1. Klein AM, Schlesier-Michel A, Otto Y, White LO, Andreas A, Sierau S, Bergmann S, Perren S, von Klitzing K (2019). Latent trajectories of internalizing symptoms from preschool to school age: A multi-informant study in a high-risk sample. Dev Psychopathol, 31(2), 657-681.

  2. 2018

  3. Klein AM, Schlesier-Michel A, Otto Y, White LO, Andreas A, Sierau S, Bergmann S, Perren S, von Klitzing K (2018). Latent trajectories of internalizing symptoms from preschool to school age: A multi-informant study in a high-risk sample. Dev Psychopathol, 29, 1-25.
  4. Andreas A, White LO, Sierau S, Perren S, von Klitzing K, Klein AM (2018). Like mother like daughter, like father like son? Intergenerational transmission of internalizing symptoms at early school age: a longitudinal study. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 27(8), 985-995.

  5. 2017

  6. Sierau S, Brand T, Manly JT, Schlesier-Michel A, Klein AM, Andreas A, Garzon LQ, Keil J, Binser MJ, von Klitzing K, White LO (2017). A Multisource Approach to Assessing Child Maltreatment From Records, Caregivers, and Children. Child Maltreat, 22(1), 45-57.
  7. White LO, Ising M, von Klitzing K, Sierau S, Michel A, Klein AM, Andreas A, Keil J, Quintero L, Muller-Myhsok B, Uhr M, Gausche R, Manly JT, Crowley MJ, Kirschbaum C, Stalder T (2017). Reduced hair cortisol after maltreatment mediates externalizing symptoms in middle childhood and adolescence. J Child Psychol Psychiatry, 58(9), 998-1007.
  8. Andreas A, Otto Y, Stadelmann S, Schlesier-Michel A, von Klitzing K, Klein AM (2017). Gender specificity of children?s narrative representations in predicting depressive symptoms at early school Age. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 26(1), 148-160.

  9. 2015

  10. Otto Y, Kolmorgen K, Andreas A, Köppe C, von Klitzing K, Klein AM (2015). [Self-reported Anxiety and Regulation Strategies in Primary School-age Children]. Prax Kinderpsychol Kinderpsychiatr, 64(5), 351-367.
  11. Stadelmann S, Otto Y, Andreas A, von Klitzing K, Klein AM (2015). Maternal stress and internalizing symptoms in preschoolers: the moderating role of narrative coherence. J Fam Psychol, 29(2), 141-150.
  12. White LO, Klein AM, Kirschbaum C, Kurz-Adam M, Uhr M, Müller-Myhsok B, Hoffmann K, Sierau S, Michel A, Stalder T, Horlich J, Keil J, Andreas A, Resch L, Binser MJ, Costa A, Giourges E, Neudecker E, Wolf C, Scheuer S, Ising M, von Klitzing K (2015). Analyzing pathways from childhood maltreatment to internalizing symptoms and disorders in children and adolescents (AMIS): a study protocol. BMC Psychiatry, 15, 126.

  13. 2014

  14. Otto Y, Andreas A, von Klitzing K, Fuchs S, Klein AM (2014). Traurig, besorgt und ängstlich: Depression und Angststörungen im Vorschulalter ? Befunde zu Relevanz, Symptomatik und Beeinträchtigungen [Sadness, worries and fears: depression and anxiety disorders in preschool age-results of relevance, symptoms and impairment]. Prax Kinderpsychol Kinderpsychiatr, 63(3), 154-176.
  15. Michel A, Keil J, Andreas A, White LO, Sierau S, Costa A, Kurz-Adam M, Tsapos N, Klein, A (2014). Folgen von Vernachlässigung im Kindes-und Jugendalter. Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde, 162(12), 1090-1096.