1. Schlensog-Schuster F, Keil J, Von Klitzing K, Gniewosz G, Schulz CC, Schlesier-Michel A, Mayer S, Stadelmann S, Döhnert M, Klein AM, Sierau S, Manly JT, Sheridan MA, White LO (2022). From Maltreatment to Psychiatric Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence: The Relevance of Emotional Maltreatment. Child Maltreat, (), 10775595221134248.

  2. 2021

  3. White LO, Bornemann B, Crowley MJ, Sticca F, Vrti?ka P, Stadelmann S, Otto Y, Klein AM, von Klitzing K (2021). Exclusion Expected? Cardiac Slowing Upon Peer Exclusion Links Preschool Parent Representations to School-Age Peer Relationships. Child Dev, , .
  4. White LO, Bornemann B, Crowley MJ, Sticca F, Vrti?ka P, Stadelmann S, Otto Y, Klein AM, von Klitzing K (2021). Exclusion Expected? Cardiac Slowing Upon Peer Exclusion Links Preschool Parent Representations to School-Age Peer Relationships. Child Dev, X, X.
  5. White LO, Bornemann B, Crowley MJ, Sticca F, Vrti?ka P, Stadelmann S, Otto Y, Klein AM, von Klitzing K (2021). Exclusion Expected? Cardiac Slowing Upon Peer Exclusion Links Preschool Parent Representations to School-Age Peer Relationships. Child Dev, 92(4), 1274-1290.

  6. 2020

  7. Stadelmann S, Schlesier-Michel A, White LO, von Klitzing K, Döhnert M (2020). [LIFE Child Depression - a prospective longitudinal cohort study on the origin of depressive disorders between childhood and early adulthood]. Z Psychosom Med Psychother, 66(4), 402-417.
  8. Stadelmann S, Netzl, J, Daehne, V, White LO, Klein, AM, von Klitzing K, Döhnert M (2020). Kindliche narrative Kohärenz als Prädiktor für spätere soziale Kompetenz und positive Peerbeziehungen Kindheit und Entwicklung, 29, 229-238.
  9. Paech C, Ebel V, Wagner F, Stadelmann S, Klein AM, Döhnert M, Dähnert I, Gebauer RA (2020). Quality of life and psychological co-morbidities in children and adolescents with cardiac pacemakers and implanted defibrillators: a cohort study in Eastern Germany. Cardiol Young, 30, 549-559.

  10. 2019

  11. Grunewald M, Dohnert M, Brandeis D, Klein AM, von Klitzing K, Matuschek T, Stadelmann S (2019). Attenuated LPP to Emotional Face Stimuli Associated with Parent- and Self-Reported Depression in Children and Adolescents. J Abnorm Child Psychol, 47(1), 109-118.
  12. Besser A, Dohnert M, Stadelmann S (2019). [Various socioeconomic factors as predictors of internalizing and externalizing disorders in children and adolescents]. Z Kinder Jugendpsychiatr Psychother, 47(4), 345-358.

  13. 2018

  14. Stadelmann S, Jaeger S, Matuschek T, Bae YJ, von Klitzing K, Klein AM, Döhnert M (2018). Endocrinological and subjective stress responses in children with depressive, anxiety, or externalizing disorders. Dev Psychopathol, 30(2), 605-622.
  15. Grunewald M, Döhnert M, Brandeis D, Klein AM, von Klitzing K, Matuschek T, Stadelmann S (2018). Attenuated LPP to Emotional Face Stimuli Associated with Parent- and Self-Reported Depression in Children and Adolescents. J Abnorm Child Psychol, 1, 1-10.
  16. Besser A, Döhnert M, Stadelmann S (2018). Sozioökonomischer Status und weitere umweltbezogene Risikofaktoren ? Zusammenhänge mit verschiedenen psychischen Störungen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen In: Elmar Brähler, Wolfgang Herzog, Sozialpsychosomatik ? Das vergessene Soziale in der Psychosomatischen Medizin (S. 299-318), Stuttgart: Schattauer Verlag.

  17. 2017

  18. Stadelmann S, Grunewald M, Gibbels C, Jaeger S, Matuschek T, Weis S, Klein AM, Hiemisch A, von Klitzing K, Döhnert M (2017). Self-Esteem of 8-14-Year-Old Children with Psychiatric Disorders: Disorder- and Gender-Specific Effects. Child Psychiatry Hum Dev, 48(1), 40-52.
  19. Andreas A, Otto Y, Stadelmann S, Schlesier-Michel A, von Klitzing K, Klein AM (2017). Gender specificity of children?s narrative representations in predicting depressive symptoms at early school Age. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 26(1), 148-160.

  20. 2016

  21. Ju Bae Y, Gaudl A, Jaeger S, Stadelmann S, Hiemisch A, Kiess W, Willenberg A, Schaab M, von Klitzing K, Thiery J, Ceglarek U, Dohnert M, Kratzsch J (2016). Immunoassay or LC-MS/MS for the measurement of salivary cortisol in children? Clin Chem Lab Med, 54(5), 811-822.
  22. Matuschek T, Jaeger S, Stadelmann S, Dolling K, Grunewald M, Weis S, von Klitzing K, Dohnert M (2016). Implementing the K-SADS-PL as a standard diagnostic tool: Effects on clinical diagnoses. Psychiatry Res, 236, 119-124.

  23. 2015

  24. Bae YJ, Stadelmann S, Klein AM, Jaeger S, Hiemisch A, Kiess W, Ceglarek U, Gaudl A, Schaab M, von Klitzing K, Thiery J, Kratzsch J, Dohnert M (2015). The hyporeactivity of salivary cortisol at stress test (TSST-C) in children with internalizing or externalizing disorders is contrastively associated with alpha-amylase. J Psychiatr Res, 71, 78-88.
  25. Grunewald M, Stadelmann S, Brandeis D, Jaeger S, Matuschek T, Weis S, Kalex V, Hiemisch A, von Klitzing K, Döhnert M (2015). Early processing of emotional faces in a Go/NoGo task: lack of N170 right-hemispheric specialisation in children with major depression. J Neural Transm, 122(9), 1339-1352.
  26. Matuschek T, Jaeger S, Stadelmann S, Dölling K, Weis S, Von Klitzing K, Grunewald M, Hiemisch A, Döhnert M (2015). The acceptance of the K-SADS-PL - potential predictors for the overall satisfaction of parents and interviewers. Int J Methods Psychiatr Res, 24(3), 226-234.
  27. Stadelmann S, Otto Y, Andreas A, von Klitzing K, Klein AM (2015). Maternal stress and internalizing symptoms in preschoolers: the moderating role of narrative coherence. J Fam Psychol, 29(2), 141-150.
  28. Brand S, Hatzinger M, Stadler C, Bolten M, von Wyl A, Perren S, von Klitzing K, Stadelmann S, Holsboer-Trachsler E (2015). Does objectively assessed sleep at five years predict sleep and psychological functioning at 14 years? - Hmm, yes and no! J Psychiatr Res, 60, 148-155.

  29. 2014

  30. Hatzinger M, Brand S, Perren S, Von Wyl A, Stadelmann S, von Klitzing K, Holsboer-Trachsler E (2014). In pre-school children, sleep objectively assessed via actigraphy remains stable over 12 months and is related to psychological functioning, but not to cortisol secretion. J Psychiatr Res, 55, 22-28.
  31. Brand S, Hatzinger M, Stadler C, Bolten M, von Wyl A, Perren S, von Klitzing K, Stadelmann S, Holsboer-Trachsler E (2014). Does objectively assessed sleep at five years predict sleep and psychological functioning at 14 years? - Hmm, yes and no! J Psychiatr Res, 60C, 148-155.

  32. 2013

  33. Hatzinger M, Brand S, Perren S, von Wyl A, Stadelmann S, von Klitzing K, Holsboer-Trachsler E (2013). In pre-school children, cortisol secretion remains stable over 12 months and is related to psychological functioning and gender. J Psychiatr Res, 47(11), 1409-1416.
  34. Hatzinger M, Brand S, Perren S, von Wyl A, Stadelmann S, von Klitzing K, Holsboer-Trachsler E (2013). In pre-school children, sleep objectively assessed via sleep-EEGs remains stable over 12 months and is related to psychological functioning, but not to cortisol secretion. J Psychiatr Res, 47(10), 1809-1814.

  35. 2012

  36. von Klitzing K, Perren S, Klein A, Stadelmann S, Groeben M, Holsboer-Trachsler E, Brand S, Hatzinger M (2012). The interaction of social risk factors and HPA axis dysregulation in predicting emotional symptoms of five- and six-year-old children. J Psychiatr Res, 46(3), 290-297.
  37. Hatzinger M, Brand S, Perren S, von Wyl A, Stadelmann S, von Klitzing K, Holsboer-Trachsler E (2012). Pre-schoolers suffering from psychiatric disorders show increased cortisol secretion and poor sleep compared to healthy controls. J Psychiatr Res, 46(5), 590-599.

  38. 2011

  39. Groeben M, Perren S, Stadelmann S, von Klitzing K (2011). Emotional symptoms from kindergarten to middle childhood: associations with self- and other-oriented social skills. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 20(1), 3-15.
  40. von Klitzing K, Stadelmann S (2011). Das Kind in der triadischen Beziehungswelt. Psyche-Z Psychoanal, 65(9-10), 953-972.
  41. Weber M, Stadelmann S (2011). Verwendung von Geschichtenergänzungsaufgaben zur OPD-KJ-Strukturdiagnostik. Prax Kinderpsychol Kinderpsychiatr, 60(9-10), 27-40.

  42. 2010

  43. Stadelmann S, Perren S, Groeben M, von Klitzing K (2010). Parental Separation and Children's Behavioral/Emotional Problems: The Impact of Parental Representations and Family Conflict. Family Process, 49(1), 92-108.
  44. Stadelmann S, Perren S, Kolch M, Groeben M, Schmid M (2010). Psychisch kranke und unbelastete Eltern: Elterliche Stressbelastung und psychische Symptomatik der Kinder. Kindheit und Entwicklung, 19(2), 72-81.
  45. Hatzinger M, Brand S, Perren S, Stadelmann S, von Wyl A, von Klitzing K, Holsboer-Trachsler E (2010). Sleep actigraphy pattern and behavioral/emotional difficulties in kindergarten children: Association with hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) activity. J Psychiatr Res, 44(4), 253-261.

  46. 2008

  47. Perren S, Stadelmann S, Lüdin J, von Wyl A, von Klitzing K (2008). Kindergartenkinder schätzen ihre Symptome und Stärken ein: Das Berkeley Puppet Interview in Forschung und Praxis. Kinderanalyse, 16(1), 1-22.
  48. von Wyl A, Stadelmann S, Perren S, von Klitzing K (2008). Erzählkompetenz, Repräsentationen und Theory of Mind: Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede. Psychotherapie & Sozialwissenschaften, Zeitschrift für qualitative Forschung und klinische Praxis, 10(2), 49-69.
  49. Hatzinger M, Brand S, Perren S, Stadelmann S, von Wyl A, von Klitzing K, Holsboer-Trachsler E. (2008). Electroencephalographic sleep profiles and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA)-activiy in kindergarten children: Early indication of poor sleep qulity associated with increased cortisol secretion. J Psychiatr Res, 42(7), 532-543.
  50. Perren, S, Groeben, M, Stadelmann, S, von Klitzing, K (2008). Selbst- und fremdbezogene soziale Kompetenzen: Auswirkungen auf das emotionale Befinden. In: Malti, T, Perren, S, Soziale Kompetenzen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen: Entwicklungsprozesse und Förderungsmöglichkeiten. (S. 89-106), Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.

  51. 2007

  52. Perren S, Stadelmann S, von Wyl A, von Klitzing K (2007). Pathways of behavioural and emotional symptoms in kindergarten children: What is the role of pro-social behaviour? Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 16(4), 209-214.
  53. Stadelmann S, Perren S, von Wyl A, von Klitzing K (2007). Associations between family relationships and symptoms/strengths at kindergarten age: what is the role of children\'s parental representations? J Child Psychol Psychiatry, 48(10), 996-1004.
  54. von Klitzing K, Stadelmann S, Perren S (2007). Story stem narratives of clinical and normal kindergarten children: are content and performance associated with children's social competence? Attach Hum Dev, 9(3), 271-286.

  55. 2006

  56. Perren S, von Wyl A, Stadelmann S, Burgin D, von Klitzing K (2006). Associations between behavioral/emotional difficulties in kindergarten children and the quality of their peer relationships. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 45(7), 867-876.