1. Spangenberg L, Friedrich M, Forkmann T, Hallensleben N, Schönfelder A, Rath D, Paashaus L, Teismann T, Glaesmer H (2023). Phenotyping suicidal ideation and behavior: Comparing clinical characteristics and future suicide attempts between suicidal subtypes in two clinical samples. Int J Methods Psychiatr Res, 32(1), e1940.
  2. Conrad K, Forkmann T, Schreiber D, Teismann T, Glaesmer H, Spangenberg L, Schönfelder A, Hallensleben N, Paashaus L, Juckel G, Höller I (2023). Understanding suicidal ideation - a network analysis of the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire. PLoS One, 18(11), 0293026.

  3. 2022

  4. Brüdern J, Hallensleben N, Höller I, Spangenberg L, Forkmann T, Rath D, Strauß M, Kersting A, Glaesmer H (2022). Sleep disturbances predict active suicidal ideation the next day: an ecological momentary assessment study. BMC Psychiatry, 22(1), 65.
  5. Lucht L, Spangenberg L, Forkmann T, Hallensleben N, Rath D, Strauss M, Glaesmer H (2022). Association of real-time assessed mood, affect and suicidal ideation in psychiatric inpatients with unipolar depression. Clin Psychol Psychother, 29(5), 1580-1586.
  6. Lucht L, Hallensleben N, Willhardt N, Forkmann T, Rath D, Glaesmer H, Spangenberg L (2022). Daily impulsivity: Associations with suicidal ideation in unipolar depressive psychiatric inpatients. Psychiatry Res, 308, 114357.

  7. 2021

  8. Rath D, Teismann T, Schmitz F, Glaesmer H, Hallensleben N, Paashaus L, Spangenberg L, Schönfelder A, Juckel G, Forkmann T (2021). Predicting suicidal behavior by implicit associations with death? Examination of the death IAT in two inpatient samples of differing suicide risk. Psychol Assess, 33(4), 287-299.
  9. Hallensleben N, Rath D (2021). Epidemiologie, Risiko- und Protektivfaktoren suizidalen Erlebens und Verhaltens. In: Teismann T, Forkmann T, Glaesmer H (Hg.), Suizidales Erleben und Verhalten - Ein Handbuch. (S. 26-45), Köln: Psychiatrie Verlag.

  10. 2020

  11. Hallensleben N, Glaesmer H, Forkmann T, Rath D, Strauss M, Kersting A, Spangenberg L (2020). How is the Presence of Company Related to Thwarted Belongingness in Real Time? Taking a Closer Look at the Conceptualization of the Construct of the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, 4873.
  12. Schwerdtfeger KA, Bahramsoltani M, Spangenberg L, Hallensleben N, Glaesmer H (2020). Depression, suicidal ideation and suicide risk in German veterinarians compared with the general German population. Vet Rec, 186(15), e2.
  13. Höller I, Teismann T, Cwik JC, Glaesmer H, Spangenberg L, Hallensleben N, Paashaus L, Rath D, Schönfelder A, Juckel G, Forkmann T (2020). Short defeat and entrapment scale: A psychometric investigation in three German samples. Compr Psychiatry, 98, 152160.
  14. Stenzel JS, Höller I, Rath D, Hallensleben N, Spangenberg L, Glaesmer H, Forkmann T (2020). Do Feelings of Defeat and Entrapment Change over Time? An Investigation of the Integrated Motivational-Volitional Model of Suicidal Behaviour Using Ecological Momentary Assessments. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, 4685.
  15. Upegui-Arango LD, Forkmann T, Nielsen T, Hallensleben N, Glaesmer H, Spangenberg L, Teismann T, Juckel G, Boecker M (2020). Psychometric evaluation of the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire (INQ) using item analysis according to the Rasch model. PLoS One, 15(8), 0232030.

  16. 2019

  17. Hallensleben N, Glaesmer H, Forkmann T, Rath D, Strauss M, Kersting A, Spangenberg L (2019). Predicting suicidal ideation by interpersonal variables, hopelessness and depression in real-time. An ecological momentary assessment study in psychiatric inpatients with depression. Eur Psychiatry, 56, 43-50.
  18. Schönfelder A, Hallensleben N, Spangenberg L, Forkmann T, Rath D, Glaesmer H (2019). The role of childhood abuse for suicidality in the context of the interpersonal theory of suicide: An investigation in German psychiatric inpatients with depression. J Affect Disord, 245, 788-797.
  19. Spangenberg L, Glaesmer H, Hallensleben N, Schönfelder A, Rath D, Forkmann T, Teismann T (2019). Psychometric properties of the German version of the suicide cognitions scale in two clinical samples. Psychiatry Res, 274, 254-262.
  20. Kleine A-K, Hallensleben N, Mehnert A, Hönig K, Ernst J (2019). Psychological interventions targeting partners of cancer patients: A systematic review. Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology, 140, 52-66.
  21. Spangenberg L, Glaesmer H, Hallensleben N, Rath D, Forkmann T (2019). (In)stability of Capability for Suicide in Psychiatric Inpatients: Longitudinal Assessment Using Ecological Momentary Assessments. Suicide Life Threat Behav, 49(6), 1560-1572.
  22. Lorenz I, Bodschwinna D, Hallensleben N, Döhner H, Niederwieser D, Zimmermann T, Mehnert A, Gündel H, Ernst J, Hoenig K (2019). INPART - a psycho-oncological intervention for partners of patients with haemato-oncological disease - study protocol. BMC Cancer, 19, 885.
  23. Rath D, de Beurs D, Hallensleben N, Spangenberg L, Glaesmer H, Forkmann T (2019). Modelling suicide ideation from beep to beep: Application of network analysis to ecological momentary assessment data. Internet Interv, 18, 100292.

  24. 2018

  25. Hallensleben N, Spangenberg L, Forkmann T, Rath D, Hegerl U, Kersting A, Kallert TW, Glaesmer H (2018). Investigating the Dynamics of Suicidal Ideation. Crisis, 39(1), 65-69.
  26. Glaesmer H, Kapusta ND, Teismann T, Wagner B, Hallensleben N, Spangenberg L, Forkmann T (2018). Psychometrische Eigenschaften der deutschen Version des Suicide Behaviors Questionnaire Revised (SBQ-R). Psychother Psychosom Med Psychol, 68, 346-352.
  27. Forkmann T, Spangenberg L, Rath D, Hallensleben N, Hegerl U, Kersting A, Glaesmer H (2018). Assessing suicidality in real time: A psychometric evaluation of self-report items for the assessment of suicidal ideation and its proximal risk factors using ecological momentary assessments. J Abnorm Psychol, 127, 758-769.
  28. Rath D, Hallensleben N, Glaesmer H, Spangenberg L, Strauss M, Kersting A, Teismann T, Forkmann T (2018). Implizite Assoziationen mit dem Tod: Erste Validierung einer deutschen Version des Impliziten Assoziationstests für Suizidalität (Suizid-IAT). Psychother Psychosom Med Psychol, 68, 109-117.

  29. 2017

  30. Glaesmer H, Hallensleben N, Forkmann T, Spangenberg L, Kapusta N, Teismann T (2017). Testing the main prediction of the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide in a representative sample of the German general population. J Affect Disord, 211, 150-152.
  31. Berwig M, Heinrich S, Spahlholz J, Hallensleben N, Brähler E, Gertz HJ (2017). Individualized support for informal caregivers of people with dementia - effectiveness of the German adaptation of REACH II. BMC Geriatr, 17(1), 286.

  32. 2016

  33. Spangenberg L, Hallensleben N, Friedrich M, Teismann T, Kapusta ND, Glaesmer H (2016). Dimensionality, psychometric properties and Population-based norms of the German version of the Revised Acquired Capability for Suicide Scale (ACSS-FAD). Psychiatry Res, 238, 46-52.
  34. Hallensleben N, Spangenberg L, Kapusta ND, Forkmann T, Glaesmer H (2016). The German version of the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire (INQ) - Dimensionality, psychometric properties and population-based norms. J Affect Disord, 195, 191-198.

  35. 2014

  36. Heinrich S, Berwig M, Simon A, Jänichen J, Hallensleben N, Nickel W, Hinz A, Brähler E, Gertz HJ (2014). German adaptation of the Resources for Enhancing Alzheimers Caregiver Health II: study protocol of a single-centred, randomised controlled trial. BMC Geriatr, 14, 21.