1. Tillmann J, Weckbecker K, Wiesheu P, Bleckwenn M, Deutsch T, Münster E (2023). [Primary care of Ukrainian refugees]. ZFA (Stuttgart), 99(1), 28-33.
  2. Brütting C, Herget S, Bauch F, Nafziger M, Klingenberg A, Deutsch T, Frese T (2023). Factors promoting willingness to practice medicine in rural regions and awareness of rural regions in the university's catchment area - cross-sectional survey among medical students in central Germany. GMS J Med Educ, 40(4), 1-17.
  3. Schwenker R, Deutsch T, Unverzagt S, Frese T (2023). Identifying patients with psychosocial problems in general practice: A scoping review. Front Med (Lausanne), 9(), 1010001.

  4. 2022

  5. Heine A, Geier AK, Lippmann S, Bleckwenn M, Frese T, Deutsch T (2022). Workshop with medical students on physicians' earning opportunities, workload and job satisfaction increases the attractiveness of working self-employed and working in general practice. BMC Med Educ, 22(1), 134.
  6. Fehl M, Gehres V, Geier AK, Mundt T, Klinge K, Frese T, Bleckwenn M, Deutsch T (2022). Medical students' adoption and evaluation of a completely digital general practice clerkship - cross-sectional survey and cohort comparison with face-to-face teaching. Med Educ Online, 27(1), 2028334.
  7. Virnau L, Braesigk A, Deutsch T, Bauer A, Kroeber ES, Bleckwenn M, Frese T, Lingner H (2022). General practitioners' willingness to participate in research networks in Germany. Scand J Prim Health Care, (), 1-9.
  8. Geier AK, Lippmann S, Rau A, Schrimpf A, Bleckwenn M, Deutsch T (2022). Walking a mile in Grandma's shoes - medical students' evaluation of a very simple online aging game to enhance their understanding of older patients. BMC Geriatr, 22(1), 865.
  9. Scholz A, Gehres V, Schrimpf A, Bleckwenn M, Deutsch T, Geier AK (2022). Long-term mentoring relationships in undergraduate longitudinal general practice tracks - a qualitative study on the perspective of students and general practitioners. Med Educ Online, 28(1), 2149252.
  10. Nafziger M, Geier AK, Bauch FJ, Deutsch T, Frese T (2022). When and why do medical students drop out of extracurricular longitudinal general practice tracks? A cross-sectional study from two German medical faculties. BMJ Open, 12(12), 064481.

  11. 2021

  12. Herget S, Nafziger M, Sauer S, Bleckwenn M, Frese T, Deutsch T (2021). How to increase the attractiveness of undergraduate rural clerkships? A cross-sectional study among medical students at two German medical schools. BMJ Open, 11(6), e046357.
  13. Schmid GL, Kluge J, Deutsch T, Geier AK, Bleckwenn M, Unverzagt S, Frese T (2021). Osteopathy in Germany: attitudes, beliefs and handling among general practitioners - results of a nationwide cross-sectional questionnaire survey. BMC Fam Pract, 22(1), 197.
  14. Maehl N, Bleckwenn M, Riedel-Heller SG, Mehlhorn S, Lippmann S, Deutsch T, Schrimpf A (2021). The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Avoidance of Health Care, Symptom Severity, and Mental Well-Being in Patients With Coronary Artery Disease Front. Med., 8:760265, 1-16.
  15. Jung FU, Röhr S, Deutsch T, Riedel-Heller SG (2021). [Urban vs. Rural: A cross-sectional study on Job Satisfaction and Work Load among Young Physicians in Saxony]. Gesundheitswesen, 83(8), 632-638.
  16. Schwenker R, Kroeber ES, Deutsch T, Frese T, Unverzagt S (2021). Identifying patients with psychosocial problems in general practice: a scoping review protocol. BMJ Open, 11(12), 1-5.

  17. 2020

  18. Carmienke S*, Geier AK*, Deutsch T, Rasche FM, Frese T (2020). STEP as a Useful Tool to Screen for Diabetes-Specific Health-Related Problems in Community-Based Geriatric Patients- An Exploratory Secondary Analysis of Cross-Sectional Data. Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes, 128(3), 190-198.
  19. Schmid GL, Kühnast B, Heise M, Deutsch T, Frese T (2020). Ultrasonography in assessing suspected bone fractures: a cross-sectional survey amongst German general practitioners. BMC Fam Pract, 21(1), 9.
  20. Deutsch T, Heine A, Lippmann S, Geier AK, Bauer A, Frese T (2020). Medical students' perspectives on earning opportunities of self-employed physicians - realistic and relevant for the process of career choice? BMC Med Educ, 20(1), 42.
  21. Jung FU, Röhr S, Deutsch T, Riedel-Heller SG (2020). [Urban vs. Rural: A cross-sectional study on Job Satisfaction and Work Load among Young Physicians in Saxony]. Gesundheitswesen, (), 0.

  22. 2019

  23. Geier AK, Frese T, Deutsch T (2019). Longitudinal Continuity. J Gen Intern Med, 34(11), 2302-.
  24. Geier AK, Saur C, Lippmann S, Nafziger M, Frese T, Deutsch T (2019). LeiKA: an optional German general practice teaching project for first-semester medical students: who is taking part and why? A cross-sectional study. BMJ Open, 9(10), e032136-.
  25. Deutsch T, Winter M, Lippmann S, Geier AK, Braun K, Frese T (2019). Willingness, concerns, incentives and acceptable remuneration regarding an involvement in teaching undergraduates - a cross-sectional questionnaire survey among German GPs. BMC Med Educ, 19(1), 33-.

  26. 2018

  27. Quart J, Deutsch T, Carmienke S, Dopfmer S, Frese T (2018). Willingness to commute among future physicians: a multicenter cross-sectional survey of German medical students. J Occup Med Toxicol, 13, 17.
  28. Geier AK, Saur C, Lippmann S, Frese T, Deutsch T (2018). Undergraduate students? adoption of a new extra-curricular GP teaching project (LeiKA) In: Collins C, Frese T, Van Merode T, Petek D, Vinker S, Ungan M, Petrazzuoli F, Hendrickx K , Abstract Book of the 87th EGPRN Meeting Sarajevo - Bosnia and Herzegovina 4 - 7 October 2018 (S. 70), Sarajevo - Bosnia and Herzegovina: Published online.

  29. 2017

  30. Schmid GL, Lippmann S, Unverzagt S, Hofmann C, Deutsch T, Frese T (2017). The Investigation of Suspected Fracture-a Comparison of Ultrasound With Conventional Imaging. Dtsch Arztebl Int, 114(45), 757-764.
  31. Deutsch T, Frese T (2017). State of the art and development of family medicine/primary care in Germany. Report and comment on an EGPRN keynote. European Journal of General Practice , 23(1), 145-146.

  32. 2016

  33. Deutsch T, Lippmann S, Heitzer M, Frese T, Sandholzer H (2016). Choosing to become a general practitioner - What attracts and what deters? An analysis of German medical graduates motives. J Family Med Prim Care, 5(1), 34-41.
  34. Frese T, Steger K, Deutsch T, Schmid GL, Sandholzer H (2016). Use of point-of-care tests among general practitioners: a cross-sectional study in Saxony, Germany. Rural Remote Health, 16(1), 3552.
  35. Frese T, Mahlmeister J, Deutsch T, Sandholzer H (2016). Reasons for elderly patients GP visits: results of a cross-sectional study. Clin Interv Aging, 11, 127-132.
  36. Sandholzer M, Deutsch T, Frese T, Winter A (2016). Medical students attitudes and wishes towards extending an educational general practice app to be suitable for practice: A cross-sectional survey from Leipzig, Germany. Eur J Gen Pract, 22(2), 141-146.

  37. 2015

  38. Deutsch T, Lippmann S, Frese T, Sandholzer H (2015). Who wants to become a general practitioner? Student and curriculum factors associated with choosing a GP career-a multivariable analysis with particular consideration of practice-orientated GP courses. Scand J Prim Health Care, 33(1), 47-53.
  39. Deutsch T, Heitzer M, Lippmann S, Frese T, Sandholzer M (2015). Letter to the Editor: Curricular changes to promote medical students interest in primary care and rural practice. Swiss Med Wkly, 145, w14105.
  40. Sandholzer M, Deutsch T, Frese T, Winter A (2015). Predictors of students self-reported adoption of a smartphone application for medical education in general practice. BMC Med Educ, 15, 91.

  41. 2014

  42. Sandholzer M, Rurik I, Deutsch T, Frese T (2014). Medical students expectations towards an implementation of a family medicine textbook as a comprehensive app in Germany. J Med Syst, 38(10), 125.
  43. Deutsch T, Frese T, Sandholzer H (2014). Factors associated with family-centered involvement in family practice--a cross-sectional multivariate analysis. Health Commun, 29(7), 689-697.
  44. Deutsch T, Lippmann S, Frese T, Sandholzer H (2014). [Recruitment for general practice - relationship between practice-based curriculum and career choice]. Gesundheitswesen, 76(1), 26-31.
  45. Sowa E, Kuhnt S, Hinz A, Schroder C, Deutsch T, Geue K (2014). Postoperative Health-Related Quality of Life of Cervical Cancer Patients - A Comparison between the Wertheim-Meigs Operation and Total Mesometrial Resection (TMMR). Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd, 74(7), 670-676.

  46. 2013

  47. Igenbergs E, Deutsch T, Frese T, Sandholzer H (2013). Geriatric assessment in undergraduate geriatric education -- a structured interpretation guide improves the quantity and accuracy of the results: a cohort comparison. BMC Med Educ, 13(1), 116.
  48. Deutsch T, Honigschmid P, Frese T, Sandholzer H (2013). Early community-based family practice elective positively influences medical students\' career considerations--a pre-post-comparison. BMC Fam Pract, 14, 24.

  49. 2012

  50. Braunseis F, Deutsch T, Frese T, Sandholzer H (2012). The risk for nursing home admission (NHA) did not change in ten years-A prospective cohort study with five-year follow-up. Arch Gerontol Geriatr, 54(2), e63-67.
  51. Deutsch T, Herrmann K, Frese T, Sandholzer H (2012). Implementing computer-based assessment - A Web-based mock examination changes attitudes. Computers & Education, 58(4), 1068-1075.
  52. Frese T, Deutsch T, Keyser M, Sandholzer H (2012). In-home preventive comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) reduces mortality-a randomized controlled trial. Arch Gerontol Geriatr, 55(3), 639-644.

  53. 2011

  54. Deutsch T, Honigschmid P, Wippermann U, Frese T, Sandholzer H (2011). Don't select medical students-convince them. CMAJ, 183(17), e2017.

  55. 2009

  56. Schencking M, Otto A, Deutsch T, Sandholzer H (2009). A comparison of Kneipp hydrotherapy with conventional physiotherapy in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the hip or knee: protocol of a prospective randomised controlled clinical trial. BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 10, 104.

  57. 2008

  58. Frese T, Voigt R, Herrmann K, Sandhöfer A, Deutsch T, Sandholzer H, die Sesam Study Investigators (2008). Brustschmerzen in der hausärztlichen Sprechstunde. Höhe Prävalenz kardiovaskulärer Erkrankungen Notfall & Hausarztmedizin, 34(12), 603-605.
  59. Bodendieck E, Schencking M, Frese T, Voigt R, Herrmann K, Deutsch T, Sandholzer H und die SESAM Study Investigators (2008). Rückenschmerzen in der hausärztlichen Sprechstunde. Abwendbar gefährliche Verläufe sind selten Notfall & Hausarztmedizin, 34(12), 600-602.

  60. 2007

  61. Sandholzer H, Keyser M, Deutsch T (2007). Notsituation akute Verwirrtheit Anamnese und Untersuchung unter Beachtung der Risikofaktoren Notfall & Hausarztmedizin, 33(12), 560-562.