujescu D (2008). Association of 5-HT1B receptor polymorphisms with the loudness dependence of auditory evoked potentials in a community-based sample of healthy volunteers. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet, 147B(4), 454-458.
  1231. Karch S, Jäger L, Karamatskos E, Graz C, Stammel A, Flatz W, Lutz J, Holtschmidt-Täschner B, Genius J, Leicht G, Pogarell O, Born C, Moller HJ, Hegerl U, Reiser M, Soyka M, Mulert C (2008). Influence of trait anxiety on inhibitory control in alcohol-dependent patients: simultaneous acquisition of ERPs and BOLD responses. J Psychiatr Res, 42(9), 734-745.
  1232. Fleischer S, Roling G, Beutner K, Hanns S, Behrens J, Luck T, Kuske B, Angermeyer MC, Riedel-Heller SG, Heinrich S, König HH, Lautenschlager C (2008). Growing old at home - a randomized controlled trial to investigate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of preventive home visits to reduce nursing home admissions: study protocol [NCT00644826]. BMC Public Health, 8, 185-192.
  1233. Ormel J, Petukhova M, Chatterji S, Aguilar-Gaxiola S, Alonso J, Angermeyer MC, Bromet EJ, Burger H, Demyttenaere K, de Girolamo G, Haro JM, Hwang I, Karam E, Kawakami N, Lepine JP, Medina-Mora ME, Pos (2008). Disability and treatment of specific mental and physical disorders across the world. Brit J Psychiat, 192(5), 368-375.
  1234. Gureje O, Von Korff M, Kola L, Demyttenaere K, He Y, Posada-Villa J, Lepine JP, Angermeyer MC, Levinson D, de Girolamo G, Iwata N, Karam A, Guimaraes Borges GL, de Graaf R, Browne MO, Stein DJ, Haro J (2008). The relation between multiple pains and mental disorders: results from the World Mental Health Surveys. Pain, 135(1-2), 82-91.
  1235. Fasold O, Heinau J, Trenner MU, Villringer A, Wenzel R (2008). Proprioceptive head posture-related processing in human polysensory cortical areas. Neuroimage, 40(3), 1232-1242.
  1236. Leichsenring F, Hoyer J, Beutel M, Herpertz S, Hiller W, Irle E, Joraschky P, König HH, de Liz TM, Nolting B, Pohlmann K, Salzer S, Schauenburg H, Stangier U, Strauss B, Subic-Wrana C, Vormfelde S, We (2008). The Social Phobia Psychotherapy Research Network. The First Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial of Psychotherapy for Social Phobia: Rationale, Methods and Patient Characteristics. Psychother Psychosom, 78(1), 35-41.
  1237. Sabri O, Kendziorra K, Wolf H, Gertz HJ, Brust P (2008). Acetylcholine receptors in dementia and mild cognitive impairment. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, 35(Suppl 1), 30-45.
  1238. Haack K, Steinberg H, Herpertz SC, Kumbier E (2008). ["On hidden madness"--"De amentia occulta" by Ernst Platner in early 19th-century tension of medicine and jurisprudence] Psychiatr Prax, 35(2), 84-90.
  1239. Zetzsche T, Preuss UW, Frodl T, Leinsinger G, Born C, Reiser M, Hegerl U, Möller HJ, Meisenzahl EM (2008). White matter alterations in schizophrenic patients with pronounced negative symptomatology and with positive family history for schizophrenia. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci, 258(5), 278-284.
  1240. Weyerer S, Eifflaender-Gorfer S, Kohler L, Jessen F, Maier W, Fuchs A, Pentzek M, Kaduszkiewicz H, Bachmann C, Angermeyer MC, Luppa M, Wiese B, Mosch E, Bickel H (2008). Prevalence and risk factors for depression in non-demented primary care attenders aged 75 years and older. J Affect Disord, 111(2-3), 153-163.
  1241. Rueckriegel SM, Blankenburg F, Burghardt R, Ehrlich S, Henze G, Mergl R, Hernaiz Driever P (2008). Influence of age and movement complexity on kinematic hand movement parameters in childhood and adolescence. Int J Dev Neurosci, 26(7), 655-663.
  1242. Holzinger A, Dietrich S, Heitmann S, Angermeyer M (2008). [Evaluation of target-group oriented interventions aimed at reducing the stigma surrounding mental illness.] Psychiatr Prax, 35(8), 376-386.
  1243. Von Korff M, Crane PK, Alonso J, Vilagut G, Angermeyer MC, Bruffaerts R, de Girolamo G, Gureje O, de Graaf R, Huang Y, Iwata N, Karam EG, Kovess V, Lara C, Levinson D, Posada-Villa J, Scott KM, Ormel (2008). Modified WHODAS-II provides valid measure of global disability but filter items increased skewness. J Clin Epidemiol, 61(11), 1132-1143.
  1244. He Y, Zhang M, Lin EH, Bruffaerts R, Posada-Villa J, Angermeyer MC, Levinson D, de Girolamo G, Uda H, Mneimneh Z, Benjet C, de Graaf R, Scott KM, Gureje O, Seedat S, Haro JM, Bromet EJ, Alonso J, von (2008). Mental disorders among persons with arthritis: results from the World Mental Health Surveys. Psychol Med, 38(11), 1639-1650.
  1245. Marwaha S, Johnson S, Bebbington P, Angermeyer MC, Brugha T, Azorin JM, Kilian R, Kornfeld A, Toumi M (2008). Correlates of subjective quality of life in people with schizophrenia: findings from the EuroSC study. J Nerv Ment Dis, 196(2), 87-94.
  1246. Degenhardt L, Chiu WT, Sampson N, Kessler RC, Anthony JC, Angermeyer M, Bruffaerts R, de Girolamo G, Gureje O, Huang Y, Karam A, Kostyuchenko S, Lepine JP, Mora ME, Neumark Y, Ormel JH, Pinto-Meza A, (2008). Toward a global view of alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, and cocaine use: findings from the WHO World Mental Health Surveys. PLoS Med, 5, 1053-1066.
  1247. de Graaf R, Kessler RC, Fayyad J, ten Have M, Alonso J, Angermeyer M, Borges G, Demyttenaere K, Gasquet I, de Girolamo G, Haro JM, Jin R, Karam EG, Ormel J, Posada-Villa J (2008). The prevalence and effects of adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) on the performance of workers: results from the WHO World Mental Health Survey Initiative. Occup Environ Med, 65(12), 835-842.
  1248. Nock MK, Borges G, Bromet EJ, Alonso J, Angermeyer MC, Beautrais A, Bruffaerts R, Chiu WT, de Girolamo G, Gluzman S, de Graaf R, Gureje O, Haro JM, Huang Y, Karam E, Kessler RC, Lepine JP, Levinson D, (2008). Cross-national prevalence and risk factors for suicidal ideation, plans and attempts. Brit J Psychiat, 192(2), 98-105.
  1249. Buist-Bouwman MA, Ormel J, de Graaf R, de Jonge P, van Sonderen E, Alonso J, Bruffaerts R, Vollebergh WA, Alonso J, Angermeyer MC, Bernert S, Bruffaerts R, Brugha TS, de Girolamo G, de Graaf R, Demytt (2008). Mediators of the association between depression and role functioning. Acta Psychiatr Scand, 118(6), 451-458.
  1250. Darves-Bornoz JM, Alonso J, de Girolamo G, de Graaf R, Haro JM, Kovess-Masfety V, Lepine JP, Nachbaur G, Negre-Pages L, Vilagut G, Gasquet I, Angermeyer MC, Bernert S, Bruffaerts R, Brugha TS, Demytte (2008). Main traumatic events in Europe: PTSD in the European study of the epidemiology of mental disorders survey. J Trauma Stress, 21(5), 455-462.
  1251. Scott KM, Bruffaerts R, Simon GE, Alonso J, Angermeyer M, de Girolamo G, Demyttenaere K, Gasquet I, Haro JM, Karam E, Kessler RC, Levinson D, Medina Mora ME, Oakley Browne MA, Ormel J, Villa JP, Uda H (2008). Obesity and mental disorders in the general population: results from the world mental health surveys. Int J Obes (Lond), 32(1), 192-200.
  1252. Seikowski K, Gollek S, Harth W, Reinhardt M (2008). Borderline personality disorder and transsexualism. Psychiatr Prax, 35(3), 135-141.
  1253. Lewczuk P, Kornhuber J, Vanderstichele H, Vanmechelen E, Esselmann H, Bibl M, Wolf S, Otto M, Reulbach U, Kölsch H, Jessen F, Schröder J, Schönknecht P, Hampel H, Peters O, Weimer E, Perneczky R, Jahn (2008). Multiplexed quantification of dementia biomarkers in the CSF of patients with early dementias and MCI: a multicenter study. Neurobiol Aging, 29(6), 812-818.
  1254. Kurz A, Cramer B, Egert S, Frölich L, Gertz HJ, Knorr C, Thöne-Otto A, Wagenpfeil S, Werheig K (2008). Neuropsychologisch fundierte kognitive Verhaltenstherapie für Patienten mit Alzheimer-Krankheit im Frühstadium. Zeitschrift für Gerontopsychologie & -psychiatrie, 21(3), 157-161.
  1255. Bruffaerts R, Demyttenaere K, Vilagut G, Martinez M, Bonnewyn A, De Graaf R, Haro JM, Bernert S, Angermeyer MC, Brugha T, Roick C, Alonso J (2008). The relation between body mass index, mental health, and functional disability: a European population perspective. Can J Psychiat, 53(10), 679-688.
  1256. Nose M, Tansella M, Thornicroft G, Schene A, Becker T, Veronese A, Leese M, Koeter M, Angermeyer MC, Barbui C (2008). Is the Defined Daily Dose system a reliable tool for standardizing antipsychotic dosages? Int Clin Psychopharmacol, 23(5), 287-290.
  1257. Dahm-Mory C (2008). Basiswissen Kommunikation - Kommunikationstechniken im Umgang mit Betroffenen. In: Bundsverband der Angehörigen psychische Kranker, Mit psychisch Kranken leben. Rat und Hilfe für Angehörige. (S. 157-188), Bonn: BALANCE Buch + Medien Verlag.
  1258. Blume A, Hegerl U (2008). Internetbasierte Kommunikation im Kompetenznetz "Depression, Suizidalität": Erfahrungen und Chancen. In: Bauer S, Kordy H, E-Mental-Health. Neue Medien in der psychosozialen Versorgung. (S. 61-72), Heidelberg: Springer Medizin Verlag.
  1259. Somburg O (2008). Richard Arwed Pfeifer und seine Studie über schizophrene Kunst. In: Marneros A, Röttig D, Biogenese und Psychogenese. (S. 109-119), Regensburg: Roderer Verlag.
  1260. Hegerl U, Bottner AC, Mergl R, Blume A, Holtschmidt-Täschner B, Seemüller F, Grunze H, Henkel V, Angst J, Born C (2008). Geschwindigkeit des Depressionsbeginns: Ein Merkmal zur Unterscheidung zwischen uni- und bipolaren affektiven Störungen. In: Marneros A, Röttig D, Biogenese und Psychogenese. (S. 187-197), Regensburg: Roderer Verlag.
  1261. Matschinger H, Kilian R, Angermeyer MC (2008). Zur Erklärung von Veränderung durch Veränderung: Eine Anwendung des Growth Mixture Models (GMM). In: Reinecke J, Tarnai C, Klassifikationsanalysen in Theorie und Praxis. (S. 219-245), Münster: Waxmann.
  1262. Hendin H, Wang H, Hegerl U, Xiao S, Li X, Phillips M, Huong TT (2008). Suicide Prevention in Asia: Future Directions. In: Hendin H, Phillips MR, Vijayakumar L, Pirkis J, Wang H, Yip P, Wasserman D, Bertolote JM, Fleischman, Suicide and suicide prevention in Asia. (S. 97-108), Geneva: World Health Organization.
  1263. Hegerl U, Karch S, Mulert C (2008). Neurophysiologische Grundlagen psychiatrischer Erkrankungen. In: Möller HJ, Laux G, Kapfhammer HP, Psychiatrie & Psychotherapie. (S. 209-225), Berlin: Springer.
  1264. Hegerl U, Pogarell O (2008). Neurophysiologische Untersuchungsmethoden. In: Möller HJ, Laux G, Kapfhammer HP, Psychiatrie & Psychotherapie. (S. 529-551), Berlin: Springer.
  1265. Hegerl U, Schäfer R, Havers I (2008). Evaluation gemeindebasierter Intervention zur optimierten Depressionsversorgung und Suizidprävention – Ergebnisse aus dem Kompetenznetz Depression, Suizidalität. In: Kurth BM, Monitoring der gesundheitlichen Versorgung in Deutschland. (S. 133-142), Köln: Deutscher Ärzteverlag.
  1266. Walter U, Bramesfeld A, Plaumann M (2008). Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung. In: Schmitt-Ott G, Wiegand-Grefe S, Jacobi C, Paar GH, Meermann R, Lamprecht F, Rehabilitation in der Psychosomatik. Versorgungsstrukturen - Behandlungsangebote - Qualitätsmanagement. (S. 21-26), Stuttgart: Schattauer.
  1267. Seikowski K, Gollek S (2008). Haptic Perception in Sexuality. In: Grunwald M, Human Haptic Perception: Basics and Applications. (S. 267-272), Basel, Boston: Birkhäuser.
  1268. Dietrich S, Schomerus G, Matschinger H, Angermeyer MC, Riedel-Heller SG (2008). Empfehlungen der Mehrheit. Was die Bevölkerung als Therapie für Schizophrenie empfielt. In: Amering M, Krausz M, Katschnig H, Hoffnung macht Sinn. Schizophrene Psychosen in neuem Licht. (S. 56-66), Wien: Facultas Universitätsverlag.
  1269. Hanns S, Luck T, Kuske B, Riedel-Heller SG, Angermeyer MC, Behrens J (2008). Entwicklung und Evaluation eines Trainingprogramms für das Pflegepersonal in Altenpflegeheimen zum Umgang mit Demenzkranken. In: Schaeffer D, Behrens J, Görres S, Optimierung und Evidenzbasierung pflegerischen Handelns. Ergebnisse und Herausforderungen der Pflegforschung. (S. 167-188), Weinheim: Juventa.
  1270. Giupponi G, Hegerl U, Pompili M, Pycha R (2008). Prevenzione alla depressione e al suicidio in Alto Adige. In: Tatarelli R, Pompili M, Il suicidio e la sua prevenzione. (S. 183-200), Rom: Giovanni Fioriti Editore.
  1271. Hegerl U, Niescken S (2008). Depressionen bewältigen. Die Lebensfreude wiederfinden. In: Hegerl U, Niescken S, Depressionen bewältigen. Die Lebensfreude wiederfinden. (S. 1-168), Stuttgart: Trias.
  1272. Stengler K (2008). Zwänge verstehen und hinter sich lassen. In: Stengler K, Zwänge verstehen und hinter sich lassen. (S. 1-150), Stuttgart: Trias.

  1273. 2007

  1274. Luppa M, Heinrich S, Angermeyer MC, König HH, Riedel-Heller SG (2007). Cost-of-illness studies of depression a systematic review. J Affect Disord, 98(1-2), 29-43.
  1275. Günther O, Roick C, Angermeyer MC, König HH (2007). The EQ-5D in alcohol dependent patients: Relationships among health-related quality of life, psychopathology and social functioning. Drug Alcohol Depend, 86(2-3), 253-264.
  1276. Kluge H, Becker T, Kallert TW, Matschinger H, Angermeyer MC (2007). [Impact of structure and context on utilization of socio-psychiatric services in saxony - a multi-level-analysis.] Psychiatr Prax, 34(1), 20-25.
  1277. Bramesfeld A, Grobe T, Schwartz FW (2007). Who is treated, and how, for depression? An analysis of statutory health insurance data in Germany. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 42(9), 740-746.
  1278. Bramesfeld A, Wedegartner F, Elgeti H, Bisson S (2007). How does mental health care perform in respect to service users\' expectations? Evaluating inpatient and outpatient care in Germany with the WHO responsiveness concept. BMC Health Serv Res, 7, 99 (15 S.).
  1279. Schönknecht P, Pantel J, Kaiser E, Thomann P, Schröder J (2007). Increased tau protein differentiates mild cognitive impairment from geriatric depression and predicts conversion to dementia. Neurosci Lett, 416, 39-42.
  1280. Juckel G, Pogarell O, Augustin H, Mulert C, Müller-Siecheneder F, Frodl T, Mavrogiorgou P, Hegerl U (2007). Differential prediction of first clinical response to serotonergic and noradrenergic antidepressants using the loudness dependence of auditory evoked potentials in patients with major depressive disorder. J Clin Psychiatry, 68(8), 1206-1212.
  1281. Bramesfeld A, Klippel U, Seidel G, Schwartz FW, Dierks ML (2007). How do patients expect the mental health service system to act? Testing the WHO responsiveness concept for its appropriateness in mental health care. Soc Sci Med, 65(5), 880-889.
  1282. Hegerl U (2007). Antidepressants and suicidality : Risk-benefit analysis. Nervenarzt, 78(1), 7-14.
  1283. Mulert C, Leicht G, Pogarell O, Mergl R, Karch S, Juckel G, Möller HJ, Hegerl U (2007). Auditory cortex and anterior cingulate cortex sources of the early evoked gamma-band response: Relationship to task difficulty and mental effort. Neuropsychologia, 45(10), 2294-2306.
  1284. Pogarell O, Mulert C, Hegerl U (2007). Event-related potentials in psychiatry. Clin EEG Neurosci, 38(1), 25-34.
  1285. Mergl R, Pogarell O, Juckel G, Rihl J, Henkel V, Frodl T, Muller-Siecheneder F, Karner M, Tigges P, Schroter A, Hegerl U (2007). Hand-motor dysfunction in depression: characteristics and pharmacological effects. Clin EEG Neurosci, 38(2), 82-88.
  1286. Heider D, Angermeyer MC, Winkler I, Schomerus G, Bebbington PE, Brugha T, Azorin JM, Toumi M (2007). A prospective study of Quality of life in schizophrenia in three European countries. Schizophr Res, 93(1-3), 194-202.
  1287. Heider D, Bernert S, Matschinger H, Haro JM, Alonso J, Angermeyer MC (2007). Parental bonding and suicidality in adulthood. Aust N Z J Psychiatry, 41(1), 66-73.
  1288. Roick C, Heider D, Bebbington PE, Angermeyer MC, Azorin JM, Brugha TS, Kilian R, Johnson S, Toumi M, Kornfeld A (2007). Burden on caregivers of people with schizophrenia: comparison between Germany and Britain. Br J Psychiatry, 190, 333-338.
  1289. Roick C, Fritz-Wieacker A, Matschinger H, Heider D, Schindler J, Riedel-Heller S, Angermeyer MC (2007). Health habits of patients with schizophrenia. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 42(4), 268-276.
  1290. Heider D, Schomerus G, Matschinger H, Wittmund B, Wilms HU, Brieger P, Angermeyer MC (2007). [Validating the efficacy of a group intervention program on the quality of life of depressed patient\'s spouses.] Psychother Psychosom Med Psychol, 57(1), 25-31.
  1291. Schomerus G, Matschinger H, Angermeyer MC (2007). Familiarity with mental illness and approval of structural discrimination against psychiatric patients in Germany. J Nerv Ment Dis, 195(1), 89-92.
  1292. König HH, Roick C, Angermeyer MC (2007). Validity of the EQ-5D in assessing and valuing health status in patients with schizophrenic, schizotypal or delusional disorders. Eur Psychiatry, 22(3), 177-187.
  1293. Pogarell O, Juckel G, Norra C, Leicht G, Karch S, Schaaff N, Folkerts M, Ibrahim A, Mulert C, Hegerl U (2007). Prediction of clinical response to antidepressants in patients with depression: neurophysiology in clinical practice. Clin EEG Neurosci, 38(2), 74-77.
  1294. Mergl R, Seidscheck I, Allgaier AK, Moller HJ, Hegerl U, Henkel V (2007). Depressive, anxiety, and somatoform disorders in primary care: prevalence and recognition. Depress Anxiety, 24(3), 185-195.
  1295. Althaus D, Niklewski G, Schmidtke A, Hegerl U (2007). [Changes in the frequency of suicidal behaviour after a 2-year intervention campaign.] Nervenarzt, 78(3), 272-282.
  1296. Hensel A, Angermeyer MC, Zaudig M, Riedel-Heller SG (2007). Measuring cognitive change in older adults: reliable change indices for the SIDAM. J Neurol, 254(1), 91-98.
  1297. Schlee A, Hegerl U (2007). Das Kompetenznetz Depression, Suizidalität. Psychiatrie und Dialog, 21(1), 10-14.
  1298. Pfeiffer-Gerschel T, Wittmann M, Hegerl U (2007). [The "European Alliance Against Depression". An European network targeting at effective care in community-based services for persons suffering from depressive disorders] Neuropsychiatrie, 21(1), 51-58.
  1299. Hegerl U, Pfeiffer-Gerschel T (2007). [Early detection of depressive illnesses] MMW Fortschr Med, 149(13), 27-31.
  1300. Hegerl U (2007). Rollentausch: Der Arzt als Patient (Editorial) MMW-Fortschr Med, 149(27-28), 26.
  1301. Hegerl U, Schäfer R (2007). Depressive Störungen in der hausärztlichen Praxis. Besser erkennen und behandeln. Forum Sanitas, 2, 6-8.
  1302. Konnopka A, König HH (2007). Direct and indirect costs attributable to alcohol consumption in Germany. Pharmacoeconomics, 25(7), 605-618.
  1303. Stengler-Wenzke K, Kroll M, Riedel-Heller S, Matschinger H, Angermeyer MC (2007). Quality of Life in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: The Different Impact of Obsessions and Compulsions. Psychopathology, 40(5), 282-289.
  1304. Roick C, Hinz A, Gertz HJ (2007). [Is quality of life in dementia patients validly estimable?] Psychiatr Prax, 34(3), 108-116.
  1305. Grunwald M, Hensel A, Wolf H, Weiss T, Gertz HJ (2007). Does the hippocampal atrophy correlate with the cortical theta power in elderly subjects with a range of cognitive impairment? J Clin Neurophysiol, 24(1), 22-26.
  1306. Grunwald M, Wesemann D (2007). Special online consulting for patients with eating disorders and their relatives: analysis of user characteristics and E-mail content. Cyberpsychol Behav, 10(1), 57-63.
  1307. Steinberg H (2007). [The Birth of the Word 'Psychosomatic' in Medical Literature by Johann Christian August Heinroth.] Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr, 75(7), 413-417.
  1308. Rottleb U, Steinberg H (2007). [The mobius-foundation - a source-based study in the history of promoting psychiatric and neurological research] Psychiatr Prax, 34(4), 188-193.
  1309. Schäfer R, Hegerl U (2007). Suizidprävention durch ein gemeindebasiertes Awareness Programm. Das Bündnis gegen Depression in Deutschland und Europa. Psychiatrie, 4(3), 159-165.
  1310. Carius D, Steinberg H, Bauer M, Angermeyer MC (2007). [Department of Psychiatry, Centre for Psychiatry, Psychatrium--trends and changes in the names for mental health care institutions in Germany in the 20th century] Psychiatr Prax, 34(2), 87-92.
  1311. Schomerus G, Heider D, Angermeyer MC, Bebbington PE, Azorin JM, Brugha T, Toumi M (2007). Residential area and social contacts in schizophrenia : Results from the European Schizophrenia Cohort (EuroSC). Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 42(8), 617-622.
  1312. Steinberg H, Schmidt-Recla A, Schmideler S (2007). Forensic psychiatry in nineteenth-century saxony: the case of woyzeck. Harv Rev Psychiatry, 15(4), 169-180.
  1313. Borsche J, Schomerus G, Matschinger H, Angermeyer MC (2007). [An error of the educated - split personality and schizophrenia.] Psychiatr Prax, 34(8), 384-387.
  1314. Bramesfeld A, Grobe TG, Schwartz FW (2007). Who is diagnosed as suffering from depression in the German statutory health care system? An analysis of health insurance data. Eur J Epidemiol, 22, 397-403.
  1315. Rottleb U, Steinberg H, Angermeyer MC (2007). [The image of psychiatry in the "Leipziger Volkszeitung" - historical longitudinal study] Psychiatr Prax, 34(6), 269-275.
  1316. Hegerl U (2007). [Burnout--alcohol problems--risk of suicide. Role reversal: the doctor as patient] MMW Fortschr Med, 149(27-28), 26-27.
  1317. Heider D, Kitze K, Zieger M, Riedel-Heller SG, Angermeyer MC (2007). Health-related quality of life in patients after lumbar disc surgery: a longitudinal observational study. Qual Life Res, 16(9), 1453-1460.
  1318. Luck T, Riedel-Heller SG, Kaduszkiewicz H, Bickel H, Jessen F, Pentzek M, Wiese B, Koelsch H, van den Bussche H, Abholz HH, Moesch E, Gorfer S, Angermeyer MC, Maier W, Weyerer S (2007). Mild Cognitive Impairment in General Practice: Age-Specific Prevalence and Correlate Results from the German Study on Ageing, Cognition and Dementia in Primary Care Patients (AgeCoDe). Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord, 24(4), 307-316.
  1319. Kuske B, Hanns S, Luck T, Angermeyer MC, Behrens J, Riedel-Heller SG (2007). Nursing home staff training in dementia care: a systematic review of evaluated programs. Int Psychogeriatr, 19(5), 818-841.
  1320. Schomerus G, Kenzin D, Borsche J, Matschinger H, Angermeyer MC (2007). The association of schizophrenia with split personality is not an ubiquitous phenomenon : Results from population studies in Russia and Germany. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 42(10), 780-786.
  1321. Günther OH, Friemel S, Bernert S, Matschinger H, Angermeyer MC, König HH (2007). [The burden of depressive disorders in Germany - results from the European Study of the Epidemiology of Mental Disorders (ESEMeD)] Psychiatr Prax, 34(6), 292-301.
  1322. König HH, Günther O, Kürstein B (2007). Analyse von Niederlassungsanreizen in ländlichen Regionen Ärzteblatt Sachsen, 18(7), 386-387.
  1323. Hensel A, Angermeyer MC, Riedel-Heller SG (2007). Measuring cognitive change in older adults. Do reliable change indices of the SIDAM predict dementia? J Neurol, 254(10), 1359-1365.
  1324. Hegerl U, Schäfer R (2007). [From the Nuremberg Alliance Against Depression to a European network (EAAD)--extending community-based awareness-campaigns on national and European level] Psychiatr Prax, 34 Suppl 3, S261-S265.
  1325. Bramesfeld A, Havers I, Hegerl U (2007). Depressive Erkrankungen: Ausmaß, Versorgung und Herausforderungen an die Versorgungsforschung. Die Ersatzkasse, 87, 352-357.
  1326. Wilk K, Havers I, Bramesfeld A, Hegerl U (2007). Früherkennung von Depression und Prävention von Suizidalität im Alter Public Health Forum, 15(4), 26-28.
  1327. Bramesfeld A, Havers I, Hegerl U (2007). Angsterkrankungen und Depressionen in Deutschland: Bestandsaufnahme und Perspektiven. Impu!se, 57, 2-3.
  1328. Schomerus G, Heider D, Wittmund B, Wilms HU, Brieger P, Nause B, Angermeyer MC (2007). Gruppenintervention zur Unterstützung von Partnern depressiv Erkrankter - eine lohnende Maßnahme? Psychiat Prax, 34(5), 239-245.
  1329. Winkler I, Richter-Werling M, Riedel-Heller SG (2007). Das Schulprojekt "Verrückt? Na und!" Seelische Gesundheit, Gesundheitsförderung, Prävention und Antistigmaarbeit in der Schule. Neuro aktuell, 21(3), 33-37.
  1330. Steinberg H (2007). Historische Anmerkungen zu Emil Kraepelin und den Stationen seines Lebens. Carolinum. Historisch-Literarische Zeitschrift, 71, 43-48.
  1331. Schmidt-Recla A, Steinberg H (2007). Eine publizistische Debatte als Geburtsstunde des "Marburger Programms". Zeitschrift für die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft, 119(2), 195-213.
  1332. Quentin W, Neubauer S, Leidl R, König HH (2007). Advertising bans as a means of tobacco control policy: a systematic literature review of time-series analyses. Int J Public Health, 52(5), 295-307.
  1333. Konnopka A, König HH (2007). Direkte und indirekte Kosten des Alkoholkonsums in Deutschland. Pharmacoeconomics - German Research Articles, 5(1), 41-56.
  1334. Luppa M, Riedel-Heller SG, König HH (2007). Erhebliche wirtschaftliche Folgen. Produktionsausfälle und Minderung der Arbeitsleistung durch Depression. gpk - Gesellschaftspolitische Kommentare, 48(S!), 15-16.
  1335. König HH, Günther O, Kürstein B (2007). Anreize zur Niederlassung in strukturschwachen Regionen. Eine Studie im Rahmen der Versorgungsforschung. Ärzteblatt Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, 17, 204.
  1336. Luck T, Zaudig M, Wiese B, Riedel-Heller SG (2007). SIDAM: Alters- und bildungsspezifische Normen des kognitiven Leistungsteiles nach der neuen CASMIN-Bildungsklassifikation Zeitschrift für Gerontopsychologie & -psychiatrie, 20(1), 31-38.
  1337. Hensel A, Angermeyer MC, Riedel-Heller SG (2007). Measuring cognitive change in older adults: reliable change indices for the MMSE. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 78(12), 1298-1303.
  1338. Hensel A, Riedel-Heller SG (2007). Ergebnisse der Leipziger Langzeitstudie in der Altenbevölkerung (LEILA75+): Leichte kognitive Störungen als Risikofaktoren für Demenzerkrankungen. neuro aktuell, 21(6), 31-35.
  1339. Stöbel-Richter Y, Berger U, Watzke B, Luppa M (2007). Erfassung der sozialen Ungleichheit in empirischen Untersuchungen Psychotherapeut, 52(6), 426-435.
  1340. Guehne U, Luck T, Busse A, Angermeyer MC, Riedel-Heller SG (2007). Mortality in Individuals with Mild Cognitive Impairment. Results of the Leipzig Longitudinal Study of the Aged (LEILA75+). Neuroepidemiology, 29(3-4), 226-234.
  1341. Wilms HU, Riedel-Heller SG, Angermeyer MC (2007). Limitations in activities of daily living and instrumental activities of daily living capacity in a representative sample: disentangling dementia- and mobility-related effects. Compr Psychiatry, 48, 95-101.
  1342. Luppa M, König HH, Riedel-Heller SG (2007). Die wirtschaftlichen Folgen von Depressionen. Verhaltenstherapie und psychosoziale Praxis, 39(4), 923-940.
  1343. Bramesfeld A (2007). Volkskrankheit Depression: Mehr als nur ein Problem der Gesundheitsversorgung. Verhaltenstherapie und Psychosoziale Praxis, 39, 913-920.
  1344. Kitze K, Rust V, Angermeyer MC (2007). [Pain Related Impairment and the Ability to Function in Herniated Disc Patients during Rehabilitation.] Rehabilitation (Stuttg), 46(6), 333-339.
  1345. Scott KM, Von Korff M, Ormel J, Zhang MY, Bruffaerts R, Alonso J, Kessler RC, Tachimori H, Karam E, Levinson D, Bromet EJ, Posada-Villa J, Gasquet I, Angermeyer MC, Borges G, de Girolamo G, Herman A, (2007). Mental disorders among adults with asthma: results from the World Mental Health Survey. Gen Hosp Psychiatry, 29(2), 123-133.
  1346. Kovess-Masfety V, Alonso J, Brugha TS, Angermeyer MC, Haro JM, Sevilla-Dedieu C (2007). Differences in lifetime use of services for mental health problems in six European countries. Psychiatr Serv, 58(2), 213-220.
  1347. Demyttenaere K, Bruffaerts R, Lee S, Posada-Villa J, Kovess V, Angermeyer MC, Levinson D, de Girolamo G, Nakane H, Mneimneh Z, Lara C, de Graaf R, Scott KM, Gureje O, Stein DJ, Haro JM, Bromet EJ, Kes (2007). Mental disorders among persons with chronic back or neck pain: results from the World Mental Health Surveys. Pain, 129(3), 332-342.
  1348. Alonso J, Codony M, Kovess V, Angermeyer MC, Katz SJ, Haro JM, De Girolamo G, De Graaf R, Demyttenaere K, Vilagut G, Almansa J, Lepine JP, Brugha TS (2007). Population level of unmet need for mental healthcare in Europe. Br J Psychiatry, 190, 299-306.
  1349. Karch S, Graz C, Jager L, Karamatskos E, Flatz AS, Lutz J, Holtschmidt-Taschner B, Genius J, Reiser GL, Moller HJ, Hegerl U, Soyka M, Mulert C (2007). Influence of anxiety on electrophysiological correlates of response inhibition capacities in alcoholism. Clin EEG Neurosci, 38(2), 89-95.
  1350. Mulert C, Juckel G, Brunnmeier M, Leicht SK, Mergl R, Möller HJ, Hegerl U, Pogarell O (2007). Rostral anterior cingulate cortex activity in the theta band predicts response to antidepressive medication. Clin EEG Neurosci, 38(2), 78-81.
  1351. Mulert C, Juckel G, Brunnmeier M, Karch S, Leicht G, Mergl R, Moller HJ, Hegerl U, Pogarell O (2007). Prediction of treatment response in major depression: integration of concepts. J Affect Disord, 98(3), 215-225.
  1352. Juckel G, Hegerl U, Giegling I, Mavrogiorgou P, Gallinat J, Augustin H, Mulert C, Pogarell O, Rujescu D (2007). Loudness dependence of auditory evoked potentials is not associated with polymorphisms or haplotypes in the serotonin transporter gene in a community-based sample of German healthy volunteers. Psychiatry Res, 153, 183-187.
  1353. Fernandez A, Haro JM, Martinez-Alonso M, Demyttenaere K, Brugha TS, Autonell J, de Girolamo G, Bernert S, Lepine JP, Alonso J (2007). Treatment adequacy for anxiety and depressive disorders in six European countries. Br J Psychiatry, 190(2), 172-173.
  1354. Bernal M, Haro JM, Bernert S, Brugha T, de Graaf R, Bruffaerts R, Lepine JP, de Girolamo G, Vilagut G, Gasquet I, Torres JV, Kovess V, Heider D, Neeleman J, Kessler R, Alonso J (2007). Risk factors for suicidality in Europe: Results from the ESEMED study. J Affect Disord, 101(1-3), 27-34.
  1355. Wang PS, Aguilar-Gaxiola S, Alonso J, Angermeyer MC, Borges G, Bromet EJ, Bruffaerts R, de Girolamo G, de Graaf R, Gureje O, Haro JM, Karam EG, Kessler RC, Kovess V, Lane MC, Lee S, Levinson D, Ono Y, (2007). Use of mental health services for anxiety, mood, and substance disorders in 17 countries in the WHO world mental health surveys. Lancet, 370, 841-850.
  1356. Koch W, Schaaff N, Pöpperl G, Mulert C, Juckel G, Reicherzer M, Ehmer-von Geiso C, Möller HJ, Hegerl U, Tatsch K, Pogarell O (2007). [I-123] ADAM and SPECT in patients with borderline personality disorder and healthy control subjects. J Psychiatry Neurosci, 32(4), 234-240.
  1357. Ormel J, Von Korff M, Burger H, Scott K, Demyttenaere K, Huang YQ, Posada-Villa J, Pierre Lepine J, Angermeyer MC, Levinson D, de Girolamo G, Kawakami N, Karam E, Medina-Mora ME, Gureje O, Williams D, (2007). Mental disorders among persons with heart disease - results from World Mental Health surveys. Gen Hosp Psychiatry, 29(4), 325-334.
  1358. Marwaha S, Johnson S, Bebbington P, Stafford M, Angermeyer MC, Brugha T, Azorin JM, Kilian R, Hansen K, Toumi M (2007). Rates and correlates of employment in people with schizophrenia in the UK, France and Germany. Br J Psychiatry, 191, 30-37.
  1359. Scott KM, Bruffaerts R, Tsang A, Ormel J, Alonso J, Angermeyer MC, Benjet C, Bromet E, de Girolamo G, de Graaf R, Gasquet I, Gureje O, Haro JM, He Y, Kessler RC, Levinson D, Mneimneh ZN, Oakley Browne (2007). Depression-anxiety relationships with chronic physical conditions: Results from the World Mental Health surveys. J Affect Disord, 103(1-3), 113-120.
  1360. Michalski D, Kitze K, Hinz A (2007). Beziehung zwischen Maximalkraftzuwachs und Schmerzreduktion bei Rückenschmerzpatienten unter den Bedingungen einer Trainingstherapie der rumpfstabilisierenden Muskulatur. Physik Med Rehabil Med Kurortmed, 17(4), 189-196.
  1361. Neubauer S, Steinle T, Gapp O, König HH, Leidl R (2007). Informationsbasis für die Abschätzung von gesundheitspolitischen und wirtschaftlichen Folgen von Tabakkontrollmaßnahmen in Deutschland. Sozialer Fortschritt, 56(11), 271-279.
  1362. Babiak A, Hetzel J, Godde F, König HH, Pietsch M, Hetzel M (2007). Mitomycin C and Vinorelbine for second-line chemotherapy in NSCLC - a phase II trial. Br J Cancer, 96(7), 1052-1056.
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  1366. Pogarell O, Koch W, Pöpperl G, Tatsch K, Jakob F, Mulert C, Grossheinrich N, Rupprecht R, Möller HJ, Hegerl U, Padberg F (2007). Acute prefrontal rTMS increases striatal dopamine to a similar degree as d-amphetamine. Psychiatry Res, 156, 251-255.
  1367. Suess T, Bokemeyer M, Schomerus G, Donnerstag F, Manns MP, Klempnauer J, Kolbe H, Weissenborn K (2007). Video documented follow-up of liver transplantation in Wilson\'s disease with predominant neurological manifestation. Mov Disord, 22(7), 1036-1038.
  1368. Liepelt I, Trenner MU, Freund S, Engel U, Lüschow A, Platz T (2007). Der Berliner- Apraxie-Test für ideomotorische und ideatorische Apraxie: Bestimmung der Itemkennwerte. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie, 18(3), 193-206.
  1369. Bermejo I, Frey C, Kriston L, Schneider F, Gaebel W, Hegerl U, Berger M, Härter M (2007). Stability of the effects of guideline training in primary care on the identification of depressive disorders. Primary Care Commun, 12(3-4), 99-107.
  1370. Neubauer S, Welte R, König HH, Leidl R (2007). Die volkswirtschaftlichen Kosten des Zigarettenrauchens in Deutschland. Public Health Forum, 15(1), 14-17.
  1371. Jessen F, Wiese B, Cvetanovska G, Fuchs A, Kaduszkiewicz H, Kolsch H, Luck T, Mosch E, Pentzek M, Riedel-Heller SG, Werle J, Weyerer S, Zimmermann T, Maier W, Bickel H (2007). Patterns of subjective memory impairment in the elderly: association with memory performance. Psychol Med, 37(12), 1753-1762.
  1372. Baum P, Kopf A, Hermann W, Wagner A (2007). Postiktale paranoid-halluzinatorische Psychose bei kryptogener Epilepsie. Psychiatr Prax, 34(5), 249-257.
  1373. Härter M, Bermejo I, Komarahadi F, Schneider F, Hegerl U, Niebling W, Berger M (2007). Diagnose und Therapie depressiver Erkrankungen. In: Härter M, Praxismanual Depression. Diagnostik und Therapie erfolgreich umsetzen. (S. 7-38), Köln: Deutscher Ärzte-Verlag.
  1374. Hegerl U, Schäfer R, Pfeiffer-Gerschel T, Ziervogel A, Althaus D (2007). Bündnis gegen Depression. In: Härter M, Praxismanual Depression. Diagnostik und Therapie erfolgreich umsetzen. (S. 39-46), Köln: Deutscher Ärzte-Verlag.
  1375. Althaus D, Schäfer R, Hegerl U (2007). Train-the-Trainer-Seminare. In: Härter M, Praxismanual Depression. Diagnostik und Therapie erfolgreich umsetzen. (S. 53-60), Köln: Deutscher Ärzte-Verlag.
  1376. Althaus D, Schäfer R, Hegerl U (2007). Durchführung von Rollenspielen. In: Härter M, Bermejo I, Niebling W, Praxismanual Depression. Diagnostik und Therapie erfolgreich umsetzen. (S. 61-64), Köln: Deutscher Ärzte-Verlag.
  1377. Gollek S (2007). Gesprächspsychotherapie. In: Schauenburg H, Hofmann B, Psychotherapie der Depression. Krankheitsmodelle und Therapiepraxis - störungsspezifisch und schulübergreifend. (S. 77-86), Stuttgart: Thieme Verlag.
  1378. Steinberg H (2007). Die Bedeutung Wilhelm Wundts für Emil Kraepelins Person und Werk. In: Bock WJ, Holdorff B, Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Nervenheilkunde, Band 13. (S. 233-265), Würzburg: Königshausen und Neumann.
  1379. Schönknecht P, Pantel J, Kruse A, Schröder J (2007). Leichte kognitive Beeinträchtigung: Prävalenz und Verlauf. In: Teising M, Drach LM, Gutzmann H, Alt und psychisch krank. Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Gerontopsychiatrie und -psychotherapie. Band 6. (S. 137-148), Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.

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  1382. Steinberg H, Schmideler S (2006). Eine wiederentdeckte Quelle zu Büchners Vorlage zum "Woyzeck": Das Gutachten der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Leipzig. Z Germanistik, 16(2), 340-366.
  1383. Steinberg H, Schmideler S (2006). War Woyzeck tatsächlich schizophren oder redete ihm die Verteidigung eine Schizophrenie nur ein? Jahresheft für Forensische Psychiatrie, 3, 71-115.
  1384. Steinberg H (2006). Die Geschichte der Psychiatrie an der Universität Leipzig. Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Nervenheilkunde, 12, 11-80.
  1385. Schmideler S, Steinberg H (2006). Johann Christian August Heinroths theoretische Psychagogik und Erziehungslehre zur Vorbeugung seelischer Störungen. Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Nervenheilkunde, 12, 113-131.
  1386. Stengler-Wenzke K, Steinberg H (2006). Die Leipziger Universitätspsychiatrie unter Werner Wagner zwischen 1942 und 1946. Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Nervenheilkunde, 12, 159-175.
  1387. Steinberg H, Schmideler S (2006). [The Leipzig Magistrates Court's death sentences in the Woyzeck case] Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr, 74(10), 575-581.
  1388. Somburg O, Steinberg H (2006). Der Begriff des Seelen-Binnenlebens von Moriz Benedikt. Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Nervenheilkunde, 12, 231-240.
  1389. Schmideler S, Steinberg H (2006). Eine musikhistorische Überraschung: Der Liederzyklus - Die Jahreszeiten - wurde von dem Psychiater Johann Christian August Heinroth gedichtet. Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Nervenheilkunde, 12, 557-590.
  1390. Stengler-Wenzke K, Kroll M, Matschinger H, Angermeyer MC (2006). Quality of life of relatives of patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Compr Psychiatry, 47(6), 523-527.
  1391. Bernert S, Heider D, Schomerus G, Wilms HU, Wittmund B, Bull N, Angermeyer MC (2006). Efficacy of an intervention programme on burnout symptoms of partners of depressed patients. Gesundheitswesen, 68(8-9), 545-550.
  1392. Stengler-Wenzke K, Kroll M, Matschinger H, Angermeyer MC (2006). Subjective quality of life of patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder compared to the general population. Psychiatr Prax, 33(7), 350-352.
  1393. Konnopka A, Günther OH, Angermeyer MC, König HH (2006). Discriminative ability, construct validity and sensitivity to change of the EQ-5D quality of life questionnaire in paranoid schizophrenia. Psychiatr Prax, 33(7), 330-336.
  1394. Roick C, Heider D, Toumi M, Angermeyer MC (2006). The impact of caregivers' characteristics, patients' conditions and regional differences on family burden in schizophrenia: a longitudinal analysis. Acta Psychiatr Scand, 114(5), 363-374.
  1395. Schomerus G, Matschinger H, Angermeyer MC (2006). Public beliefs about the causes of mental disorders revisited. Psychiatry Res, 144(2-3), 233-236.
  1396. Schomerus G, Borsche J, Matschinger H, Angermeyer MC (2006). Public knowledge about causes and treatment for schizophrenia: a representative population study. J Nerv Ment Dis, 194(8), 622-624.
  1397. Gühne U, Matschinger H, Angermeyer MC, Riedel-Heller SG (2006). Incident dementia cases and mortality. Results of the leipzig Longitudinal Study of the Aged (LEILA75+). Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord, 22(3), 185-193.
  1398. Angermeyer MC, Kilian R, Wilms HU, Wittmund B (2006). Quality of life of spouses of mentally ill people. Int J Soc Psychiatry, 52(3), 278-285.
  1399. Sonntag A, Matschinger H, Angermeyer MC, Riedel-Heller SG (2006). Does the context matter? Utilization of sedative drugs in nursing homes--a multilevel analysis. Pharmacopsychiatry, 39(4), 142-149.
  1400. Angermeyer MC, Bull N, Bernert S, Dietrich S, Kopf A (2006). Burnout of caregivers: a comparison between partners of psychiatric patients and nurses. Arch Psychiatr Nurs, 20(4), 158-165.
  1401. Schomerus G, Heitmann S, Riedel-Heller SG, Angermeyer MC (2006). Social psychiatry and psychoanalysis - "immature, jostling and rivaling siblings"? Psychiatr Prax, 33(5), 233-239.
  1402. Stengler-Wenzke K, Kroll M, Matschinger H, Angermeyer MC (2006). Subjective quality of life of patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 41(8), 662-668.
  1403. Heider D, Matschinger H, Bernert S, Alonso J, Angermeyer MC (2006). Relationship between parental bonding and mood disorder in six European countries. Psychiatry Res, 143(1), 89-98.
  1404. Gühne U, Angermeyer MC, Riedel-Heller S (2006). Is mortality increased in mildly cognitively impaired individuals? A systematic literature review. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord, 21(5-6), 403-410.
  1405. Dietrich S, Matschinger H, Angermeyer MC (2006). The relationship between biogenetic causal explanations and social distance toward people with mental disorders: results from a population survey in Germany. Int J Soc Psychiatry, 52(2), 166-174.
  1406. Riedel-Heller SG, Busse A, Angermeyer MC (2006). The state of mental health in old-age across the 'old' European Union - a systematic review. Acta Psychiatr Scand, 113(5), 388-401.
  1407. Schomerus G, Matschinger H, Kenzin D, Breier P, Angermeyer MC (2006). Public attitudes towards mental patients: a comparison between Novosibirsk, Bratislava and German cities. Eur Psychiatry, 21(7), 436-441.
  1408. Angermeyer MC, Dietrich S (2006). Public beliefs about and attitudes towards people with mental illness: a review of population studies. Acta Psychiatr Scand, 113(3), 163-179.
  1409. Winkler I, Matschinger H, Angermeyer MC (2006). The WHOQOL-OLD. Psychother Psychosom Med Psychol, 56(2), 63-69.
  1410. Dietrich S, Heider D, Matschinger H, Angermeyer MC (2006). Influence of newspaper reporting on adolescents' attitudes toward people with mental illness. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 41(4), 318-322.
  1411. Schomerus G, Matschinger H, Angermeyer MC (2006). Preferences of the public regarding cutbacks in expenditure for patient care : Are there indications of discrimination against those with mental disorders? Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 41(5), 369-377.
  1412. Stengler-Wenzke K, Müller U, Barthel H, Angermeyer MC, Sabri O, Hesse S (2006). Serotonin transporter imaging with [123I]beta-CIT SPECT before and after one year of citalopram treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Neuropsychobiology, 53(1), 40-45.
  1413. Schomerus G, Matschinger H, Angermeyer MC (2006). Alcoholism: Illness beliefs and resource allocation preferences of the public. Drug Alcohol Depend, 82(3), 204-210.
  1414. Steinberg H (2006). "This time the reviewer is proud and pleased to agree with Kraepelin's latest nosology, since it is his own". Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr, 74(3), 149-156.
  1415. Müller U, Fletcher PC, Steinberg H (2006). The origin of pharmacopsychology: Emil Kraepelin's experiments in Leipzig, Dorpat and Heidelberg (1882-1892). Psychopharmacology (Berl), 184(2), 131-138.
  1416. Roick C (2006). Medical journals for authors and/or readers? Opinions of different reader groups about the journal "Psychiatrische Praxis". Psychiatr Prax, 33(6), 287-295.
  1417. Busse A, Angermeyer MC, Riedel-Heller SG (2006). Progression of mild cognitive impairment to dementia: a challenge to current thinking. Br J Psychiatry, 189(4), 399-404.
  1418. Riedel-Heller SG (2006). Is primary prevention of mental illness possible? Psychiatr Prax, 33(3), 145-147.
  1419. Grunwald M, Wesemann D (2006). Online-consulting for eating disorders--analysis of users and contents. Psychiatr Prax, 33(3), 117-123.
  1420. Gunther OH, Konig HH (2006). Decision makers' and scientists' opinion about contingent valuation and choice experiments for measuring willingness to pay in health care: results from a survey in Germany. Int J Technol Assess Health Care, 22(3), 351-361.
  1421. Hinz A, Klaiberg A, Brähler E, König HH (2006). The Quality of Life Questionnaire EQ-5D: modelling and norm values for the general population. Psychother Psychosom Med Psychol, 56(2), 42-48.
  1422. König HH, Friemel S (2006). Health economics of psychological diseases. Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz, 49(1), 46-56.
  1423. Roick C, König HH (2006). Integrierte Versorgung und Managed Care in der Psychiatrie: Chancen und Risiken neuer Versorgungsformen und aktueller gesundheitspolitischer Entwicklungen. Verhaltensther und Psychosoz Prax, 2, 417-423.
  1424. Heinrich S, König HH (2006). Vergütungssysteme in der integrierten Versorgung: Auswahlkriterien, Kalkulation und Einsatzmöglichkeiten. Gesundheits- und Sozialpolitik, 60, 20-29.
  1425. Henkel V, Mergl R, Allgaier AK, Kohnen R, Moller HJ, Hegerl U (2006). Treatment of depression with atypical features: a meta-analytic approach. Psychiatry Res, 141(1), 89-101.
  1426. Schäfer R, Althaus D, Brosius HB, Hegerl U (2006). Media coverage on suicide in Nurembergs daily papers - frequency and form of the reporting before and during media-intervention with guidelines. Psychiatr Prax, 33(3), 132-137.
  1427. Pfeiffer-Gerschel T, Schlee A, Hegerl U (2006). The German Research Network on depression and suicidality. Med Klin (Munich), 101(6), 505-508.
  1428. Hegerl U (2006). Can mental disorders be "clicked away"? MMW Fortschr Med, 148(31-32), 21-22.
  1429. Pfeiffer-Gerschel T, Niedermeier N, Hegerl U (2006). Modern discussion forum "depression, suicidality". MMW Fortschr Med, 148(31-32), 22-27.
  1430. Hegerl U, Althaus D, Schmidtke A, Niklewski G (2006). The alliance against depression: 2-year evaluation of a community-based intervention to reduce suicidality. Psychol Med, 36, 1225-1233.
  1431. Niedermeier N, Pfeiffer-Gerschel T, Hegerl U (2006). Von unseren Patienten lernen - Ein Erfahrungsbericht nach fünf Jahren Diskussionsforum im Rahmen des Kompetenznetzes "Depression, Suizidalität". Nervenheilkunde, 25(5), 361-367.
  1432. Winkler I, Richter-Werling M, Angermeyer MC (2006). [Strategies against the stigmatisation of mentally ill subjects and their practical realisation in the example of Irrsinnig Menschlich e. V.] Gesundheitswesen, 68(11), 708-713.
  1433. Winkler I, Kilian R, Matschinger H, Angermeyer MC (2006). Lebensqualität älterer pflegender Angehöriger von Demenzkranken. Z Gerontopsychol Gerontopsych, 19(1), 17-24.
  1434. Kroll M, Beyrich U, Stengler-Wenzke K (2006). A treatment concept. Psychiatr Prax, 33(1), 45-47.
  1435. Roick C, Gärtner A, Heider D, Dietrich S, Angermeyer MC (2006). Heavy use of psychiatric inpatient care from the perspective of the patients affected. Int J Soc Psychiatry, 52(5), 432-446.
  1436. Grunwald M, Wesemann D (2006). Individual use of online-consulting for persons affected with eating disorders and their relatives - Evaluation of an online consulting service. Eur Eat Disord Rev, 14(4), 218-225.
  1437. Steinberg H, Carius D, Angermeyer MC (2006). The tenth anniversary of the Archives for the History of Psychiatry in Leipzig. Hist Psychiatry, 17(4), 501-507.
  1438. Somburg O, Steinberg H (2006). Is Akinesia algera by Paul Julius Mobius (1891) as a coenasthetic appearance a still up-to-date phenomenon? Psychiatr Prax, 33(8), 367-371.
  1439. Matschinger H, Kilian R, Angermeyer MC (2006). Detecting specific patterns of change for two outcome scores in a mental health study by means of linear-mixture models. Methodology, 2(3), 113-123.
  1440. Hegerl U (2006). Vom Leben isoliert - Depressionen erkennen und behandeln. Gesundheit im Beruf, 52(1), 4-6.
  1441. Hegerl U, Besserer K (2006). Depression: eine Krankheit mit vielen Gesichtern. MMW-Fortschr Med, 148(21), 77-80.
  1442. Pogarell O, Juckel G, Mavrogiorgou P, Mulert C, Folkerts M, Hauke W, Zaudig M, Moller HJ, Hegerl U (2006). Symptom-specific EEG power correlations in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Int J Psychophysiol, 62(1), 87-92.
  1443. Kuske B, Hanns S, Luck T, Angermeyer MC, Behrens J, Riedel-Heller SG (2006). Nursing home staff training in dementia care: a systematic review of evaluated programs. Int Psychogeriatr, 20, 1-25.
  1444. Busse A, Hensel A, Gühne U, Angermeyer MC, Riedel-Heller SG (2006). Mild cognitive impairment: long-term course of four clinical subtypes. Neurology, 67(12), 2176-2185.
  1445. Müller U, Czymmek J, Thone-Otto A, Von Cramon DY (2006). Reduced daytime activity in patients with acquired brain damage and apathy: a study with ambulatory actigraphy. Brain Inj, 20(2), 157-160.
  1446. Burgos I, Richter L, Klein T, Fiebich B, Feige B, Lieb K, Voderholzer U, Riemann D (2006). Increased nocturnal interleukin-6 excretion in patients with primary insomnia: a pilot study. Brain Behav Immun, 20(3), 246-253.
  1447. Stark R, König HH, Leidl R (2006). Costs of inflammatory bowel disease in Germany. Pharmacoeconomics, 24(8), 797-814.
  1448. Ramroth H, Specht-Leible N, Konig HH, Brenner H (2006). Hospitalizations during the last months of life of nursing home residents: a retrospective cohort study from Germany. BMC Health Serv Res, 6, 70.
  1449. Barbui C, Nose M, Mazzi MA, Bindman J, Leese M, Schene A, Becker T, Angermeyer MC, Koeter M, Gray R, Tansella M (2006). Determinants of first- and second-generation antipsychotic drug use in clinically unstable patients with schizophrenia treated in four European countries. Int Clin Psychopharmacol, 21(2), 73-79.
  1450. Schmideler S, Somburg O, Steinberg H, Splett T (2006). Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy (1809 - 1847): the mystery of his early death. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr, 74(9), 522-527.
  1451. van de Pol LA, Hensel A, Barkhof F, Gertz HJ, Scheltens P, van der Flier WM (2006). Hippocampal atrophy in Alzheimer disease: age matters. Neurology, 66(2), 236-238.
  1452. van de Pol LA, Hensel A, van der Flier WM, Visser PJ, Pijnenburg YA, Barkhof F, Gertz HJ, Scheltens P (2006). Hippocampal atrophy on MRI in frontotemporal lobar degeneration and Alzheimer's disease. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 77(4), 439-442.
  1453. Brust P, Hesse S, Müller U, Szabo Z (2006). Neuroimaging of the serotonin transporter - possibilities and pitfalls. Curr Psychiat Rev, 2(1), 111-149.
  1454. Chamberlain SR, Muller U, Robbins TW, Sahakian BJ (2006). Neuropharmacological modulation of cognition. Curr Opin Neurol, 19(6), 607-612.
  1455. Harter M, Bermejo I, Ollenschlager G, Schneider F, Gaebel W, Hegerl U, Niebling W, Berger M (2006). Improving quality of care for depression: the German Action Programme for the implementation of evidence-based guidelines. Int J Qual Health Care, 18(2), 113-119.
  1456. Taleb M, Rouillon F, Hegerl U, Hamdani N, Gorwood P (2006). Programmes against depression. Encephale, 32(1-1), 9-15.
  1457. Mulert C, Juckel G, Giegling I, Pogarell O, Leicht G, Karch S, Mavrogiorgou P, Moller HJ, Hegerl U, Rujescu D (2006). A Ser9Gly polymorphism in the dopamine D3 receptor gene (DRD3) and event-related P300 potentials. Neuropsychopharmacology, 31(6), 1335-1344.
  1458. Pogarell O, Hegerl U, Mulert C (2006). Electroconvulsive therapy and nonconvulsive status epilepticus - response to anticonvulsants might solve the dilemma. Pharmacopsychiatry, 39(3), 120.
  1459. Hawthorne G, Davidson N, Quinn K, McCrate F, Winkler I, Lucas R, Kilian R, Molzahn A (2006). Issues in conducting cross-cultural research: implementation of an agreed international procotol designed by the WHOQOL Group for the conduct of focus groups eliciting the quality of life of older adults. Qual Life Res, 15(7), 1257-1270.
  1460. Neubauer S, Welte R, Beiche A, König HH, Büsch K, Leidl R (2006). Smoking-attributable mortality, morbidity and costs in Germany: Update and 10 year comparison. Tob Control, 15(6), 464-471.
  1461. Sterr A, Padberg F, Amann B, Mergl R, Mulert C, Juckel G, Hegerl U, Pogarell O (2006). Electroencephalographic abnormalities associated with antidepressant treatment: a comparison of mirtazapine, venlafaxine, citalopram, reboxetine, and amitriptyline. J Clin Psychiatry, 67(2), 325-326.
  1462. Pogarell O, Koch W, Popperl G, Tatsch K, Jakob F, Zwanzger P, Mulert C, Rupprecht R, Moller HJ, Hegerl U, Padberg F (2006). Striatal dopamine release after prefrontal repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in major depression: preliminary results of a dynamic [123I] IBZM SPECT study. J Psychiatr Res, 40(4), 307-314.
  1463. Chamberlain SR, Müller U, Blackwell AD, Robbins TW, Sahakian BJ (2006). Noradrenergic modulation of working memory and emotional memory in humans. Psychopharmacology (Berl), 188(4), 397-407.
  1464. Chamberlain SR, Müller U, Blackwell AD, Clark L, Robbins TW, Sahakian BJ (2006). Neurochemical modulation of response inhibition and probabilistic learning in humans. Science, 311(5762), 861-863.
  1465. Riemann D, Burgos I, Richter L, Klein T, Fiebich B, Feige B, Freyer T, Lieb K, Voderholzer U (2006). Nocturnal serum leptin values in chronic primary insomnia: a preliminary report. Somnology, 10(4), 192-199.
  1466. Frölich L, Gertz HJ, Kurz A, Mielke R, Riepe MW (2006). Patienten-relevante Endpunkte in der Pharmakotherapie. psychoneuro, 32(4), 202-208.
  1467. Angermeyer MC, Kilian R, Katschnig H (2006). Psychotropic medication and quality of life. In: Katschnig H, Freeman H, Sartorius N, Quality of life in mental disorders. (S. 211-219), Chichester New York: Wiley.
  1468. Angermeyer MC, Kilian R (2006). Theoretical models of quality of life for mental disorders. In: Katschnig H, Freeman H, Sartorius N, Quality of life in mental disorders. (S. 21-31), Chichester New York: Wiley.
  1469. Katschnig H, Krautgartner M, Schrank B, Angermeyer MC (2006). Quality of life in depression. In: Katschnig H, Freeman H, Sartorius N, Quality of life in mental disorders. (S. 129-140), Chichester New York: Wiley.
  1470. Steinberg H (2006). Bilder zur Geschichte der Leipziger Universitätspsychiatrie. In: Steinberg H, Bilder zur Geschichte der Leipziger Universitätspsychiatrie. (S. 1-16), Leipzig: Universität.
  1471. Steinberg H (2006). Vor 200 Jahren begann der kontinuierliche Vorlesungsbetrieb zur Seelen- und Nervenheilkunde. In: Rektor der Universität Leipzig, Jubiläen 2006. Personen/Ereignisse. (S. 83-88), Leipzig: Universität Leipzig.
  1472. Roick C, Deister A, Zeichner D, Birker T, König HH, Angermeyer MC (2006). Regionales Psychiatriebudget - ein neuer Ansatz zur effizienten Verknüpfung stationärer und ambulanter Versorgungsleistungen. In: Armbruster J, Schulte-Kemna G, Wismaier-Berthold C, Kommunale Steuerung und Vernetzung im Gemeindepsychiatrischen Verbund. (S. 105-122), Bonn: Psychiatrie-Verlag.
  1473. Ramroth H, Specht-Leible N, König HH, Brenner H (2006). Medical care for nursing home residents: national perspectives in international context. In: Wahl HW, Brenner H, Mollenkopf H, Rothenbacher D, Rott C, The many faces of health, competence and well-being in old age. (S. 175-188), Dordrecht: Springer Verlag.
  1474. König HH (2006). Ethische Probleme in der Gesundheitsökonomie. In: Riha O, Ethische Probleme im ärztlichen Alltag IV. (S. 7-17), Shaker Verlag: Aachen.
  1475. Hegerl U, Zaudig M (2006). Antidepressiva. In: Zaudig M, Trautmann R, Joraschky P, Möller HJ, Rupprecht R, Saß H, Hegerl U, Therapielexikon Psychiatrie, Psychosomatik & Psychotherapie. (S. 65-67), Berlin: Springer.
  1476. Hegerl U (2006). Antidepressiva, trizyklische. In: Zaudig M, Trautmann R, Joraschky P, Möller HJ, Rupprecht R, Saß H, Hegerl U, Therapielexikon Psychiatrie, Psychosomatik & Psychotherapie. (S. 67-69), Berlin: Springer.
  1477. Hegerl U (2006). Amitriptylin. (u.a. Therapeutika) In: Zaudig M, Trautmann R, Joraschky P, Möller HJ, Rupprecht R, Saß H, Hegerl U, Therapielexikon Psychiatrie, Psychosomatik & Psychotherapie. (S. insg. 14 Seiten), Berlin: Springer.
  1478. Hegerl U (2006). Clomipramin. In: Zaudig M, Trautmann R, Joraschky P, Möller HJ, Rupprecht R, Saß H, Hegerl U, Therapielexikon Psychiatrie, Psychosomatik & Psychotherapie. (S. 159-161), Berlin: Springer.
  1479. Hegerl U (2006). Serotoninsyndrom. In: Zaudig M, Trautmann R, Joraschky P, Möller HJ, Rupprecht R, Saß H, Hegerl U, Therapielexikon Psychiatrie, Psychosomatik & Psychotherapie. (S. 710-712), Berlin: Springer.
  1480. Hegerl U (2006). Serotonin-Wiederaufnahmehemmer. In: Zaudig M, Trautmann R, Joraschky P, Möller HJ, Rupprecht R, Saß H, Hegerl U, Therapielexikon Psychiatrie, Psychosomatik & Psychotherapie. (S. 712-714), Berlin: Springer.
  1481. Angermeyer MC, Riedel-Heller S, Roick C (2006). Besonderheiten des deutschen psychosozialen Versorgungssystems aus psychiatrischer Perspektive. In: Pawils S, Koch U, Psychosoziale Versorgung in der Medizin. (S. 113-122), Stuttgart: Schattauer.
  1482. Riedel-Heller SG (2006). Psychopharmakagebrauch im Alter. Ergebnisse von Repräsentativerhebungen in der Allgemeinbevölkerung und in Heimen. In: Riha O, Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Ehtik in der Medizin Leipzig e.V. - Band 8 - Ethische Probleme im ärztlichen Alltag. Vorträge 2004 - 2005. (S. 75-87), Aachen: Shaker Verlag.
  1483. Angermeyer MC, Matschinger H, Schomerus G (2006). Sollte man die finanziellen Mittel für die Behandlung psychischer Erkrankungen kürzen? In: Hinz A, Decker O, Gesundheit im gesellschaftlichen Wandel. Altersspezifik und Geschlechterrollen. (S. 215-229), Gießen: Psychosozial-Verlag.

  1484. 2005

  1485. Angermeyer MC, Matschinger H (2005). The stereotype of schizophrenia and its impact on the discrimination of people with schizophrenia: Results from a representative survey in Germany. Schizophr Bull, 30(4), 1049-1061.
  1486. Guehne U, Riedel-Heller S, Angermeyer MC (2005). Mortality in Dementia. Neuroepidemiology, 25(3), 153-162.
  1487. Wittmund B, Nause B, Angermeyer MC (2005). [Everyday Burden of Mentally Ill People's Spouses - Client Orientated Approaches in Relatives' Support.] Psychiatr Prax, 32(5), 233-238.
  1488. Hensel A, Wolf H, Busse A, Arendt T, Gertz HJ (2005). Association between global brain volume and the rate of cognitive change in elderly humans without dementia. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord, 19(4), 213-221.
  1489. Heider D, Matschinger H, Bernert S, Vilagut G, Martinez-Alonso M, Dietrich S, Angermeyer MC (2005). Empirical evidence for an invariant three-factor structure of the Parental Bonding Instrument in six European countries. Psychiatry Res, 135(3), 237-247.
  1490. Angermeyer MC, Dietrich S, Pott D, Matschinger H (2005). Media consumption and desire for social distance towards people with schizophrenia. Eur Psychiatry, 20(3), 246-250.
  1491. Angermeyer MC, Matschinger H (2005). Labeling-stereotype-discrimination An investigation of the stigma process. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 40(5), 391-395.
  1492. Stengler-Wenzke K, Angermeyer MC (2005). [Employment of professional help by patients with obsessive-compulsive disorders] Psychiatr Prax, 32(4), 195-201.
  1493. Roick C, Deister A, Zeichner D, Birker T, Konig HH, Angermeyer MC (2005). [The regional budget for mental health care: a new approach to combine inpatient and outpatient care] Psychiatr Prax, 32(4), 177-184.
  1494. Schulze B, Angermeyer MC (2005). What is schizophrenia? Secondary school students' associations with the word and sources of information about the illness. Am J Orthopsychiatry, 75(2), 316-323.
  1495. Konig HH, Bernert S, Angermeyer MC (2005). [Measuring preferences for depressive health states] Psychiatr Prax, 32(3), 122-131.
  1496. Friemel S, Bernert S, Angermeyer MC, Konig HH (2005). [The direct costs of depressive disorders in Germany] Psychiatr Prax, 32(3), 113-121.
  1497. Angermeyer MC, Matschinger H (2005). Causal beliefs and attitudes to people with schizophrenia. Trend analysis based on data from two population surveys in Germany. Br J Psychiatry, 186, 331-334.
  1498. Konig HH, Bernert S, Angermeyer MC (2005). [Health Status of the German population: results of a representative survey using the EuroQol questionnaire] Gesundheitswesen, 67(3), 173-182.
  1499. Puschner B, Born A, Giessler A, Helm H, Becker T, Angermeyer MC (2005). [Effects of interventions to improve compliance with antipsychotic medication in people suffering from schizophrenia-results of recent reviews] Psychiatr Prax, 32(2), 62-67.
  1500. Riedel-Heller SG, Matschinger H, Angermeyer MC (2005). Mental disorders--who and what might help? Help-seeking and treatment preferences of the lay public. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 40(2), 167-174.
  1501. Angermeyer MC, Matschinger H (2005). Have there been any changes in the public's attitudes towards psychiatric treatment? Results from representative population surveys in Germany in the years 1990 and 2001. Acta Psychiatr Scand, 111(1), 68-73.
  1502. Wolf H, Kivipelto M, Hensel A, Winblad B, Riedel-heller SG, Gertz H-J (2005). Reply to: Serum lipids and hippocampal volume: The link to Alzheimer's disease? Ann Neurol, 57(5), 780.
  1503. Angermeyer MC, Matschinger H (2005). The stigma of mental illness in Germany: a trend analysis. Int J Soc Psychiatry, 51(3), 276-284.
  1504. Angermeyer MC, Matschinger H (2005). "What is a bipolar disorder?" Results of a representative survey of the German population. Psychiatr Prax, 32(6), 289-291.
  1505. Bull N, Wittmund B, Wilms HU, Guhne U, Angermeyer MC (2005). [A programme to assist close relatives and lifelong partners in caring for persons suffering from depressions or schizophrenic disorders]. Gesundheitswesen, 67(7), 478-484.
  1506. Grunwald M, Weiss T (2005). Inducing sensory stimulation in treatment of anorexia nervosa. QJM, 98(5), 379-380.
  1507. Hanns S, Kuske B, Riedel-Heller SG, Behrens J, Angermeyer MC (2005). Entwicklung und Evaluation eines Trainingsprogramms für das Pflegepersonal in Altenpflegeheimen zum Umgang mit Demenzkranken. Pflege & Gesellschaft, 10, 20-22.
  1508. Hesse S, Becker G, Barthel H, Brust P, Patt M, Sabri O, Müller U (2005). Imaging of serotonin transporters. Neurosci Imaging, 1, 19-47.
  1509. Hesse S, Muller U, Lincke T, Barthel H, Villmann T, Angermeyer MC, Sabri O, Stengler-Wenzke K (2005). Serotonin and dopamine transporter imaging in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Psychiatry Res, 140(1), 63-72.
  1510. Kallert TW, Leisse M, Kulke C, Kluge H (2005). Evidence based community psychiatric community health care services in Germany: taking inventory. Gesundheitswesen, 67(5), 342-354.
  1511. Kilian R, Angermeyer MC (2005). The effects of antipsychotic treatment on quality of life of schizophrenic patients under naturalistic treatment conditions: an application of random effect regression models and propensity scores in an observational prospective trial. Qual Life Res, 14(5), 1275-1289.
  1512. Muller U, Clark L, Lam ML, Moore RM, Murphy CL, Richmond NK, Sandhu RS, Wilkins IA, Menon DK, Sahakian BJ, Robbins TW (2005). Lack of effects of guanfacine on executive and memory functions in healthy male volunteers. Psychopharmacology (Berl), 182(2), 205-213.
  1513. Muller U, Mottweiler E, Bublak P (2005). Noradrenergic blockade and numeric working memory in humans. J Psychopharmacol, 19(1), 21-28.
  1514. Muller U, Suckling J, Zelaya F, Honey G, Faessel H, Williams SC, Routledge C, Brown J, Robbins TW, Bullmore ET (2005). Plasma level-dependent effects of methylphenidate on task-related functional magnetic resonance imaging signal changes. Psychopharmacology (Berl), 180(4), 624-633.
  1515. Muller U, Ullsperger M, Hammerstein E, Sachweh S, Becker T (2005). Directed forgetting in schizophrenia: prefrontal memory and inhibition deficits. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci, 255(4), 251-257.
  1516. Muller U, Werheid K, Hammerstein E, Jungmann S, Becker T (2005). Prefrontal cognitive deficits in patients with schizophrenia treated with atypical or conventional antipsychotics. Eur Psychiatry, 20(1), 70-73.
  1517. Roick C, König HH (2005). Quo Vadis? Health policy decisions and their consequences for mental health care. Psychiatr Prax, 32(3), 109-112.
  1518. Schmidt CK, Angermeyer MC, Riedel-Heller SG (2005). Prevention -- a topic in social-psychiatric research? Psychiatr Prax, 32(7), 358-362.
  1519. Schomerus G, Spindler P, Bröker F (2005). Psychiatrists - gatekeepers guarding welfare state benefits? Psychiatr Prax, 32(4), 161-162.
  1520. Steinberg H (2005). Paul Julius Möbius (1853-1907). J Neurol, 252(5), 624-625.
  1521. Steinberg H, Schmideler S (2005). Nach 180 Jahren wieder entdeckt: Das Gutachten der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Leipzig zum Fall Woyzeck. Nervenarzt, 76(5), 626-632.
  1522. Steinberg H (2005). Die Bedeutung des Gutachtens der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Leipzig im Woyzeck-Prozess. Schriftenr Dt Ges Gesch Nervenhkd, 11, 119-132.
  1523. Kroll M, Beyrich U, Stengler-Wenzke K (2005). Die Behandlung von Patienten mit Zwangserkrankungen an der Psychiatrischen Ambulanz der Universität Leipzig. Z aktuell - Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft Zwangserkrankungen e.V., 4, 12-13.
  1524. König HH (2005). Kostenfaktor Depression. Public Health Forum, 13/49, 29-30.
  1525. Angermeyer MC, Breier P, Dietrich S, Kenzine D, Matschinger H (2005). Public attitudes toward psychiatric treatment. An international comparison. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 40, 855-864.
  1526. Angermeyer MC, Holzinger A (2005). [Is there currently a boom of stigma research in psychiatry?] Psychiatr Prax, 32, 399-407.
  1527. Steinberg H (2005). Karl Kleist and his refusal of an appointment at Leipzig in 1923. Hist Psychiatry, 16, 333-343.
  1528. Roick C, Angermeyer MC, Riedel-Heller S (2005). The importance of the topic prevention in social-psychiatric research. Gesundheitswesen, 67(12), 879-886.
  1529. Hensel A, Wolf H, Dieterlen T, Riedel-Heller S, Arendt T, Gertz HJ (2005). Morphometry of the amygdala in patients with questionable dementia and mild dementia. J Neurol Sci, 238, 71-74.
  1530. Burgos I, Feige B, Hornyak M, Härter M, Weske-Heck G, Voderholzer U, Riemann D (2005). Chronic Tinnitus and Associated Sleep Disturbances. Somnologie, 9(3), 133-138.
  1531. Matschinger H, Bernert S, Angermeyer MC (2005). An analysis of interviewer effects on screening questions in a computer assisted personal mental health interview. Journal of Official Statistics, 21(4), 657-674.
  1532. Wilz G, Angermeyer MC, Geister C, Küssner C, Kalytta T (2005). Förderung und Unterstützung der familiären Pflege. Pflege Gesellschaft, 10(1), 26-27.
  1533. Riepe MW, Frölich L, Gertz HJ, Haupt M, Kohler J, Mielke R, von der Damerau-Dambrowski, V, Kurz A (2005). Evidenzbasierte medikamentöse Therapie der Alzheimer-Erkrankung. Deutsches Ärzteblatt, 102, 3040-3045.
  1534. Beck M, Angermeyer MC, Brahler E (2005). [Is there a connection between right-wing extremism and social distancing from mentally ill people? Results from a representative survey among the adult German population] Psychiatr Prax, 32(2), 68-72.
  1535. Rusch N, Angermeyer MC, Corrigan PW (2005). [The stigma of mental illness: concepts, forms, and consequences.] Psychiatr Prax, 32(5), 221-232.
  1536. Bebbington PE, Angermeyer M, Azorin JM, Brugha T, Kilian R, Johnson S, Toumi M, Kornfeld A (2005). The European Schizophrenia Cohort (EuroSC): a naturalistic prognostic and economic study. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 40(9), 707-717.
  1537. Power M, Quinn K, Schmidt S, WHOQOL-OLD Group (2005). Development of the WHOQOL-Old Module. Qual Life Res, 14, 2197-2214.
  1538. Frölich L, Schmitt B, Calabrese P, Diener H, Förstl H, Gertz HJ, Hallauer JF, Hampel H, Ihl R, Rieke K, Riepe M, Supprian T (2005). [New options for the pharmacotherapy of Alzheimer's disease after the registration of memantine?] Dtsch Med Wochenschr, 130(8), 408-412.
  1539. Steinbüchel N, Lischetzke T, Gurny M, Winkler I, the WHOQOL-OLD Group (2005). Erfassung gesundheitsbezogener Lebensqualität älterer Menschen mit dem WHOQOL-BREF-Fragebogen. Z Med Psychol, 14(1), 13-23.
  1540. Rüsch N, Angermeyer MC, Corrigan PW (2005). Mental illness stigma: Concepts, consequences, and initiatives to reduce stigma. Eur Psychiatry, 20, 529-539.
  1541. Deister A, Roick C, Zeichner D, Ziegler B (2005). Psychiatrische Versorgung: Kein Anreiz zur Fallzahlausweitung. Deutsches Ärzteblatt, 102(38), A2532-2534.
  1542. Giessler A, Born A, Helm H, Puschner B, Becker T (2005). Compliance in the treatment of schizophrenia: results of an expert survey in Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt. Psychiatr Prax, 32(7), 349-357.
  1543. Angermeyer MC, Steinberg H (2005). 200 Jahre Psychiatrie an der Universität Leipzig. Personen und Konzepte. In: Angermeyer MC, 200 Jahre Psychiatrie an der Universität Leipzig. Personen und Konzepte. (S. 1-298), Heidelberg: Springer Medizin Verlag.
  1544. Steinberg H (2005). Als ob ich zu einer steinernen Wand spräche. Der Nervenarzt Paul Julius Möbius. Eine Werkbiografie. In: Steinberg H, Als ob ich zu einer steinernen Wand spräche. Der Nervenarzt Paul Julius Möbius. Eine Werkbiografie. (S. 1-339), Bern: Hans Huber Verlag.
  1545. Steinberg H (2005). Leipziger Psychiatriegeschichtliche Vorlesungen. In: Steinberg H, Leipziger Psychiatriegeschichtliche Vorlesungen. (S. 1-240), Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.
  1546. Steinberg H (2005). Alfred Erich Hoche in der Psychiatrie seiner Zeit vor dem Hintergrund der Schrift "Die Freigabe der Vernichtung lebensunwerten Lebens". In: Riha O, "Die Freigabe der Vernichtung lebensunwerten Lebens". Beiträge des Symposiums über Karl Binding und Alfred Hoche am 2. Dezember 2004 in Leipzig. (S. 68-102), Aachen: Shaker Verlag.
  1547. Angermeyer MC (2005). Die Entwicklung der Klinik und Poliklinik für Psychiatrie der Universität Leipzig seit 1995. In: Angermeyer MC, Steinberg H, 200 Jahre Psychiatrie an der Universität Leipzig. Personen und Konzepte. (S. 280-288), Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.
  1548. Wilms HU, Bull N, Wittmund B, Angermeyer MC (2005). Hilfen für Partner psychisch kranker Menschen. Ein Gruppenmanual für Angehörige chronisch psychisch kranker Menschen. In: Wilms HU, Bull N, Wittmund B, Angermeyer MC, Hilfen für Partner psychisch kranker Menschen. Ein Gruppenmanual für Angehörige chronisch psychisch kranker Menschen. (S. 1-167), Bonn: Psychiatrie-Verlag.
  1549. Gertz HJ, Wolf H (2005). Vaskuläre Demenzen. In: Förstl H, Demenzen. Perspektiven in Praxis und Forschung. (S. 113-123), München: Elsevier Urban und Fischer.
  1550. Jungbauer J, Angermeyer MC (2005). Subjektive Belastungslagen von Eltern und Partnern schizophrener Patienten. In: Jungbauer J, Unser Leben ist jetzt anders. Belastungen und Belastungsfolgen bei Angehörigen schizophrener Patienten. (S. 35-49), Bonn: Psychiatrie-Verlag.
  1551. Jungbauer J, Bischkopf J, Angermeyer MC (2005). Belastungen von Angehörigen psychisch Kranker: Entwicklungslinien, Konzepte und Ergebnisse der Forschung. In: Jungbauer J, Unser Leben ist jetzt anders. Belastungen und Belastungsfolgen bei Angehörigen schizophrener Patienten. (S. 19-34), Bonn: Psychiatrie-Verlag.
  1552. Jungbauer J, Mory C, Angermeyer MC (2005). Finanzielle Belastungen von Eltern und Partnern schizophrener Patienten im Vergleich. In: Jungbauer J, Unser Leben ist jetzt anders. Belastungen und Belastungsfolgen bei Angehörigen schizophrener Patienten. (S. 64-78), Bonn: Psychiatrie-Verlag.
  1553. Jungbauer J, Mory C, Angermeyer MC (2005). Ist die Betreuung eines schizophrenen Familienmitglieds mit einem Gesundheitsrisiko verbunden? In: Jungbauer J, Unser Leben ist jetzt anders. Belastungen und Belastungsfolgen bei Angehörigen schizophrener Patienten. (S. 106-116), Bonn: Psychiatrie-Verlag.
  1554. Jungbauer J, Mory C, Angermeyer MC (2005). Zum Unterstützungsbedarf von Partnern schizophrener Patienten. In: Jungbauer J, Unser Leben ist jetzt anders. Belastungen und Belastungsfolgen bei Angehörigen schizophrener Patienten. (S. 126-134), Bonn: Psychiatrie-Verlag.
  1555. Jungbauer J, Stelling K, Angermeyer MC (2005). Entwicklungsprobleme in Familien mit schizophrenen Patienten aus Sicht der Eltern. In: Jungbauer J, Unser Leben ist jetzt anders. Belastungen und Belastungsfolgen bei Angehörigen schizophrener Patienten. (S. 90-105), Bonn: Psychiatrie-Verlag.
  1556. Jungbauer J, Wittmund B, Angermeyer MC (2005). Belastungsverläufe bei Eltern schizophrener Patienten in einem Zeitraum von zwölf Monaten. In: Jungbauer J, Unser Leben ist jetzt anders. Belastungen und Belastungsfolgen bei Angehörigen schizophrener Patienten. (S. 79-89), Bonn: Psychiatrie-Verlag.
  1557. Jungbauer J, Wittmund B, Angermeyer MC (2005). Der behandelnde Arzt aus Sicht der Angehörigen: Bewältigungsressource oder zusätzliche Belastung? In: Jungbauer J, Unser Leben ist jetzt anders. Belastungen und Belastungsfolgen bei Angehörigen schizophrener Patienten. (S. 117-125), Bonn: Psychiatrie-Verlag.
  1558. Jungbauer J, Wittmund B, Angermeyer MC (2005). Die "übersehenen" Angehörigen: Partner schizophrener Patienten. In: Jungbauer J, Unser Leben ist jetzt anders. Belastungen und Belastungsfolgen bei Angehörigen schizophrener Patienten. (S. 50-63), Bonn: Psychiatrie-Verlag.
  1559. Müller U (2005). Somatische Behandlungsverfahren mit rehabilitativem Charakter. In: Frieboes RM, Zaudig M, Nosper M, Rehabilitation bei psychischen Störungen. (S. 110-134), München: Elsevier/Urban & Fischer.
  1560. Somburg O (2005). Möbius' Akinesia algera - Ein verschollenes Krankheitsbild? In: Steinberg H, Leipziger Psychiatriegeschichtliche Vorlesungen. (S. 157-182), Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.
  1561. Steinberg H (2005). Johann Christian August Heinroth (1773-1843)- Der erste Lehrstuhlinhaber für Psychiatrie und sein Krankheitskonzept. In: Angermeyer MC, 200 Jahre Psychiatrie an der Universität Leipzig. Personen und Konzepte. (S. 1-80), Heidelberg: Springer Medizin Verlag.
  1562. Steinberg H (2005). Paul Flechsig (1847-1929) - Ein Hirnforscher als Psychiater. In: Steinberg H, 200 Jahre Psychiatrie an der Universität Leipzig. Personen und Konzepte. (S. 81-120), Heidelberg: Springer Medizin Verlag.
  1563. Steinberg H, Müller U (2005). Emil Kraepelin 1882/83 in Leipzig und seine frühen pharmakopsychologischen Arbeiten im Lichte der aktuellen Forschung. In: Steinberg H, 200 Jahre Psychiatrie an der Universität Leipzig. Personen und Konzepte. (S. 121-154), Heidelberg: Springer Medizin Verlag.
  1564. Steinberg H (2005). Paul Julius Möbius (1853-1907) und seine zwei wesentlichen die Psychiatrie prägenden Beiträge: Die ätiologische Einteilung der Krankheiten und die Psychogenie der Hysterie. In: Steinberg H, 200 Jahre Psychiatrie an der Universität Leipzig. Personen und Konzepte. (S. 155-244), Heidelberg: Springer Medizin Verlag.
  1565. Steinberg H (2005). Die Psychiatrische Klinik der Universität Leipzig von 1920 bis 1995. In: Steinberg H, 200 Jahre Psychiatrie an der Universität Leipzig. Personen und Konzepte. (S. 245-262), Heidelberg: Springer Medizin Verlag.
  1566. Steinberg H (2005). Emil Kraepelin in Leipzig: Wie einer Entlassung eine Habilitation folgen kann - Eine Quellenstudie. In: Steinberg H, Leipziger Psychiatriegeschichtliche Vorlesungen. (S. 75-102), Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.
  1567. Steinberg H (2005). Die Leipziger Universitätspsychiatrie - eine Tour d'horizon durch zwei Jahrhunderte Psychiatriegeschichte. In: Steinberg H, Leipziger Psychiatriegeschichtliche Vorlesungen. (S. 13-73), Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.
  1568. König HH (2005). Economic aspects of pre-symptomatic tumor diagnostics. In: Conrad K, Bachmann M, Lehmann W, Sack U, Methods, possibilities and perspectives of pre-symptomatic tumor diagnostics. (S. 17-25), Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers.

  1569. 2004

  1570. Angermeyer MC, Buyantugs L, Kenzine DV, Matschinger H (2004). Effects of labelling on public attitudes towards people with schizophrenia: are there cultural differences? Acta Psychiatr Scand, 109(6), 420-425.
  1571. Roick C, Heider D, Stengler-Wenzke K, Angermeyer MC (2004). Frequent use of psychiatric inpatient services analysed from three different perspectives Psychiatr Prax, 31(5), 241-249.
  1572. Kilian R, Angermeyer MC (2004). The impact of antipsychotic medication on the incidence and the costs of inpatient treatment in people with schizophrenia: results from a prospective observational study Psychiatr Prax, 31(3), 138-146.
  1573. Roick C, Thierfelder K, Heider D, Klemm T, Paschke R, Angermeyer MC (2004). Quality of life instruments and health state preferences to assess effects of medical interventions for mentally and medically ill patients Psychiatr Prax, 31(3), 128-137.
  1574. Kilian R, Dietrich S, Toumi M, Angermeyer MC (2004). Quality of life in persons with schizophrenia in out-patient treatment with first- or second-generation antipsychotics. Acta Psychiatr Scand, 110(2), 108-118.
  1575. Stengler-Wenzke K, Trosbach J, Dietrich S, Angermeyer MC (2004). Experience of stigmatization by relatives of patients with obsessive compulsive disorder. Arch Psychiatr Nurs, 18(3), 88-96.
  1576. Wilms HU, Mory C, Angermeyer MC (2004). Illness related costs for spouses of patients suffering from a mental illness: results of a study with repeated measurements Psychiatr Prax, 31(4), 177-183.
  1577. Dietrich S, Beck M, Bujantugs B, Kenzine D, Matschinger H, Angermeyer MC (2004). The relationship between public causal beliefs and social distance toward mentally ill people. Aust N Z J Psychiatry, 38(5), 348-354.
  1578. Roick C, Angermeyer MC (2004). Economics and practice Psychiatr Prax, 31(3), 115-117.
  1579. Angermeyer MC, Kenzine DV, Korolenko TP, Beck M, Matschinger H (2004). Opinions on psychiatric diseases of the citizens of Novosibirsk: results of a representative study Psychiatr Prax, 31(2), 90-95.
  1580. Stengler-Wenzke K, Beck M, Holzinger A, Angermeyer MC (2004). Stigma experiences of patients with obsessive compulsive disorders Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr, 72(1), 7-13.
  1581. Matschinger H, Angermeyer MC (2004). The public's preferences concerning the allocation of financial resources to health care: results from a representative population survey in Germany. Eur Psychiatry, 19, 478-482.
  1582. Wolf H, Hensel A, Arendt T, Kivipelto M, Winblad B, Gertz HJ (2004). Serum lipids and hippocampal volume: the link to Alzheimer's disease? Ann Neurol, 56(5), 745-748.
  1583. Hensel A, Ibach B, Muller U, Kruggel F, Kiefer M, Gertz HJ (2004). Does the pattern of atrophy of the Corpus callosum differ between patients with frontotemporal dementia and patients with Alzheimer's disease? Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord, 18(1), 44-49.
  1584. Wolf H, Gertz HJ (2004). Vascular dementia -- diagnosis, prevention and treatment Psychiatr Prax, 31(7), 330-338.
  1585. Wolf H, Julin P, Gertz HJ, Winblad B, Wahlund LO (2004). Intracranial volume in mild cognitive impairment, Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia: evidence for brain reserve? Int J Geriatr Psychiatry, 19, 995-1007.
  1586. Wolf H, Gertz HJ (2004). Treatment of behavioral abnormalities in patients with dementia MMW Fortschr Med, 146, 43-45.
  1587. Gertz HJ, Kiefer M (2004). Review about Ginkgo biloba special extract EGb 761 (Ginkgo). Curr Pharm Des, 10, 261-264.
  1588. Angermeyer MC, Matschinger H, Corrigan PW (2004). Familiarity with mental illness and social distance from people with schizophrenia and major depression: testing a model using data from a representative population survey. Schizophr Res, 69, 175-182.
  1589. Angermeyer MC, Beck M, Dietrich S, Holzinger A (2004). The stigma of mental illness: patients' anticipations and experiences. Int J Soc Psychiatry, 50, 153-162.
  1590. Angermeyer MC, Matschinger H (2004). Public attitudes towards psychotropic drugs: have there been any changes in recent years? Pharmacopsychiatry, 37, 152-156.
  1591. Angermeyer MC, Matschinger H (2004). Public attitudes to people with depression: have there been any changes over the last decade? J Affect Disord, 83, 177-182.
  1592. Holzinger A, Matschinger H, Angermeyer MC (2004). Research on public mental health in the German-speaking area Psychiatr Prax, 31(7), 369-377.
  1593. Riedel-Heller SG, Luppa M, Angermeyer MC (2004). Psychiatric epidemiology in Germany Psychiatr Prax, 31(6), 288-297.
  1594. Stengler-Wenzke K, Trosbach J, Dietrich S, Angermeyer MC (2004). Coping strategies used by the relatives of people with obsessive-compulsive disorder. J Adv Nurs, 48(1), 35-42.
  1595. Stengler-Wenzke K, Muller U, Angermeyer MC, Sabri O, Hesse S (2004). Reduced serotonin transporter-availability in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) Eur Arch Psy Clin N, 254(4), 252-255.
  1596. Ehmann M, Riedel-Heller SG, Angermeyer MC (2004). Understanding the mass destruction of nerve cells Psychiatr Prax, 31(7), 366-368.
  1597. Angermeyer MC (2004). Stigmatization of mentally ill patients by the society. Psychiatr Prax, 31 Suppl 2, S246-S250.
  1598. Angermeyer MC, Kluge H, Riedel-Heller SG, Roick C (2004). Social Psychiatry without Sociology. Analysis of a Scientific Journal. Psychiatr Prax, 31(8), 420-424.
  1599. Roick C (2004). How effective is managed care in psychiatry? Implications for integrated care approaches in Germany Psychiatr Prax, 31(3), 170.
  1600. Riedel-Heller SG (2004). Mental health in an ageing society Psychiatr Prax, 31, 327-329.
  1601. Wolf H, Hensel A, Kruggel F, Riedel-Heller SG, Arendt T, Wahlund LO, Gertz HJ (2004). Structural correlates of mild cognitive impairment. Neurobiol Aging, 25(7), 913-924.
  1602. Steinberg H (2004). The sin in the aetiological concept of Johann Christian August Heinroth (1773-1843). Part 1: Between theology and psychiatry. Heinroth's concepts of 'whose being', 'freedom', 'reason' and 'disturbance of the soul'. Hist Psychiatry, 15, 329-344.
  1603. Schmideler S, Steinberg H (2004). "I am rather satisfied with this interpretation of my dreams." -- real-life and work-related encounters between psychiatrist Johann Christian August Heinroth and poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr, 72, 523-531.
  1604. Steinberg H, Carius D (2004). Arzt und Patient: Paul Flechsig und Daniel Paul Schreber Nervenarzt, 75, 933-937.
  1605. Steinberg H (2004). Die Errichtung des ersten psychiatrischen Lehrstuhls: Johann Christian August Heinroth in Leipzig Nervenarzt, 75, 303-307.
  1606. Steinberg H (2004). Zum 150. Geburtstag von Paul Julius Möbius (1853–1907) Nervenarzt, 75, 97-100.
  1607. Grunwald M, Weiss T, Assmann B, Ettrich C (2004). Stable asymmetric interhemispheric theta power in patients with anorexia nervosa during haptic perception even after weight gain: a longitudinal study. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol, 26(5), 608-620.
  1608. Riedel-Heller SG, Angermeyer MC (2004). Demenzerkrankung als Herausforderung einer alternden Gesellschaft. Ergebnisse der Leipziger Langzeitstudie in der Altenbevölkerung (LEILA75+) im Kontext der gegenwärtigen Forschung. Psychosozial, 27, 107-113.
  1609. Roick C, Heider D, Kilian R, Matschinger H, Toumi M, Angermeyer, MC (2004). Factors contributing to frequent use of psychiatric inpatient services by schizophrenia patients. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 39, 744-751.
  1610. Descombes X, Kruggel F, Wollny G, Gertz HJ (2004). An object-based approach for detecting small brain lesions: application to Virchow-Robin spaces. IEEE Trans Med Imaging, 23(2), 246-255.
  1611. Hesse S, Barthel H, Schwarz J, Sabri O, Mueller U (2004). Advances in in vivo imaging of serotonergic neurons in neuropsychiatric disorders. Neurosci Biobehav Rev, 28(6), 547-563.
  1612. Muller U, Steffenhagen N, Regenthal R, Bublak P (2004). Effects of modafinil on working memory processes in humans. Psychopharmacology (Berl), 177(1-2), 161-169.
  1613. Ebinger M, Leidl R, Thomas S, Von Tirpitz C, Reinshagen M, Adler G, Koenig HH (2004). Cost of outpatient care in patients with inflammatory bowel disease in a German University Hospital. J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 19, 192-199.
  1614. Koenig HH (2004). Measuring preferences of psychiatric patients. Psychiatr Prax, 31(3), 118-127.
  1615. Koenig HH, Barry JC (2004). Cost effectiveness of treatment for amblyopia: an analysis based on a probabilistic Markov model. Br J Ophthalmol, 88(5), 606-612.
  1616. Koenig HH, Barry JC (2004). Cost-utility analysis of orthoptic screening in kindergarten: a Markov model based on data from Germany. Pediatrics, 113(2), 95-108.
  1617. Koenig HH, Barry JC (2004). Wie Augenärzte den Nutzen der Amblyopie-Früherkennung und -Behandlung begründen können: Eine Standortbestimmung aus augenärztlicher und gesundheitsökonomischer Perspektive. Z prakt Augenheilkd, 7, 275-279.
  1618. Reher C, Barry JC, Koenig HH (2004). Faktoren der Früherkennung visueller Entwicklungsstörungen bei 3-jährigen Kindergartenkindern. Monatsschr Kinderh, 152(7), 772-777.
  1619. Schulz E, Leidl R, Koenig HH (2004). The impact of ageing on hospital care and long-term care - the example of Germany. Health Policy, 67, 57-74.
  1620. Wilms HU, Mory C, Lützkendorf V (2004). Angstbewältigung in der Gruppe oder Wozu brauchen wir Therapeuten? systhema, 18, 44-57.
  1621. Wittmund B, Musikowski M, Schötz D (2004). Veränderungsprozesse und systemische Gruppentherapie - die Sichtweise der Patienten. systhema, 18, 58-69.
  1622. Jungbauer J, Stelling K, Dietrich S, Angermeyer MC (2004). Schizophrenia: problems of separation in families. J Adv Nurs, 47(6), 605-613.
  1623. Jungbauer J, Wittmund B, Dietrich S, Angermeyer MC (2004). The disregarded caregivers: subjective burden in spouses of schizophrenia patients. Schizophr Bull, 30(3), 665-675.
  1624. Steinberg H (2004). The Sin in the aetiological concept of Johann Christian August Heinroth (1773-1843). Part 2: Self-guilt as turning away from reason in the framework of Heinroth's concept of the interrelationships between body and soul. Hist Psychiatry, 15, 437-454.
  1625. Steinberg H (2004). Psychiatrie an der Universität Leipzig. Eine zweihundertjährige Tradition. Wurzbg Medizinhist Mitt, 23, 270-312.
  1626. Schmideler S, Steinberg H (2004). Der Psychiater Johann Christian August Heinroth (1773-1843) als praktischer Arzt am Zucht-, Waisen- und Versorgungshaus St. Georg in Leipzig. Wurzbg Medizinhist Mitt, 23, 346-375.
  1627. Steinberg H (2004). Paul Julius Möbius (1853-1907). Eine Erinnerung an Leben und Werk aus Anlass seines 150. Geburtstages. Schrftreihe Dtsch Gesell Gesch Nervenheilk, 10, 301-336.
  1628. Steinberg H (2004). Zum 150. Geburtstag des Leipziger Neurologen, Psychiaters und Medizinschriftstellers Paul Julius Möbius. Ärzteblatt Sachsen, 15(2), 68-70.
  1629. Deister A, Zeichner D, Roick C (2004). Ein regionales Budget für die Psychiatrie. Erste Erfahrungen aus einem Modellprojekt. psychoneuro, 30(5), 285-288.
  1630. Günther P, Kopf A (2004). Hashimoto-Enzephalopathie. Psychiat Prax, 31(6), 310-312.
  1631. Grunwald M (2004). Worlds of Feeling. Sci Am Mind, 14, 56-61.
  1632. Grunwald M (2004). Gefühlte Welten. Gehirn und Geist, 3, 18-23.
  1633. Demyttenaere K, Bruffaerts R, Posada-Villa J, Gasquet I, Kovess V, Lepine JP, Angermeyer MC et al (2004). Prevalence, severity, and unmet need for treatment of mental disorders in the World Health Organization World Mental Health Surveys. JAMA, 291(21), 2581-2590.
  1634. Alonso J, Angermeyer MC, Bernert S, Bruffaerts R, Brugha TS, Bryson H, Girolamo G, Graaf R, Demyttenaere K, Gasquet I, Haro JM, Katz SJ, Kessler RC, Kovess V, Lepine JP, Ormel J, Polidori G, Russo LJ, (2004). Psychotropic drug utilization in Europe: results from the European Study of the Epidemiology of Mental Disorders (ESEMeD) project. Acta Psychiatr Scand Suppl, (420), 55-64.
  1635. Alonso J, Angermeyer MC, Bernert S, Bruffaerts R, Brugha TS, Bryson H, Girolamo G, Graaf R, Demyttenaere K, Gasquet I, Haro JM, Katz SJ, Kessler RC, Kovess V, Lepine JP, Ormel J, Polidori G, Russo LJ, (2004). Use of mental health services in Europe: results from the European Study of the Epidemiology of Mental Disorders (ESEMeD) project. Acta Psychiatr Scand, (420), 47-54.
  1636. Alonso J, Angermeyer MC, Bernert S, Bruffaerts R, Brugha TS, Bryson H, Girolamo G, Graaf R, Demyttenaere K, Gasquet I, Haro JM, Katz SJ, Kessler RC, Kovess V, Lepine JP, Ormel J, Polidori G, Russo LJ, (2004). Disability and quality of life impact of mental disorders in Europe: results from the European Study of the Epidemiology of Mental Disorders (ESEMeD) project. Acta Psychiatr Scand, 420, 38-46.
  1637. Alonso J, Angermeyer MC, Bernert S, Bruffaerts R, Brugha TS, Bryson H, Girolamo G, Graaf R, Demyttenaere K, Gasquet I, Haro JM, Katz SJ, Kessler RC, Kovess V, Lepine JP, Ormel J, Polidori G, Russo LJ, (2004). 12-Month comorbidity patterns and associated factors in Europe: results from the European Study of the Epidemiology of Mental Disorders (ESEMeD) project. Acta Psychiatr Scand, 420, 28-37.
  1638. Alonso J, Angermeyer MC, Bernert S, Bruffaerts R, Brugha TS, Bryson H, Girolamo G, Graaf R, Demyttenaere K, Gasquet I, Haro JM, Katz SJ, Kessler RC, Kovess V, Lepine JP, Ormel J, Polidori G, Russo LJ, (2004). Prevalence of mental disorders in Europe: results from the European Study of the Epidemiology of Mental Disorders (ESEMeD) project. Acta Psychiatr Scand, 420, 21-27.
  1639. Alonso J, Angermeyer MC, Bernert S, Bruffaerts R, Brugha TS, Bryson H, Girolamo G, Graaf R, Demyttenaere K, Gasquet I, Haro JM, Katz SJ, Kessler RC, Kovess V, Lepine JP, Ormel J, Polidori G, Russo LJ, (2004). Sampling and methods of the European Study of the Epidemiology of Mental Disorders (ESEMeD) project. Acta Psychiatr Scand, 420, 8-20.
  1640. Alonso J, Angermeyer MC, Lepine JP (2004). The European Study of the Epidemiology of Mental Disorders (ESEMeD) project: an epidemiological basis for informing mental health policies in Europe. Acta Psychiatr Scand, 420, 5-7.
  1641. Kilian R, Angermeyer MC, Becker T (2004). Methodolocical issues of naturalistic observational studies on the economic evaluation of schizophrenia drug treatment Gesundheitswesen, 66(3), 180-185.
  1642. Froelich L, Gertz HJ, Heun R, Heuser I, Jendroska K, Kornhuber J, Kurz A, Mueller-Thomsen T, Ries F, Waechtler C, Metz M, Goebel C (2004). Donepezil for Alzheimer's disease in clinical practice - The DONALD Study. A multicenter 24-week clinical trial in Germany. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord, 18(1), 37-43.
  1643. Kurz A, Gertz HJ, Monsch A, Adler G (2004). Dementias: communication between doctor, patient and relatives Dtsch Med Wochenschr, 129(5), 199-203.
  1644. Schöffski O, Böcker C, Marschall D, Quasi A, Roick C, Schöffski P, Schwandt M, Sohn S (2004). Was wissen Medizinstudenten vom Gesundheitswesen? Gesundheitsökonomie & Qualitätsmanagment, 9, 116-122.
  1645. Roick C, Kilian R, Angermeyer MC (2004). Zur Aussagefähigkeit gesundheitsökonomischer Analysen in der Psychiatrie: eine Untersuchung am Beispiel der indirekten Kosten schizophrener Psychosen. In: Vogel H, Wasem J, Gesundheitsökonomie in Psychotherapie und Psychiatrie (S. 21-31), Stuttgart: Schattauer.
  1646. Kilian R, Roick C, Becker T, Angermeyer MC (2004). Methodische Probleme und Lösungsansätze der Kostenerfassung und der Kostenanalyse in der psychiatrischen Versorgung am Beispiel der Kosten der Schizophreniebehandlung. In: Vogel H, Wasem J, Gesundheitsökonomie in Psychotherapie und Psychiatrie. (S. 76-99), Stuttgart: Schattauer.
  1647. Welte R, König HH, Jager JC, Leidl R (2004). Assessment of indirect costs of injecting drug use: which methods should be employed? In: Jager JC, Limburg W, Kretschmar M, Postma M, Wiess, Hepatitis C and injecting drug use: impact, costs and policy options. (S. 249-267), Lissabon: European Monitoring Centre for Drug Addiction (EMC.
  1648. Born A, Becker T (2004). Psychiatrische Rehabilitation im internationalen Vergleich. In: Rössler W, Psychiatrische Rehabilitation. (S. 889-904), Berlin: Springer.
  1649. Angermeyer MC, Roick C, Becker T, Kilian R (2004). Cost-effectiveness of mental health service systems in the European comparison. In: Kirch W, Public Health in Europe. (S. 189-201), Berlin: Springer.
  1650. Wilms HU, Wittmund B, Mory C (2004). Ein bisschen Angst hat schließlich jeder ... - Ein Erfahrungsbuch für Betroffene und Angehörige. In: Wilms HU, Wittmund B, Mory C, Ein bisschen Angst hat schließlich jeder ... - Ein Erfahrungsbuch für Betroffene und Angehörige. (S. 1-240), Dortmund: Borgmann.
  1651. Steinberg H (2004). Paul Julius Möbius (1853-1907). Eine Erinnerung an Leben und Werk aus Anlass seines 150. Geburtstages. In: Bock WJ, Holdorff B, Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Nervenheilkunde: Band 10 (S. 155-243), Würzburg: Königshausen und Neumann.

  1652. 2003

  1653. Winkler I, Buyantugs L, Petscheleit A, Kilian R, Angermeyer MC, WHOQOL-OLD Group (2003). Die interkulturelle Erfassung der Lebensqualität im Alter: Das WHOQOL-OLD-Projekt. Z Gerontopsychol & -psychiatr, 16(4), 177-192.