1. Bergmann S, Klein AM (2023). Editorial. Prax Kinderpsychol Kinderpsychiatr, 72(4), 283-286.

  2. 2022

  3. Schlensog-Schuster F, Klein AM, Biringen Z, von Klitzing K, Bergmann S (2022). Maternal sensitivity and intrusiveness in early childhood as predictors of children's weight at school age. Pediatr Obes, 17(1), e12842.
  4. Schlensog-Schuster F, Keil J, Von Klitzing K, Gniewosz G, Schulz CC, Schlesier-Michel A, Mayer S, Stadelmann S, Döhnert M, Klein AM, Sierau S, Manly JT, Sheridan MA, White LO (2022). From Maltreatment to Psychiatric Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence: The Relevance of Emotional Maltreatment. Child Maltreat, (), 10775595221134248.

  5. 2021

  6. White LO, Bornemann B, Crowley MJ, Sticca F, Vrti?ka P, Stadelmann S, Otto Y, Klein AM, von Klitzing K (2021). Exclusion Expected? Cardiac Slowing Upon Peer Exclusion Links Preschool Parent Representations to School-Age Peer Relationships. Child Dev, , .
  7. White LO, Bornemann B, Crowley MJ, Sticca F, Vrti?ka P, Stadelmann S, Otto Y, Klein AM, von Klitzing K (2021). Exclusion Expected? Cardiac Slowing Upon Peer Exclusion Links Preschool Parent Representations to School-Age Peer Relationships. Child Dev, X, X.
  8. Klein AM, Bergmann S, Keitel-Korndörfer A, Midgley N, Müller-Göttken T, von Klitzing K, White LO (2021). [Evaluation of Short-term Psychoanalytic Child Therapy (PaCT) for Young Children with Depressive Disorders: Results from a Pilot Study]. Prax Kinderpsychol Kinderpsychiatr, 70(5), 445-464.
  9. White LO, Bornemann B, Crowley MJ, Sticca F, Vrti?ka P, Stadelmann S, Otto Y, Klein AM, von Klitzing K (2021). Exclusion Expected? Cardiac Slowing Upon Peer Exclusion Links Preschool Parent Representations to School-Age Peer Relationships. Child Dev, 92(4), 1274-1290.

  10. 2020

  11. Sierau S, Warmingham J, White LO, Klein AM, von Klitzing K (2020). Childhood Emotional and Conduct Problems in Childhood and Adolescence Differentially Associated with Intergenerational Maltreatment Continuity and Parental Internalizing Symptoms. J Abnorm Child Psychol, 48(1), 29-42.
  12. Stadelmann S, Netzl, J, Daehne, V, White LO, Klein, AM, von Klitzing K, Döhnert M (2020). Kindliche narrative Kohärenz als Prädiktor für spätere soziale Kompetenz und positive Peerbeziehungen Kindheit und Entwicklung, 29, 229-238.
  13. Paech C, Ebel V, Wagner F, Stadelmann S, Klein AM, Döhnert M, Dähnert I, Gebauer RA (2020). Quality of life and psychological co-morbidities in children and adolescents with cardiac pacemakers and implanted defibrillators: a cohort study in Eastern Germany. Cardiol Young, 30, 549-559.
  14. Bergmann, S, Klein, A (2020). Fathers? Emotional Availability with Their Children: Determinants and Consequences In: Fitzgerald, HE, von Klitzing, K, Cabrera, N, Scarano de Mendonça, J, Skjøthaug, Th, Handbook of Fathers and Child Development (S. 0-0), New York: Springer.

  15. 2019

  16. White LO, Schulz C, Klein AM, von Klitzing K (2019). Declining effects of child maltreatment on mental health in the elderly: Another nail in the coffin of the deficit model of aging or a healthy survivor bias?: A comment on Rapsey, Scott and Patterson's 25-year longitudinal study. J Affect Disord, 1, 1-2.
  17. Ullmann E, Licinio J, Perry SW, White LO, Klein AM, Barthel A, Petrowski K, Stalder T, Oratovski B, von Klitzing K, Bornstein SR, Kirschbaum C (2019). Inherited anxiety-related parent-infant dyads alter LHPA activity. Stress, 22(1), 27-35.
  18. Keil J, Perren S, Schlesier-Michel A, Sticca F, Sierau S, Klein AM, Steinbeis N, von Klitzing K, White LO (2019). Getting less than their fair share: Maltreated youth are hyper-cooperative yet vulnerable to exploitation in a public goods game. Dev Sci, 22(3), 12765-.
  19. Klein AM, Schlesier-Michel A, Otto Y, White LO, Andreas A, Sierau S, Bergmann S, Perren S, von Klitzing K (2019). Latent trajectories of internalizing symptoms from preschool to school age: A multi-informant study in a high-risk sample. Dev Psychopathol, 31(2), 657-681.
  20. Grunewald M, Dohnert M, Brandeis D, Klein AM, von Klitzing K, Matuschek T, Stadelmann S (2019). Attenuated LPP to Emotional Face Stimuli Associated with Parent- and Self-Reported Depression in Children and Adolescents. J Abnorm Child Psychol, 47(1), 109-118.

  21. 2018

  22. Klein AM, Schlesier-Michel A, Otto Y, White LO, Andreas A, Sierau S, Bergmann S, Perren S, von Klitzing K (2018). Latent trajectories of internalizing symptoms from preschool to school age: A multi-informant study in a high-risk sample. Dev Psychopathol, 29, 1-25.
  23. Andreas A, White LO, Sierau S, Perren S, von Klitzing K, Klein AM (2018). Like mother like daughter, like father like son? Intergenerational transmission of internalizing symptoms at early school age: a longitudinal study. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 27(8), 985-995.
  24. Stadelmann S, Jaeger S, Matuschek T, Bae YJ, von Klitzing K, Klein AM, Döhnert M (2018). Endocrinological and subjective stress responses in children with depressive, anxiety, or externalizing disorders. Dev Psychopathol, 30(2), 605-622.
  25. Dähne V, Klein AM, Jungmann T, Sierau S, Kliem S (2018). [Factors Influencing Theory of Mind Development in Preschoolers within the Context of Early Interventions]. Prax Kinderpsychol Kinderpsychiatr, 67(5), 442-461.
  26. Grunewald M, Döhnert M, Brandeis D, Klein AM, von Klitzing K, Matuschek T, Stadelmann S (2018). Attenuated LPP to Emotional Face Stimuli Associated with Parent- and Self-Reported Depression in Children and Adolescents. J Abnorm Child Psychol, 1, 1-10.
  27. Sierau S, White LO, Klein AM, Manly JT, von Klitzing K, Herzberg PY (2018). Assessing psychological and physical abuse from children's perspective: Factor structure and psychometric properties of the picture-based, modularized child-report version of the Parent-Child Conflict Tactics Scale - Revised (CTSPC-R). PLoS One, 13(10), e0205401-.
  28. Kliem S, Sandner M, Lohmann A, Sierau S, Dähne V, Klein AM, Jungmann T (2018). Follow-up study regarding the medium-term effectiveness of the home-visiting program "Pro Kind" at age 7 years: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials, 19(1), 323-.

  29. 2017

  30. Bergmann S, Keitel-Korndörfer A, Herfurth-Majstorovic K, Wendt V, Klein AM, von Klitzing K, Grube M (2017). Recruitment strategies in a prospective longitudinal family study on parents with obesity and their toddlers. BMC Public Health, 17(1), 145.
  31. Keil J, Michel A, Sticca F, Leipold K, Klein AM, Sierau S, von Klitzing K, White LO (2017). The Pizzagame: A virtual public goods game to assess cooperative behavior in children and adolescents. Behav Res Methods, 49(4), 1432-1443.
  32. Klein AM, Bergmann S, White LO (2017). Commentary: The dynamic panel model: a promising approach to clarify sources of influence in developmental psychopathology - a commentary on Wichstrøm et al. (2017). J Child Psychol Psychiatry, 58(11), 1248-1250.
  33. Sierau S, Brand T, Manly JT, Schlesier-Michel A, Klein AM, Andreas A, Garzon LQ, Keil J, Binser MJ, von Klitzing K, White LO (2017). A Multisource Approach to Assessing Child Maltreatment From Records, Caregivers, and Children. Child Maltreat, 22(1), 45-57.
  34. Stadelmann S, Grunewald M, Gibbels C, Jaeger S, Matuschek T, Weis S, Klein AM, Hiemisch A, von Klitzing K, Döhnert M (2017). Self-Esteem of 8-14-Year-Old Children with Psychiatric Disorders: Disorder- and Gender-Specific Effects. Child Psychiatry Hum Dev, 48(1), 40-52.
  35. White LO, Ising M, von Klitzing K, Sierau S, Michel A, Klein AM, Andreas A, Keil J, Quintero L, Muller-Myhsok B, Uhr M, Gausche R, Manly JT, Crowley MJ, Kirschbaum C, Stalder T (2017). Reduced hair cortisol after maltreatment mediates externalizing symptoms in middle childhood and adolescence. J Child Psychol Psychiatry, 58(9), 998-1007.
  36. White LO, Ising M, von Klitzing K, Sierau S, Michel A, Klein AM, Müller-Myhsok B, Uhr M, Crowley MJ, Kirschbaum C, Stalder T (2017). Commentary: The importance of exploring dose-dependent, subtype-specific, and age-related effects of maltreatment on the HPA axis and the mediating link to psychopathology. A response to Fisher (2017). J Child Psychol Psychiatry, 58(9), 1011-1013.
  37. Andreas A, Otto Y, Stadelmann S, Schlesier-Michel A, von Klitzing K, Klein AM (2017). Gender specificity of children?s narrative representations in predicting depressive symptoms at early school Age. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 26(1), 148-160.
  38. Dähne V, Klein A, Jungmann T, Kliem S, Sierau S (2017). Improved parental self-efficacy reduces stress in women receiving home visitation in a longitudinal study Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences, 3, 54-67.
  39. Hinz A, Klein AM, Brähler E, Glaesmer H, Luck T, Riedel-Heller SG, Wirkner K, Hilbert A (2017). Psychometric evaluation of the Generalized Anxiety Disorder Screener GAD-7, based on a large German general population sample. J Affect Disord, 210, 338-344.
  40. Mehl N, Bergmann S, Klein AM, Daum M, von Klitzing K, Horstmann A (2017). Cause or consequence? Investigating attention bias and self-regulation skills in children at risk for obesity. J Exp Child Psychol, 155, 113-127.

  41. 2016

  42. Bergmann S, Schlesier-Michel A, Wendt V, Grube M, Keitel-Korndorfer A, Gausche R, von Klitzing K, Klein AM (2016). Maternal Weight Predicts Childrens Psychosocial Development via Parenting Stress and Emotional Availability. Front Psychol, 7, 1156.
  43. Bergmann S, von Klitzing K, Keitel-Korndorfer A, Wendt V, Grube M, Herpertz S, Schutz A, Klein AM (2016). Emotional availability, understanding emotions, and recognition of facial emotions in obese mothers with young children. J Psychosom Res, 80, 44-52.
  44. Bergmann S, Klein AM, von Klitzing K, Grube M (2016). [Delay of Gratification in Children of Obese Mothers: Effects of Maternal Eating Behavior and Maternal Feeding Strategies]. Prax Kinderpsychol Kinderpsychiatr, 65(6), 441-460.
  45. Keitel-Korndörfer A, Bergmann S, Nolte T, Wendt V, von Klitzing K, Klein AM (2016). Maternal mentalization affects mothers - but not childrens - weight via emotional eating. Attach Hum Dev, 18(5), 487-507.
  46. Scheuer S, Ising M, Uhr M, Otto Y, von Klitzing K, Klein AM (2016). FKBP5 polymorphisms moderate the influence of adverse life events on the risk of anxiety and depressive disorders in preschool children. J Psychiatr Res, 72, 30-36.
  47. White LO, Klein AM, von Klitzing K, Graneist A, Otto Y, Hill J, Over H, Fonagy P, Crowley MJ (2016). Putting ostracism into perspective: Young children tell more mentalistic stories after exclusion, but not when anxious. Front Psychol, 7, 1926.
  48. Otto Y, Kolmorgen K, Sierau S, Weis S, von Klitzing K, Klein A M (2016). Parenting behaviors of mothers and fathers of preschool age children with internalizing disorders. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 25(2), 381-395.

  49. 2015

  50. Bae YJ, Stadelmann S, Klein AM, Jaeger S, Hiemisch A, Kiess W, Ceglarek U, Gaudl A, Schaab M, von Klitzing K, Thiery J, Kratzsch J, Dohnert M (2015). The hyporeactivity of salivary cortisol at stress test (TSST-C) in children with internalizing or externalizing disorders is contrastively associated with alpha-amylase. J Psychiatr Res, 71, 78-88.
  51. Keitel-Korndörfer A, Sierau S, Klein AM, Bergmann S, Grube M, von Klitzing K (2015). Insatiable insecurity: maternal obesity as a risk factor for mother-child attachment and child weight. Attach Hum Dev, 17(4), 399-413.
  52. Klein AM, Otto Y, Fuchs S, Reibiger I, von Klitzing K (2015). A prospective study of behavioral and emotional symptoms in preschoolers. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 24(3), 291-299.
  53. Klein AM, Müller-Göttken T, White LO, Keitel-Korndörfer A, von Klitzing K (2015). [Summary of the Pilot Study Short-term Psychoanalytic Child Therapy (PaCT) of Anxious Children]. Prax Kinderpsychol Kinderpsychiatr, 64(7), 563-571.
  54. Otto Y, Kolmorgen K, Andreas A, Köppe C, von Klitzing K, Klein AM (2015). [Self-reported Anxiety and Regulation Strategies in Primary School-age Children]. Prax Kinderpsychol Kinderpsychiatr, 64(5), 351-367.
  55. Stadelmann S, Otto Y, Andreas A, von Klitzing K, Klein AM (2015). Maternal stress and internalizing symptoms in preschoolers: the moderating role of narrative coherence. J Fam Psychol, 29(2), 141-150.
  56. Wendt V, Bergmann S, Herfurth-Majstorovic K, Keitel-Korndörfer A, von Klitzing K, Klein AM (2015). Parent-child interaction during feeding or joint eating in parents of different weights. Eat Behav, 18, 131-136.
  57. White LO, Klein AM, Kirschbaum C, Kurz-Adam M, Uhr M, Müller-Myhsok B, Hoffmann K, Sierau S, Michel A, Stalder T, Horlich J, Keil J, Andreas A, Resch L, Binser MJ, Costa A, Giourges E, Neudecker E, Wolf C, Scheuer S, Ising M, von Klitzing K (2015). Analyzing pathways from childhood maltreatment to internalizing symptoms and disorders in children and adolescents (AMIS): a study protocol. BMC Psychiatry, 15, 126.

  58. 2014

  59. Gottken T, White LO, Klein AM, von Klitzing K (2014). Short-term psychoanalytic child therapy for anxious children: a pilot study. Psychotherapy (Chic), 51(1), 148-158.
  60. Muller-Gottken T, White LO, von Klitzing K, Klein AM (2014). Reflexive Kompetenz der Mütter als Prädiktor des Therapieerfolgs mit Psychoanalytischer Kurzzeittherapie im Alter von 4 bis 10 Jahren. Prax Kinderpsychol Kinderpsychiatr, 63(10), 795-811.
  61. Otto Y, Andreas A, von Klitzing K, Fuchs S, Klein AM (2014). Traurig, besorgt und ängstlich: Depression und Angststörungen im Vorschulalter ? Befunde zu Relevanz, Symptomatik und Beeinträchtigungen [Sadness, worries and fears: depression and anxiety disorders in preschool age-results of relevance, symptoms and impairment]. Prax Kinderpsychol Kinderpsychiatr, 63(3), 154-176.
  62. Ulke C, Klein AM, von Klitzing K (2014). Auswirkungen von strukturellen Interventionen auf wiederholte kritische Ereignisse in der stationären Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie. Prax Kinderpsychol Kinderpsychiatr, 63(8), 616-634.
  63. Ulke C, Klein AM, von Klitzing K (2014). Relational stressors as predictors for repeat aggressive and self-harming incidents in child and adolescent psychiatric inpatient settings. Int J Adolesc Med Health, 26(4), 567-574.
  64. von Klitzing K, White LO, Otto Y, Fuchs S, Egger HL, Klein AM (2014). Depressive comorbidity in preschool anxiety disorder. J Child Psychol Psychiatry, 55(10), 1107-1116.
  65. Michel A, Keil J, Andreas A, White LO, Sierau S, Costa A, Kurz-Adam M, Tsapos N, Klein, A (2014). Folgen von Vernachlässigung im Kindes-und Jugendalter. Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde, 162(12), 1090-1096.
  66. White LO, Göttken T, Graneist A, Klein AM (2014). Wirksamkeit von Psychotherapie im Kindesalter. Wirksamkeitsstudien zur Behandlung von Angststörungen in der frühen und mittleren Kindheit. Kinderanalyse, 23(4), 308-353.

  67. 2013

  68. Grube M, Bergmann S, Keitel A, Herfurth-Majstorovic K, Wendt V, von Klitzing K, Klein A M (2013). Obese parents - obese children? Psychological-psychiatric risk factors of parental behavior and experience for the development of obesity in children aged 0-3: study protocol. BMC Public Health, 13, 1193.
  69. Fuchs S, Klein AM, Otto Y, von Klitzing K (2013). Prevalence of emotional and behavioral symptoms and their impact on daily life activities in a community sample of 3 to 5-year-old children. Child Psychiatry Hum Dev, 44(4), 493-503.
  70. Klein AM, Otto Y, Fuchs S, Zenger M, von Klitzing K (2013). Psychometric properties of the parent-rated SDQ in preschoolers. Eur J Psychol Assess, 29(2), 96-104.
  71. Koch G, Klein AM, von Klitzing K, Romer G, Bergelt C, Weschenfelder-Stachwitz H, Herzog W, Resch F, Flechtner H, Brähler E (2013). Elternschaft, Krebs und Kindersorgen. Indikation und Settingwahl in kindzentrierter Familienberatung. Psychotherapeut, 58(6), 576-582.

  72. 2012

  73. Klein AM, Glaesmer H (2012). Genetik, Gen-Umwelt-Interaktion und Epigenetik bei der Entstehung depressiver Erkrankungen. Psychother Psychosom Med Psychol, 62(3-4), 95-101.
  74. von Klitzing K, Perren S, Klein A, Stadelmann S, Groeben M, Holsboer-Trachsler E, Brand S, Hatzinger M (2012). The interaction of social risk factors and HPA axis dysregulation in predicting emotional symptoms of five- and six-year-old children. J Psychiatr Res, 46(3), 290-297.
  75. Klein AM (2012). Genetik und Gen-Umwelt-Interaktion psychischer Störungen am Beispiel der Depression. In: Brähler E, Strauß B, Enzyklopädie der Psychologie, Grundlagen der Medizinischen Psychologie. (S. 769-800), Göttingen: Hogrefe.

  76. 2011

  77. Bergmann S, Klein AM, Grube M (2011). Grundlagen und psychosomatische Aspekte der kindlichen Adipositas. Kinder- und Jugendmedizin, 11(3), 137-143.
  78. Lehmann E, Bergmann S, Klein AM, von Klitzing K (2011). Väter von Kindern minderjähriger Mütter in der Interaktionsbeobachtung. Prax Kinderpsychol Kinderpsychiatr, 60(5), 369-385.
  79. Otto Y, Klein AM, Fuchs S, von Klitzing K (2011). Kopfschmerzen, Bauchschmerzen, Übelkeit: Somatisierung im Kindes- und Jugendalter. Kinder- und Jugendmedizin, 11(3), 121-127.

  80. 2009

  81. Klein AM, Zwickel J, Prinz W, Frith U (2009). Animated triangles: An eye tracking investigation Q J Exp Psychol (Colchester), 62(6), 1189-1197.

  82. 2008

  83. Hauf, P, Klein, A (2008). Schauen, Staunen, Handeln - Das Weltwissen der Babys. In: Hauf, P, Klein, A, Schauen, Staunen, Handeln - Das Weltwissen der Babys. (S. 1-192), Freiburg: Herder.