1. White LO, Sprengeler, KS, Schulz, CS, Keil J, Sierau S, Schlesier-Michel A, von Klitzing Khulz CC, Schlesier-Michel A, Schlensog-Schuster F (2023). Empirische Arbeit: Ich-Flexibilität als Schutzfaktor bei Misshandlung im AMIS-Projekt Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht, 70, 21-34.
  2. White L, Müller Z, Schlesier-Michel A, Radeloff D, von Klitzing K, Keil J (2023). Schlafverhalten vermittelt den Einfluss von Kindesmisshandlung auf depressive Symptome bei Mädchen Kindheit und Entwicklung 32 , 2, 95-106.

  3. 2022

  4. Schlensog-Schuster F, Keil J, Von Klitzing K, Gniewosz G, Schulz CC, Schlesier-Michel A, Mayer S, Stadelmann S, Döhnert M, Klein AM, Sierau S, Manly JT, Sheridan MA, White LO (2022). From Maltreatment to Psychiatric Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence: The Relevance of Emotional Maltreatment. Child Maltreat, (), 10775595221134248.

  5. 2020

  6. Stadelmann S, Schlesier-Michel A, White LO, von Klitzing K, Döhnert M (2020). [LIFE Child Depression - a prospective longitudinal cohort study on the origin of depressive disorders between childhood and early adulthood]. Z Psychosom Med Psychother, 66(4), 402-417.

  7. 2019

  8. Keil J, Perren S, Schlesier-Michel A, Sticca F, Sierau S, Klein AM, Steinbeis N, von Klitzing K, White LO (2019). Getting less than their fair share: Maltreated youth are hyper-cooperative yet vulnerable to exploitation in a public goods game. Dev Sci, 22(3), 12765-.
  9. Klein AM, Schlesier-Michel A, Otto Y, White LO, Andreas A, Sierau S, Bergmann S, Perren S, von Klitzing K (2019). Latent trajectories of internalizing symptoms from preschool to school age: A multi-informant study in a high-risk sample. Dev Psychopathol, 31(2), 657-681.

  10. 2018

  11. Klein AM, Schlesier-Michel A, Otto Y, White LO, Andreas A, Sierau S, Bergmann S, Perren S, von Klitzing K (2018). Latent trajectories of internalizing symptoms from preschool to school age: A multi-informant study in a high-risk sample. Dev Psychopathol, 29, 1-25.

  12. 2017

  13. Keil J, Michel A, Sticca F, Leipold K, Klein AM, Sierau S, von Klitzing K, White LO (2017). The Pizzagame: A virtual public goods game to assess cooperative behavior in children and adolescents. Behav Res Methods, 49(4), 1432-1443.
  14. Sierau S, Brand T, Manly JT, Schlesier-Michel A, Klein AM, Andreas A, Garzon LQ, Keil J, Binser MJ, von Klitzing K, White LO (2017). A Multisource Approach to Assessing Child Maltreatment From Records, Caregivers, and Children. Child Maltreat, 22(1), 45-57.
  15. White LO, Ising M, von Klitzing K, Sierau S, Michel A, Klein AM, Andreas A, Keil J, Quintero L, Muller-Myhsok B, Uhr M, Gausche R, Manly JT, Crowley MJ, Kirschbaum C, Stalder T (2017). Reduced hair cortisol after maltreatment mediates externalizing symptoms in middle childhood and adolescence. J Child Psychol Psychiatry, 58(9), 998-1007.
  16. White LO, Ising M, von Klitzing K, Sierau S, Michel A, Klein AM, Müller-Myhsok B, Uhr M, Crowley MJ, Kirschbaum C, Stalder T (2017). Commentary: The importance of exploring dose-dependent, subtype-specific, and age-related effects of maltreatment on the HPA axis and the mediating link to psychopathology. A response to Fisher (2017). J Child Psychol Psychiatry, 58(9), 1011-1013.
  17. Andreas A, Otto Y, Stadelmann S, Schlesier-Michel A, von Klitzing K, Klein AM (2017). Gender specificity of children?s narrative representations in predicting depressive symptoms at early school Age. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 26(1), 148-160.

  18. 2016

  19. Bergmann S, Schlesier-Michel A, Wendt V, Grube M, Keitel-Korndorfer A, Gausche R, von Klitzing K, Klein AM (2016). Maternal Weight Predicts Childrens Psychosocial Development via Parenting Stress and Emotional Availability. Front Psychol, 7, 1156.

  20. 2015

  21. Titzmann PF, Gniewosz B, Michel A (2015). Two sides of a story: mothers and adolescents agreement on child disclosure in immigrant and native families. J Youth Adolesc, 44(1), 155-169.
  22. White LO, Klein AM, Kirschbaum C, Kurz-Adam M, Uhr M, Müller-Myhsok B, Hoffmann K, Sierau S, Michel A, Stalder T, Horlich J, Keil J, Andreas A, Resch L, Binser MJ, Costa A, Giourges E, Neudecker E, Wolf C, Scheuer S, Ising M, von Klitzing K (2015). Analyzing pathways from childhood maltreatment to internalizing symptoms and disorders in children and adolescents (AMIS): a study protocol. BMC Psychiatry, 15, 126.

  23. 2014

  24. Michel A, Keil J, Andreas A, White LO, Sierau S, Costa A, Kurz-Adam M, Tsapos N, Klein, A (2014). Folgen von Vernachlässigung im Kindes-und Jugendalter. Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde, 162(12), 1090-1096.
  25. Sierau S, Resch L, Michel A, Horlich J, Dehmel S, Tsapos N, Binser M, Kurz-Adam M, White LO (2014). Definition und Beschreibung von Vernachlässigung im Kindes-und Jugendalter. Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde, 162(12), 1084-1089.
  26. Silbereisen RK, Titzmann PF, Michel A, Sagi-Schwartz A, Lavee Y, Mehlhausen-Hassoen D (2014). Transitions to romantic involvement and living together: A comparison of psychosocial outcomes between natives and immigrants in Germany. In: Silbereisen RK, Titzmann PF, Shavit Y, The challenges of Diaspora migration: Interdisciplinary perspectives on Israel and Germany. (S. 211-229), Surrey: Ashgate.
  27. Titzmann PF, Silbereisen RK, Michel A, Lavee Y, Sagi-Schwartz A, Mehlhausen-Hassoen D (2014). Transitions to romantic involvement and living together: A comparison of psychosocial outcomes between natives and immigrants in Israel. In: Silbereisen RK, Titzmann PF, Shavit Y, The challenges of Diaspora migration: Interdisciplinary perspectives on Israel and Germany. (S. 231-248), Surrey: Ashgate.

  28. 2013

  29. Schulz S, Titzmann PF, Michel A (2013). Jugendliche Übersetzer: Language Brokering in russischen Migrantenfamilien in Deutschland Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie, 45(3), 161-171.