1. Grunewald M, Dohnert M, Brandeis D, Klein AM, von Klitzing K, Matuschek T, Stadelmann S (2019). Attenuated LPP to Emotional Face Stimuli Associated with Parent- and Self-Reported Depression in Children and Adolescents. J Abnorm Child Psychol, 47(1), 109-118.

  2. 2018

  3. Grunewald M, Döhnert M, Brandeis D, Klein AM, von Klitzing K, Matuschek T, Stadelmann S (2018). Attenuated LPP to Emotional Face Stimuli Associated with Parent- and Self-Reported Depression in Children and Adolescents. J Abnorm Child Psychol, 1, 1-10.

  4. 2017

  5. Stadelmann S, Grunewald M, Gibbels C, Jaeger S, Matuschek T, Weis S, Klein AM, Hiemisch A, von Klitzing K, Döhnert M (2017). Self-Esteem of 8-14-Year-Old Children with Psychiatric Disorders: Disorder- and Gender-Specific Effects. Child Psychiatry Hum Dev, 48(1), 40-52.

  6. 2016

  7. Matuschek T, Jaeger S, Stadelmann S, Dolling K, Grunewald M, Weis S, von Klitzing K, Dohnert M (2016). Implementing the K-SADS-PL as a standard diagnostic tool: Effects on clinical diagnoses. Psychiatry Res, 236, 119-124.

  8. 2015

  9. Grunewald M, Stadelmann S, Brandeis D, Jaeger S, Matuschek T, Weis S, Kalex V, Hiemisch A, von Klitzing K, Döhnert M (2015). Early processing of emotional faces in a Go/NoGo task: lack of N170 right-hemispheric specialisation in children with major depression. J Neural Transm, 122(9), 1339-1352.
  10. Matuschek T, Jaeger S, Stadelmann S, Dölling K, Weis S, Von Klitzing K, Grunewald M, Hiemisch A, Döhnert M (2015). The acceptance of the K-SADS-PL - potential predictors for the overall satisfaction of parents and interviewers. Int J Methods Psychiatr Res, 24(3), 226-234.