1. Bergmann S, Klein AM (2023). Editorial. Prax Kinderpsychol Kinderpsychiatr, 72(4), 283-286.

  2. 2022

  3. Schlensog-Schuster F, Klein AM, Biringen Z, von Klitzing K, Bergmann S (2022). Maternal sensitivity and intrusiveness in early childhood as predictors of children's weight at school age. Pediatr Obes, 17(1), e12842.

  4. 2021

  5. Klein AM, Bergmann S, Keitel-Korndörfer A, Midgley N, Müller-Göttken T, von Klitzing K, White LO (2021). [Evaluation of Short-term Psychoanalytic Child Therapy (PaCT) for Young Children with Depressive Disorders: Results from a Pilot Study]. Prax Kinderpsychol Kinderpsychiatr, 70(5), 445-464.

  6. 2020

  7. Bergmann, S, Klein, A (2020). Fathers? Emotional Availability with Their Children: Determinants and Consequences In: Fitzgerald, HE, von Klitzing, K, Cabrera, N, Scarano de Mendonça, J, Skjøthaug, Th, Handbook of Fathers and Child Development (S. 0-0), New York: Springer.

  8. 2019

  9. Klein AM, Schlesier-Michel A, Otto Y, White LO, Andreas A, Sierau S, Bergmann S, Perren S, von Klitzing K (2019). Latent trajectories of internalizing symptoms from preschool to school age: A multi-informant study in a high-risk sample. Dev Psychopathol, 31(2), 657-681.

  10. 2018

  11. Klein AM, Schlesier-Michel A, Otto Y, White LO, Andreas A, Sierau S, Bergmann S, Perren S, von Klitzing K (2018). Latent trajectories of internalizing symptoms from preschool to school age: A multi-informant study in a high-risk sample. Dev Psychopathol, 29, 1-25.

  12. 2017

  13. Bergmann S, Keitel-Korndörfer A, Herfurth-Majstorovic K, Wendt V, Klein AM, von Klitzing K, Grube M (2017). Recruitment strategies in a prospective longitudinal family study on parents with obesity and their toddlers. BMC Public Health, 17(1), 145.
  14. Klein AM, Bergmann S, White LO (2017). Commentary: The dynamic panel model: a promising approach to clarify sources of influence in developmental psychopathology - a commentary on Wichstrøm et al. (2017). J Child Psychol Psychiatry, 58(11), 1248-1250.
  15. Mehl N, Bergmann S, Klein AM, Daum M, von Klitzing K, Horstmann A (2017). Cause or consequence? Investigating attention bias and self-regulation skills in children at risk for obesity. J Exp Child Psychol, 155, 113-127.

  16. 2016

  17. Bergmann S, Schlesier-Michel A, Wendt V, Grube M, Keitel-Korndorfer A, Gausche R, von Klitzing K, Klein AM (2016). Maternal Weight Predicts Childrens Psychosocial Development via Parenting Stress and Emotional Availability. Front Psychol, 7, 1156.
  18. Bergmann S, von Klitzing K, Keitel-Korndorfer A, Wendt V, Grube M, Herpertz S, Schutz A, Klein AM (2016). Emotional availability, understanding emotions, and recognition of facial emotions in obese mothers with young children. J Psychosom Res, 80, 44-52.
  19. Bergmann S, Klein AM, von Klitzing K, Grube M (2016). [Delay of Gratification in Children of Obese Mothers: Effects of Maternal Eating Behavior and Maternal Feeding Strategies]. Prax Kinderpsychol Kinderpsychiatr, 65(6), 441-460.
  20. Grube M, Keitel-Korndorfer A, Bergmann S, Wendt V, von Klitzing K, Petroff D (2016). Breastfeeding in obese versus normal-weight German mothers of various socioeconomic status. J Hum Lact, 32(3), 546-550.
  21. Keitel-Korndörfer A, Bergmann S, Nolte T, Wendt V, von Klitzing K, Klein AM (2016). Maternal mentalization affects mothers - but not childrens - weight via emotional eating. Attach Hum Dev, 18(5), 487-507.

  22. 2015

  23. Keitel-Korndörfer A, Sierau S, Klein AM, Bergmann S, Grube M, von Klitzing K (2015). Insatiable insecurity: maternal obesity as a risk factor for mother-child attachment and child weight. Attach Hum Dev, 17(4), 399-413.
  24. Wendt V, Bergmann S, Herfurth-Majstorovic K, Keitel-Korndörfer A, von Klitzing K, Klein AM (2015). Parent-child interaction during feeding or joint eating in parents of different weights. Eat Behav, 18, 131-136.

  25. 2013

  26. Grube M, Bergmann S, Keitel A, Herfurth-Majstorovic K, Wendt V, von Klitzing K, Klein A M (2013). Obese parents - obese children? Psychological-psychiatric risk factors of parental behavior and experience for the development of obesity in children aged 0-3: study protocol. BMC Public Health, 13, 1193.

  27. 2011

  28. Bergmann S, Klein AM, Grube M (2011). Grundlagen und psychosomatische Aspekte der kindlichen Adipositas. Kinder- und Jugendmedizin, 11(3), 137-143.
  29. Lehmann E, Bergmann S, Klein AM, von Klitzing K (2011). Väter von Kindern minderjähriger Mütter in der Interaktionsbeobachtung. Prax Kinderpsychol Kinderpsychiatr, 60(5), 369-385.
  30. Wendt V, Bergmann S, von Klitzing K (2011). Was schützt Kinder vor Übergewicht? Deutsche Hebammenzeitschrift, 11, 31-34.