1. Remmerbach TW (2023). Potenziell maligne Veränderungen ? Fallbericht einer proliferativ-multifokalen verrukösen Leukoplakie Quintessenz Zahnmedizin, 74, 220-226.

  2. 2022

  3. Li H, Ziemer M, Stojanovic I, Saksida T, Maksimovic-Ivanic D, Mijatovic S, Djmura G, Gajic D, Koprivica I, Krajnovic T, Draca D, Simon JC, Lethaus B, Savkovic V (2022). Mesenchymal Stem Cells From Mouse Hair Follicles Reduce Hypertrophic Scarring in a Murine Wound Healing Model. Stem Cell Rev Rep, (), -.
  4. Li H, Ziemer M, Stojanovic I, Saksida T, Maksimovic-Ivanic D, Mijatovic S, Djmura G, Gajic D, Koprivica I, Krajnovic T, Draca D, Simon JC, Lethaus B, Savkovic V (2022). Mesenchymal Stem Cells From Mouse Hair Follicles Reduce Hypertrophic Scarring in a Murine Wound Healing Model. Stem Cell Rev Rep, (), -.
  5. Bechstedt N, Pomjanski N, Schramm M, Remmerbach TW (2022). Evaluation of Static DNA Ploidy Analysis Using Conventional Brush Biopsy-Based Cytology Samples as an Adjuvant Diagnostic Tool for the Detection of a Malignant Transformation in Potentially Oral Malignant Diseases: A Prospective Study. Cancers (Basel), 14(23), 1-13.
  6. Neumann FW, Neumann H, Spieth S, Remmerbach TW (2022). Retrospective evaluation of the oral brush biopsy in daily dental routine - an effective way of early cancer detection. Clin Oral Investig, 26(11), 6653-6659.
  7. Halama D, Merkel H, Werdehausen R, Gaber K, Schob S, Quäschling U, Ziganshyna S, Hoffmann KT, Lindner D, Richter C (2022). Reference Values of Cerebral Artery Diameters of the Anterior Circulation by Digital Subtraction Angiography: A Retrospective Study. Diagnostics (Basel), 12(10), 0-0.
  8. Neuhaus MT, Gellrich NC, Sander AK, Lethaus B, Halama D, Zimmerer RM (2022). No Significant Bone Resorption after Open Treatment of Mandibular Condylar Head Fractures in the Medium-Term. J Clin Med, 11(10), 0-0.
  9. Sander AK, Grau E, Bartella AK, Kloss-Brandstätter A, Neuhaus M, Zimmerer R, Lethaus B (2022). Dental anomalies and their therapeutic implications: retrospective assessment of a frequent finding in patients with cleft lip and palate. BMC Oral Health, 22(1), 553.
  10. Pabst A, Goetze E, Thiem DGE, Bartella AK, Seifert L, Beiglboeck FM, Kröplin J, Hoffmann J, Zeller AN (2022). 3D printing in oral and maxillofacial surgery: a nationwide survey among university and non-university hospitals and private practices in Germany. Clin Oral Investig, 26(1), 911-919.
  11. Pabst A, Goetze E, Thiem DGE, Bartella AK, Seifert L, Beiglboeck FM, Kröplin J, Hoffmann J, Zeller AN (2022). 3D printing in oral and maxillofacial surgery: a nationwide survey among university and non-university hospitals and private practices in Germany. Clin Oral Investig, 26(1), 911-919.

  12. 2021

  13. Pausch NC, Lethaus B (2021). Spaltbildungen und deren Therapie. Kinder- und Jugendmedizin, 6, 409-418.
  14. Gaida K, Deuerling L, Neumann H, Remmerbach TW (2021). Comparison between two cell collecting methods for liquid-based brush biopsies: a consecutive and retrospective study. BMC Oral Health, 21(1), 195.
  15. Remmerbach TW (2021). Suspekter Befund im Mund ? Verdächtige Mundschleimhautveränderungen Quintessenz Team-Journal, 51, 290-296.
  16. Remmerbach TW (2021). Der besondere oralmedizinische Fall ? Primäre orale Tuberkulose bei einer immunsupprimierten Patientin mit Morbus Crohn Quintessenz Zahnmedizin, 72, 444-449.
  17. Schneider M, Ziemer M, Lethaus B, Simon JC, Savkovic V (2021). Generation of Pigmented Skin Grafts from Human Hair Follicles and Dermal Fibroblasts. Tissue Eng Part A, 27(19-20), 1333-1342.
  18. Savkovic V, Schneider M, Li H, Simon JC, Ziemer M, Lethaus B (2021). Generation of Epidermal Equivalents from Hair Follicle Melanocytes, Keratinocytes, and Dermal Fibroblasts. Methods Mol Biol, 2269(), 175-201.
  19. Gaus S, Li H, Li S, Wang Q, Kottek T, Hahnel S, Liu X, Deng Y, Ziebolz D, Haak R, Schmalz G, Liu L, Savkovic V, Lethaus B (2021). Shared Genetic and Epigenetic Mechanisms between the Osteogenic Differentiation of Dental Pulp Stem Cells and Bone Marrow Stem Cells. Biomed Res Int, 2021, 6697810.
  20. Savkovic V, Li H, Obradovic D, Masieri FF, Bartella AK, Zimmerer R, Simon JC, Etz C, Lethaus B (2021). The Angiogenic Potential of Mesenchymal Stem Cells from the Hair Follicle Outer Root Sheath. J Clin Med, 10(5), -.
  21. Li H, Nawaz HA, Masieri FF, Vogel S, Hempel U, Bartella AK, Zimmerer R, Simon JC, Schulz-Siegmund M, Hacker M, Lethaus B, Savkovi? V (2021). Osteogenic Potential of Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Adipose Tissue, Bone Marrow and Hair Follicle Outer Root Sheath in a 3D Crosslinked Gelatin-Based Hydrogel. Int J Mol Sci, 22(10), -.
  22. Li H, Michler JK, Bartella A, Sander AK, Gaus S, Hahnel S, Zimmerer R, Simon JC, Savkovic V, Lethaus B (2021). Culturing of Melanocytes from the Equine Hair Follicle Outer Root Sheath. Processes, 9, 177.
  23. Li H, Masieri FF, Schneider M, Bartella A, Gaus S, Hahnel S, Zimmerer R, Sack U, Maksimovic-Ivanic D, Mijatovic S, Simon JC, Lethaus B, Savkovic V (2021). The Middle Part of the Plucked Hair Follicle Outer Root Sheath Is Identified as an Area Rich in Lineage-Specific Stem Cell Markers. Biomolecules, 11(2), -.
  24. Neuhaus MT, Zeller AN, Jehn P, Lethaus B, Gellrich NC, Zimmerer RM (2021). Intraoperative real-time navigation and intraoperative three-dimensional imaging for patient-specific total temporomandibular joint replacement. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 50(10), 1342-1350.
  25. Neuhaus MT, Zeller AN, Bartella AK, Sander AK, Lethaus B, Zimmerer RM (2021). Accuracy of Guided Surgery and Real-Time Navigation in Temporomandibular Joint Replacement Surgery. Dent J (Basel), 9(8), -.
  26. Sander AK, Grau E, Kloss-Brandstätter A, Zimmerer R, Neuhaus M, Bartella AK, Lethaus B (2021). Continuous Multidisciplinary Care for Patients With Orofacial Clefts-Should the Follow-up Interval Depend on the Cleft Entity? Cleft Palate Craniofac J, (), 10556656211035253.
  27. Zeller AN, Neuhaus MT, Gessler N, Skade S, Korn P, Jehn P, Gellrich NC, Zimmerer RM (2021). Self-centering second-generation patient-specific functionalized implants for deep orbital reconstruction. J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg, 122(4), 372-380.
  28. Neuhaus MT, Zeller AN, Desch L, Dhawan A, Jehn P, Gellrich NC, Zimmerer R (2021). Endoscopically Assisted Treatment of Condylar Base and Neck Fractures: A Single Institution Analysis of Outcomes and Complications. J Maxillofac Oral Surg, 20(4), 665-673.
  29. Neuhaus MT, Zimmerer R, Zeller AN, Jehn P, Gellrich NC, Tavassol F (2021). Influence of Unilateral Cleft Lip Configuration on Long-Term Facial Averageness: A New Three-Dimensional Analysis Approach. Facial Plast Surg Aesthet Med, 23(2), 132-139.
  30. Krause M, Kamal M, Halama D, Hierl T, Sterker I, Zimmerer R, Lethaus B, Bartella AK (2021). Eyes wide shut: necessity and effect of adjunctive procedures after decompression surgery in patients with endocrine orbitopathy. Head Face Med, 17(1), 41.
  31. Lethaus B, Grau E, Kloss-Brandstätter A, Brauer L, Zimmerer R, Bartella AK, Hahnel S, Sander AK (2021). Clinical Follow-Up in Orofacial Clefts-Why Multidisciplinary Care Is the Key. J Clin Med, 10(4), -.
  32. Krause M, Kamal M, Kruber D, Sterker I, Sander AK, Zimmerer R, Lethaus B, Bartella AK (2021). Effect of orbital wall resection areas in the treatment of patients with endocrine orbitopathy. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg, (), -.
  33. Kreutzmann T, Schönfeld A, Zange S, Lethaus B (2021). A Case Report of Oculoglandular Tularemia-Chasing Zebras Among Potential Diagnoses. J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 79(3), 629-636.
  34. Bartella AK, Kamal M, Kuhnt T, Hering K, Halama D, Pausch NC, Lethaus B (2021). Mixed reality in oral and maxillofacial surgery: a symbiosis of virtual and augmented reality or a pointless technological gadget? Int J Comput Dent, 24(1), 65-76.
  35. Pausch NC, Lethaus B (2021). Spaltbildungen und deren Therapie. Kinder-und Jugendmedizin, 21(06), 409-418.
  36. Hirsch E, Lethaus B (2021). DVT in der Zahnarztpraxis Zahnmedizin up2date, 15(04), 327-338.
  37. Bartella AK, Halama D, Kamal M, Hahnel S, Sander AK, Pausch NC, Lethaus B (2021). Impact of COVID-19 on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: Preliminary Results After the Curfew. J Craniofac Surg, 32(3), e305-e308.
  38. Bartella AK, Kamal M, Gerwing D, Halama D, Kloss-Brandstätter A, Pausch N, Hölzle F, Lethaus B (2021). Quality of life in patients with oral hard or soft tissue defects after reconstructive microsurgery. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 59(1), 70-75.
  39. Gaida K, Deuerling L, Neumann H, Remmerbach TW (2021). Comparison between two cell collecting methods for liquid-based brush biopsies: a consecutive and retrospective study. BMC Oral Health, 21(1), 195.
  40. Ning W, Ma Y, Li S, Wang X, Pan H, Wei C, Zhang S, Bai D, Liu X, Deng Y, Acharya A (2021). Shared Molecular Mechanisms between Atherosclerosis and Periodontitis by Analyzing the Transcriptomic Alterations of Peripheral Blood Monocytes Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, -, -.
  41. Zeller AN, Neuhaus MT, Fresenborg S, Zimmerer RM, Jehn P, Spalthoff S, Gellrich NC, Dittmann JA (2021). Accurate and cost-effective mandibular biomodels: a standardized evaluation of 3D-Printing via fused layer deposition modeling on soluble support structures. J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg, 122(4), 355-360.
  42. Krause M, Kamal M, Kruber D, Halama D, Hierl T, Lethaus B, Bartella AK (2021). Improved access in minimally invasive temporomandibular joint surgery through a novel endaural template. BMC Surg, 21(1), 93.
  43. Yu Y, Tang H, Franceschi D, Mujagond P, Acharya A, Deng Y, Lethaus B, Savkovic V, Zimmerer R, Ziebolz D, Li S, Schmalz G (2021). Immune Checkpoint Gene Expression Profiling Identifies Programmed Cell Death Ligand-1 Centered Immunologic Subtypes of Oral and Squamous Cell Carcinoma With Favorable Survival. Front Med (Lausanne), 8(), 759605.
  44. Zeller AN, Zimmerer RM, Springhetti S, Tavassol F, Rahlf B, Neuhaus MT, Gellrich NC (2021). CAD/CAM-based referencing aids to reduce preoperative radiation exposure for intraoperative navigation. Int J Med Robot, 17(3), 2241.
  45. Pabst A, Thiem DGE, Goetze E, Bartella AK, Neuhaus MT, Hoffmann J, Zeller AN (2021). How is neck dissection performed in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery? Results of a representative nationwide survey among university and non-university hospitals in Germany. Clin Oral Investig, 25(5), 3007-3019.
  46. Eckstein FM, Zeller AN, Neuhaus MT, Korn P, Gellrich NC, Zimmerer RM, Rahlf B (2021). Referencing for intraoperative navigation: Evaluation of human bias. J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg, (), -.
  47. Jehn P, Spalthoff S, Lentge F, Zeller AN, Tavassol F, Neuhaus MT, Eckstein FM, Krüskemper G, Gellrich NC, Korn P (2021). Postoperative quality of life and therapy-related impairments of oral cancer in relation to time-distance since treatment. J Cancer Surviv, (), -.
  48. Jehn P, Korn P, Gellrich NC, Zeller AN, Neuhaus MT, Tavassol F, Zimmerer R, Krüskemper G, Spalthoff S (2021). Fulfillment of patients' information needs during oral cancer treatment and its association with posttherapeutic quality of life. Qual Life Res, 30(1), 169-180.
  49. Fuessinger MA, Gass M, Woelm C, Cornelius CP, Zimmerer RM, Poxleitner P, Schlager S, Metzger MC (2021). Analyzing the Fitting of Novel Preformed Osteosynthesis Plates for the Reduction and Fixation of Mandibular Fractures. J Clin Med, 10(24), -.
  50. Nitschke I, Wendland A, Weber S, Jockusch J, Lethaus B, Hahnel S (2021). Considerations for the Prosthetic Dental Treatment of Geriatric Patients in Germany. J Clin Med, 10(2), -.
  51. Schmutzler A, Rauch A, Nitschke I, Lethaus B, Hahnel S (2021). CLEANING OF REMOVABLE DENTAL PROSTHESES - A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW. J Evid Based Dent Pract, 21(4), 101644.
  52. Ziebolz D, Fenske F, Lethaus B, Meyer S, Schmalz G (2021). Antibiotika in der Parodontitis-und Periimplantitistherapie wissen kompakt, 15(3), 123-133.
  53. Wichmann G, Pavlychenko M, Willner M, Halama D, Kuhnt T, Kluge R, Gradistanac T, Fest S, Wald T, Lethaus B, Dietz A, Wiegand S, Zebralla V (2021). Standardized Diagnostic Workup and Patient-Centered Decision Making for Surgery and Neck Dissection Followed by Risk-Factor Adapted Adjuvant Therapy Improve Loco-Regional Control in Local Advanced Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Front Oncol, 11, 737080.
  54. Zeller AN, Thiem DGE, Bartella AK, Seifert LB, Beiglboeck FM, Hoffmann J, Ehrenfeld M, Pabst A (2021). Training in oral and maxillofacial surgery in Germany - Residents' satisfaction and future challenges. J Craniomaxillofac Surg, 49(5), 415-421.
  55. Ning W, Ma Y, Li S, Wang X, Pan H, Wei C, Zhang S, Bai D, Liu X, Deng Y, Acharya A (2021). Shared Molecular Mechanisms between Atherosclerosis and Periodontitis by Analyzing the Transcriptomic Alterations of Peripheral Blood Monocytes Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 2021, 2021, -.
  56. Zeller AN, Neuhaus MT, Fresenborg S, Zimmerer RM, Jehn P, Spalthoff S, Gellrich NC, Dittmann JA (2021). Accurate and cost-effective mandibular biomodels: a standardized evaluation of 3D-Printing via fused layer deposition modeling on soluble support structures. J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg, 122(4), 355-360.

  57. 2020

  58. Gladilin E, Hierl T, Sterker I, Humpfner-Hierl H, Hemprich A, Krause M (2020). Retrospective cohort study of three-wall orbital resection for treatment of endocrine orbitopathy using 3D tomographic data and biomechanical modeling. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon), 71, 86-91.
  59. Gladilin E, Hierl T, Sterker I, Humpfner-Hierl H, Hemprich A, Krause M (2020). Retrospective cohort study of three-wall orbital resection for treatment of endocrine orbitopathy using 3D tomographic data and biomechanical modeling. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon), 71, 86-91.
  60. Bartella AK, Luderich C, Kamal M, Braunschweig T, Steegmann J, Modabber A, Kloss-Brandstätter A, Hölzle F, Lethaus B (2020). Ankle Brachial Index Predicts for Difficulties in Performing Microvascular Anastomosis. J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 78(6), 1020-1026.
  61. Pabst A, Bartella A (2020). Re: Acellular dermal regenerative matrix material "IntegraTM" as an adjunct for radial forearm free flap donor site closure. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 58(6), 727.
  62. Lethaus B, Gruichev D, Gräfe D, Bartella AK, Hahnel S, Yovev T, Pausch NC, Krause M (2020). "Black bone": the new backbone in CAD/CAM-assisted craniosynostosis surgery? Acta Neurochir (Wien), (), 0000.
  63. Lethaus B, Kamal M, Kettner F, Kloss-Brandstätter A, Halama D, Hölzle F, Bartella AK (2020). Flow Chart for Reconstructive Head and Neck Surgery in Composite Soft and Hard Tissue Defects. J Craniofac Surg, 31(6), e588-e591.
  64. Pausch NC, Pankow T, Lethaus B, Bartella AK, Halama D (2020). The ideal auricular protrusion - An interactive perceptual pilot study. J Craniomaxillofac Surg, 48(9), 853-858.
  65. Runge J, Remmerbach, TW (2020). Xerostomie ? Diagnostik und Therapie ZWR - Das Deutsche Zahnärzteblatt , 129(04), 126-136.
  66. Kaatz F, Remmerbach TW (2020). Humane Papillomaviren in der Mundhöhle (Teil1) Oralchirurgie-Journal, 20(4), 6-10.
  67. Kreutzmann T, Schönfeld A, Zange S, Lethaus B (2020). A Case Report of Oculoglandular Tularemia-Chasing Zebras Among Potential Diagnoses. J Oral Maxillofac Surg, (), 31083-1.
  68. Steegmann J, Bartella AK, Kloss-Brandstätter A, Kamal M, Hölzle F, Lethaus B (2020). A randomized clinical trial on the efficacy of a patient-adapted autonomous exercise regime for patients with head and neck cancer. J Craniomaxillofac Surg, 48(3), 187-192.
  69. Bartella AK, Halana D, Pausch NC, Lethaus B (2020). Persistent fistula of the palate: Cleft surgery meets microsurgery for the next rung of the ladder. Plast Reconstr Surg, (000), 000.
  70. Bartella AK, Halama D, Kamal M, Hahnel S, Sander AK, Pausch NC, Lethaus B (2020). Impact of Corona Virus Disease 2019 on Oral- and Maxillofacial Surgery: Preliminary Results After the Curfew. J Craniofac Surg, (), 0000.
  71. Bartella AK, Kamal M, Gerwing D, Halama D, Kloss-Brandstätter A, Pausch N, Hölzle F, Lethaus B (2020). Quality of life in patients with oral hard or soft tissue defects after reconstructive microsurgery. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg, (), 000.
  72. Li H, Masieri FF, Schneider M, Kottek T, Hahnel S, Yamauchi K, Obradovi? D, Seon JK, Yun SJ, Ferrer RA, Franz S, Simon JC, Lethaus B, Savkovi? V (2020). Autologous, Non-Invasively Available Mesenchymal Stem Cells from the Outer Root Sheath of Hair Follicle Are Obtainable by Migration from Plucked Hair Follicles and Expandable in Scalable Amounts. Cells, 9(9), 000.
  73. Zegers T, Koper D, Lethaus B, Kessler P, Ter Laak-Poort M (2020). Computer-Aided-Design/Computer-Aided-Manufacturing Titanium Cranioplasty in a Child: Critical Appraisal. J Craniofac Surg, 31(1), 237-240.
  74. Gerken U, Esser F, Möhlhenrich SC, Bartella AK, Hölzle F, Fischer H, Raith S, Steiner T (2020). Objective computerised assessment of residual ridge resorption in the human maxilla and maxillary sinus pneumatisation. Clin Oral Investig, 24(9), 3223-3235.
  75. Steegmann J, Bartella AK, Kloss-Brandstätter A, Kamal M, Hölzle F, Lethaus B (2020). A randomized clinical trial on the efficacy of a patient-adapted autonomous exercise regime for patients with head and neck cancer. J Craniomaxillofac Surg, 48(3), 187-192.
  76. Schmidt MB, Rauch A, Schwarzer M, Lethaus B, Hahnel S (2020). Combination of Digital and Conventional Workflows in the CAD/CAM-Fabrication of an Implant-Supported Overdenture. Materials (Basel), 13(17), 0000.
  77. Zegers T, Koper D, Lethaus B, Kessler P, Ter Laak-Poort M (2020). Computer-Aided-Design/Computer-Aided-Manufacturing Titanium Cranioplasty in a Child: Critical Appraisal. J Craniofac Surg, 31(1), 237-240.
  78. Tegtmeyer N, Ghete TD, Schmitt V, Remmerbach T, Cortes MCC, Bondoc EM, Graf HL, Singer BB, Hirsch C, Backert S (2020). Type IV secretion of Helicobacter pylori CagA into oral epithelial cells is prevented by the absence of CEACAM receptor expression. Gut Pathog, 12(), 25.
  79. Obradovic D, Loncar G, Radenovic S, Tahirovic E, Heidecke H, Schulze-Forster K, Muller D, Busjahn A, Buttner P, Veskovic J, Zdravkovic M, Li H, Li S, Savkovic V, Pieske B, Dungen HD, Dechend R (2020). Soluble (pro)renin receptor in elderly chronic heart failure patients. Front Biosci (Landmark Ed), 25(), 1839-1853.
  80. Hemprich A, Pausch NC (2020). LKG: Spät- und Sekundärbehandlung In: Groetz KA, Haßfeld S, Schmidt-Westhausen AM, Handbuch MKG 2020 Groetz, Knut A., Wiesbaden; Haßfeld, Stefan, Dortmund; Schmidt-Westhausen, Andrea M, Berlin (S. 1-46), Wiesbaden: med update GmbH, Wiesbaden.
  81. Hemprich A, Hierl T (2020). Distraction Osteogenesis of the Maxilla with External Devices In: M. Ehrenfeld, N. Futran, P. Manson, J.Prein , Advanced Craniomaxillofacial Surgery - Tumor, Corrective Bone Surgery and Trauma AO Foundation (S. 415-430), Stuttgart, New York: Thieme.

  82. 2019

  83. Olms C, Yahiaoui-Doktor M, Remmerbach TW (2019). Contact allergies to dental materials Swiss Dent J, 129, 571-579.
  84. Halama D, Dreilich R, Lethaus B, Bartella A, Pausch NC (2019). Donor-site morbidity after harvesting of radial forearm free flaps?comparison of vacuum-assisted closure with conventional wound care: A randomized controlled trial Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery , 12, 00-00.
  85. Pausch NC (2019). Die Wolfgang-Rosenthal-Klinik Thallwitz ? Aufstieg und Fall einer Spezialklinik Ärzteblatt Sachsen , 6, 35-37.
  86. Deuerling L, Gaida K, Neumann H, Remmerbach TW (2019). Evaluation of the Accuracy of Liquid-Based Oral Brush Cytology in Screening for Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Cancers (Basel), 11, 11.
  87. Nonnenmuhlen N, Burnic A, Bartella A, Lethaus B, Gerhards F, Ristow O, Pautke C, Holzle F, Steiner T (2019). Comparison of mucosal and mucoperiosteal wound cover for the treatment of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw lesions: a retrospective cohort study. Clin Oral Investig, 23(1), 351-359.
  88. Bartella AK, Flick N, Kamal M, Steegmann J, Kloss-Brandstatter A, Teichmann J, Holzle F, Lethaus B (2019). Hand Perfusion in Patients with Physiological or Pathological Allen's Tests. J Reconstr Microsurg, 35(3), 182-188.
  89. Kamal M, Andersson L, Al-Asfour A, Bartella AK, Gremse F, Rosenhain S, Gabato S, Holzle F, Kessler P, Lethaus B (2019). Bone regeneration in rabbit calvarial critical-sized defects filled with composite in situ formed xenogenic dentin and biphasic tricalcium phosphate/hyroxyapatite mixture. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater, 107(3), 773-782.
  90. Wittenborn J, Busen M, Liao S, Bartella A, Teichmann J, Kamal M, Holzle F, Lethaus B (2019). Numerical simulations of different configured venous anastomosis in microvascular flap transfer. J Craniomaxillofac Surg, 47(5), 792-797.
  91. Gruichev D, Yovev T, Kniha K, Mohlhenrich SC, Goloborodko E, Lethaus B, Holzle F, Modabber A (2019). Evaluation of alloplastic mandibular reconstruction combined with a radial forearm flap compared with a vastus lateralis myocutaneous flap as the first approach to two-stage rehabilitation in advanced oral cancer. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 57(5), 435-441.
  92. Bartella AK, Kamal M, Scholl I, Schiffer S, Steegmann J, Ketelsen D, Holzle F, Lethaus B (2019). Virtual reality in preoperative imaging in maxillofacial surgery: implementation of the next level? Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 57(7), 644-648.
  93. Bartella AK, Kamal M, Steegmann J, Holzle F, Lethaus B (2019). FlapApp - contemporary microvascular free flap surveillance. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 57(10), 1158-1160.
  94. Krause M, Dorfler HM, Kruber D, Humpfner-Hierl H, Hierl T (2019). Correction to: Template-based temporomandibular joint puncturing and access in minimally invasive TMJ surgery (MITMJS) - a technical note and first clinical results. Head Face Med, 15(1), 14-.
  95. Hierl T, Kruber D, Doerfler HM, Huempfner-Hierl H, Krause M (2019). Computer-Aided Versus Conventional Planning in Orbital Traumatology Using Preformed Meshes: Development of a New Workflow. J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 77(8), 1663-1672.
  96. Krause M, Dorfler HM, Kruber D, Humpfner-Hierl H, Hierl T (2019). Template-based temporomandibular joint puncturing and access in minimally invasive TMJ surgery (MITMJS) - a technical note and first clinical results. Head Face Med, 15(1), 10-.
  97. Schneider M, Rother S, Moller S, Schnabelrauch M, Scharnweber D, Simon JC, Hintze V, Savkovic V (2019). Sulfated hyaluronan-containing artificial extracellular matrices promote proliferation of keratinocytes and melanotic phenotype of melanocytes from the outer root sheath of hair follicles. J Biomed Mater Res A, 107(8), 1640-1653.
  98. Koper D, Ter Laak-Poort M, Lethaus B, Yamauchi K, Moroni L, Habibovic P, Kessler P (2019). Cranioplasty with patient-specific implants in repeatedly reconstructed cases. J Craniomaxillofac Surg, 47(5), 709-714.
  99. Nonnenmuhlen N, Burnic A, Bartella A, Lethaus B, Gerhards F, Ristow O, Pautke C, Holzle F, Steiner T (2019). Comparison of mucosal and mucoperiosteal wound cover for the treatment of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw lesions: a retrospective cohort study. Clin Oral Investig, 23(1), 351-359.
  100. Wang J, Xi X, Shang W, Acharya A, Li S, Savkovic V, Li H, Haak R, Schmidt J, Liu X, Deng Y, Pan H, Obradovic D, Schmalz G, Ziebolz D, Hu X (2019). The molecular differences between human papillomavirus-positive and -negative oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma: A bioinformatics study. Am J Otolaryngol, 40(4), 547-554.
  101. Hemprich A, Hierl T (2019). Craniomaxillofacial Distraction Osteogenesis. In: A. Greenberg, R. Schmelzeisen , Craniomaxillofacial Reconstructive and Corrective Bone Surgery (S. 773-786), New York: Springer Nature.

  102. 2018

  103. Krause M, Kruber D, Humpfner-Hierl H, Sterker I, Hierl T (2018). Three-dimensional changes of scleral show after surgical treatment of endocrine orbitopathy. J Craniomaxillofac Surg, 46(1), 44-49.
  104. Pausch NC, Kuhnt CP, Halama D (2018). Upper-eyelid weight implants for patients with lagophthalmos-comparison of rigid and flexible implants. J Craniomaxillofac Surg, 46, 1843-1849.
  105. Pausch NC, Wiegand S, Meixensberger J (2018). Orbital neoplasia causing proptosis HNO, 00, 00-00.
  106. Pausch NC, Halama D (2018). Sekundäre Rhinoplastik bei Patienten mit Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumen-Spalte Der MKG-Chirurg, 4, 250-258.
  107. Olms C, Hix N, Neumann H, Yahiaoui-Doktor M, Remmerbach TW (2018). Clinical comparison of liquid-based and conventional cytology of oral brush biopsies: a randomized controlled trial. Head Face Med, 14(1), 9-16.
  108. Runge J, Remmerbach, TW (2018). Xerostomie ? Diagnostik und Therapie Zahnmedizin up2date, 12, 415-426.
  109. Runge J, Remmerbach, TW (2018). Humane Papillomaviren ? gefährliche Schläfer im Körper Zahnmedizin up2date, 12(4), 351-360.
  110. Jatzwauk L, Remmerbach TW (2018). Prä- und intraoperative Antiseptik in der Mund?, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie Der MKG-Chirurg, 11, 201-206.
  111. Meinhövel F, Stange R, Schnauß J, Sauer M ,Käs JA, Remmerbach TW (2018). Changing cell mechanics?a precondition for malignant transformation of oral squamous carcinoma cells Convergent Science Physical Oncology, 4(3), 1-9.
  112. Walther T, Herzog R, Kaluderovic MR, Wagner C, SchmidtH, Kaluderovic GN (2018). Traceable platinum(II) complexes with alkylene diamine-derived ligands: synthesis, characterization and in vitro studies. J Coord Chem, 71(2), 243-257.
  113. Olms C, Yahiaoui-Doktor M, Remmerbach TW, Stingu CS (2018). Bacterial Colonization and Tissue Compatibility of Denture Base Resins. Dent J (Basel), 6(2), 1-12.
  114. Unger M, Markfort M, Halama D, Chalopin C (2018). Automatic detection of perforator vessels using infrared thermography in reconstructive surgery. Int J Comput Assist Radiol Surg, 5, 1892-1896.

  115. 2017

  116. Pausch NC, Naether F, Krey KF (2017). Tutanchamuns Gebiss und Kieferrelation. Deutsche Zahnärztliche Zeitschrift, 72(1), 86-87.
  117. Huempfner-Hierl H, Hierl T, Halama D (2017). Rare anatomical variation of the brachiocephalic trunk encountered in tracheostomy. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 55(3), 312-313.
  118. Pausch NC, Katsoulis D (2017). Gender-specific evaluation of variation of maxillary exposure when smiling. J Craniomaxillofac Surg, 45(6), 913-920.
  119. Pausch NC, Kuhnt C (2017). Analysis of Facial Characteristics of Female Beauty and Age of Mona Lisa Using a Pictorial Composition. British Journal of Medicine & Medical Research , 22(2), 1-7.
  120. Rauch A, Pausch N, Halama D (2017). Therapy of a lateral open bite using an occlusal splint with anterior jig and botulinum toxin after surgical repositioning of a unilateral mandibular neck fracture Journal of Craniomandibular Function, 9(2), 145-154.
  121. Pausch NC (2017). Der Einsatz von Fillern in der rekonstruktiven Lippenchirurgie. Face, 3, 16-17.
  122. Krause M, Hümpfner-Hierl H, Völker L, Hierl T, Pausch NC (2017). A new approach to treat bone gaps after midfacial and zygomatic fractures with a collagen membrane. Oral Maxillofac Surg, 21(4), 439-446.
  123. Kaluderovic MR, Krajnovic T, Maksimovic-Ivanic D, Graf H-L, Mijatovic S (2017). Ti-SLActive and TiZr-SLActive Dental Implant Surfaces Promote Fast Osteoblast Differentiation. Coatings, 7(7), 102.
  124. Miehle K, Stumvoll M, Fasshauer M, Hierl T (2017). Facial soft tissue volume decreases during metreleptin treatment in patients with partial and generalized lipodystrophy. Endocrine, 58(2), 262-266.
  125. Doerfler HM, Huempfner-Hierl H, Kruber D, Schulze P, Hierl T (2017). Template-Based Orbital Wall Fracture Treatment Using Statistical Shape Analysis. J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 75(7), 1475.e1.
  126. Krause M, Humpfner-Hierl H, Kruber D, Sterker I, Hierl T (2017). Calculation of resected orbital wall areas in the treatment of endocrine orbitopathy. J Craniomaxillofac Surg, 45(4), 485-490.
  127. Hierl T, Huempfner-Hierl H, Sterker I, Krause M (2017). Decompression in endocrine orbitopathy with a navigated piezosurgical bone grinder. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 55(3), 330-332.
  128. Sterker I , Hierl T, Krause M (2017). Individualisierte Planung der knöchernen Orbitadekompression bei endokriner Orbitopathie. Z prakt Augenheilk, 38, 343-348.
  129. Liese J, Winter K, Glass A, Bertolini J, Kammerer PW, Frerich B, Schiefke I, Remmerbach TW (2017). Advances toward fully automated in vivo assessment of oral epithelial dysplasia by nuclear endomicroscopy-A pilot study. J Oral Pathol Med, 46(10), 911-920.
  130. Olms C, Remmerbach TW (2017). Allergen-getriggerte lichenoide Mundschleimhautläsionen: Diagnose und Therapie anhand eines Fallbeispiels. Swiss Dent J, 127(1), 27-37.
  131. Remmerbach TW (2017). Editorial: "Ich mache keine Fehler" Oralchirurgie-Journal, 4, 1617-7843.
  132. Remmerbach TW (2017). Editorial: Patientenrechtegesetz Oralchirurgie-Journal, 3, 3.
  133. Remmerbach TW (2017). Editorial: Patientenrechtegesetz Oralchirurgie-Journal, 2, 3.
  134. Remmerbach TW (2017). ?Editorial: Masterplan Zahnmedizinstudium 2030 ...? Oralchirurgie-Journal, 2, 3.
  135. Remmerbach TW (2017). Editorial: Unwort des Jahres: GKV-Selbstverwaltungsstärkungsgesetz Oralchirurgie-Journal, 1, 3.
  136. Remmerbach TW, Pomjanski N, Bauer U, Neumann H (2017). Liquid-based versus conventional cytology of oral brush biopsies: a split-sample pilot study. Clin Oral Investig, 21(8), 2493-2498.
  137. Huebner D, Kaluderovic MR, Gomez-Ruiz S, Kaluderovic GN (2017). Anionic chlorido(triphenyl)tin(IV) bearing N-phthaloylglycinato or 1,2,4-benzenetricarboxylato 1,2-anhydride ligands: potential cytotoxic and apoptosis-inducing agents against several types of cancer. Chem Biol Drug Des, 89(4), 628–633.
  138. Rathmann P, Chalopin C, Halama D, Giri P, Meixensberger J, Lindner D (2017). Dynamic infrared thermography (DIRT) for assessment of skin blood perfusion in cranioplasty: a proof of concept for qualitative comparison with the standard indocyanine green video angiography (ICGA). Int J Comput Assist Radiol Surg., 00, 1683-1695.

  139. 2016

  140. Kaluderovic MR, Schreckenbach JP, Graf HL (2016). Plasma-electrochemical deposition of porous zirconia on titanium-based dental material and in vitro interactions with primary osteoblasts cells. J Biomater Appl, 30(6), 711-21.
  141. Kaluderovic MR, Mojic M, Gomez-Ruiz S, Mijatovic S, Maksimovic-Ivanic D (2016). Anticancer Activity of Organogallium(III) Complexes in Colon Cancer Cells. Anticancer Agents Med Chem, 16(3), 359-364.
  142. Pausch NC, Sirintawat N, Wagner R, Halama D, Dhanuthai K (2016). Lower eyelid complications associated with transconjunctival versus subciliary approaches to orbital floor fractures. Oral Maxillofac Surg, 20(1), 51-55.
  143. Pausch NC, Winter K, Halama D, Wirtz C, Yildirim V, Sirintawat N (2016). Psychosocial acceptance of cleft patients: has something changed? Oral Maxillofac Surg, 20(1), 19-26.
  144. Pausch NC, Unger C, Pitak-Arnnop P, Subbalekha K (2016). Nasal appearance after secondary cleft rhinoplasty: comparison of professional rating with patient satisfaction. Oral Maxillofac Surg, 20(2), 195-201.
  145. Pausch NC, Sterker I, Bauer U (2016). Malignant intraorbital tumor: Primary tumor or metastasis? HNO, 64(4), 262-264.
  146. Kaluderovic MR, Schreckenbach JP, Graf HL (2016). Titanium dental implant surfaces obtained by anodic spark deposition - From the past to the future. Mater Sci Eng C Mater Biol Appl, 69, 1429-1441.
  147. Kaluderovic MR, Schreckenbach JP, Graf HL (2016). Biocompatibility of the titanium-based implant surfaces: Effect of the calcium dihydrogen phosphate on osteoblast cells. J Serb Chem Soc, 81(7), 799-811.
  148. Remmerbach TW, Liese J, Krause S, Schiefke I, Schiefke F, Maier M, Liebert UG (2016). No association of oral lichen planus and hepatitis C virus infection in central Germany. Clin Oral Investig, 20(1), 193-197.
  149. Hijazi M, Jentsch H, Al-Sanabani J, Tawfik M, Remmerbach TW (2016). Clinical and cytological study of the oral mucosa of smoking and non-smoking qat chewers in Yemen. Clin Oral Investig, 20(4), 771-779.
  150. Remmerbach TW (2016). Editorial: Grünes Licht für GOÄ-Reform Oralchirurgie-Journal, 16, 3.
  151. Remmerbach TW (2016). Editorial: Anti-Korruptionsgesetz passiert in veränderter Form den Bundestag. Oralchirurgie-Journal, 16, 3.
  152. Remmerbach TW (2016). Editorial: Die spinnen, die Briten! Oralchirurgie-Journal, 16, 3.
  153. Remmerbach TW (2016). Editorial: Citius, altius, fortius. Oralchirurgie-Journal, 16, 3.
  154. Just M, Chalopin C, Unger M, Halama D, Neumuth T, Dietz A, Fischer M (2016). Monitoring of microvascular free flaps following oropharyngeal reconstruction using infrared thermography: first clinical experiences. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol, 273(9), 2659-67.
  155. Edeler D, Kaluderovic MR, Dojcinovic B, Schmidt H, Kaluderovic GN (2016). SBA-15 mesoporous silica particles loaded with cisplatin induce senescence in B16F10 cells. RSC Advances, 6, 111031-111040.
  156. Yildirim V, Pausch NC, Halama D, Lubbers HT, Yildirim A (2016). Is radical surgery of an inverted papilloma of the maxillary sinus obsolete? a case report. J Med Case Rep, 10(1), 341.
  157. Pausch NC, Winter K, Halama D, Wirtz C, Yildirim V, Sirintawat N (2016). Erratum to: Psychosocial acceptance of cleft patients: has something changed? Oral Maxillofac Surg, 20(1), 109-109.

  158. 2015

  159. Yildirim V, Kaiser J, Hemprich A, Winter K, Pausch NC (2015). Dependence of columella development on the technique used for primary cleft lip closure. Oral Maxillofac Surg, 19(2), 165-175.
  160. Pausch NC, Hendricks J, Halama D (2015). Computersimulationen in der ästhetischen Rhinochirurgie. Face, 1, 32-35.
  161. Busse S, Kircheis M, Remmerbach TW (2015). Kenntnisse zur Mundgesundheit von Bundeswehrsoldaten unter Berücksichtigung des seit 1990 gültigen Konzeptes der Individual- und Gruppenprophylaxe. Wehrmedizinische Monatsschrift, 59(1), 8-13.
  162. Remmerbach TW, Sauer J, Bauer U, Biesterfeld S, Neumann HH (2015). Evaluation der flüssigkeitsbasierten (Dünnschicht-)Zytologie oraler Bürstenbiopsien zur Dignitätsabklärung von unklaren Mundschleimhautveränderungen Verh Dtsch Ges Zyt, 29, 59-66.
  163. Pausch NC (2015). Die Wurzel des Übels. Der junge Zahnarzt, 6(3), 34-35.
  164. Pausch NC, Neff A, Subbalekha K, Dhanuthai K, Sirintawat N, Pitak-Arnnop P (2015). Factors affecting scientific productivity of German oral-maxillofacial surgery training centers: a retrospective cohort study. Oral Maxillofac Surg, 19(3), 259-265.
  165. Subbalekha K, Bellefqih S, Dhanuthai K, Pausch NC, Neff A, Pitak-Arnnop P (2015). Palatal swelling. Rev Stomatol Chir Maxillofac Chir Orale, 116, 3-5.
  166. Subbalekha K, Horn IS, Pausch NC (2015). Unilateral maxillary sinusitis. HNO, 63(6), 447-449.
  167. Huempfner-Hierl H, Bohne A, Wollny G, Sterker I, Hierl T (2015). Blunt forehead trauma and optic canal involvement: finite element analysis of anterior skull base and orbit on causes of vision impairment. Br J Ophthalmol, 99(10), 1430-1434.
  168. Huempfner-Hierl H, Bohne A, Schaller A, Wollny G, Hierl T (2015). Does facial soft tissue protect against zygomatic fractures? Results of a finite element analysis. Head Face Med, 11, 21.
  169. Huempfner-Hierl H, Schaller A, Hierl T (2015). Maxillofacial fractures and craniocerebral injuries - stress propagation from face to neurocranium in a finite element analysis. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med, 23, 35.
  170. Huempfner-Hierl H, Doerfler HM, Kruber D, Hierl T (2015). Morphologic comparison of preformed orbital meshes. J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 73(6), 1119-1123.
  171. Hierl Th, Hemprich A, Hümpfner-Hierl H (2015). Maxillofaziale Frakturen im Kindesalter. Kinder- und Jugendmedizin, 15(2), 75-85.
  172. Pausch NC, Halama D, Dhanuthai K, Subbalekha K, Hendricks J (2015). Factors associated with postrhinoplasty mucous cyst in cleft lip patients. Oral Maxillofac Surg, 19(4), 391-396.
  173. Kaluderovic MR, Mandl S, Kohlweyer H, Graf HL (2015). Physical vapour deposition of zirconia on titanium: fabrication, characterization and interaction with human osteoblast cells. J Mater Sci Mater Med, 26(12), 267.
  174. Pausch NC, Hendricks J (2015). Es ist nie zu spät? Nasenkorrekturen im Alter. FACE, 4, 44-47.
  175. Remmerbach TW (2015). Was ist die orale Medizin und welche Bedeutung hat sie für die Praxis. Quintessenz, 66(10), 1199-1206.
  176. Remmerbach TW (2015). Editorial: Zahnheilkunde neu gedacht. Oralchirurgie-Journal , 15, 3.
  177. Remmerbach TW (2015). Editorial: 60 Jahre zahnärztliche Approbationsordnung. Oralchirurgie-Journal, 4, 3.
  178. Remmerbach TW (2015). Editorial: Endokarditisprophylaxe in Großbritannien: Leidlinie. Oralchirurgie-Journal, 2, 3.
  179. Remmerbach TW (2015). Editorial: Orale Leukoplakien - eine Herausforderung. Oralchirurgie-Journal, 3, 3.
  180. Pausch NC, Naether F, Krey KF (2015). Tutankhamuns Dentition: The Pharaoh and his Teeth. Braz Dent J, 26(6), 701-704.
  181. Bulatovic M, Kaluderovic MR, Mojic M, Zmejkovski BB, Hey-Hawkins E, Vidakovic M, Grdovic N, Kaluderovic GN, Mijatovic S, Maksimovic-Ivanic D (2015). Improved in vitro antitumor potential of (O,O-Diisobutyl-ethylenediamine-N,N-di-3-propionate)tetrachloridoplatinum(IV) complex under normoxic and hypoxic conditions. Eur J Pharmacol, 760, 136-144.
  182. Wichmann G, Rosolowski M, Krohn K, Kreuz M, Boehm A, Reiche A, Scharrer U, Halama D, Bertolini J, Bauer U, Holzinger D, Pawlita M, Hess J, Engel C, Hasenclever D, Scholz M, Ahnert P, Kirsten H, Hempri (2015). The role of HPV RNA transcription, immune response-related gene expression and disruptive TP53 mutations in diagnostic and prognostic profiling of head and neck cancer. Int J Cancer, 137(12), 2846-2857.

  183. 2014

  184. Pausch NC, Gradistanac T, Halama D (2014). Differential diagnosis of chronic maxillary sinusitis. HNO, 62(2), 124-6.
  185. Pausch NC, Halama D (2014). Freispruch für Dr. Daquin. Aerzteblatt Sachsen, 3, 125-127.
  186. Kaluderovic MR, Schreckenbach JP, Graf HL (2014). First titanium dental implants with white surfaces: Preparation and in vitro tests. Dent Mater, 30(7), 759-768.
  187. Runge J, Reichert TE, Fritsch A, Kas J, Bertolini J, Remmerbach TW (2014). Evaluation of single-cell biomechanics as potential marker for oral squamous cell carcinomas: a pilot study. Oral Dis, 20(3), 120-127.
  188. Kaluderovic MR, Schreckenbach JP, Graf HL (2014). Zirconia coated titanium for implants and their interactions with osteoblast cells. Materials Science and Engineering: C, 44, 254-261.
  189. Pausch NC, Neff A, Dhanuthai K, Sirintawat N, Vorakulpipat C, Pitak-Arnnop P (2014). Grand rounds: Eyelid swelling after nose blowing. Am J Otolaryngol, 35(3), 456-459.
  190. Pausch NC, Neff A, Pitak-Arnnop P (2014). Einsatz von Fibrinkleber zur Reduktion von Schmerzen und postoperativer Beeinträchtigung bei Spalthautentnahme. Chirurg, 85(5), 443-446.
  191. Yildirim V, Hemprich A, Grundl M, Pausch NC (2014). Panel perception of facial appearance of cleft patients generated by use of a morphing technique. Oral Maxillofac Surg, 18(3), 331-340.
  192. Pausch NC, Halama D (2014). [Chance finding of a radiopaque lesion in the region of the left maxillary sinus]. HNO, 62(10), 756-758.
  193. Huempfner-Hierl H, Schaller A, Hierl T (2014). Biomechanical investigation of the supraorbital arch - a transient FEA study on the impact of physical blows. Head Face Med, 10, 13.
  194. Huempfner-Hierl H, Schaller A, Hemprich A, Hierl T (2014). Biomechanical investigation of naso-orbitoethmoid trauma by finite element analysis. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 52(9), 850-853.
  195. Hendricks N, Hendricks J, Hoffmann K, Hemprich A, Halama D (2014). Using medical silicone to ensure an airtight negative pressure wound therapy dressing seal in challenging wounds: a case series. Ostomy Wound Manage, 60(8), 40-46.
  196. Kaluderovic MR, Mojic M, Schreckenbach JP, Maksimovic-Ivanic D, Graf HL, Mijatovic S (2014). A Key Role of Autophagy in Osteoblast Differentiation on Titanium-Based Dental Implants. Cells Tissues Organs, 200(3-4), 265-277.
  197. Heufelder MJ, Hendricks J, Remmerbach T, Frerich B, Hemprich A, Wilde F (2014). Principles of oral surgery for prevention of bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol, 117(6), e429-435.
  198. Hirsch E (2014). Bildgebende Diagnostik und Endodontie. In: Deutscher Zahnärztetag, Das Premium Partner Jahrbuch 2014. (S. 3-6), Berlin: Quintessenz Verlags GmbH.

  199. 2013

  200. Pitak-Arnnop P, Hemprich A, Dhanuthai K, Pausch NC (2013). Fibular flap for mandibular reconstruction: Are there old tricks for an old dog? Rev Stomatol Chir Maxillofac, 114(1), 15-18.
  201. Dhanuthai K, Sappayatosok K, Yodsanga S, Rojanawatsirivej S, Pausch NC, Pitak-Arnnop P (2013). An analysis of microvessel density in salivary gland tumours: A single centre study. Surgeon, 11(3), 147-52.
  202. Maurer K, Eschrich K, Schellenberger W, Bertolini J, Rupf S, Remmerbach TW (2013). Oral brush biopsy analysis by MALDI-ToF Mass Spectrometry for early cancer diagnosis. Oral Oncol, 49(2), 152-156.
  203. Halama D, Hierl T, Wickenhauser C, Pausch NC (2013). Psammomatoid Juvenile Ossifying Fibroma of the Maxilla: Radical Surgery with Maxillary Resection in a 7-year-old Girl. Klinische Pädiatrie, 225(7), 418-419.
  204. Pausch NC, Hemprich A, Subbalekha K, Dhanuthai K, Neff A, Pitak-Arnnop P (2013). Columellar flap for secondary cleft rhinoplasty with esthetic improvement of Millard's unilateral cheiloplasty scar. Rev Stomatol Chir Maxillofac Chir Orale, 114(5), 322-326.
  205. Pitak-Arnnop P, Pausch NC, Dhanuthai K, Neff A (2013). Oral amoxicillin as antibiotic prophylaxis before dental surgery - "Faux pas" or "dernier cri"? Rev Stomatol Chir Maxillofac Chir Orale, 114(5), 338-340.
  206. Pitak-Arnnop P, Dhanuthai K, Pausch NC (2013). Radiofrequency: the next step for gingival depigmentation. J Cutan Aesthet Surg., 6(1), 57-59.
  207. Pitak-Arnnop P, Pausch NC, Dhanuthai K, Neff A (2013). "Nose up" serum/cream replaces augmentation rhinoplasty-fact or fantasy? Otolaryngol Pol, 67(3), 180-181.
  208. Halama D, Pausch NC (2013). [Iliac crest bone graft with vascular pedicle after Caldwell-Luc procedure.] HNO, 61(11), 961-964.
  209. Pausch NC (2013). Ludwig der XIV. und die Mund-Antrum-Fistel. Face international magazine of orofacial esthetics, 4, 46-48.
  210. Wollny G, Kellmann P, Ledesma-Carbayo MJ, Skinner MW, Hublin JJ, Hierl T (2013). MIA - A free and open source software for gray scale medical image analysis. Source Code Biol Med, 8(1), 20.
  211. Schaller A, Huempfner-Hierl H, Hemprich A, Hierl T (2013). Biomechanical mechanisms of orbital wall fractures - A transient finite element analysis. J Craniomaxillofac Surg, 41(8), 710-717.
  212. Hierl T, Arnold S, Kruber D, Schulze FP, Humpfner-Hierl H (2013). CAD-CAM-assisted esthetic facial surgery. J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 71(1), 15-23.
  213. Hierl T, Krause M, Kruber D, Humpfner-Hierl H (2013). Positioning of bone segments during navigated surgery. J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 71(2), 376-381.
  214. Remmerbach TW (2013). Ein Jahrzent Bürstenbiopsie - Wo stehen wir heute? Quintessenz, 64(7), 865-872.
  215. Wenzel A, Hirsch E, Christensen J, Matzen LH, Scaf G, Frydenberg M (2013). Detection of cavitated approximal surfaces using cone beam CT and intraoral receptors. Dentomaxillofac Radiol, 42(1), 39458105.
  216. Pausch NC, Garve R, Krey KF (2013). Dento-orales Tuning - Schönheit im Mund. In: Borkenhagen A, Stirn A, Brähler E, Body Modification. (S. 91-105), Berlin: Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft.
  217. Remmerbach TW (2013). The Role of Aneuploidy Analysis in Oral Cytology. In: Mehrotra R, Oral Cytology: A Concise Guide. (S. 109-124), New York: Springer Verlag.

  218. 2012

  219. Pausch NC, Herzberg PY, Wirtz C, Hemprich A, Dhanuthai K, Hierl T, Pitak-Arnnop P (2012). German animal terms for oral cleft deformity: A Leipzig survey. J Craniomaxillofac Surg, 40(8), e236-e242.
  220. Schaller A, Voigt C, Huempfner-Hierl H, Hemprich A, Hierl T (2012). Transient finite element analysis of a traumatic fracture of the zygomatic bone caused by a head collision. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 41(1), 66-73.
  221. Pausch NC, Wirtz C, Hemprich A (2012). Zoomorphologische Begriffe zur Bezeichnung fazialer Spaltbildungen. Ärzteblatt Sachsen, 23(1), 28-30.
  222. Pausch NC, Hemprich A, Hierl T (2012). "Hasenscharte" und "Wolfsrachen": Korrekte Bezeichnungen wählen. Deutsches Ärzteblatt, 6, 223-224.
  223. Pitak-Arnnop P, Dhanuthai K, Hemprich A, Pausch NC (2012). Morality, ethics, norms and research misconduct. J Conserv Dent, 15(1), 92-3.
  224. Pitak-Arnnop P, Hemprich A, Dhanuthai K, Pausch NC (2012). Re: He Y, Zhang ZY, Zhu HG, et al: Double-Barrel Fibula Vascularized Free Flap With Dental Rehabilitation for Mandibular Reconstruction. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 69:2663, 2011. J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 70(3), 506.
  225. Pausch N C (2012). Reine Geschmackssache (Editorial). Face (International magazine of orofacial esthetic), 4, 3-3.
  226. Schubert M, Klatte I, Linek W, Muller B, Doring K, Eckelt U, Hemprich A, Berger U, Hendricks J (2012). The Saxon Bisphosphonate Register - Therapy and prevention of bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaws. Oral Oncol, 48(4), 349-354.
  227. Pitak-Arnnop P, Dhanuthai K, Hemprich A, Pausch NC (2012). Response to "Interventional sialendoscopy for treatment of juvenile recurrent parotitis". J Indian Assoc Pediatr Surg, 17(2), 91-3.
  228. Pitak-Arnnop P, Dhanuthai K, Hemprich A, Pausch NP (2012). Pleomorphic adenoma of the upper lip: some clinicopathological considerations. J Cutan Aesthet Surg, 5(1), 51-2.
  229. Pitak-Arnnop P, Bertolini J, Dhanuthai K, Hendricks J, Hemprich A, Pausch NC (2012). Intracranial extension of Schneiderian inverted papilloma: a case report and literature review. Ger Med Sci, 10, e12.
  230. Pausch NC, Naether F (2012). Tutanchamun: Ein Spaltpatient? Ärzteblatt Sachsen, 5, 210-211.
  231. Pitak-Arnnop P, Dhanuthai K, Hemprich A, Pausch NC (2012). Evidence-based medicine, Cochrane reviews and open-access journals. Med J Malaysia, 67(2), 232-233.
  232. Pitak-Arnnop K, Moungsirithum P, Pitak-Arnnop S, Dhanuthai K, Pausch NC, Pitak-Arnnop P (2012). A randomized controlled trial comparing computer-aided learning with versus without tuition/lecture in promoting English proficiency. Cogn Process, 13(3), 277-83.
  233. Pitak-Arnnop P, Dhanuthai K, Hemprich A, Pausch NC (2012). Histopathological examination of tonsillectomy specimens: Some discussions. Afr J Paediatr Surg, 9(2), 181-2.
  234. Hierl T, Hemprich A, Huempfner-Hierl H (2012). Reactivation of distraction length using external distractors. J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 70(6), 400-402.
  235. Pitak-Arnnop P, Dhanuthai K, Hemprich A, Pausch NC (2012). Kimura's Disease - Revisited. Photodiagnosis Photodyn Ther, 9(3), 282-3.
  236. Pausch NC, Halama D (2012). Der Zahnstatus des Sonnenkönigs: Ende der Legende Zahnärztliche Mitteilungen, 18, 92-95.
  237. Pitak-Arnnop P, Hemprich A, Dhanuthai K, Pausch NC (2012). Response to "Gingival squamous cell carcinoma: A diagnostic impediment". J Indian Soc Periodontol, 16(3), 300-1.
  238. Remmerbach TW (2012). Potenziell maligne Veränderungen der Mundschleimhaut. Deutsche Zahnärztliche Zeitschrift, 10, 649-656.
  239. Remmerbach TW (2012). Editorial: Angst beim Zahnarzt – ein Teufelskreis. Oralchirurgie-Journal, 2012, 3.
  240. Remmerbach TW (2012). Editorial: Erhöhtes Hirntumorrisiko durch Bissflügelaufnahmen? Oralchirurgie-Journal, 2012, 3.
  241. Remmerbach TW (2012). Editorial: Früherkennung rettet Leben. Oralchirurgie-Journal, 2012, 3.
  242. Remmerbach TW (2012). Editorial: DVT – Sinnvolle Ergänzung zur Basisdiagnostik. Oralchirurgie-Journal, 2012, 3.
  243. Pitak-Arnnop P, Dhanuthai K, Hemprich A, Pausch NC (2012). Ethical dilemma: Dental patient with HIV. Niger Med J, 53(3), 178.
  244. Kaluderovic MR, Schreckenbach JP, Graf HL (2012). Proliferation, cell cluster formation and morphology of osteoblasts on various titanium dental implants. BioNanoMaterials, 13, 218.
  245. Pausch N C, Garve R, Halama D (2012). Orale Körpermodifikation. Face (International magazine of orofacial esthetics), 4, 6-8.
  246. Pitak-Arnnop P, Dhanuthai K, Hemprich A, Pausch NC (2012). Peripheral osteoma as a marker of Gardner's syndrome, and what then must we do? J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent, 30(4), 356-357.
  247. Wilde F, Heufelder M, Lorenz K, Liese S, Liese J, Helmrich J, Schramm A, Hemprich A, Hirsch E, Winter K (2012). Prevalence of cone beam computed tomography imaging findings according to the clinical stage of bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol, 114(6), 804-811.
  248. Ludwig KU, Mangold E, Herms S, Nowak S, Reutter H, Paul A, Becker J, Herberz R, AlChawa T, Nasser E, Bohmer AC, Mattheisen M, Alblas MA, Barth S, Kluck N, Lauster C, Braumann B, Reich RH, Hemprich A, (2012). Genome-wide meta-analyses of nonsyndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate identify six new risk loci. Nat Genet, 44(9), 968-971.
  249. Pausch NC, Wirtz C, Hemprich A, Hierl T (2012). Psychosoziale Aspekte der chirurgischen Korrektur fazialer Dysmorphien infolge von Lippe-Kiefer-Gaumen-Spalten. In: Borkenhagen A, Brähler E, Die Selbstverbesserung des Menschen - Wunschmedizin und Enhancement aus medizinpsychologischer Sicht (S. 189-197), Gießen: Psychosozial-Verlag.

  250. 2011

  251. Pitak-Arnnop P, Hemprich A, Dhanuthai K, Yildirim V, Pausch NC (2011). Panel and patient perceptions of nasal aesthetics after secondary cleft rhinoplasty with versus without columellar grafting. J Craniomaxillofac Surg, 39(5), 319-25.
  252. Pitak-Arnnop P, Hemprich A, Pausch NC (2011). Evidence-Based Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: Some Pitfalls and Limitations. J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 69(1), 252-257.
  253. Pitak-Arnnop P, Hemprich A, Dhanuthai K, Pausch NC (2011). Free flap reconstruction of the maxilla: Is there something missing? Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod, 111(1), 4-6.
  254. Pitak-Arnnop P, Dhanuthai K, Hemprich A, Pausch NC (2011). Research and publication ethics: What have we learned thus far? Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod, 111(1), 10-12.
  255. Pitak-Arnnop P, Hemprich A, Dhanuthai K, Pausch NC (2011). Outcome research on secondary cleft rhinoplasty: The Leipzig experience. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg, 64(2), 277-278.
  256. Kaluderovic MR, Kaluderovic GN, Gomez-Ruiz S, Paschke R, Hemprich A, Kuhling J, Remmerbach TW (2011). Organogallium(III) complexes as apoptosis promoting anticancer agents for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) cell lines. J Inorg Biochem, 105(2), 164-170.
  257. Pausch NC, Pitak-Arnnop P, Herzberg PY, Dhanuthai K, Hemprich A (2011). Secondary cleft rhinoplasty rejuvenates the nose: A suggestion from a panel survey. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod, 111(2), 174-80.
  258. Pitak-Arnnop P, Hemprich A, Dhanuthai K, Pausch NC (2011). Comments on "improving esthetic results in benign parotid surgery: statistical evaluation of facelift approach, sternocleidomastoid flap, and superficial musculoaponeurotic system flap application" J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 69(4), 961-962.
  259. Pausch NC, Hemprich A, Hierl T (2011). Die Sekundärkorrektur der dislozierten Nasengerüstfraktur. Ärzteblatt Sachsen, 22(5), 230-232.
  260. Pausch NC, Hemprich A, Hierl T (2011). L’homme au nez cassé – der Mann mit der gebrochenen Nase Face (International Magazine of Orofacial Esthetics), 1, 16-19.
  261. Pitak-Arnnop P, Dhanuthai K, Hemprich A, Pausch NC (2011). Follicular cysts, odontogenic keratocysts, and Gorlin-Goltz syndrome: some clinicopathologic aspects. J Craniofac Surg, 22(3), 1170.
  262. Pitak-Arnnop P, Hemprich A, Dhanuthai K, Pausch NC (2011). Principlism: The simplicity of complexity, or the complexity of simplicity? J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg, 64(7), 978-979.
  263. Pitak-Arnnop P, Hemprich A, Pausch NC (2011). In reply : Evidence-based oral and maxillofacial surgery: some pitfalls and limitations. J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 69(7), 1852-4.
  264. Wilde F, Hendricks J, Riese C, Pausch N, Schramm A, Heufelder M (2011). Bone Regeneration Without Bone Grafting After Resection of a Segment of the Mandible to Treat Bisphosphonate-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw. J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 69(10), 2657-62.
  265. Pausch NC, Hemprich A, Hierl T (2011). Die Sekundärkorrektur der dislozierten Nasengerüstfraktur. J Deut Gesell Plast Wiederherst-chir, 42, 39-42.
  266. Pitak-Arnnop P, Hervé C, Coffin JC, Dhanuthai K, Bertrand JC, Meningaud JP (2011). Psychological care for maxillofacial trauma patients: A preliminary survey of oral and maxillofacial surgeons. J Craniomaxillofac Surg, 39(7), 515-518.
  267. Pitak-Arnnop P, Dhanuthai K, Hemprich A, Pausch NC (2011). Aging rhinoplasty alone fails to create a youthful appearance of the lateral face, but secondary cleft rhinoplasty rejuvenates the nose. Am J Otolaryngol, 32(6), 632-3.
  268. Reichardt LF, Pitak-Arnnop P, Hemprich A, Dhanuthai K, Pausch NC (2011). Chronic refractory osteomyelitis as a part of synovitis, acne, pustulosis, hyperostosis and osteitis (SAPHO) syndrome: a diagnostic challenge ANZ J Surg, 81(9), 642-3.
  269. Pitak-Arnnop P, Hemprich A, Dhanuthai K, Pausch NC (2011). Gold for Facial Skin Care: Fact or Fiction? Aesthetic Plast Surg, 35(6), 1184-8.
  270. Pitak-Arnnop P, Dhanuthai K, Hemprich A, Pausch NC (2011). Does Pleomorphic Adenoma Really Require Total Parotidectomy? To the editors. Ann Surg Oncol, Suppl. 3, S248-9.
  271. Pitak-Arnnop P, Pausch NC (2011). Female and Older Adult Patients (age ≥ 21 Years) had Slower Recovery After Third-Molar Surgery Compared with Males and Younger Adults in a US Study. J Evid Based Dent Pract, 11(4), 196-9.
  272. Pausch NC (2011). Die Nase des Mannes - physiognomische und chirurgische Aspekte. face, 3, 28-30.
  273. Pausch NC (2011). Der Fehler begleitet den Menschen (Editorial). face, 3, 3.
  274. Hierl T, Hemprich A, Krey, KF, Hümpfner-Hierl H (2011). Distraktionsosteogenese des Oberkiefers – Indikation und Anwendung extraoraler Systeme. Inf Orthod Kieferorthop , 43(3), 161-165.
  275. Hierl T, Kruber B, Borasch H, Hümpfner-Hierl H (2011). Neu entwickelte 3D-Analysesoftware für Zahnheilkunde und MKG-Chirurgie. Digital Dental News, 6, 6-10.
  276. Kaluderovic M, Schreckenbach J, Graf HL (2011). White is in - New tooth colour titanium dental implants: preparation and in vitro tests. BIOmaterialien, 12, 190.
  277. Remmerbach TW, Maurer K, Janke S, Schellenberger W, Eschrich K, Bertolini J, Hofmann H, Rupf S (2011). Oral brush biopsy analysis by matrix assisted laser desorption/ionisation-time of flight mass spectrometry profiling-a pilot study. Oral Oncol, 47(4), 278-281.
  278. Wilde F, Heufelder M, Winter K, Hendricks J, Frerich B, Schramm A, Hemprich A (2011). The role of surgical therapy in the management of intravenous bisphosphonates-related osteonecrosis of the jaw. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod, 111(2), 153-163.
  279. Wilde F, Heufelder M, Winter K, Hendricks J, Frerich B, Schramm A, Hemprich A (2011). The role of surgical therapy in the management of intravenous bisphosphonates-related osteonecrosis of the jaw. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. , 111(2), 153-63.
  280. Gallego B, Kaluderovic MR, Kommera H, Paschke R, Hey-Hawkins E, Remmerbach TW, Kaluderovic GN, Gomez-Ruiz S (2011). Cytotoxicity, apoptosis and study of the DNA-binding properties of bi- and tetranuclear gallium(III) complexes with heterocyclic thiolato ligands. Invest New Drugs, 29(5), 932-944.
  281. Borasch H (2011). Volumendifferenzmessung an medizinischen Oberflächenbilddaten. In: Auer S, Riechert T, Schmidt J, Leipziger Beiträge zur Informatik , Band XXVII (S. 53-61), Leipzig: Uni-Eigenverlag.

  282. 2010

  283. Pausch NC, Bertolini J, Hemprich A, Hierl T (2010). Inclusion mucous cysts of the nose: a late complication after septorhinoplasty in two cleft lip patients. Cleft Palate Craniofac J, 47(6), 668-672.
  284. Kaluderovic MR, Gomez-Ruiz S, Gallego B, Hey-Hawkins E, Paschke R, Kaluderovic GN (2010). Anticancer activity of dinuclear gallium(III) carboxylate complexes. Eur J Med Chem, 45(2), 519-525.
  285. Pitak-Arnnop P, Hemprich A, Dhanuthai K, Pausch NC (2010). A systematic review in 2008 did not show value of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for osteoradionecrosis. J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 68(10), 2644-2645.
  286. Pitak-Arnnop P, Hemprich A, Dhanuthai K, Pausch NC (2010). Ethical conduct of human research: some controversies. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg, 143(3), 469-470.
  287. Pitak-Arnnop P, Dhanuthai K, Hemprich A, Pausch NC (2010). Craniofacial fibrous dysplasia: current status of the literature. Rev Stomatol Chir Maxillofac, 111(4), 244-246.
  288. Pitak-Arnnop P, Dhanuthai K, Hemprich A, Pausch NC (2010). Misleading p-value:do you recognise it? Eur J Dent, 4(3), 356-358.
  289. Pausch NC, Hemprich A (2010). Grundprinzipien der ästhetischen Nasenkorrektur Face (International Magazine of Orofacial Esthetics), 4(1), 32-35.
  290. Pitak-Arnnop P, Bellefqih S, Chaine A, Dhanuthai K, Bertrand JC, Bertolus C (2010). Head and neck lesions of Kimura\'s disease: exclusion of human herpesvirus-8 and Epstein-Barr virus by in situ hybridisation and polymerase chain reaction. An immunohistochemical study. J Craniomaxillofac Surg, 38(4), 266-270.
  291. Pitak-Arnnop P, Sader R, Rapidis AD, Dhanuthai K, Bauer U, Herve C, Hemprich A (2010). Publication bias in oral and maxillofacial surgery journals: an observation on published controlled trials. J Craniomaxillofac Surg, 38(1), 4-10.
  292. Pitak-Arnnop P, Chaine A, Oprean N, Dhanuthai K, Bertrand JC, Bertolus C (2010). Management of odontogenic keratocysts of the jaws: a ten-year experience with 120 consecutive lesions. J Craniomaxillofac Surg, 38(5), 358-364.
  293. Pitak-Arnnop P, Schubert S, Dhanuthai K, Sappayatosok K, Bauer U, Ngamwannagul P, Liebert UG, Hemprich A (2010). Swine-origin H1N1 influenza A virus and dental practice: a critical review. Clin Oral Investig, 14(1), 11-17.
  294. Pitak-Arnnop P, Bauer U, Chaine A, Hemprich A, Bertolus C (2010). The past, present, and future of oral and maxillofacial surgery--some details in Europe. J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 68(2), 491-494.
  295. Pitak-Arnnop P (2010). Statistics or ethics? Decision to treat drooling. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg, 136(3), 315.
  296. Pitak-Arnnop P, Pausch NC, Dhanuthai K, Sappayatosok K, Ngamwannagul P, Bauer U, Sader R, Rapidis AD, Hervé C, Hemprich A (2010). Endoscope-assisted submandibular sialadenectomy: a review of outcomes, complications, and ethical concerns. Eplasty, 10, 36ff.
  297. Pitak-Arnnop P (2010). The dilemma of the wedding band. Orthopedics, 33(10), 710-711.
  298. Pitak-Arnnop P, Chaine A, Dhanuthai K, Bertrand JC, Bertolus C (2010). Unicystic ameloblastoma of the maxillary sinus: Pitfalls of diagnosis and management. Hippokratia, 14(3), 217-220.
  299. Pausch NC, Hemprich A, Hierl T (2010). Nasendeformitäten bei Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumen-Spalten und ihre chirurgische Korrektur Face (International Magazine of Orofacial Esthetics), 4(3), 10-14.
  300. Pitak-Arnnop P, Bauer U, Dhanuthai K, Brückner M, Herve C, Meningaud JP, Hemprich A (2010). Ethical issues in instructions to authors of journals in oral-craniomaxillofacial/facial plastic surgery and related specialities. J Craniomaxillofac Surg, 38(8), 554-559.
  301. Pitak-Arnnop P (2010). Enucleation of keratocystic odontogenic tumours: study interpretation, technical refinement and future research. Clin Oral Investig, 14(6), 719-721.
  302. Pitak-Arnnop P, Dhanuthai K, Hemprich A, Pausch NC (2010). Huge radicular cyst of the maxilla: Some clinicopathological considerations. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg, 143(6), 853.
  303. Hierl T, Kruber D, Hümpfner-Hierl H (2010). Die dreidimensionale Bildgebung. teamwork, 6, 28-32.
  304. Breitung K, Remmerbach TW (2010). Gingivahyperplasie als Nebenwirkung des Kalziumkanalblockers Amlodipin Schweiz Monatsschr Zahnmed, 120(6), 525-528.
  305. Krause S, Remmerbach TW (2010). Der orale Lichen planus – ein Update. Oralchirurgie Journal, 10, 18-21.
  306. Remmerbach TW (2010). Früherkennung rettet Leben - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Bürstenbiopsie. Oralchirurgie Journal, 10, 14-17.
  307. Pitak-Arnnop P, Pausch NC, Hemprich A (2010). About the article entitled "Transplantation of cryopreserved teeth: a systematic review". Int J Oral Sci, 2(4), 226-7.
  308. Mangold E, Ludwig KU, Birnbaum S, Baluardo C, Ferrian M, Herms S, Reutter H, de Assis NA, ... Hemprich A ... Hoffmann P, Nöthen MM (2010). Genome-wide association study identifies two susceptibility loci for nonsyndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate. Nat Genet, 42(1), 24-26.
  309. Dietz A, Boehm A, Horn IS, Kruber P, Bechmann I, Golusinski W, Niederwieser D, Dollner R, Remmerbach TW, Wittekind C, Dietzsch S, Hildebrandt G, Wichmann G (2010). Assay-based response evaluation in head and neck oncology: requirements for better decision making. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol, 267(4), 483-494.
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  312. Remmerbach TW (2010). Molekularbiologische Merkmale. In: Dietz, Kopf-Hals-Tumoren - Therapie des Larynx- /Hypopharynxkarzinoms unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Larynxorganerhalts (S. 43-51), Bremen: Uni-Med Verlag.

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  314. Huempfner-Hierl H, Hemprich A, Hierl Th (2009). Results of a prospective anthropometric and functional study about esthetics and respiration after secondary rhinoplasty in cleft lip and palate patients J Craniofac Surg, 20 (8), 1863-1875.
  315. Graf HL, Hofmann J, Tröger U, Schreckenbach J, Hilbig H (2009). In-vitro-Untersuchungen zum Screening von Implantatoberflächeneigenschaften - In vitro studies to screen implant surface properties Z Zahnärztl Impl, 25(3), 250-262.
  316. Remmerbach TW, Meyer-Ebrecht D, Aach T, Wurflinger T, Bell AA, Schneider TE, Nietzke N, Frerich B, Bocking A (2009). Toward a multimodal cell analysis of brush biopsies for the early detection of oral cancer. Cancer Cytopathol, 117(3), 228-235.
  317. Remmerbach TW, Wottawah F, Dietrich J, Lincoln B, Wittekind C, Guck J (2009). Oral cancer diagnosis by mechanical phenotyping. Cancer Res, 69(5), 1728-1732.
  318. Pausch NC, Hemprich A (2009). Möglichkeiten und Grenzen, Komplikationen und Fehler der chirurgischen Korrektur spaltbedingter Nasendysplasie. Journal DGPW Chir, 40, 32-39.
  319. Wilde F, Steinhoff K, Frerich B, Schulz T, Winter K, Hemprich A, Sabri O, Kluge R (2009). Positron-emission tomography imaging in the diagnosis of bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod, 107(3), 412-419.
  320. Pitak-Arnnop P, Sader R, Herve C, Dhanuthai K, Bertrand JC, Hemprich A (2009). Reporting of ethical protection in recent oral and maxillofacial surgery research involving human subjects. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 38(7), 707-712.
  321. Heufelder MJ, Sterker I, Trantakis C, Schneider JP, Meixensberger J, Hemprich A, Frerich B (2009). Reconstructive and ophthalmologic outcomes following resection of spheno-orbital meningiomas. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg, 25(3), 223-226.
  322. Pitak-Arnnop P, Hemprich A, Sader R, Dhanuthai K, Bertrand JC, Hennig C, Herve C (2009). An analysis of studies on piezoelectric surgery in the oral and craniomaxillofacial region with regard to human subject protection and financial conflicts. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 38(10), 1011-1013.
  323. Schiefke F, Akdemir M, Weber A, Akdemir D, Singer S, Frerich B (2009). Function, postoperative morbidity, and quality of life after cervical sentinel node biopsy and after selective neck dissection. Head Neck, 31(4), 503-512.
  324. Dietz A, Frerich B (2009). [Current opinion in treatment of soft tissue sarcoma] Laryngorhinootologie, 88(5), 293-302.
  325. Pitak-Arnnop P, Dhanuthai K, Chaine A, Bertrand JC, Bertolus C (2009). Florid osseous dysplasia: report of a case presenting acute cellulitis. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal, 14(9), e461-464.
  326. Pitak-Arnnop P, Chaine A, Dhanuthai K, Bertrand JC, Bertolus C (2009). Extensive ameloblastic fibroma in an adolescent patient: a case report with a follow-up of 4 years. Eur J Dent, 3(3), 224-228.
  327. Pitak-Arnnop P, Chaine A, Dhanuthai K, Bertrand JC, Bertolus C (2009). Pathology Quiz Case 1. Keratocystic odontogenic tumor (KCOT). Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg, 135(9), 944-947.
  328. Burkhardt JK, Halama D, Frerich B, Gaunitz F (2009). Real-time RT-PCR discriminating mRNA encoding osteocalcin from unspecific targets. Anal Bioanal Chem, 393(4), 1351-1355.
  329. Gómez-Ruiz S, Gallego B, Kaluderovic MR, Kommera H, Hey-Hawkins E, Paschke R, Kaluderovic GN (2009). Novel gallium(III) complexes containing phthaloyl derivatives of neutral aminoacids with apoptotic activity in cancer cells J Organomet Chem, 694(14), 2191-2197.
  330. Birnbaum S, Ludwig KU, Reutter H, Herms S, Steffens M, Rubini M, Baluardo C, Ferrian M, Almeida de Assis N, Alblas MA, Barth S, Freudenberg J, Lauster C, Schmidt G, Scheer M, Braumann B, Berge SJ, Rei (2009). Key susceptibility locus for nonsyndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate on chromosome 8q24. Nat Genet, 41(4), 473-477.
  331. Birnbaum S, Reutter H, Mende M, de Assis NA, Diaz-Lacava A, Herms S, Scheer M, Lauster C, Braumann B, Schmidt G, Martini M, Hemprich A, Potzsch S, Knapp M, Nothen MM, Kramer FJ, Mangold E (2009). Further evidence for the involvement of MYH9 in the etiology of non-syndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate. Eur J Oral Sci, 117(2), 200-203.
  332. Mangold E, Reutter H, Birnbaum S, Walier M, Mattheisen M, Henschke H, Lauster C, Schmidt G, Schiefke F, Reich RH, Scheer M, Hemprich A, Martini M, Braumann B, Krimmel M, Opitz C, Lenz JH, Kramer FJ, W (2009). Genome-wide linkage scan of nonsyndromic orofacial clefting in 91 families of central European origin. Am J Med Genet A, 149(12), 2680-2694.
  333. Krey KF, Dannhauer KH, Hemprich A, Reich S (2009). Studies on the craniofacial morphology of adult cleft patients using euclidean distance matrix analysis (EDMA): a cephalometric study. J Orofac Orthop, 70(5), 396-406.
  334. Reutter H, Birnbaum S, Mende M, Almeida de Assis N, Hoffmann P, Lacava AD, Herms S, Braumann B, Scheer M, Lauster C, Schmidt G, Schiefke F, Dunsche A, Martini M, Knapp M, Kramer FJ, Nothen MM, Mangold (2009). Transforming growth factor-beta receptor type 1 (TGFBR1) is not associated with non-syndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate in patients of Central European descent. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol, 73(10), 1334-1338.
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  336. Morsczeck C, Frerich B, Driemel O (2009). Dental stem cell patents. Recent Pat DNA Gene Seq, 3(1), 39-43.
  337. Chaine A, Pitak-Arnnop P, Dhanuthai K, Bertrand JC, Bertolus C (2009). An asymptomatic radiolucent lesion of the maxilla. Clear cell odontogenic carcinoma. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod, 107(4), 452-457.
  338. Chaine A, Pitak-Arnnop P, Dhanuthai K, Ruhin-Poncet B, Bertrand JC, Bertolus C (2009). A treatment algorithm for managing giant mandibular ameloblastoma: 5-year experiences in a Paris university hospital. Eur J Surg Oncol, 35(9), 999-1005.
  339. Chaine A, Pitak-Arnnop P, Hivelin M, Dhanuthai K, Bertrand JC, Bertolus C (2009). Postoperative complications of fibular free flaps in mandibular reconstruction: an analysis of 25 consecutive cases. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod, 108(4), 488-495.
  340. Hierl Th, Hümpfner-Hierl H, Kruber D, Gäbler Th, Hemprich A, Wollny G (2009). Requirements for a universal image analysis tool in dentistry and oral and maxillofacial surgery. In: Daskalaki A, Dental Computing and Applications. Advanced techniques for clinical dentistry. (S. 79-89), Hershey, London: IGI Golbal.
  341. Hendricks J, Wollny G, Hemprich A, Hierl Th (2009). A new software environment for 3D-time series analysis. In: Daskalaki A, Dental Computing and Applications. Advanced techniques for clinical dentistry. (S. 28-44), Hershey, London : IGI Golbal.
  342. Langanke B, Bauer U (2009). Die Entwicklung von der klinisch-operativen Abteilung zur Klinik und Poliklinik für Mund-, Kiefer-u. Plastische Gesichtschirurgie - Ein Fachgebiet emanzipiert sich. In: Dannhauer K-H, Graf H-L, 125 Jahre akademische Zahnmedizin an der Universität Leipzig. (S. 13-27), Leipzig: System Print Medien GmbH, Leipzig.
  343. Graf HL (2009). Die Gesellschaft für Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde an der Universität Leipzig. In: Dannhauer KH, Graf HL, 125 Jahre akademische Zahnmedizin in Leipzig - Bilder und Geschichte. (S. 69-75), Leipzig: Gesellschaft für ZMK an der Universität Leipzig.
  344. Hemprich A (2009). Mittelgesichtsfrakturen. In: Reiß M , Facharztwissen HNO-Heilkunde. Differenzierte Diagnostik und Therapie. (S. 382-392), Heidelberg: Springer Verlag .
  345. Hirsch E (2009). Digitale Volumentomographie in der Endodontie und Parodontologie. In: Schulze D Noack M J, Qintessenz Focus Zahnmedizin Zahnärztliche Röntgenologie. (S. 43-46), Berlin: Quintessenz Verlags GmbH.

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  347. Adam H, Hemprich A, Koch C, Oeken J, Schmidt H, Schramek J, Frerich B (2008). Safety and practicability of percutaneous translaryngeal tracheotomy (Fantoni technique) in surgery of maxillofacial and oropharyngeal tumours - Own results and review of the literature. J Craniomaxillofac Surg, 36(1), 38-46.
  348. Graf HL, Stoeva S, Armbruster FP, Neuhaus J, Hilbig H (2008). Effect of bone sialoprotein and collagen coating on cell attachment to TICER and pure titanium implant surfaces. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 37(7), 634-640.
  349. Schreckenbach JP, Graf HL (2008). Preparation and characterization of selenium incorporated anodic conversion coatings on titanium surfaces for biomedical applications. J Mater Sci Mater Med, 19(1), 233-238.
  350. Frerich B, Zuckmantel K, Winter K, Muller-Durwald S, Hemprich A (2008). Maturation of capillary-like structures in a tube-like construct in perfusion and rotation culture. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 37(5), 459-466.
  351. Schiefke F, Hildebrandt G, Pohlmann S, Heinicke F, Hemprich A, Frerich B (2008). Combination of surgical resection and HDR-brachytherapy in patients with recurrent or advanced head and neck carcinomas. J Craniomaxillofac Surg, 36(5), 285-292.
  352. Remmerbach TW (2008). Bürstenbiopsie: Tumorfrüherkennung in der Zahnarztpraxis. Zahnmedizin up2date, 2(5), 1-17.
  353. Pausch NC, Frerich B, Hemprich A, Brylla E, Sterker I, Merkenschlager A (2008). [Nasal dermoid sinus cyst: accidental coincidence or syndrome association?] Klin Padiatr, 220(5), 321-324.
  354. Hirsch E, Wolf U, Heinicke F, Silva MA (2008). Dosimetry of the cone beam computed tomography Veraviewepocs 3D compared with the 3D Accuitomo in different fields of view. Dentomaxillofac Radiol, 37(5), 268-273.
  355. Pitak-Arnnop P, Sader R, Dhanuthai K, Masaratana P, Bertolus C, Chaine A, Bertrand JC, Hemprich A (2008). Management of osteoradionecrosis of the jaws: an analysis of evidence. Eur J Surg Oncol, 34(10), 1123-1134.
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  357. Wilde F, Hirsch E, Heufelder M, Frerich B, Hemprich A (2008). 3 D Volumentomographie in der Diagnostik und Operationsplanung bei Bisphosphonat assoziierten Kieferknochennekrosen. Journal der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Plastische und Wiederherstellungschirurgie , 38, 28-30.
  358. Wilde F, Heufelder M, Frerich B, Hemprich A (2008). Bisphosphonat assoziierte Kieferknochennekrosen. Ein erfolgreiches Behandlungskonzept. Journal der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Plastische und Wiederherstellungschirurgie, 38, 31-33.
  359. Schiefke F, Mauff A, Mauff F, Hemprich A, Frerich B (2008). Funktionelle Rehabilitation und Lebens-qualität bei Patienten mit mikrovaskulärer osteomyokutaner Oberkiefer- und Unterkieferrekonstruktion. Journal der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Plastische und Wiederherstellungschirurgie, 38, 52-54.
  360. Garcia Silva MA, Wolf U, Heinicke F, Grundler K, Visser H, Hirsch E (2008). Effective dosages for recording Veraviewepocs dental panoramic images: analog film, digital, and panoramic scout for CBCT. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod, 106(4), 571-577.
  361. Silva MA, Wolf U, Heinicke F, Bumann A, Visser H, Hirsch E (2008). Cone-beam computed tomography for routine orthodontic treatment planning: a radiation dose evaluation. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 133(5), 640.e1-5.
  362. Hümpfner-Hierl H, Hierl Th, Hemprich A (2008). Ergebnisse einer prospektiven anthropometrischen und rhinofunktionellen Studie zur Ästhetik und Nasenfunktion nach sekundärer Rhinoplastik bei Spaltpatienten. DGPW-Mitteilungen, 20 (38), 34-36.
  363. Hierl Th, Hümpfner-Hierl H, Hemprich A (2008). Facial Analysis Tool – eine neue Softwareumgebung für die 3D-Kephalometrie und die Konstruktion individueller kraniomaxillofazialer Implantate. DGPW-Mitteilungen , 20 (37), 48-49.
  364. Remmerbach TW (2008). Parodontitistests und Mundkrebsfrüherkennung PN Parodontologie Nachrichten, 5, 4-5.
  365. Frerich B (2008). Diagnostik des keratozystischen Tumors - Stellenwert der Feinnadelaspirationszytologie MKG-Chirurg, 1(1), 55-56.
  366. Pitak-Arnnop P, Bellefqih S, Bertolus C, Chaine A, Dhanuthai K, Gruffaz F, Bertrand JC (2008). Ewing's sarcoma of jaw bones in adult patients: 10-year experiences in a Paris university hospital. J Craniomaxillofac Surg, 36(8), 450-455.
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  368. Strauss G, Hofer M, Fischer M, Koulechov K, Trantakis C, Manzey D, Meixenberger J, Dietz A, Lueth TC, Klapper HU (2008). First clinical application of a navigation-controlled shaver in paranasal sinus surgery. Surg Technol Int, 17, 19-25.
  369. Birnbaum S, Reutter H, Lauster C, Scheer M, Schmidt G, Saffar M, Martini M, Hemprich A, Henschke H, Kramer FJ, Mangold E (2008). Mutation screening in the IRF6-gene in patients with apparently nonsyndromic orofacial clefts and a positive family history suggestive of autosomal-dominant inheritance. Am J Med Genet A, 146A(6), 787-790.
  370. Garbe C, Hauschild A, Volkenandt M, Schadendorf D, Stolz W, Reinhold U, Kortmann RD, Kettelhack C, Frerich B, Keilholz U, Dummer R, Sebastian G, Tilgen W, Schuler G, Mackensen A, Kaufmann R (2008). Evidence and interdisciplinary consensus-based German guidelines: surgical treatment and radiotherapy of melanoma. Melanoma Res, 18(1), 61-67.
  371. Garbe C, Hauschild A, Volkenandt M, Schadendorf D, Stolz W, Reinhold U, Kortmann RD, Kettelhack C, Frerich B, Keilholz U, Dummer R, Sebastian G, Tilgen W, Schuler G, Mackensen A, Kaufmann R (2008). Evidence-based and interdisciplinary consensus-based German guidelines: systemic medical treatment of melanoma in the adjuvant and palliative setting. Melanoma Res, 18(2), 152-160.
  372. Garbe C, Schadendorf D, Stolz W, Volkenandt M, Reinhold U, Kortmann RD, Kettelhack R, Frerich B, Keilholz U, Dummer R, Sebastian G, Tilgen W, Schuler G, Mackensen A, Kaufmann R, Hauschild A (2008). Short German guidelines: Malignant melanoma [Kurzleitlinie - Malignes Melanom der Haut] J Dtsch Dermatol Ges, 6 (Suppl 1), S9-S14.
  373. Reutter H, Birnbaum S, Lacava AD, Mende M, Henschke H, Berge S, Braumann B, Lauster C, Schiefke F, Wenghoefer M, Saffar M, Reich R, Scheer M, Kramer FJ, Knapp M, Mangold E (2008). Family-based association study of the MTHFR polymorphism C677T in patients with nonsyndromic cleft lip and palate from central Europe. Cleft Palate Craniofac J, 45(3), 267-271.
  374. Reutter H, Birnbaum S, Mende M, Lauster C, Schmidt G, Henschke H, Saffar M, Martini M, Lauster R, Schiefke F, Reich RH, Braumann B, Scheer M, Knapp M, Nothen MM, Kramer FJ, Mangold E (2008). TGFB3 displays parent-of-origin effects among central Europeans with nonsyndromic cleft lip and palate. J Hum Genet, 53(7), 656-661.
  375. Rupf S, Hannig M, Breitung K, Schellenberger W, Eschrich K, Remmerbach T, Kneist S (2008). Phenotypic heterogeneity of Streptococcus mutans in dentin. J Dent Res, 87(12), 1172-1176.
  376. Driemel O, Reichert TE, Kunkel M, Burkhardt A, Hemprich A, Remmerbach T, Howald HP, Kosmehl H, Mohr C, Reichart P, Wolff KD (2008). Prävention großgeschrieben: Erkennung oraler Risikoläsionen in der zahnärztlichen Praxis Zahnärztliche Mitteilungen, 98(2), 34-39.
  377. Driemel O, Reichert TE, Kunkel M, Burkhardt A, Hemprich A, Remmerbach T, Howald HP, Kosmehl H, Mohr C, Reichart P, Wolff KD (2008). Bedeutung oraler Risikoläsionen: Die Früherkennung Zahnärztliche Mitteilungen, 98(2), 30-34.
  378. Driemel O, Reichert TE, Kunkel M, Burkhardt A, Hemprich A, Remmerbach T, Howald HP, Kosmehl H, Mohr C, Reichart P, Wolff KD (2008). Erkennung oraler Risikoläsionen in der zahnärztlichen Praxis: Diagnostische Hilfsmittel Zahnärztliche Mitteilungen, 98(3), 52-26.
  379. Lober A, Verch A, Schlemmer B, Hofer S, Frerich B, Buchmeiser MR (2008). Monolithic polymers for cell cultivation, differentiation, and tissue engineering. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl, 47(47), 9138-9141.
  380. Frerich B, Driemel O, Feyer P, Gundlach K, Howaldt HP, Kosmehl H, Kunkel M, Reichert T, Tischendorf L (2008). Keratozystischer odontogener Tumor (KZOT). In: Garbe C, Kurzgefaßte interdisziplinäre Leitlinien 2008. (S. 21-27), München, Wien, New York: W. Zuckschwerdt Verlag .
  381. Frerich B, Driemel O, Feyer P, Gundlach K, Howaldt HP, Kosmehl H, Kunkel M, Reichert T, Tischendorf L (2008). Keratozystischer odontogener Tumor (KZOT). In: Garbe C, Kurzgefasste interdisziplinäre Leitlinien 2008. (S. 21-27), München-Wien-New York: W. Zuckschwerdt Verlag.
  382. Hemprich A, Hierl Th (2008). Distraction Osteogenensis in Patients with Cleft Lip and Palate. In: Tsuyoshi K, Natsume N, Precious DS, Current Experimental Study for Treatment of Cleft Lip and Palate. (S. 113-120), Tokyo: Quintessence Co Ltd.
  383. Hemprich A, Remmerbach TW (2008). Allergien. In: Schwenzer N, Ehrenfeld M, Zahn-Mund-Kiefer-Heilkunde - Chirurgische Grundlagen. (S. 350-359), Stuttgart , New York: Thieme.

  384. 2007

  385. Frerich B, Forster M, Schiefke F, Wittekind C, Hemprich A, Sabri O (2007). Sentinel lymph node biopsy in squamous cell carcinomas of the lips and the oral cavity-A single center experience. J Surg Oncol, 95(2), 97-105.
  386. Bernhard MK, Huckel D, Hamala D (2007). [Congenital ranula in a newborn] HNO, 55(5), 388-391.
  387. Winter K, Metz LH, Kuska JP, Frerich B (2007). Characteristic quantities of microvascular structures in CLSM volume datasets. IEEE Trans Med Imaging, 26(8), 1103-1114.
  388. Sterker I, Hagert-Winkler A, Gradistanac T, Frerich B (2007). [Granular cell tumor of the orbit] Ophthalmologe, 104(9), 803-805.
  389. Sterker I, Frerich B (2007). [Secondary reconstruction of the eye socket with a free radial forearm flap.] Ophthalmologe, 104(11), 978-982.
  390. Remmerbach TW, Hemprich A, Bocking A (2007). [Minimally invasive brush-biopsy: innovative method for early diagnosis of oral squamous cell carcinoma] Schweiz Monatsschr Zahnmed, 117(9), 926-940.
  391. Pausch NC, Frerich B, Hemprich A, Brylla E, Sterker I, Merkenschlager A (2007). Nasendermoide bei Peters-Plus-Syndrom: Zufall oder Syndromexpression? Klin Padiat, 219(1), 1-4.
  392. Strietzel FP, Reichart PA, Graf HL (2007). Lateral alveolar ridge augmentation using a synthetic nano-crystalline hydroxyapatite bone substitution material (Ostim). Preliminary clinical and histological results. Clin Oral Implants Res, 18(6), 743-751.
  393. Hirsch E (2007). Volumentomographie in der Endodontie und Parodontologie. Die Quintessenz, 58(9), 939-942.
  394. Hirsch E (2007). Clinical Experiences and Scientific Investigations with the 3D Accuitomo. Quintessenz (Japan), 5(7), 140-145.
  395. Garbe C, Hauschild A, Volkenandt M, Schadendorf D, Stolz W, Reinhold U, Kortmann RD, Kettelhack C, Frerich B, Keilholz U, Dummer R, Sebastian G, Tilgen W, Schuler G, Mackensen A, Kaufmann R (2007). Evidence and interdisciplinary consense-based German guidelines: diagnosis and surveillance of melanoma. Melanoma Res, 17(6), 393-399.
  396. Birnbaum S, Reutter H, Mende M, Diaz-Lacava A, Henschke H, Berge SJ, Braumann B, Lauster C, Hemprich A, Wenghoefer M, Saffar M, Reich RH, Scheer M, Knapp M, Kramer FJ, Mangold E (2007). A family-based association study in Central Europeans: no evidence for the cystathionine beta-synthase c.844ins68 gene variant as a risk factor for non-syndromic cleft lip and palate. Am J Med Genet A, 143(2), 205-207.
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  398. Hilbig H, Kirsten M, Rupietta R, Graf HL, Thalhammer S, Strasser S, Armbruster FP (2007). Implant surface coatings with bone sialoprotein, collagen, and fibronectin and their effects on cells derived from human maxillar bone. Eur J Med Res, 12(1), 6-12.
  399. Van Assche N, van Steenberghe D, Guerrero ME, Hirsch E, Schutyser F, Quirynen M, Jacobs R (2007). Accuracy of implant placement based on pre-surgical planning of three-dimensional cone-beam images: a pilot study. J Clin Periodontol, 34(9), 816-821.
  400. Hemprich A, Frerich B (2007). Erkrankungen der Kiefer- und Gesichtsnerven. In: Horch HH, Mund-Kiefer-Gesichtschirurgie. (S. 318-365), München Jena: Urban und Fischer.
  401. Hierl T (2007). Lengthening the maxilla by distraction osteogenesis. In: Bell WH, Guerrero CA, Lengthening the maxilla by distraction osteogenesis. (S. 273-284), Hamilton: BC Decker Inc..
  402. Hemprich A (2007). Erkrankungen, Verletzungen und Fehlbildungen von Mund, Kiefer und Gesicht. In: Kiess W, Merkenschlager A, Pfäffle R, Siekmeyer W, Therapie in der Kinder- und Jugendmedizin. (S. 990-996), München, Jena: Urban und Fischer Verlag.

  403. 2006

  404. Sterker I, Frerich B (2006). [Orbital diseases in childhood] Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd, 223(1), 59-67.
  405. Pausch N, Sterker I, Hemprich A, Frerich B (2006). Rehabilitation der Lidfunktion bei peripherer Fazialisparese mit Goldgewichtimplantaten. Mund Kiefer Gesichtschir, 10(3), 135-140.
  406. Helmrich J, Dupke U, Rockenbauch K, Frerich B (2006). Psychologische Aspekte in der Dysgnathiebehandlung ZWR Das Deutsche Zahnärzteblatt, 115(5), 191-198.
  407. Frerich B, Zuckmantel K, Hemprich A (2006). Microvascular engineering in perfusion culture: immunohistochemistry and CLSM findings. Head Face Med, 2, 26.
  408. Pausch N, Brylla E, Schulz T, Helmrich J, Hemprich A, Frerich B (2006). Nasenfisteln und -zysten bei Patienten mit Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumen-Spalten. Mund Kiefer Gesichtschir, 10(6), 369-375.
  409. Weinzierl K, Hemprich A, Frerich B (2006). Bone engineering with adipose tisssue derived stromal cells. J Craniomaxillofac Surg, 34(8), 466-471.
  410. Hemprich A, Frerich B, Hierl T, Dannhauer KH (2006). The functionally based Leipzig concept for the treatment of patients with cleft lip, alveolus and palate. J Craniomaxillofac Surg, 34 (Suppl 2), 22-25.
  411. Gedrange T, Krey KF, Hierl T, Proff P, Dannhauer KH, Hemprich A (2006). Potential and limits of achieving neutral occlusion in patients with clefts of lip, alveolus and palate. J Craniomaxillofac Surg, 34 (Suppl 2), 67-72.
  412. Hierl Th, Wollny G, Schulze FP, Scholz E, Schmidt JG, Berti G, Hendricks J, Hemprich A (2006). CAD-CAM implants in esthetic and reconstructive craniofacial surgery J Comp Inform Technol, 14(1), 65-70.
  413. Arnold S, Scholz E, Schulze P, Hierl T (2006). Konstruktion individueller Implantate in der craniomaxillofazialen Chirurgie. CAD-CAM Report, 7, 44-46.
  414. Garbe C, Hauschild A, Volkenandt M, Schadendorf D, Stolz W, Kortmann RD, Kettelhack C, Frerich B, Keilholz U, Dummer R, Sebastian G, Tilgen W, Schuler G, Mackensen A, Kaufmann R (2006). [Brief guidelines: malignant melanoma of the skin] J Dtsch Dermatol Ges, 4(4), 344-349.
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  418. 2005

  419. Hilbig H, Wiener T, Armbruster FP, Bekele A, Kirsten M, Graf HL (2005). Effects of dental implant surfaces on the expression of bone sialoprotein in cells derived from human mandibular bone. Med Sci Monit, 11(4), BR111-115.
  420. Wilde F, Neid M, Schulz T, Sterker I, Hemprich A, Frerich B (2005). [Hemangiopericytoma (extrapleural solitary fibrous tumour) Exemplified and discussed on the basis of two cases.] Mund Kiefer Gesichtschir, 9(6), 404-408.
  421. Remmerbach TW, Hofmann H (2005). Kennen Sie die Bürstenbiopsie? Thür Zahnärzteblatt, 04, 23-26.
  422. Remmerbach TW, Böcking A (2005). Die Bürstenbiopsie kann Leben retten – auch in Ihrer Praxis. Niedersächs Zahnärzteblatt, 04, 10-13.
  423. Remmerbach TW, Reinhard C (2005). Die Bürstenbiopsie in der Oralmedizinischen Vorfelddiagnostik, Teil I. Parodontal-Nachrichten, 3, 1-4.
  424. Remmerbach TW, Schmidt-Westhausen A, Böcking A (2005). Orale exfoliative Zytologie (Bürstenbiopsie) Ein Beitrag zur Früherkennung der Mundhöhlenkarzinoms. Quintessenz, 56(5), 491-501.
  425. Frerich B, Kurtz-Hoffmann J, Lindemann N (2005). Influence of growth hormone on maintenance of capillary-like structures in an in vitro model of stromal vascular tissue--results from morphometric analysis. Artif Organs, 29(4), 338-341.
  426. Knöfler W, Graf HL (2005). Versorgung zahnloser Kiefer. In: Graf HL, Beratungswissen Implantologie - Beiträge für Zahnärzte. Heft 2 (S. 23-24), Leipzig: Realdesign GmbH.
  427. Garbe C, Hauschild A, Volkenandt M, Schadendorf D, Stolz W, Reinhold U, Kortmann R-D, Kettelhack C, Frerich B, Keilholz U, Dummer R, Sebastian G, Tilgen W, Schuler G, Mackensen A, Kaufmann R (2005). Deutsche Leitlinie: Malignes Melanom. In: Garbe C, Interdisziplinäre Leitlinien zur Diagnostik und Behandlung von Hauttumoren (S. 23-54), Stuttgart, New York: Thieme Verlag.
  428. Barth, Th, Graf HL (2005). Implantation im reduzierten Restgebiss – Ersatz ganzer Zahngruppen und Versorgung subtotal zahnloser Kiefer. In: Graf HL, Beratungswissen Implantologie - Beiträge für Zahnärzte. Heft 2 (S. 18-22), Leipzig: Realdesign GmbH.
  429. Barth Th, Graf HL (2005). Die Versorgung des nahezu zahnlosen Kiefers mit implantatgestütztem Zahnersatz. In: Graf HL, Implantologie in Mitteldeutschland - Wissenswertes für Patienten. Heft 3 (S. 22-28), Leipzig: Realdesign GmbH.
  430. Borrmann St, Graf HL (2005). Der Zahngruppenersatz – das Ersetzen mehrerer Zähne durch implantatgetragene Kronen und Brücken. In: Graf HL, Implantologie in Mitteldeutschland - Wissenswertes für Patienten. Heft 3 (S. 16-21), Leipzig: Realdesign GmbH.
  431. Graf HL (2005). Die Ziele der Mitteldeutschen Vereinigung für Zahnärztliche Implantologie. In: Graf HL, Implantologie in Mitteldeutschland. Heft 1 (S. 5-6), Leipzig: Realdesign GmbH.
  432. Graf HL (2005). Die Geschichte der zahnärztlichen Implantologie in Mitteldeutschland. In: Graf HL, Implantologie in Mitteldeutschland. Heft 1 (S. 24-28), Leipzig: Realdesign GmbH.
  433. Graf HL (2005). Die Therapieplanung - Kardinalmaße und Kardinalzeiten. In: Graf HL, Beratungswissen Implantologie - Beiträge für Zahnärzte. Heft 2 (S. 10-13), Leipzig: Realdesign GmbH.
  434. Graf HL, Knöfler W (2005). Periimplantitis. In: Graf HL, Beratungswissen Implantologie - Beiträge für Zahnärzte. Heft 2 (S. 28-32), Leipzig: Realdesign GmbH.
  435. Graf HL, Hirsch E (2005). Einführung in die Grundprinzipien der zahnärztlichen Implantologie. In: Graf HL, Implantologie in Mitteldeutschland - Wissenswertes für Patienten. Heft 3 (S. 5-12), Leipzig: Realdesign GmbH.
  436. Hirsch E, Graf HL (2005). Die präimplantäre Diagnostik und Therapieplanung. In: Graf HL, Beratungswissen Implantologie - Beiträge für Zahnärzte. Heft 2 (S. 8-10), Leipzig: Realdesign GmbH.
  437. Klapper HU, Graf HL (2005). Nachsorge und Hygieneinstruktion. In: Graf HL, Beratungswissen Implantologie Beiträge für Zahnärzte. (S. 26-27), Leipzig: Realdesign GmbH.
  438. Hierl Th (2005). Maxillo-mandibular advancement. In: Hörmann K, Verse T, Surgery for sleep disordered breathing. (S. 94-105), Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.

  439. 2004

  440. Hilbig H, Bidmon HJ, Oppermann OT, Remmerbach T (2004). Influence of post-mortem delay and storage temperature on the immunohistochemical detection of antigens in the CNS of mice. Exp Toxicol Pathol, 56(3), 159-171.
  441. Remmerbach TW, Mathes SN, Weidenbach H, Hemprich A, Bocking A (2004). [Noninvasive brush biopsy as an innovative tool for early detection of oral carcinomas] Mund Kiefer Gesichtschir, 8(4), 229-236.
  442. Remmerbach TW, Brinckmann UG, Hemprich A, Chekol M, Kuhndel K, Liebert UG (2004). PCR detection of human papillomavirus of the mucosa: comparison between MY09/11 and GP5+/6+ primer sets. J Clin Virol, 30(4), 302-308.
  443. Kirchberg A, Treide A, Hemprich A (2004). Investigation of caries prevalence in children with cleft lip, alveolus, and palate. J Craniomaxillofac Surg, 32(4), 216-219.
  444. Halama D, Hemprich A, Frerich B (2004). [Intraoral application of vacuum-assisted closure in the treatment of an extended mandibular keratocyst] Zentralbl Chir, 129(S01, S53-S56.
  445. Frerich B (2004). Tissue engineering in der MKG-Chirurgie. Journal der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Plastische und Wiederherstellungschirurgie, 29, 33-38.
  446. Graf HL, Knöfler W, Hemprich A (2004). Entwicklung der Technologie der “Anodischen Oxidation unter Funkenentladung (ANOF)“ zur Konditionierung von Implantatoberflächen Implantologie. Implantologie, 12/3, 257-269.
  447. Graf HL (2004). Die Therapieplanung – Kardinalmaße und Kardinalzeiten. Zahnärzteblatt Sachsen, 5, 9-10.
  448. Hirsch E, Graf, HL (2004). Die präimplantäre Diagnostik und Therapieplanung. Zahnärzteblatt Sachsen, 5, 7-9.
  449. Hirsch E (2004). Accuitomo. Dental Magazine, 112, 68-73.
  450. Knöfler W, Knöfler A, Graf HL (2004). Die Überlebenswahrscheinlichkeit von Implantaten in einer zahnärztlichen Praxis im Zeitraum von zehn Jahren. Z Zahnärztl Implantol, 20, 230-246.
  451. Remmerbach TW (2004). Mundkrebsfrüherkennung rettet Leben - mit der Bürstenbiopsie! Oralchirurgie Journal, 4, 26-29.
  452. Böcking A, Becker J, Remmerbach TW (2004). Bürstenbiopsie zur Mundkrebsfrüherkennung. Zahnärztliche Mitteilungen, 9, 1108-1112.
  453. Knapp W, Hierl Th, Günter TH, Iltschenko A (2004). Measurement and analysis of forces during midfacial distraction osteogenesis. Int J Tech Health Care, 12(2), 197-198.
  454. Berti G, Fingberg J, Hierl Th, Schmidt JG (2004). Grid computing: Hochleistungs-Simulationsdienste unterstützen den Arzt. Suppl.: Praxis Computer Dt Ärzteblatt, 101(36), 17-20.
  455. Paul I, Krey KF, Hierl Th, Dannhauer KH (2004). Oberkiefer- Distraktionsosteogenese als frühzeitiges Behandlungsverfahren bei Patienten mit Lippen- Kiefer- Gaumenspalten - Zwei Patientenbeispiele Kieferorthopädie, 1, 37-43.
  456. Berti G, Fingberg J, Hierl, TH, Schmidt JG (2004). An interactive planning and simulation tool for maxillo-facial surgery. In: Buzug, TM, Lueth TC, Perspectives in image-guided surgery. (S. 311-318), Singapore: World Scientific Publishing.
  457. Klapper HU, Frerich B, Schmeckel A, Hemprich A, Reiber T (2004). Erfolgsbewertung bei der Rekonstruktion von Oberkieferdefekten aus Sicht des Patienten, des Chirurgen sowie des chirurgischen Prothetikers. In: Wieselmann-Penker K, Kongressband zum 15. Internationalen Symposium für Chirurgische Prothetik und Epithetik. (S. 14-24), Graz: Eigenverlag der Internationalen Gesellschaft für C.