1. Schulz-Kornas E, Tittel M, Schneider H, Bemmann M, Pellino M, Meissner T, Fuchs F, Hannig C, Tetschke F, Park KJ, Strumpski M, Haak R (2024). Tooth-composite bond failure with a universal and an etch-and-rinse adhesive depending on mode and frequency of application. Dent Mater, (40), 359-369.

  2. 2022

  3. Park KJ, Meißner T, Günther E, Schmalz G, Kottmann T, Krause F, Haak R, Ziebolz D (2022). Arrest of root caries with an adjuvant chlorhexidine-fluoride varnish over a 12-months observation period: a QLF-analyzed, placebo-controlled, randomized, clinical trial (RCT). Odontology, 110(1), 193-202.
  4. Haak R, Schäfer P, Hanßen B, Ziebolz D, Park KJ, Häfer M, Schmalz G, Schneider H (2022). OCT Evaluation of Marginal and Internal Interface Integrity of Class V Composite Restorations after 36 to 48 Months. J Adhes Dent, 24(1), 165-174.
  5. Park KJ, Pfeffer M, Näke T, Schneider H, Ziebolz D, Haak R (2022). Correction to: Evaluation of low-viscosity bulk-fill composites regarding marginal and internal adaptation. Odontology, 110(2), 417.
  6. Kreher D, Park KJ, Schmalz G, Schulz-Kornas E, Haak R, Ziebolz D (2022). Evaluation of quantitative light-induced fluorescence to assess lesion depth in cavitated and non-cavitated root caries lesions - An in vitro study. Photodiagnosis Photodyn Ther, 37(), 102675.
  7. Merle CL, Fortenbacher M, Schneider H, Schmalz G, Challakh N, Park KJ, Häfer M, Ziebolz D, Haak R (2022). Clinical and OCT assessment of application modes of a universal adhesive in a 12-month RCT. J Dent, 119(), 104068.

  8. 2021

  9. Haak R, Nake T, Park KJ, Ziebolz D, Krause F, Schneider H (2021). Correction to: Internal and marginal adaptation of high-viscosity bulk-fill composites in class II cavities placed with different adhesive strategies. Odontology, 107(3), 418-419.
  10. Park KJ, Voigt A, Schneider H, Ziebolz D, Haak R (2021). Light-based diagnostic methods for the in vivo assessment of initial caries lesions: Laser fluorescence, QLF and OCT. Photodiagnosis Photodyn Ther, 34(), 102270.
  11. Kreher D, Park KJ, Schmalz G, Schulz-Kornas E, Haak R, Ziebolz D (2021). Evaluation of quantitative light-induced fluorescence to assess lesion depth in cavitated and non-cavitated root caries lesions - An in vitro study. Photodiagnosis Photodyn Ther, 37, 102675.

  12. 2020

  13. Park KJ, Pfeffer M, Näke T, Schneider H, Ziebolz D, Haak R (2020). Evaluation of low-viscosity bulk-fill composites regarding marginal and internal adaptation. Odontology, 109(1), 139-148.
  14. Günther E, Park KJ, Meißner T, Kottmann T, Schmalz G, Haak R, Ziebolz D (2020). Assessment of non-cavitated root caries lesions by quantitative light-induced fluorescence-An in vivo feasibility study. Photodiagnosis Photodyn Ther, 30, 101671.

  15. 2019

  16. Haak R, Nake T, Park KJ, Ziebolz D, Krause F, Schneider H (2019). Internal and marginal adaptation of high-viscosity bulk-fill composites in class II cavities placed with different adhesive strategies. Odontology, 107(3), 374-382.
  17. Krause F, Köhler C, Rüger C, Park KJ, Ziebolz D, Schneider H, Haak R (2019). Visualization of the pulp chamber roof and residual dentin thickness by spectral-domain optical coherence tomography in vitro Lasers in Medical Science , 34(5), 973-980.
  18. Haak R, Hahnel M, Schneider H, Rosolowski M, Park KJ, Ziebolz D, Hafer M (2019). Clinical and OCT outcomes of a universal adhesive in a randomized clinical trial after 12 months. J Dent, 90, 103200.
  19. Park KJ, Kroker T, Gross U, Zimmermann O, Krause F, Haak R, Ziebolz D (2019). Effectiveness of caries-preventing agents on initial carious lesions within the scope of orthodontic therapy. Korean J Orthod, 49(4), 246-253.
  20. Krause F, Schmalz G, Park KJ, Schmidt J, Ziebolz D, Schneider H, Haak R (2019). Evaluation of calculus imaging on root surfaces by spectral-domain optical coherence tomography. Photodiagnosis Photodyn Ther, 25, 275-279.
  21. Park KJ, Schneider H, Haak R (2019). Der Blick unter Füllungen ist möglich - Frühdiagnostik von Kompositrestaurationen mit optischer Kohärenztomografie. SIZ, 00, 00.
  22. Park KJ (2019). Optische Kohärenztomografie (OCT) - Ein Ausblick Dentista, 13(4), 28-30.

  23. 2018

  24. Park, KJ, Schneider, H, Ziebolz, D, Krause F, Haak R (2018). Optical coherence tomography to evaluate variance in the extent of carious lesions in depth Lasers in Medical Science, 33(7), 1573-1579.
  25. Haak R, Schmidt P, Park K-J, Häfer M, Krause F, Ziebolz D, Schneider H (2018). OCT for early quality evaluation of tooth-composite bond in clinical trials. J Dent , 76, 46-51.

  26. 2017

  27. Schneider H, Park KJ, Häfer M, Rüger C, Schmalz G, Krause F, Schmidt J, Ziebolz D, Haak R (2017). Dental Applications of Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) in Cariology. Applied Sciences, 7(5), 472.
  28. Park KJ, Haak R, Ziebolz D, Krause F, Schneider H (2017). OCT assessment of non-cavitated occlusal carious lesions by variation of incidence angle of probe light and refractive index matching. Journal of Dentistry, 62, 31-35.
  29. Schneider H, Park KJ, Rueger C, Ziebolz D, Krause F, Haak R (2017). Imaging resin infiltration into non-cavitated carious lesions by optical coherence tomography. J Dent, 60, 94-98.

  30. 2015

  31. Park KJ, Schneider H, Haak R (2015). Assessment of defects at tooth/self-adhering flowable composite interface using swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT). Dental Mater, 31(5), 534-541.

  32. 2013

  33. Park K-J, Schneider H, Haak R (2013). Assessment of interfacial defects at composite restorations by swept source OCT. J Biomed Opt, 18(7), 076018.

  34. 2012

  35. Haak R, Park K, Krause F (2012). Kariesdiagnostik. Zahnmedizin up2date, 1, 35-54.