1. Stroske I, Geue K, Friedrich M, Sender A, Schmidt R, Richter D, Leuteritz K (2021). Health Behavior and Associated Factors in Young Adult Cancer Patients. Front. Psychol., 12, 697096.

  2. 2020

  3. Sender A, Friedrich M, Schmidt R, Geue K (2020). Cancer-specific distress, supportive care needs and satisfaction with psychosocial care in young adult cancer survivors. Eur J Oncol Nurs, 44(), 101708.

  4. 2019

  5. Hilbert A, Petroff D, Herpertz S, Pietrowsky R, Tuschen-Caffier B, Vocks S, Schmidt R (2019). Meta-analysis of the efficacy of psychological and medical treatments for binge-eating disorder. J Consult Clin Psychol, 87, 91-105.
  6. Blume M, Schmidt R, Hilbert A (2019). Abnormalities in the EEG power spectrum in bulimia nervosa, binge-eating disorder, and obesity: A systematic review. Eur Eat Disord Rev, 27, 124-136.
  7. Puls HC, Schmidt R, Hilbert A (2019). Therapist adherence and therapeutic alliance in individual cognitive-behavioural therapy for adolescent binge-eating disorder. Eur Eat Disord Rev, 27, 182-194.
  8. Eichler J, Schmidt R, Hiemisch A, Kiess W, Hilbert A (2019). Gestational weight gain, physical activity, sleep problems, substance use, and food intake as proximal risk factors of stress and depressive symptoms during pregnancy. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth, 19, 175.
  9. Eichler J, Schmidt R, Poulain T, Hiemisch A, Kiess W, Hilbert A (2019). Stability, Continuity, and Bi-Directional Associations of Parental Feeding Practices and Standardized Child Body Mass Index in Children from 2 to 12 Years of Age. Nutrients, 11, 1751.
  10. Schmidt R, Hiemisch A, Kiess W, Hilbert A (2019). Interaction Effects of Child Weight Status and Parental Feeding Practices on Children's Eating Disorder Symptomatology. Nutrients, 11(10), 2433.
  11. Schmidt R, Kirsten T, Hiemisch A, Kiess W, Hilbert A (2019). Interview-based assessment of avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID): A pilot study evaluating an ARFID module for the Eating Disorder Examination. Int J Eat Disord, 52(4), 388-397.

  12. 2018

  13. Schmidt R, Vogel M, Hiemisch A, Kiess W, Hilbert A (2018). Pathological and non-pathological variants of restrictive eating behaviors in middle childhood: A latent class analysis. Appetite, 127, 257-265.
  14. Hilbert A, Kurz S, Dremmel D, Weihrauch Blüher S, Munsch S, Schmidt R (2018). Cue reactivity, habituation, and eating in the absence of hunger in children with loss of control eating and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Int J Eat Disord, 51(3), 223-232.
  15. Blume M, Schmidt R, Hilbert A (2018). Executive Functioning in Obesity, Food Addiction, and Binge-Eating Disorder. Nutrients, 11, 54.
  16. Pötzsch A, Rudolph A, Schmidt R, Hilbert A (2018). Two sides of weight bias in adolescent binge-eating disorder: Adolescents' perceptions and maternal attitudes. Int J Eat Disord, 51, 1339-1345.
  17. Schmidt R, Sebert C, Kösling C, Grunwald M, Hilbert A, Hübner C, Schäfer L (2018). Neuropsychological and Neurophysiological Indicators of General and Food-Specific Impulsivity in Children with Overweight and Obesity: A Pilot Study. Nutrients, 10, 1983.

  18. 2017

  19. Kliem S, Schmidt R, Vogel M, Hiemisch A, Kiess W, Hilbert A (2017). An 8-item short form of the Eating Disorder Examination-Questionnaire adapted for children (ChEDE-Q8). Int J Eat Disord, 50(6), 679-686.
  20. Blume M, Schmidt R, Hilbert A (2017). Biofeedback. Stellenwert in der Behandlung von Ess- und Gewichtsstörungen. Psychotherapeut, 62, 204-211.
  21. Kittel R, Schmidt R, Hilbert A (2017). Executive functions in adolescents with binge-eating disorder and obesity. Int J Eat Disord, 50(8), 933-941.
  22. Hilbert A, Hoek HW, Schmidt R (2017). Evidence-based clinical guidelines for eating disorders: international comparison. Curr Opin Psychiatry, 30(6), 423-437.
  23. Hilbert A, Petroff D, Herpertz S, Kersting A, Pietrowsky R, Tuschen-Caffier B, Vocks S, Schmidt R (2017). Meta-analysis of the effectiveness of psychological and medical treatments for binge-eating disorder (MetaBED): study protocol. BMJ Open, 7(3), e013655.
  24. Geue K, Schmidt R, Sender A, Friedrich M (2017). Junge Erwachsene mit Krebs - Schmerzerleben und Lebenszufriedenheit. Schmerz, 31(1), 23-30.
  25. Schmidt R, Richter R, Brauhardt A, Hiemisch A, Kiess W, Hilbert A (2017). Parental feeding practices in families with children aged 2-13 years: Psychometric properties and child age-specific norms of the German version of the Child Feeding Questionnaire (CFQ). Appetite, 109, 154-164.

  26. 2016

  27. Hübner C, Schmidt R, Selle J, Köhler H, Müller A, de Zwaan M, Hilbert A (2016). Comparing Self-Report Measures of Internalized Weight Stigma: The Weight Self-Stigma Questionnaire versus the Weight Bias Internalization Scale. PLOS ONE, 11(10), e0165566.
  28. Tetzlaff A, Schmidt R, Brauhardt A, Hilbert A (2016). Family Functioning in Adolescents with Binge-Eating Disorder. Eur Eat Disord Rev, 24, 430-433.
  29. Schmidt R, Lüthold P, Kittel R, Tetzlaff A, Hilbert A (2016). Visual attentional bias for food in adolescents with binge-eating disorder. J Psychiatr Res, 80, 22-29.
  30. Schmidt R, Tetzlaff A, Hilbert A (2016). Validity of the Brief Dyadic Scale of Expressed Emotion in Adolescents. Compr Psychiatry, 66, 23-30.
  31. Schlüter N, Schmidt R, Kittel R, Tetzlaff A, Hilbert A (2016). Loss of control eating in adolescents from the community. Int J Eat Disord, 49(4), 413-420.
  32. Schmidt R, Richter D, Sender A, Geue K (2016). Motivations for having children after cancer - a systematic review of the literature. Eur J Cancer Care, 25(1), 6-17.

  33. 2015

  34. Schmidt R, Tetzlaff A, Hilbert A (2015). Perceived Expressed Emotion in Adolescents with Binge-Eating Disorder. J Abnorm Child Psychol, 43(7), 1369-1377.
  35. Geue K, Schmidt R, Sender A, Sauter S, Friedrich M (2015). Sexuality and romantic relationships in young adult cancer survivors: satisfaction and supportive care needs. Psycho-Oncology, 24(11), 1368-1376.
  36. Hilbert A, Brähler E, Schmidt R, Löwe B, Häuser W, Zenger M (2015). Self-Compassion as a Resource in the Self-Stigma Process of Overweight and Obese Individuals. Obes Facts, 8(5), 293-301.
  37. Geue K, Schmidt R, Nielsen T, Hilgendorf I, Kropp P, Richter D, Sender A, Friedrich M, Brähler E, Stöbel-Richter Y (2015). Erweiterung des Leipziger Fragebogens zu Kinderwunschmotiven (LKM) für den Einsatz in der Onkologie - Testkonstruktion und psychometrische Überprüfung. Psychother Psych Med, 65(3-4), 119-125.

  38. 2014

  39. Geue K, Richter D, Schmidt R, Sender A, Siedentopf F, Brähler E, Stöbel-Richter Y (2014). The desire for children and fertility issues among young german cancer survivors. J Adolesc Health, 54(5), 527-535.
  40. Geue K, Sender A, Schmidt R, Richter D, Hinz A, Schulte T, Brähler E, Stöbel-Richter Y (2014). Gender-specific quality of life after cancer in young adulthood: a comparison with the general population. Qual Life Res, 23(4), 1377-1386.